S.O.S e - Voice For Justice - e-news weekly IT IS A FORUM TOWARDS PROTECTING THE CIVIL , HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE OPPRESSED - DALITS , MINORITIES & TRIBALS. The Criminal - Police - Politician - Judge - Criminals Nexus is trying to silence me in many ways. If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA together with jurisdictional police & District Magistrate will be responsible for it. Contact : Naag@protonmail.com , Naag@dalitonline.in ,
Thursday, July 30, 2009
failures of indian legal system
S.O.S – e-Voice For Justice - e-news weekly
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraj.M.R....... vol.5 . issue.32.........08/08/2009
- Another independence struggle in India needed ?
After 62 years of india's independence the lives of commoners is far worse than under britishers. The benefits of independence has reached only few , thus creating islands of few ultra rich people surrounded by vast sea of utterly poor. The rich people in nexus with those in power , are getting favourable laws enacted to suit their ends. Those in power are shamelessly enjoying 5-star luxuries all at tax payer's expense , while more then 50 million are starving to death.
The criminalization of politics , executive & judiciary is almost complete. The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , there is corruption from womb to tomb ,from maternity hospital to grave yard. The injustices meated out , the atrocities perpetrated by by public servants are worse than britishers.
Ideally in a democracy, the legal recourse of grievance redressal / justice , when a commoner suffers injustice he can appeal to respective government official or police for justice , still if doesn't get justice he can appeal to court of law , further the aggrieved can get the appropriate law enacted through his M.P / M.L.A. The sad part in India is no public servant is neither aware of the value of our hard won independence or the working of democracy.
When all the legal recourses to justice fail to respond , to provide justice to the aggrieved , when corrupt judges-police-politician-public servants act as a criminal nexus & block justice delivery, the commoner has only 2 options , either to suffer in silence or to take law into his own hands & get justice on his own.
Take for instance Bombay riots case several VVIPs – cabinet ministers , police were found to be guilty of torture , murders of innocents by justice sri Krishna enquiry commission. The government is sitting over enquiry commission report. The court is not taking suo-motto action in public interests a result , the guilty ministers & police who are fit cases for death sentences are roaming free & commiting more crimes , anti-national activities.
In some cases , involving the rich &mighty ,higher police officials , the cover-up begins right from start ie FIR Registration. Police conduct name sake enquiry , investigation, suppress evidences , witnesses , destroy some of them , the prosecution takes a favourable stand putting up weak arguments. Naturally, the guilty official , minister is acquitted by court for lack of evidences. So, the guilty who should have been rightfully put behind bars , hanged goes scot-free , to commit more crimes , more anti-national activities.
In such cases , if the suffering public give the legal punishment to the guilty , which should have been given by the court but failed. Are not such acts of public, to uphold law & dignity , national security right & patriotic ? if any body terms it as crime , that means guilty VVIPs , police , public servants should be left unpunished allowing them to commit more crimes , anti-national activities. Is that right from national security angle ? is it equality before law & equitable justice ?
Do remember that our freedom fighters ,martyrs ,sri.kudiram bose ,subhash Chandra bose , bhagath singh , veer savarkar others who took violent path of independence struggle & killed inhuman british officers, police & judges have contributed valuably ,immensely to our freedom struggle. One of the main causes of origin of naxalism ,separatist movements is the rampant corruption & unaccountability of public servants in India.
In this back drop , in India anarchy is not far away. The days of suffering public ,killing their tormentors corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt tax officials ,etc is not far away. No police security , no SPG cover can protect those corrupt , as police & SPG personnel work for pay , perks and will be on the wrong side of law – protecting criminals. The suffering public fighting for their survival , on the right side of natural justice , protecting the nation.
If the authorities term this act as illegal , crime then are the acts of corrupt public servants legal ? is the cover-up of such corrupt acts by police , vigilance officials & some judges by mis quoting /misinterpreting , misusing law is right , legal ? the GOI has created , funded , supported , given training , arms & ammunition to various terrorist outfits like LTTE , MUKTHI BAHINI ,MQM in foreign countries , resulting in destruction , mass murders of innocents there . In india itself in assam , Kashmir , the GOI has created counter terrorist outfits to reduce the reach of terrorist groups. The bihar , jharkhand , chattisgarh state governments have created armed gangs SALWA JUDUM to counter naxal outfits , are all these acts of government right , legal ? the days of dogs death for corrupt is quite nearby. it is high time , to the corrupt to reform , repent themselves.
In our own experience, e-voice didn't get justice from authorities in many cases of injustices brought before it , most shameful fact even supreme court of India failed to register PILs , even shameful supreme court of India even failed to give information as per RTI Act , utterly shameful supreme court of India failed to protect the fundamental rights of editor of e-voice & obstructed him from performing his fundamental duties. Still, e-voice believes in peace , democratic practices. E-voice firmly believes that violence should not be practiced by anybody – neither state nor public.
Hereby, e-voice urges the corrupt public servants to mend their ways , to uphold law & dignity of democratic institutions. Atrocities , violence , corruption breeds more violence , invites dog's death. Peace ,truth , honesty is the harbinger of prosperous democratic nation. Greetings to all my Indian brothers & sisters on the occasion of 61st independence day celebrations, let us build a true democratic India , free of corrupt public servants. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Your's sincerely,
- An appeal to honourable supreme court of india
Indian prisons are meant to be reforming schools for the prisoners. By the corrupt practices of the officials , the prisons have become factories turning out hardened criminals.
