S.O.S - eVoice For Justice - e-news weekly
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraj.M.R.. Vol.07..Issue.17........23/04/2011
Visit : Criminal Judges Police & RTI
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“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi
RTI & Hidden Secrets - An Appeal to VVIP Public Servants
Your Excellency ,
Hereby I do request you to provide me information & justice at the earliest . I have already sent RTI request dt 19.03.2011 through e-mail to your kindself. The requisite fees has been sent through snail mail . Consider this application as a PIL Appeal . Full text of our RTI application has been reproduced below. Full text of our RTI application is available at following web pages ;
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/rti---mother-of-all-appeals ,
DARPG registration nos for this RTI appeal is as under :
H.E.Honorable President of India
DCOYA/E/2011/00068 & DLGLA/E/2011/00035
H.E.Honorable Chief Justice of India
DLGLA/E/2011/00036 & MINIT/E/2011/00070
H.E.Honorable Union Home Minister , GOI
DATOM/E/2011/00028 & DLGLA/E/2011/00037
H.E.Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI
MINPA/E/2011/00027 & DBIOT/E/2011/00008
H.E.Honorable Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI
DOCOM/E/2011/00049 & DEPOJ/E/2011/00085
H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , GOK
DARPG/E/2011/02146 & DODWS/E/2011/00034
H.E.Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , GOK
DOEXP/E/2011/00020 & GOVKN/E/2011/00143
H.E.Honorable DG & IG of Police , GOK
LGVED/E/2011/00007 & DOFPD/E/2011/00024
Thanking You.
Date : 20.03.2011……………………..Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore…………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
Hereby , we do request PIO O/O Honourable Chief Justice of India , PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , PIOs of Karnataka Raj Bhawan , Karnataka CMO , Union Home Ministry GOI and DG & IG of Police of Government of Karnataka to answer the following questions in public interest , for safeguarding national security , National unity & integrity & to legally apprehend anti-nationals , criminals within the judiciary & police.
Main A :
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to all constitutional institutions & to the honest few in public service. Contempt of constitutional institutions , citizens of India is being made by the corrupt persons in constitutional positions themselves. This is an appeal to the honest few in public service , constitutional positions , to bring their corrupt colleagues to book.
Main B :
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
ACCUSED Chief Justice of India
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
Persecuted IROM SHARMILA of Puttaparthi AP – pushpa kolasani on hunger strike in anantapur district jail Andhra Pradesh
Main C :
Q1. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who murder people in in lock-up / fake encounters ?
Q2. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who apply 3rd degree torture on prisoners ?
Q3. Why not death sentence to corrupt police , who connive with criminals & backstabs our motherland , it's national security ?
Q4. Don't the police have suo-motto powers to take action in the interest of public welfare , law & order ?
Q5. Daily we see numerous reports of misdeeds by police , public servants , industrialists , etc in the media . Then why not police taking any action with respect to them ?
Q6. nowadays we see numerous reports of scams , scandals by constitutional functionaries , public servants in the media. Instead of wasting money , killing time by prolonging formation of parliamentary committees , judicial commissions , why not subject those accussed public servants to narco analysis , lie deector test , etc to ascertain truth & provide timely justice ?
Q7. If a commonman files a complaint , police / courts wants evidences , witnesses to take action against the rich & mighty crooks. Where as if a rich person just gives a complaint against a poor chap , he is arrested , tortured eventhough there are no evidences , witnesses. Why this double standard ?
Q8. If a poor chap tries to collect evidences as per his fundamental rights or as per RTI ACT , the public servants don't give full , truthfull information. Still , police / courts don't take action against those public servants hiding crimes. Why ?
Q9.why I was not permitted to appear as an "amicus curie" before jain commission of enquiry or supreme court of india probing late prime minister rajiv Gandhi assassination case ?
Q10. The criminal nexus tried to silence me , by closing my news paper , by snatching away my job oppurtunities in government service, by physically assaulting me , by threatening me of false fix-ups in cases & by attempts to murder me. But no action against culprits , why ?
Q11. Whereas , I was enquired number of times by police & intelligence personnel about this case , but the culprits were not enquired even once , why ?
Q12.who compensates the losses I have suffered due to these injustices ? are not police responsible for it ?
Q13. Is it not the duty of police to protect the lives , livelihood of witnesses & all parties involved , both during case & afterwards ?
Q14. How do you monitor & check corrupt police personnel & increase in their family's wealth year after year ?
Q15. While getting appointed into government service from the rank of peon to IAS officer , police verification is mandatory. While appointing to sensitive defense establishments , research institutes in addition to police verification , central intelligence agencies cross-check candidate's background. However is there no background checks of constitutional functionaries , MPs , MLAs , , who are privy to national secrets ? why ?