Say , a person was caught by police on suspicion of pick-pocketing. The police produce the accussed before the magistrate , in turn he remands him for judicial custody. Let us consider , The punishment for this offence pick-pocketing as per law is 6 months imprisonment. However the case drags on for 3 years , finally the court finds him guilty of offence & orders for 6 months imprisonment. Totally, the offender serves 42 months imprisonment sentence in practice. In some cases , the courts consider the time already spent by the accussed behind the bars while giving judgement. In this example , even if the offender is let free taking 6 months imprisonment sentence, the offender has been given excess sentence of 36-6=30 months.
Taking the same example further, say the court finds the accused as innocent, not guilty of crime & lets him free. However , the poor chap has suffered 36 months imprisonment for no fault of his.
As per law, no body not even the courts of law are legally empowered to punish anybody beyond the legal procedures , rules established. In this way, due to delay in our legal system , faulty bail procedures , thousands of under-trials are suffering in various prisons throught India. Arew not the courts which remanded those accused to judicial custody responsible for this illegal act of excessive punishment ? what punishment should be given to those judges ?
The bail procedure in India , is also faulty without considering quantum of offence & financial status of the accused. A person accused of stealing rs.100 has to provide bail surety bond of rs.5000 or personal surety by a wealthy person / government servant. The poor person having personal contacts , friendship with rich persons / government servants is quite remote , so he can'nt secure bail on personal bond. The poor chaps family is not rich enough to spend rs.5000 surety amount. As a result, unable to secure bail the poor chap suffers in jail for years.
Say, a rich industrialist is accused of rs.20 crores tax evasion, he is let free on a personal bond of rs.1 lakh. Stamp paper scam kingpin karim lala telgi has swindled government to the tune of thousands of crores of rupees, only few cases are registered against him. That too in one out of those cases involving rs.45 lakh worth stamp sale , judge has given him rigorous imprisonment plus a fine of rs.50000.
Considering the above examples it is quite clear the bail amount, fine amount are peanuts for the rich just a fraction of quantum of their crime , while for the poor it is huge many times more than the quantum of their crime.. it is biased towards rich & mighty criminals. As a result poor always suffers in jail, while rich are out on bail.
Even within prisons , the number of prisoners per sq.ft area , no of doctors , hospital beds , medicines available, weight of food per day given to prisoners , are all less & much below the statuotary limits. The food , health care , living conditions of prisoners , under-trials are worse than pigs. The prison authorities are utterly corrupt, which has been brought into light again & again by the media. If a poor prisoner questions the illegal acts of the officials , he is subjected to 3rd degree torture , roughed up by rowdy prisoners on the instigation of the officials themselves. Many poor prisoners are suffering from health problems , many are dying due to lack of proper health care & food in the prisons.
Whereas , the rich & mighty prisoners , by payting bribe get non-veg , alchoholic drinks from outside restaurants daily. They even secure drugs . they get spacious VIP rooms , television , mobile phones. They easily get parole & easily gets admitted in outside hospitals & roam free , while on record they are in-patients in hospitals.
The law of limitation which stipulates time limits for filing various cases is also biased towards the government as a party & rich , mighty. For the purposes of evidences , filing of cases one needs various government records. The concerned officials don't provide those records for years unless bribed & sit over the files for years. Some times by making absurd , illogical file notings , rejects it back. There is no time limit for the performance of duties by public servants. When a commoner don�t get relevant records , files , evidences in time , how can he file cases in time without those records , evidences ?
Nowadays , numerous cases of irregularities , charges of corruption against judges are coming to light. However , in such cases judges are asked to resign from service but no criminal prosecution against them is instituted , only in cases involving lower court judges it is done. When a case of irregularity by a judge in a specific present case comes , there are every possibility that in the past also he has committed the same in cases handled by him which has not come to light. In such instances , all the cases handled by that particular judge throught his career must be reviewed , but is not done why ? does not it amount to cover-ups ?
In many cases the higher courts have turned down the verdicts of the lower courts , let free the innocents , absolved innocents of charges & annulled death sentences when appeals came before them. However , in all such cases , the lower court judges must be punished for giving out wrong judgements, meating out injustice to innocents. Here a fact must be noted , only a fraction of cases goes in appeal to higher courts, as in majority of cases the poor people lack the financial might to make the appeal. The so-called free legal services authority pre-judges the cases before giving legal aid. As a result , many innocents poor people resign to their fates suffer injustice in courts of law , undergo imprisonment punishment , some times even death sentence. So , the urgent need of the hour is to incorporate jury system or some outside monitoring system to review cases as & when decided.
In many cases involving the rich & mighty like telgi , case proceedings are conducted in-camera in judge's chambers or proceedings are conducted through video conferencing . outside from public gaze. The tapes are not made public and the public cann't even ascertain the validity of tapes , whether it is edited , doctored .
One of the basic reasons for delayed justice & worse prison conditions in India , is low number of judges , police personnel , higher rate of case adjournments and finally low amount of financial grants made by the government to judicial department / police department. The government states that it doesn't have enough money to provide for judiciary & police. As a result, fundamental / human rights of innocent commoners are thwarted. The state governments & GOI , is one of either parties in 75% of cases before various courts in India, it is the biggest litigant & is influencing the judiciary by controlling the grants , recruitment to judiciary & by enticing some with post-retirement postings.
The government has got money to spend on lavish parties of VVIPs , IAS officers serving non-veg foods , alchoholic drinks . their foreign jaunts , 5-star bungalows , limousines , interior decorations of their bungalows, etc. which is of higher priority , importance , whether the luxury of VVIPs or the fundamental / human rights of commoners ? the courts should answer. The courts have the legal powers to order governments to provide enough financial grants to it , however it is keeping mum , turning blinds eye to crimes of VVIP�s. the government rewards such judges with salary hikes , promotions , luxury cars , bungalows , perks and post-retirement postings , sites at judicial lay-out , yelahanka , Bangalore , etc.