Q16. Recently , the opposition parties have made allegations during presidential allegations that close relative of one of the front running candidates have swindled public money by their bank , misused public money through one of their NGO. Is it true ?
Q17.has GOI funded any terrorist outfits in india or abroad ?
Q18.india preaches non-violence , panchasheel principles to the world. In india , more than half the population are poor , people are starving to death. Inspite these background , GOI funded & aided terrorist outfits in former east Pakistan ensuring the creation of Bangladesh , GOI has funded & aided terrorist outfits like LTTE , TULF , ETC in srilanka , MQM in Pakistan. In turn these terrorist outfits have murdered thousands of innocents in those countries. Are these acts of GOI just & legal ? Is not GOI responsible for all those murders of innocents ? has GOI paid any compensation to those victims or their family mebers ? why not ?
Q19.within india , to reduce the influence of certain terrorist groups , GOI has funded & aided couter terrorist groups , is it right & legal ?
Q20. In Jharkhand , chattisgarh , etc , the government has armed , trained & funded "salwa judum" to counter naxalites. Salwa judum cadres are terrorizing innocents just like naxalites. Is this action of government just & legal ?
Q21.in india, TADA , POTA is being rampantly misused by police. Even where there are no problems of terrorism , TADA / POTA is being slapped against innocents , even children. In M.M.Hills of Karnataka state , STF personnel charged tribal people with TADA on frivolous charges of taking lunch to veerappan , stiching dress for the forest brigand, etc. where as the prominent political, film , sports personalities who have links with underworld , anti national elements & attended parties hosted by dawood Ibrahim , other dons in gulf countries , else where. But these hi-fi people are not charged with TADA / POTA ? why ?
Q22. Film actor sanjay dutt had contacts with underworld & fully knowing well the criminal objectives of criminals , hid the dangerous arms & ammunition in his home , which were intended for terrorizing public. However mr.dutt is not charged with TADA / POTA instead he is charged with illegal possession of arms act ( which is normally applied to farmers who use illegal home made guns to scare away animals , birds in their farms ). Why this favourable treatment of mr.dutt by police ? prosecution ? is this because dutt is politically mighty & rich ?
Q23. Law is one & same for all , the public servants, police interpretes , enforces it differentially between rich & poor ? why this differentiation ?
Q24.recently in Bangalore police nabbed criminals belonging to international criminal syndicate selling duplicate nokia mobiles. Every nokia mobile comes with 15 digit IMEI number , this number is also used by police for tracking criminals. In consumer dispute at consumer disputes redressal forum Mysore CD 49/05 , nokia company stated that all it's products come with IMEI number only & stated that the product in dispute sold by tata indicom dealer M/S INTOTO COMMUNICATIONS , Mysore are not their's as it doesn't have IMEI numbers. Further nokia stated they don't have any business relationship with either tata indicom or it's dealer. However the tata indicom dealer stated that indeed his products are genuine , first hand products , but doesn't have IMEI numbers . this proves the dealer in collusion with tata company is selling illegal nokia mobile hand sets & cheating the public. These mobiles are evading taxes , as well as these are without IMEI numbers best buy for criminal elements who want to evade police tracking. What police are doing
Q25. Who , of which rank among police personnel takes the decision to close a case ie to file "B" report , when after certain time limit no leads are found in investigation ?
Q26. How do you monitor corrupt police personnel , who purposefully fail to investigate case properly , so that either the case can be closed with "B" report or the prosecution fails to prove the case in court ?
Q27. Who among police takes the decision to appeal against the verdict of a lower court , when the prosecution fails ?
Q28. Who took the decision , not to appeal against the argentina court order acquitting mr.quatrochi accussed in bofors scandal ?
Q29. Do you treat all the prison convicts same in the prison or does the notorious big time rich criminals get spacious barracks with tv, news paper , adequate food , medical care , etc while small time criminals , poor are crammed into pig sty like rooms with 60-70 inmates without any basic requirements ?
Q30. What is the status of my complaint made to the DG & IG of police , government of Karnataka on 10/12/2004 ? the copies of complaint was released at press meet at patrakartara bhavan Mysore on same day, even copies were given to police & intelligence personnel ?
Q31. Why no action , reply regarding the complaint till date ?
Q32. Our constitutional frame workers gave legal immunity privileges to certain constitutional functionaries , so that they are not burdened with frivolous court cases & can concentrate on their constitutional duties. But these privileges doesn't cover the individual actions of those public servants like rape , murder , dowry harassment , tax evasion , misuse of office , etc. but still law enforcement / police department is bound to send request to home ministry seeking permission & home ministry sits over files for months. This gives the accussed ample time to destroy evidences. Is it right & legal ?