We at HRW has utmost respect for the judiciary , but hereby humbly bringing the crimes of judiciary before the honest few judges seeking justice to the common folk.
Indian judiciary's contempt for accountability and scrutiny is a shame
The Delhi High Court on September 21, 2007 sentenced the editor, the resident editor, the publisher and the cartoonist of English daily Mid-Day guilty in a contempt of court case. The charge against the convicted journalists was that they published a report and a cartoon concerning the former Chief Justice of India, Mr. Y.K. Sabharwal. The report and the cartoon were published after Mr. Sabharwal retired from service.
The report, relying upon documentary evidence, alleged that the judge's two sons Mr. Chetan and Mr. Nitin had made material benefits out of their father's position in the Indian judiciary as a senior judge and also as the Chief Justice of the country. The report alleged that the judge's sons managed their business from their father's official residence at 6 Moti Lal Nehru Marg, New Delhi. The report further alleged that the Chetan and Nitin also availed huge loans from a nationalised bank in favour of their business concerns without providing adequate collateral security. There were also allegations that the judge's two sons were allotted prime land by the Uttar Pradesh state government with heavy price concessions, an act which was under investigation. The investigation was however stayed later by the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of India is known for using the constitutional mandate and authority to initiate actions of public interest. The court in the past has even taken note of newspaper reports to initiate suo motu actions against suspected breach of law and misuse of office by public servants. This earnestness and enthusiasm has not been thus far reflected in the Indian courts' approach against scrutinising the activities of the courts and its judges. On the contrary, the Indian courts have been very parochial in its approach in facing criticism.
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court of India had forced Mr. Vijay Shekhar, a journalist with a television news channel, who exposed the caucus of a corrupt magistrate, his court staff and some lawyers in Gujarat state in the "Warrants for Cash" scam to apologise to the court or to face a term in jail for contempt of court. The court staff and the lawyers were caught on camera negotiating and accepting bribe for the magistrate for issuing arrest warrants. In the episode which was telecast nationwide, the magistrate after accepting bribes, issued arrest warrants on false charges against the President of India and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court took up the matter and directed the Gujarat High Court to initiate an internal enquiry against the concerned judicial officer and his staff. The judge was however absolved by the Gujarat High Court without examining the complainants. Thereafter, the Supreme Court of India condemned the journalist who had carried out this operation and threatened to send him to jail for contempt unless he apologised.
The conviction and sentencing of journalists of Mid-Day for publishing information about the conduct of Mr. Sabharwal has brought to the fore the issue of judicial accountability. The Indian judiciary is one of the most powerful judiciaries of the world. The conduct of the judiciary has a direct impact upon the life of the ordinary people of the country. It is imperative in these circumstances that a state institution of such high powers must be transparent and accountable for its actions. The courts in India have however consistently avoided calls for accountability despite there being many instances of serious allegations of misconduct and misdemeanour. At one time Justice S. P. Bharucha, former Chief Justice of India, admitted that about 20 percent of the higher judiciary in India is corrupt. According to Justice Michael Saldahna of the Karnataka High Court it is 33 per cent. Despite there being such admissions, no enquiry has ever been initiated against any judge for past 15 years.
Under the Constitution of India, the only way to remove a judge from the High Court or the Supreme Court is by way of impeachment. This constitutional provision has failed miserably. Its ineffectiveness was clearly demonstrated in the case of Justice V. Ramaswami. At the same time, despite verbal homilies, the courts and judges have been the most reluctant to evolve even a self-monitoring mechanism for accountability. Such a situation has caused enormous arrogance and abuse of power.
This is reflected in the procedure adopted for appointment of judges in the higher judiciary as well. Even though the appointment is made by the President of India, the selection is made by the collegium of judges. The selection process is non-transparent and all attempts to make the process transparent have been resisted by the judiciary thus far.
Demanding judicial accountability has almost certainly caused initiation of contempt proceedings, thereby, stifling of free discussion on the issues plaguing the judiciary in India. Unwarranted use of contempt of court proceedings in fact diminishes the public perception about the judiciary's openness and transparency, of which the case against the Mid-Day publishing house is the latest.
There are judicial systems within Asia which are considered to be failed beyond the point of recovery. Of this, the most glaring example is the judiciary in Sri Lanka, which is now facing criticism on all counts including politicisation of the judiciary to meet the ends of a corrupt Chief Justice. The Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, an infamous figure in the country, is feared for abusing contempt of court proceedings against anyone who opposes his questionable actions.
The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka has now stooped down to a stage where public perception about the impartiality of the court and its competency to decide matters on merits is at an all time low. As a result the general public views the courts in Sri Lanka as a failed state apparatus which in fact adds to the decades long ethnic conflict in that country.
The term democracy implies the notion that the people are supreme. All state institutions, whether it be the judiciary, legislature or the executive are merely the servants of the people. The basic principle behind the contempt of court proceedings is that the use of this authority by the court must be only in circumstances where otherwise the functioning of the court is impossible or obstructed.
In India under the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, the term 'contempt' is not defined. Therefore if any person makes adverse comments against the court or a judge, the power to punish for "scandalising the court…" is frequently invoked. This approach is considered obscure in most established jurisdictions.
The contempt of court action must not be an attempt to protect the dignity of the court, but to promote the administration of justice. The dignity of the court is promoted by the court being humble enough to face criticism, whereas promotion of justice is to be carried out by removing all hindrances in the delivery of justice. By the unrestrained use of contempt of court actions the courts in India are in fact derogating from their duty to safeguard the Constitution of the country, which also guarantees freedom of speech and expression in Article 19 (1).
The honour of the judge and the judiciary - a state institution through which a judge is supposed to serve the people - is promoted and protected by the openness of the judge and the judiciary to face any criticism. Intolerance to scrutiny and lack of openness equates the judge and the judiciary with a dictator.
At this pace the Indian judiciary once known for its eloquence and its contribution to the advancement of free thought and expression will soon be reduced to an egotistical institution. Such a judiciary is definitely not what modern India aspires for. India as of today requires a transparent, accountable and sensitive judiciary.
The imperatives for the judiciary in India are obvious. It has a duty to protect, promote and fulfil the Constitutional guarantees. The judiciary must be open and transparent with a clear conscience that it is not beyond criticism. For this, it must be accountable to the people, which it is bound to serve. The judiciary in India is the last hope of a fragmented society, which when fails to respect its responsibilities, will soon bring insurmountable peril to the country and its people.
Crimes Chief Justice of Supreme Court Of India , Union Home Secretary & Director-General of Police for Karnataka - RTI Act violations , constitutional rights & Human rights violations
The above stated public servants have failed to provide full information to us ie HRW as per RTI Act , thereby covering up the criminals. The requested informations were no state secrets , no defense secrets but the accountability of above stated public offices. The information was requested for public welfare , to secure equitable justice to public , to stop corrupt practices in public service , in exercise of my FUNDAMENTAL DUTY as a citizen of India. However the above stated public servants preferred to violate law themselves & to protect the criminals.
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot-free under his patronage. even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved.
just think , if a judge himself that too apex court of the land itself commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ?
it gives a booster dose to the rich & mighty , those in power , criminals in public service to commit more crimes. that is exactly what is happening in india. the educated public must raise to the occasion & peacefully , democratically must oppose this criminalization of judiciary , public service. then alone , we can build a RAM RAJYA OF MAHATMA GANDHI'S DREAM.
We express our deep condolences to the victims of 27/11/08 mumbai
terrorist attacks. We at e-voice salute our NSG Commondos & Mumbai
police for teaching the external enemies a befitting lesson and
protecting our motherland from the external enemies. We pay our whole
hearted respects to the martyrs , who laid down their lives , in the
course of protecting our people & country from the clutches of
At this juncture , we must also remember our kargil martyrs of Indian
military who sacrificed their lives protecting our motherland – INDIA
from enemies.
India equally faces greater threat from internal enemies – corrupt
public servants ( who are deadlier than pak terrorists). These corrupt
public servants sell everything , motherland , for money , for bribe.
Mumbai terrorists killed 200 people , where as a fake drugs
manufacturer kills thousands of people by selling fake drugs / fake
medicines. Drugs control department officials lets off many such such
fake drugs manufacturers , in turn killing thousands of innocents. The
number of end victims are huge than any terrorist attacks. This is
just one instance , in this way corrupt public servants of various
departments compromise with their official duties & murder scores of
The corrupt public servants network , is oiled far better than italy's
mafia. Common man doesn't get justice , even if he complains to higher
officials , vigilance authorities or even court of law. As the bribe
booty reaches higher-ups & political bosses.. thus black money is
The huge profits earned / black money created by criminal
industrialists / entrepreneurs , finds it's way to money laundering
heavens. Thus our economy is crippled , public exchequer deprived of
it's dues. The money thus laundered feeds terrorist outfits ,
underworld dons , in their criminal deeds.
Now , underworld / terrorist outfits are involved in huge real estate
business , film production / distribution , film piracy business ,
etc , to reap more illegal profits out of illegal money. This shakes
upside down our government's fiscal policies.
Corruption in india has taken root & ever growing , due to the failure
of indian legal system. Right from the stage of complaint registration
by police to trial of case & final judgement , everything is
susceptible to manipulation by rich criminals. The saving grace is
still a few honest judges , police are there , who are swimming
against the tide of corruption & doing their public duties honestly.
In the following articles involving actual cases , one can see the
failures of various stages of legal system – registering FIR ,
investigation of case , prosecution-defense nexus , final judgement ,
etc .
If a corrupt public servant is apprehended , it is equal to depriving
100 terrorists out of funds , putting 100 criminals out of action.
Will the common man raise to give a befitting lesson to corrupt
public servants.
IN INDIA - Gross violations of human rights by police
At the outset , e - Voice salutes the few honest police personnel who
silently doing their duties inspite of pressures , harassment by
political bosses & corrupt superiors , inspite of frequent
transfers ,
promotion holdups , etc. overcoming the lure of bribe ,those few are
silently doing their duties without any publicity or fanfare. we
them & pay our respects to them and hereby appeal to those few honest
to catch their corrupt colleagues.
The police are trained , to crack open the cases of crimes by just
holding onto a thread of clue. Based on that clue they investigate
"Sherlock holmes" and apprehend the real criminals. nowadays , when
police are under various pressures , stresses - they are frequently
using 3rd degree torture methods on innocents. Mainly there are 3
reasons for this :
1) when the investigating officer (I.O) lacks the brains of
holmes , to cover-up his own inefficiency he uses 3rd degree torture
2) When the I.O is biased towards rich , powerful crooks , to
innocents & to extract false confessions from them , 3rd degree
is used on innocents.
3) When the I.O is properly doing the investigations , but the
higher-ups need very quick results - under work stress I.O uses 3rd
degree torture on innocents.