Q33. Does legal immunity privileges cover their official actions alone ? if not what does it cover ?
Q34. What is the time limit for home ministry to give sanction for the prosecution of tainted constitutional functionaries ?
Q35. How many present MPs , MLAs , MUNICIAPAL CORPORATORS , other people's representatives are facing criminal charges ?
Q36. In the past , how many MPs , MLAs , corporators were facing criminal charges , yearwise since 1987 ? how many of them were eventually convicted ?
Q37. How many MPs , MLAs , prominent film , sports personalities have have contacts with underworld , foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q38. How many of them have attended frequent parties hosted by underworld dons in gulf countries , else where ?
Q39. How many MP , MLA , other people's representatives are wanted by police in various cases . but shown in the police records as absconding but in reality are attending the proceedings of the house as usual ?
Q40. When did smt. Sonia Gandhi became a citizen of india ? did she occupy any public office before naturalization ?
Q41. In india , how many MPs , MLAs , MLCs are of foreign origin or have a spouse of foreign origin ?
Q42. Does smt. Sonia Gandhi have citizenship of any other country ?
Q43. Did she occupy any public office while enjoying dual citizenship ?
Q44. How do you monitor public servants who have spouses of foreign origin & while they are on foreign tour , from national security perspective ?
Q45. Is mr. M.S SUBBA member of parliament a citizen of india ?
Q46. What is the status of complaint made by former union minister mr.subramanya swamy alleging that late P.M rajiv gandhi's family received money from foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q47. In many cases like mass riots involving certain political parties , when that culprit party comes to power all the cases involving it's partymen are withdrawn by the government orelse prosecution fails to prove it's case & prefers not to appeal. Just remember Bombay riot case involving shiv sainiks & others , when shiv sena – BJP came to power in Maharashtra , all the cases against it's partymen were withdrawn. Are these type of decisions by government just & legal ?
Q48.what damages has been done to india's national security due to mole in the PMO, as alleged by former union minister mr.natwar singh ?
Q49. What action by the government ?
Q50. How many Indians are in the custody of police / military in various foreign countries ?
Q51. How many foreigners are there in Indian prisons ?
Q52. How GOI is protecting the human rights of these prisoners ?
Q53. Is the government paying any compensation to victims of police failures , fix-ups , , who suffer in jail for years & acquitted by courts upon finding them as not guilty ?
Q54. Do you register murder charges / attempt to murder charges against guilty police officers who are responsible for lock-up deaths , fake encounters & 3rd degree torture ?
Q55. How many cases has been filed since 1987 till date ?
Q56. What action has been taken against guilty police officers , STF personnel who were responsible for gross human rights violations , 3rddegree torture , lock-up deaths of innocents in forest brigand veerappan's territory , based on justice A.J.Sadashiva commission findings ? if not why ?
Q57. I , as a citizen of india as my "fundamental duty" hereby do offer my conditional services to GOI & GOK to apprehend corrupt public servants. Are you ready to utilize my services ?
Q58. Police personnel are always in the forefront of containing crimes , mass fury , riots , etc. they suffer more & even their family members suffer threats from the criminal elements. Do the government provide insurance coverage to police & their family members on the lines of defense forces ?
Q59. What is the amount of coverage to a police constable & his family ?
Q60. Who makes the premium contributions ?
Q61. Do the government provide overtime allowance , food allowance to police who daily work beyond 8 hours of duty ?
Q62. Is the government giving any training to police personnel in public interaction , human rights ?
Q63. Is it right to post professionally trained police to sentry , orderly duties of ministers ?
Q64. What is the ratio of police personnel to total population in india since 1987 ?
Q66. Is the forensic science department which conducts narcfo-analysis , lie-detector test , etc under the control of police department ?
Q67. Is it not right to put it under impartial control of NHRC or like bodies ?
Q68. Is the action of some police officers arranging compromise meetings & subtly insisting the poor to tow the line of rich or else face the consequences , is it right & legal ? this happens mostly in real estate matters.
Q69. Did government make any ransom payments to forest brigand veerappan during his various kidnappings ?
Q70. What action has been taken based on revealations by karim telgi during narco analysis about public servants involvement ?
Q71. How many cases of allegations against judges were made in the media about misuse of office , criminal acts by judges from munsiff court to supreme court of India ? since 1947 till date
Q72. are the enquiry report findings, action taken reports of such cases accessible to public ? if not why ?
Q73. what action has been taken against guilty judges ?
Q74. are the guilty judges legally prosecuted in all such cases ? or has it just ended with their resignation from services or his superior judge not allotting him any judicial work ?
Q75. why some high ranking judges are not legally prosecuted for their wrong doings ?