Nowhere in statuette books , police are legally authorized to punish
let alone torture the detainees / arrested / accussed / suspects.
the judiciary has the right to punish the guilty not the police. Even
the judiciary doesn't have the right to punish the accussed /
suspects , then how come police are using 3rd degree torture
Even during encounters , police only have the legal right , authority
to immobilize the opponents so as to arrest them but not to kill
There is a reasoning among some sections of society & police that use
of 3RD DEGREE TORTURE by police is a detterent of crimes. It is
& biased. Take for instance there are numerous scams involving 100's
of crores of public money - like stock scam , fodder scam , etc
involving rich businessmen , VVIP crooks. Why don't police use 3rd
degree torture against such rich crooks and recover crores of public
money where as the police use 3rd degree torture against a
pick-pocketer to recover hundred rupees stolen ? double standards by
In media we have seen numerous cases of corrupt police officials in
league with criminals. For the sake of bribe , such police officials
bury cases , destroy evidences , go slow , frame innocents , murder
innocents in the name of encounter , etc. why don't police use 3rd
degree torture against their corrupt colleagues who are aiding
criminals , anti nationals ? double standards by police.
All the bravery of police is shown before poor , innocents ,
tribals ,
dalits , before them police give the pose of heroes. Whereas , before
rich , VVIP crooks , they are zeroes. They are simply like scarecrows
before rich crooks.
Torture in any form by anybody is inhuman & illegal. For the purpose
investigations police have scientific investigative tools like
polygraph, brain mapping , lie detector , etc. these scientific tools
must be used against rich crooks & petty criminals without bias.
Hereby we urge the GOI & all state governments :
1) to book cases of murder against police personnel who use 3rd
torture on detainees and kill detainees in the name of encounter
2) To dismiss such inhuman , cruel personnel from police service
and to
forfeit all monetary benefits due to them like gratuity , pension ,
3) To pay such forfeited amount together with matching
contribution as compensation to family of the victim's of 3rd degree
torture & encounter killings.
4) To review , all cases where false confessions were extracted
innocents by 3rd degree torture.
5) To make liable the executive magistrate of the area , in
jurisdiction torture is perpetrated by police on innocents.
6) To make it incumbent on all judicial magistrates ,to provide
torture free climate to all parties , witnesses in cases before his
7) To make public the amount & source of ransom money paid to
brigand veerappan to secure the release of matinee idol mr. raj
8) To make public justice A.J.Sadashiva's report on "torture of
tribals , human rights violations by Karnataka police in M.M.HILLS ,
9) To make it mandatory for police to use scientific tools of
investigations like brain mapping , polygraph , etc without bias
against suspects rich or poor.
10) To include human rights education in preliminary & refresher
training of police personnel.
11) To recruit persons on merit to police force who have aptitude
knack for investigations.
12) To insulate police from interference from politicians &
13) To make police force answerable to a neutral apex body instead
political bosses. Such body must be empowered to deal with all
matters of police.
14) The political bosses & the society must treat police in a
manner and must know that they too have practical limitations. Then
a reciprocal basis , police will also treat others humanely.
15) The police must be relieved fully from the sentry duties of
& must be put on detective , investigative works.
Nowadays , we are seeing reports of corruption by police & judges in
the media and are also seeing reports of raids by vigilance
authorities seizing crores of wealth from such corrupt police. Some
Judges have also amassed crores of wealth. Who gives them money ? it
is rich criminals , anti-nationals . By taking bribe & hiding the
crimes of criminals , the corrupt police & judges are themselves
becoming active parties in the crimes , anti-national activities.
Those shameless , corrupt police & judges are nothing but traitors &
anti – nationals themselves. When an innocent is subjected to 3rd
degree torture to extract truth with justification by investigating
agencies that all for the sake of national security , what degree of
torture these corrupt , anti-national police & judges qualify for ?
what type of aeroplane or helicopter the corrupt police / judges must
ride ? ofcourse , for protection of national security. Here also
police & judges have double standards , what a shame.
We at e – voice are for "Rule of Law" & abhor all type of violence.
Truly these police & judges are not building a Ram Rajya of our
Mahatma Gandhi's dream.
- By American Citizens
Our country was known as " Heaven On Earth" , "Land of Equality &
Equal Oppurtunity" & the "Statue of Liberty" rightly symbolized the
spirit of our country. Now USA is known as a "Terror State".
In the last 3 – 4 decades , the persons who occupied the office of
President USA ,in their individual capacity took wrong , inhuman
decisions , meddled in the internal affairs of other sovereign
nations , spent our resources to create terrorist outfits like al-
queda , Taliban in those countries.
In turn these terrorist outfits terrorized , murdered millions of
innocents & this Frankenstein monster came home to roost on September
9 / 11 . After September 9 / 11 , each terror suspect is severely
tortured in hell like Abu Garibh prison , elsewhere by our
authorities. For argument sake let us accept that these terrorists who
murder innocents don't deserve kid glove treatment & rightly
deserve 3rd degree torture. When a single terrorist deserve such
inhuman 3rd degree torture , what quantum of punishment , torture –
previous presidents of USA deserve – who created , aided & abetted
thousands of such terrorists , terrorist outfits ?
Herby, we appeal to the honourable Supreme Court of USA to order the
federal government to to make public :
1. how much US resources were spent from US TREASURY , to finance
terrorist outfits , military juntas in other sovereign nations ?
2. is not Al-queda , Taliban creations of USA ?
3. did September 9 / 11 WTC attack truly happened by hijacked airplane
or was it planned by US authorities ? see
4 . is racial profiling , profiling a particular community &
suspecting all the muslims as terror suspects , right?
5. if it is right , the cretors of such terrorist outfits – past
presidents of USA – who were Christians makes it logical to assume
whole of our Christian community as terror suspect ?