Q76. are judges above law ? are not everybody equal before law ?
Q77. do the judiciary subject , all the cases handled by accussed / tainted , guilty judges to review , to undo past unjust judgements ?
Q78. how ? if not why ?
Q79. how do the judiciary monitor the net wealth growth of some judges including the wealth in the name of judge's family members ?
Q80. do all the judges file their annual income , wealth statements on sworn affidavits to the higher judiciary ? defaulters how many ?
Q81. how does the judiciary verifies those statements ?
Q82. is such statements made public , on web ?
Q83. when the judgement of a lower court is turned down by the higher court , what action is initiated against lower court judge for making unjust judgement & meating out injustice ?
Q84. when allegations of corruption , misuse of office , etc against judges are made , why the accussed – judges are not subjected to tests like "poly graph , lie detector , brain mapping , etc" , in the interest of justice & truth ?
Q85. judges are not employees of government , so they are ineligible to be the members of "Karnataka state government judicial department house building co-operative society". Then how come , many judges including supreme court judges are admitted as members of this society & allotted prime residential site worth crores of rupees for a few thousands by the said society at said society's – judicial layout , yelahanka , Bangalore ? while the ordinary members like peons , clerks in judicial department are waiting for a site since years , is not the whole thing grossly illegal ?
Q86. in more than 70% of cases before all courts in India , central government or state government or government agency is one of the parties. How many judges or their family members , have received out of turn , favourable allotments of sites , gas agency , petrol pumps , etc by the government ? is not such allotments illegal ? what action ?
Q87. when a person under police custody or judicial custody suffer 3rd degree torture by police , is not the judge of the respective court which is handling that tortured person's case responsible for it ?
Q88. has the higher judiciary legally prosecuted respective judges & the police officers for committing 3rd degree torture , on charges of attempt to murder & murder ? if not why ?
Q89. registrar , Mysore district & sessions court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADMN/A/10825/2003 dated 19/11/2003. Please furnish me the merit ranking list of selected candidates along with my merit ranking for the post of peon.
Q90. registrar , Bangalore city civil court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADM-I(A)422/03 dated 19/05/2003. Please furnish me merit ranking list of selected candidates for the post of peon.
Q91. when a person doesn't get adequate food , medical care while under police custody or judicial custody , is not the respective judge dealing that person's case responsible for it ? what action ?
Q92. how judiciary is monitoring food & medical care to prisoners ?
Q93. numerous accussed persons are suffering in jail under judicial custody , for periods far exceeding the legally stipulated sentence periods. For example : a pick-pocketer is in jail for one year , the judge finds him guilty of offence & gives him 3 months sentence. What about the excess punishment of 9 months. Is not the judge responsible for the illegal , excess punishment of the convict ? what action against the judge in such cases ?
Q94. numerous innocents suffer in jail for years & finally the judge finds them as innocents & acquits them of the charges. What about the prison sentence , the innocent has already served ? is not the judge responsible for this illegal , unjust punishment to an innocent ? remedy ? what action against the judge ?
Q95. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions & the actions arising out of misuse of office ?
Q96. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions as judges & their personal actions as individuals ?
Q97. are the fundamental rights of citizens supreme or the privileges of judges , constitutional functionaries supreme ?
Q98. what is the criteria adopted for promotion of judges ?
Q99. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of advocates from bar , as the judges ?
Q100. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of retired judges , as governors of states , members or as chairman of commissions , etc ?
Q101. how many judges belonging to oppressed classes – scheduled caste , scheduled tribe , other backward classes , minorities & women are their in supreme court , state high courts & subordinate courts ? kindly provide specific figures .
Q102. what are the legal measures enforced by judiciary , to enforce the accountability of judges & to check corruption in judiciary ?
Q103. are not these measures a failure , looking at present state of affairs of judiciary ?
Q104. does the judges arrange for distribution of alchoholic drinks at the official meetings , parties , at the tax payer's expense ?
Q105. does any judges have included their consumption of alchoholic drinks , in their hotel bill & claimed traveling allowance ?
Q106. what action has been taken against – selectors ie Karnataka high court judges & newly selected women judges involved in roost resort scandal in Mysore , Karnataka ?
Q107. when common people / tax payers & even government employees are not getting proper health care from government at government hospitals. Is it right & just to provide premium health care to judges , constitutional functionaries at 5-star private hospitals in India , abroad , all at tax payer's expense ?
Q108. are the judges subjected to periodical health check-ups to ascertain their health , mental faculties & mental balance in the midst of all work pressures , emotional tensions ?
Q109. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary for accepting applications seeking public interest litigations ?
Q110. why numerous appeals for PIL by me , were not considered ?