6. is not use of 3rd degree torture on all type of suspects in US
prisons & in the prisons of US allied countries at the behest of US
authorities , right ? is it not violation of human rights & US
laws ?
7. did US find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq , which was
the main reason for US attacking Iraq ?
8. why not US authorities use scientific interrogation techniques like
polygraph , lie detector tests instead of inhuman 3rd degree torture
on terror suspects & suspects in other criminal cases ?
9 . what legal right our President of USA have , to illegally spend
billions of our dollars on inhuman , llegal acts of terrorism ,
military coup , creation , aiding & abetting of terrorists , etc , in
other sovereign nations ? while we are suffering from loss of
jobs ,loss of home due to natural calamities , etc ?
Crux , Foundation of all religions is humanity , kindness & universal
brotherhood. It is the preachers who misrepresent it. Terrorism
created , aided , abetted by anybody is inhuman & wrong . Terrorism is
creation of power hungry , selfish people & they must be legally
punished .
Hereby , we appeal to the honourable court to legally prosecute
Previous PRESIDENTS OF USA in the last 4 decades , for crimes of
terror , as per the present US anti-terror laws.
Recently , in the issue of last week "The Week" , cabinet minister of
government of srilanka (previously a deadly terrorist & right hand man
of LTTE chief Prabhakaran ) Mr. Karuna , Himself has stated in an
interview that LTTE received arms training in Tamilnadu State of
India , to wage war against Government of Srilanka. The Justice Jain
Commission Of Enquiry , which probed late PM Rajiv Gandhi's
assassination case , also stated that Tamil Terrorist outfits in
Srilanka Received monetary , financial , arms training support from
government of India. GOI has even setup a radio station for tamil
terrorists of srilanka , within Indian territory. GOI spent billions
of dollars of Indian taxpayer's money for aiding & abetting
terrorism , while billions of Indians were half starving & going
without a single meal , without proper health care.
Recently in the last week , in a media interview the president of
Government of Pakistan Mr. Jardari himself has confessed that in the
previous years the government of Pakistan has aided & abetted
Terrorism for tactical gains of Pakistan , spending billions of
dollars of Pakistani taxpayer's money. While ordinary ordinary
Pakistanis were suffering from starvation , lack of health care , etc.
All the above proves that Previous Presidents of Government of
USA , previous Presidents of Government of Pakistan & Previous Prime
Ministers of Government of India were the real master minds of
GAINS. In turn murdering lakhs of innocent human beings.
These guilty previous presidents & prime ministers are deadly than
Hereby , we appeal to the supreme courts of USA , INDIA , PAKISTAN &
INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL , to legally prosecute the previous
Prime Ministers of INDIA , the previous presidents of USA & PAKISTAN ,
on charges of master minding TERRORISM.
- An appeal to union home minister & Karnataka state home minister
The ABC of police force in India is apathy ,
brutality & corruption . in India, police are not impartially
law instead are working as hand maidens of rich & mighty. The
police officers are collecting protection money from criminals ,
collecting money to go slow on investigations , to file B- reports ,
fix innocents in fake cases , to murder innocents in lock-up /
encounters . they are hand in league with land mafia , today C.M of
Karnataka himself issued a warning to police officials about this.
Even in lock-ups , jails, the rich inmates bribe
officials get better food from outside , mobile phones , drugs ,
, cigareetes , etc. they get spacious cells & get best private
care . where as the poor inmates are even denied food , health care ,
living space as per the provisions of law. The corrupt jail officials
instigate rowdy elements in the jails to assault poor inmates & to
their line. More corrupt the police more wealthier he is. Even CBI
officials are no different. The only beacon of hope is still there
few honest people left in the police force.
Hereby , e-voice urges you to make public the
information in the interest of justice.
1.how many CBI officials & Karnataka state police officials are
charges of corruption , 3rd degree torture , lock-up/encounter
, rapes , fake cases , etc ?
2.how you are monitoring the ever increasing wealth of corrupt police
3.how many officials from the ranks of constable to DGP have amassed
illegal wealth?
4.what action you have taken in these cases ? have you got
reinvestigated all the cases handled by tainted police?
5.how many policemen have been awarded death penalty & hanged till
death , for cold blooded murders in the form of lock-up deaths /
encounter deaths ?
6.why DGP of Karnataka is not registering my complaint dt 10/12/2004 ,
subsequent police complaints ?
is it because rich & mighty are involved ?
7.e - voice is ready to bring to book corrupt police officials subject
conditions, are you ready ?
8.how many police personnel are charged with violations of people's
human rights & fundamental rights ?
9.how many STF police deployed to nab veerappan were themselves
charged with theft of forest wealth?
10.how you are ensuring the safety , health , food , living space of
inmates in jails?
11.how you are ensuring the medical care , health of prisoners in
hospitals & mental asylums?
12.How you are ensuring the safety , health , food , living space of
inmates in juvenile homes ?
In india , Law is one & same for all , however in it's implementation
& enforcement , the public servants are practicing double standards.
Poor Innocents are harassed , tortured all in the name of law ,
rules , technicalities .
Whereas , Rich Criminals are manipulating the evidences , records &
are going scot free. The Public Servants treat Rich Criminals
Favourably with kid gloves ofcourse for a price.
Now , take for instance , public servants of the rank of supreme
chief justice & President of india are hiding information relating to
crime , covering-up crimes , violating commoner's human rights ,
fundamental rights , obstructing citizen from performing their
Constitutionally prescribed Fundamental Duties as Citizens of
India ,
no action by police , they are not even registering the complaint.