Q111. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for appointing "amicus curie" in a case ?
Q112. why my appeal to honourable supreme court , to make me as an "amicus curie" in late P.M Rajiv Gandhi's assassination case , was not considered by the court ?
Q113. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for initiating suo-motto action ?
Q114. numerous cases of injustices are reported in the media daily , with supporting evidences . why not the judiciary take suo-motto action in all such cases ?
Q115. legal aid boards pre-judge the cases in the name of taking legal opinion , before providing legal aid to the needy ? is it not needy person's rights violation ?
Q116. is not the safety of witnesses , parties in cases responsibility of the court , both during hearing of the case & afterwards ?
Q117. is the use of 3rd degree torture by police on prisoners , during the police custody / judicial custody / prison sentence right ? what action ?
Q118. when the corrupt police officer & government prosecution advocate together cover-up evidences , conducts improper investigation intentionally to fail the case – to cover-up rich crooks , high & mighty people , what action judge takes in such cases ?
Q119. how does the judiciary monitor the wealth growth of police , government advoctes , tax officials , officials of licensing authorities , to ensure proper & fair prosecution of cases against rich & mighty ?
Q120. what are the status of appeals made by human rights activist NAGARAJ.M.R. to the honourable supreme court of India ?
Q121. corruption is rampant for selection of officers to quasi-judicial positions like district / taluk magistrates , tax officers , revenue officers , land acquisition officers , etc. how the judiciary monitors over their quasi-judicial actions ?
Q122. subject to conditions , I , NAGARAJ.M.R. , editor , e-voice of human rights watch , do offer my free services to honourable supreme court of India , to apprehend corrupt judges , are you – the honourable court ready to utilize it ?
Q123. what are the status of my appeals , sent to the honourable supreme court of India , through government of india's on-line grievance system ( DPG & DARPG ) :
DPG/M/2006/80008 , DARPG/E/2006/00057, DARPG/E/2006/00225 , DPG/M/2006/80021 , DARPG/E/2006/00253 , DPG/M/2006/80032 , DARPG/E/2006/01149 , DPG/M/2006/80047 , DARPG/E/2006/01164 , DPG/M/2006/80043 , DPG/M/2006/80085 , DARPG/E/2006/06704 , DARPG/E/2006/07017 , DARPG/E/2006/07018 , DPG/M/2006/80159 , DPG/M/2006/80162 , DARPG/E/2006/07864 , DPG/M/2006/80165 , DARPG/E/2006/07877 , DPG/M/2006/80167 , DARPG/E/2006/08028 , DARPG/E/2006/08029 , DARPG/E/2006/08032 , DARPG/E/2006/08043 , DARPG/E/2006/08044 , DPG/M/2006/80174 , DPG/M/2006/80193 , DARPG/E/2007/00044 , DPG/M/2007/80003 , DPG/M/2007/80010 , DARPG/E/2007/00164 , DARPG/E/2007/00165 , DPG/M/2007/80014 , DPG/M/2007/80025 , DPG/M/2007/80049 , DPG/M/2007/80055 , DPG/M/2007/80056 , DPG/M/2007/80078 , DPG/M/2007/80082 , DARPG/E/2007/02618
Q124. the appeals made to the honourable supreme court of India , copies of which are available at following web pages
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/182 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/206 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/208 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/212 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/209 ,
what are the status of those appeals ?
Q125. in the media , we have seen reports about judges committing crimes – rape , attempt to murder , swindling government money , untouchability practice , the disrespect to national flag , sale of judicial orders , bail , receipt of monetary gains by way of royalty for books , prime real estate purchase at discounted rate , taking round about long foreign tours along with family in the name of official work , etc. by this way , judges themselves are making contempt of court , constitution of India & citizens of India. How you are protecting the honour of the judiciary , constitution of India & citizens of India ? please answer.
Q126. Is the government giving any facilities / affirmative actions to policemen's family as being given to defense personnel , ex-servicemen & their families , like preferential site allotment , lpg agency , ration depot , reservation in college admission , soft bank loans , etc ?
Q126. if not , why ? after all , the contribution of police to national security is on par with defense forces.
Q127. is not some high police officials addressing their subordinates in singular term , abusing them with vulgar words wrong ?
Q128. is not some police personnel calling public with singular term, abusing public with vulgar words wrong ?
Q129. is it not the duty of prison authorities to protect the health, lives of prison in-mates ?
Q130.what action is taken against police personnel who wrongly charged an innocent person of criminal acts , resulting in his confinement in jail , finally acquitted by court as found to be innocent ?
Q131. is it not right to with hold salary , gratuity , pension to such guilty police personnel & pay it as compensation to victims of police failures & atrocities ?
Q132. does our Indian constitution legally permit a citizen of foreign origin naturalized by marriage to an Indian or naturalized by option , to occupy any constitutional office ?
Q133. during british rule in india & various other british colonies , criminal cases were foisted against our freedom fighters in India & other british colonies. After india's independence what happened to those cases ? did our Indian government close all such cases or did it continue with the prosecution ?
Q134. in how many cases GOI & other state government continued with the prosecution AGAINST OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS ? why ?
Q135. what about the status of cases against shri.netaji subash Chandra bose ?
Q136. has GOI deported any freedom fighters to Britain or it's colonies , to face prosecution after India gained independence ? HAS GOI RECEIVED ANY REQUEST FROM BRITAIN TO THAT EFFECT ? if yes , why , whom ?
Q.137. the honourable supreme court of India failed provide information to me as per my RTI request appeal no : 91 / 2007 in response to your letter no : F1 / RTI / A.91 / 2007 dt 13.12.07 , why ?
Q138 . the honourable union home secretary failed to give me information as per my rti request , he transferred my application to others , in turn they transferred the application to some others. Finally , complete truthful information was not given , why ? as the union home secretary has got copies of all those replies in response to transferred RTI application , will he send me a consolidated reply to my present RTI request ?
Q139. in a high profile case before the honourable delhi high court , we have seen how defense advocate mr. R.S.ANAND & prosecution advocate mr. I.U.KHAN made a secret pact to win the case in favour of rich criminal , totally manipulating prosecution witnesses , evidences & prosecution stand , totally making mockery of justice system . how you are ensuring the delivery of justice , there being numerous such advocates in practice ?
Q140. Smt. Sonia Gandhi is person of foreign origin , she wields enormous clout more than the Prime Minister himself over the government of India being the chair person of UPA. Is she legally permitted to summon confidential official records , minutes of the cabinet , to hold the cabinet meeting of union ministers ?
Q141. As per law , is she permitted to hold constitutional offices like prime minister of India or president of India , etc ?
Q.142. What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the constitution (Article 21) ?
Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?
a) Inside the House b) Outside the House
Q144. What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like
a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India
c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC
e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.
Q145. Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ?
a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.
b) Cover both their official & personal actions.
Q146. Are the privileges defined & codified ?
Q147. Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?
Q148. Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ?
Q149. Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ?
Q150. Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ?
Q151. Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ?
Q152. Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.
Q153. Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?
Q154. Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official's secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges
Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?
Q156. By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payer's money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ?
Q157. Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?
Q158. If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ?
Q159. While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ?
Q160. Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?
Q161. Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?
Q162. Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation" ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?.
Q163. What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?
Q164. Communication - free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ?
Q165. Recently , while assuming office as honourable chief justice of Karnataka , justice. P.D.DINAKAR , gave a blanket withdrawal of all internal departmental enquiries against approximately 200 judges , is it just & legal ? give me the names of accused judges & description of charges against them ?
Q166. does it not show that judges are more equal than others ?
Q167. who are involved in PF scam ? what action against guilty judges ?
Q168. Why you did not give information to me as per RTI Act inspite of appeal ? refer. F1/RTI/A91/2007.
Q169. Almost a year ago , in the Karnataka state new chief justice of Karnataka high court honble Mr.Dinakar (now elevated to supreme court of India) just on assuming offices within hours scrapped disciplinary inquiry proceedings against 200+ erring judges. In such a short time no human being can study all the cases in detail , then how come he arrived at this vital decision in such short time? Who are those 200+ judges facing enquiry ?
Q170 .Recently in the Karnataka state , high court found out that a district judge without conducting hearings properly , entering fictious dates of hearings (which happens to be government holidays ) facilitated in exonerating a top politician . has the court enquired into the previous judgements of the accussed judge ? did it find any wrongdoings?
Q171. As per law , while on duty a person should not be drunk , under the influence of alchohol , as it limits the functioning of his senses & brain. That is why the acts & sayings of drunkards , committed / said when they are drunk are not taken seriously. However most of the police officers after evening hours are drunk , in that state only they apprehend many suspects & produce those suspects at the residences of magistrates before magistrate during wee hours / night. Some of of the judges are also drunk during that time. Does the senses of drunken police & judges work properly to do their respective duties in identifying criminals , apprehending them & to issue judicial orders. Are these actions of police & judges in drunken state legal ?
Q 172 . What action has been taken in bhopal gas leak case against the guilty police officials who changed the charge sheet against union carbide officials ?
Q 173 . What action has been taken against guilty police officials , district magistrate , state ministers & central ministers who fully aided the criminals – Union Carbide official Mr. Anderson to escape law , to jump bail & flee the country without court’s permission ?
Q 174 . What action has been taken against the above said guilty with respect to their contempt of court & for aiding a criminal to escape ?