Whereas , if a commoner cover-ups a crime or evidence , he also
becomes a criminal , if a commoner violates the fundamental / human
right of a rich person , if a commoner obstructs a public servant
performing his public duties , all those become crimes & he is
booked for each counts.
Why not police registering complaint against the above stated public
servants for above crimes. IS IT NOT DOUBLE STANDARD.
MYSORE - 570017.
Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,
Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,
Honourable Sir,
Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are
equal , have right to equal oppurtunity &
equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the
constitution has guaranteed these to every indian
citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every
humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of
his / her birth.
SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords ,
autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL
FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS appointed to serve the public,
public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers &
paymasters of this very same public servants.
In India , corruption has spread it's tentacles far &
wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last
resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there
corruption has spread.In present day India , if one
is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from
courts of law. there are corrupt police officials
who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up
different line of investigation , fix innocents ,
coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture ,
file B report closing the case , decides not to
appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the
list of millionnaire police officials who are
caught by karnataka lokayukta.
Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a
deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way
of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks
for a price , as observed in high profile
BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK
ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates ,
together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is
left high & dry eventhough the judge is honest,
he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is
corrupt , people's last hope , democracy is dead. nowadays
we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.
our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST
LITIGATION before hon'ble supreme court of india,
but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages ,
colas affecting the health of millions of indians
& public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous
products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits ,
tribals , backward castes by government authorities
whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings
by high & mighty people in total disregard to law.
in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying
court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws ,
pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants
leaking india's defense secrets to foreign countries
& some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti
nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf
countries & elsewhere.
these type of appeals are for public good , national
security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of
india is not considering
our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider
even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts
even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good ,
inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints.
over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was
very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible
for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me.
Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief
justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India
are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI &
PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti
nationals ,
amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is
cognizable offence.
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies ,
public servants , but it is an appeal to the
honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt
colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable
President of India
have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional
duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby
violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC
HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally
Hereby , i do
request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants
1. H.E.Honourable President of India
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka and
10. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control
board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links.
on the above mentioned charges. the whole issue of this news paper &
the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this
complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where
for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result
like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the
government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me
the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for
questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to
station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this
type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or
investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my
family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents ,
loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above
mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even
criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against
me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government
of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors
of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal
nexus ,
then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare
Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears
from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police
officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. thanking
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 04.07.09 your's sincerely,
Place : Mysore nagaraj.m.r.
New Delhi, August 21 The Delhi High Court imposed a four-month ban on
senior advocate R K Anand and colleague I U Khan on Thursday for
interfering with judicial proceedings in the high-profile BMW hit-and-
run case. A fine of Rs 2,000 was levied as well.
On May 30, 2007, television channel NDTV caught both lawyers in a
"sting" operation, conniving with key prosecution witness Suniel
Kulkarni to get main accused Sanjeev Nanda off the hook.
A High Court Bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Manmohan
Sarin found the two guilty of criminal contempt.
"The entire material leaves a bitter taste in the mouth about the
goings-on in the BMW case. There is no manner of doubt whatsoever that
there was complicity between Mr Khan and Mr Anand... There can be
absolutely no doubt that Mr Khan and Mr Anand were, somehow or the
other, more than mixed up in the BMW case," observed the court, which
had taken suo motu cognizance of the expose the day after it was
"Mr Anand and Mr Khan are prohibited from appearing in this court
(Delhi High Court) or courts subordinate to it for four months from
today. However, they are free to discharge their professional duties
in terms of consultation, advice, conferences, opinions, etc," said
the Bench.
The court desisted from commenting on the conduct of Kulkarni, saying
it would not be "proper" to do so.
Though the verdict comes solely on basis of the CDs and transcripts of
the sting operation, the Bench said, "the unshakeable truth is that Mr
Anand is guilty of criminal contempt of court".
Contemplating a fit punishment, the Bench wondered how many in the
legal fraternity had had been taken by surprise to find Anand
indulging in such "sharp practices". "Mr Anand has held many
prestigious elective positions in the legal fraternity, including the
Bar Council of Delhi. He has also been a Member of the Rajya Sabha,"
noted the Bench.
The court said it knew Khan for his legal acumen and forensic skills —
"perhaps the reason why he was appointed Special Public Prosecutor in
the BMW case". High expectations over Khan fell apart when his conduct
"betrayed the trust that prosecution reposed in him... what he did was
perhaps beyond the realm of contemplation of the prosecuting agency".
Chastising the two for their misconduct, the Bench said: "We are not
dealing with a young lawyer who, driven by ambition and desire...
transgresses the limits or unwittingly or unknowingly commits criminal
contempt. We are dealing with senior advocates, who are expected to
conduct themselves as gentlemen and role models for younger members of
the Bar."
The court forwarded a recommendation that the two be "stripped of
their designations as senior advocates". The High Court Registrar
General will put up the court's recommendation before Chief Justice AP
Shah within a month.
In response to the verdict, the Delhi Bar Association president,
advocate Rajiv Khosla, said about 20,000 lawyers from district courts
were going on strike on August 22 in protest.
R K Anand
Began legal career in Delhi's Tis Hazari Court as a civil lawyer in
1967. Appointed government counsel in 1976. In 2000, JMM nominated him
to Rajya Sabha from Jharkhand. Appointed AICC observer for Assembly
polls in Himachal Pradesh in February 2003.
High-profile cases:
* In 1980, represented the late Indira Gandhi in a property litigation
filed by Maneka Gandhi after Sanjay Gandhi's death
* Narasimha Rao in the JMM bribery and the St Kitts case
* Chandraswami in the FERA violation case
* H K L Bhagat in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case
* Former external affairs minister Natwar Singh's son Jagat Singh in
the murder/suicide of his wife Natasha Singh
I U Khan
One of the top five criminal lawyers in Capital. He was charging a fee
of only Re 1 in the BMW case. Began his career in late 1960s, and came
intio spotlight in 1980s.
* Defended Sushil Sharma in the tandoor murder case, Subash Gupta in
the Personal Point triple murder, former Youth Congress President
Romesh Sharma in several cases and Tony Gill in Jessica Lall murder
When prosecution & defence lawyer together team up along with corrupt
police / public servants and manipulate evidences / records , the
court is helpless and will acquit the accussed for lack of evidences
eventhough the presiding judge is of impeccable integrity , honesty ,
he is help less. Add to this , if the presiding judge happens to be
corrupt & teams up with the criminal nexus , the result is
devastating , the rich criminal will get away & the innocent will
suffer punishment in some cases even death sentence.
Who will bell these few corrupt among the judiciary , bar , police &
public service ? why not prison sentence for two leading advocates
on criminal charges of contempt of court , destruction of evidences ?
are they above law ? why favouritism by court to the guilty in
awarding punishment to guilty two advocates as they happen to be
political influential ? will the court let a common man so leniently
for the same charges ? In the past cases dealt by these corrupt duo
advocates , there are possibilities that the same tactics of
manipulation of evidences , prosecution is done to win the cases , to
free the rich criminals , why not review of the cases dealt by these
corrupt advocates ?
The honest few among judiciary , bar , police & public service must
uphold our constitution , rule of law & bring to book their corrupt
Chandigarh, August 22: Punjab and Haryana High Court Judge Nirmal
Yadav who has gone on leave after her name is said to have figured in
the statements of the main accused in the case involving the delivery
of cash at another High Court Judge's house, said today that she was a
"victim of a vilification campaign."
Speaking to The Indian Express at her Sector 24 residence here today,
Justice Yadav said that "some influential persons were trying to shift
the focus on her to save the real accused."
Justice Yadav denied that former Haryana Additional Advocate General
Sanjeev Bansal had talked to her on phone on August 13 when Bansal's
clerk "mistakenly" delivered a bag containing Rs 15 lakh to the
residence of Justice Nirmaljit Kaur, another sitting Judge of the High
"Let any agency prove that I talked to Sanjeev Bansal on phone either
on that day or any day in the past one month," Justice Yadav said. "I
am ready to face all consequences if this allegation is found true. I
have had no dealings with Bansal. I have not received any money from
Bansal or any of his associates. I am sure I will get justice."
Justice Yadav said she had explained her position to High Court Chief
Justice T S Thakur and had "proceeded on leave." She said she would
not hear any case until her name is cleared.
Sources close to her said that during her meeting with Justice Thakur
yesterday evening, in which some other senior judges were also
present, Justice Yadav offered to proceed on leave to "maintain the
highest traditions of Indian judiciary." Justice Thakur told The
Indian Express that he had not asked Justice Yadav to proceed on leave
and that it was her own decision.
It is learnt that in her meeting with Justice Thakur, Yadav vehemently
denied any role in the entire role.
While acknowledging that she and some other members of her family had
bought a plot of 11.1 bighas of land (see accompanying story) at
village Rihun Pargana near Kumharhatti in Solan district of Himachal
Pradesh on August 14, Yadav is learnt to have denied that the money
for purchasing the land came from Bansal or Ravinder Singh, the Delhi
businessman, who is also named in the case.
"Can't a judge buy legal property? Let the police or any other
investigating agency prove that the money for the deal was provided by
Bansal or Singh," she is learnt to have told the Chief Justice. But
she is learnt to have acknowledged, in her meeting with the Chief
Justcie, that she knew Ravinder Singh. She is learnt to have said that
she came to know him through some other judges.
Meanwhile, highly placed sources in the High Court confirmed that
Chief Justice Thakur is awaiting the return of Chief Justice of India
KG Balakrishnan from Brazil to apprise him of the developments in the
case. The Chief Justice is learnt to have asked the administrative
committee, comprising senior judges, to monitor the case on a daily
The Rs 15-lakh delivery: Story So Far
•August 13: Parkash Ram, an assistant to Haryana's Additional Advocate
General Sanjeev Bansal, delivers a parcel containing Rs 15 lakh at the
residence of Justice Nirmaljit Kaur of the Punjab and Haryana High
Court. Justice Kaur calls the police.
•Rajeev Gupta, Bansal's friend and a property dealer, tells the police
that the money reached there by mistake and it was meant for Nirmal
Singh, another property dealer. Chandigarh Police decline to hand over
the cash. Bansal is questioned
•August 16: A case is registered against Bansal, Parkash Ram and Delhi-
based hotelier Ravinder Singh who allegedly organised the money
•Bansal resigns as Addl AG and surrenders on August 19
•August 21: Rajeev Gupta, the property dealer who claimed the money
was meant for Nirmal Singh, is arrested. The Inspector General of
Police sends a report to the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High
Court. The report says that the money was meant for another judge.
•August 22: Justice Nirmal Yadav proceeds on leave
Caught in controversy is Solan plot that judge, 16 others purchased
CHANDIGARH, SOLAN, August 22: On August 14, according to revenue
records, a plot measuring 11.1 bighas in Solan was purchased by
Justice Nirmal Yadav and others for Rs 5, 52, 500. Details of the
transaction, obtained by The Indian Express, show that the land was
purchased by her and 16 others from six persons, all residents of
village Rihun Pargana, near Kumharhatti in the Solan district of
Himachal Pradesh.
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