Q 175. What action has been taken against the chief justice of India , who changed the legal clause under which the guilty should be tried ? what action has been taken against the CJI who became an official of the trust belonging to the criminal ?
Q 176 . What action has been taken against the Indian Public servant who decided to withdraw cases from US Courts with respect to Bhopal gas tragedy ?
Q 177 . What action has been taken against the state labour department & pollution control board officials who have failed in their duties , inspite of earlier warnings by journalists ?
Q 178 . What action has been taken against state cabinet ministers who decided the quantum of compensation money to favour the criminal although they don’t have right to do so ?
Q 179 . What action has been taken against Presiding Judge of the trial court , Chief Justice of India , state police officials , public prosecutors & Central Bureau of Investigation officials who kept quite all along and didn’t press for the extradition of the criminal Mr.Anderson , for producing the criminal accussed no.1 before the trial court ?
Q 180 . Is it not SHAMEFUL for the judiciary , police , government officials & people’s representatives who became part of Operation Crime Hush Up & aided criminals responsible for ghastly murders of thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless public in Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy?
Q 181 . Are these Corrupt Police , corrupt judges , corrupt ministers , corrupt labour / pollution control board officials HUMAN BEINGS ?
Q 182 Why police are not registering my complaint against CJI & other VVIPS ,Even after years ?
Q 183 don’t the police of vijayanagar police station mysore have legal jurisdiction to register the case against these VVIPs ? or just because the criminals happens to be VVIPs ,they are not booked by police? If the said police don’t have legal jurisdiction to book these VVIPs , they should have transferred the complaint to those authorities who have jurisdiction & authority to book & prosecute these VVIPs , but not done so , why ?
Q 184 are not all these actions , of VVIPs & police amounting to cover up of crimes & criminals ? are not these cover ups itself is a crime ?
Q 185. Even an appeal for justice by post card must be treated as PIL by courts of justice . however my appeals for justice concerning public welfare , national security sent through post , e-mail to supreme court of india are not admitted as Public interest litigation , why ? does not these acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals , anti nationals?
Q 186 Are not the honourable chief justice of india together with the jurisdictional police & Revenue district magistrate responsible to protect the fundamental & human rights of people ? why the CJI , Mysore DC & Jurisdictional Police have failed to protect the fundamental & human rights of people including mine ? For all the previous injustices I have suffered at the hands of the criminal nexus Honourable CJI , Mysore revenue district magistrate & jurisdictional police are together responsible , if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members or to my dependents the quartet – Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable District Magistrate , Mysore , Honourable Police Commissioner of Mysore city & Circle Inspector of police , vijayanagar police station , mysore will be responsible .
These corrupt parasites will feel , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty – In whose Court of justice MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.
1. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Justice of India , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.
2. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , Rashtrapathi Bhawan , New Delhi.
3. PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.
4. PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.
5. PIO , O/O Union Home Minister ,GOI , New Delhi.
6. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , Raj Bhawan , Bangalore.
7. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , CMO , Bangalore.
8. PIO , O/O DG & IG of Police , Government of Karnataka ,Police HQ , Bangalore.
Fees Paid :
Enclosed :
DATE : 19.03.2011 ……………..………………………NAGARAJ.M.R.
MYSORE - 570017.
Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,
Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,
Honourable Sir,
Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants
Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my complaint to them dated 04.07.2009
A person committing a criminal offense is a CRIMINAL. The Person who aids a criminal in his criminal act , in hiding the criminal act , in destroying the evidences of criminal act is also a CRIMINAL. The
person whose duty is to prevent criminal acts from happening , who intentionally fails in his preventive duties and thereby facilitating the criminal in committing crime is also a CRIMINAL.
Information given by government authorities are EVIDENCES , denial of information amounts to hiding of evidence , improper , half truth information given amounts to MANIPULATION & DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCES. In this way many of our public servants including judges & police themselves are criminals , but are not prosecuted by the authorities , why ?
Due to delay in giving appropriate information , many crimes have taken place which could have been prevented. As the delay in taking action , giving information / evidence is on the part of government
authorities , the issue of TIME BARRED FOR ADMISSABILITY doesn’t arise. At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to the honest few public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve respect as individuals – as they are parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.
All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE” mentioned throught includes all public servants discharging judicial
functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.
Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise their voice seeking justice are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already
attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be
responsible for it.
The Vijayanagar police in mysore stated that they don’t have legal jurisdiction to book the criminals I have mentioned in the complaint & by taking a statement from me to that effect closed the case
temporarily on 11.09.2010 after sitting over the complaint for years together. Is it not the duty of DG&IGP to seek the permission from home ministry to legally prosecute the alleged criminal VVIPs ?
Why he was silent ? Ofcourse the lower rung police officers practically don’t have power to prosecute high & mighty ?
Hereby , I do request the DG & IG OF Police , Government of Karnataka to seek the legal sanction from union home ministry & Karnataka state home ministry , for the prosecution of below mentioned criminal VVIPs & to reopen my complaint here with.
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every
Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth. However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS
appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread it’s tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread .In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation , fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta.
Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry even though the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , people’s last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.
our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before hon’ble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS.
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking india’s defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence.
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
ACCUSED Chief Justice of India
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA.
Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants ACCUSED CRIMINALS viz
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 19.03.2011…………………………Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore……………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.
To my numerous appeals , HRW's appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy "legal immunity privileges" ,why don't you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don't all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don't all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper.
there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part.
1.you are making contempt of the very august office you hold.
2.you are making contempt of the constitution of india.
3.you are making contempt of citizens of india.
4.you are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime.
5.you are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries.
6.you are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory.
7.you are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
you are hereby called upon to SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann't be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes .
If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. Thanking you.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 19.03.2011……………………………………………..your's sincerely,
Place : Mysore , India……………………….............................Nagaraj M R
People are the kings , self rulers in a democracy . Peoples representatives must just represent the wishes , aspirations of people. When people in Jaitapur , Maharashtra state of India are totally against a nuke plant in their area and they don’t want it , still the authorities are forcing this project over their head.
Since 63 years of independence , In India the learned IAS babus & Netas are forcing their agendas , SEZs , Projects over the people for their own selfish gains , against the wishes of people. This is not DEMOCRACY.
The people's representatives are bound to represent their people first , then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this sorry state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy & rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.
Now consider the following example :
Mr.raj gandhi is a member of parliament from mandya constituency in karnataka state. He is a MBA graduate & member of ruling Indian progressive party. The multinational giant M/S GREY HOUND CORPORATION wants to enter into paper manufacturing business in india. It's sight falls on the public sector paper giant mandya national paper mills (MNPM) in mandya district of karnataka. The MNC effectively lobbies with the government. The ruling party think tank & the cabinet advisory group recommends to the government to make strategic
disinvestment in the PSU M/S MNPM. They bring out graph with full power point presentation stating that it is good for the company as well as the government. The lobbyists follows it up with media reports on the positive aspect of strategic disinvestment. A favourable impression is created in the minds of literate public. The cabinet
committee okays it.
The " strategic dis investment issue " comes before the parliament for legislation / approval. The ruling party issues a party whip to it's members to vote in favour of dis investment. However M.P mr.raj gandhi who is an MBA in his own wisdom also favours the dis investment. However ,most importantly the constituents – people in mandya parliamentary constituency through protest marches , mass post card campaigns lakhs in numbers expresses their disagreement with the dis investment & urges their MP mr.gandhi to vote against the disinvestment legislation.
On the D-day in parliament , mr. Raj gandhi as per his party whip & his own wisdom votes in favour of strategic disinvestment legislation, much against the wishes of his people , constituents & mis represents them in parliament. the democracy has failed here. in This way democracy is being derailed since 62 years in india.
In democracy, party whip , MP or MLA's own wisdom / brilliance, think tank & IAS lobby recommendations are all secondary , the constituent's of his constituency , people's wishes aspirations are of primary importance & supreme. What people need is a honest
representative, who simply delivers the people's aspirations on the floor of the house back & forth , without superimposing it with his own ideas & party ideas. For true democracy , the people's representatives must be true postmans.
Towards this end , the people must be educated about their democratic rights & responsibilities. This is an appeal to the honest few in the parliament & state legislatures to weed out their corrupt colleagues , lobbyists, to uphold the dignity of the house & to
install democracy in it's true form.
70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original criminals ?
Questions with respect to other cases :
71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as directors of companies which have availed bank loans ?
72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks have invested ?
73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section , etc ?
74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than permissible ?
75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs.
76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them , before investing in new companies promoted by them.
77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ?
78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ?
79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ? but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ?
80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ?
81. what action has been taken against those involved ?
82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are powerful & bigwigs ?
83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities , money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ?
84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations , foreign donations by many NGOs ?
85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ?
86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for what criminal roles ?
88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the security set-up in R.B.I ?
90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process are accounted for?
92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all the above?
94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ?
97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ?
98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the year 1996-1998 ?
99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ?
100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons will come out of cubboard ?
101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of rupees ? if not why ?
102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ?
103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ?
Date : 01.11.2008…………………….. Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore………………………... Nagaraj.M.R.
39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's
comprehensive industrial area development plan ?
40. has the MUDA / MCC , KIADB given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ?
41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to MUDA's / MCC's CDP & KIADB's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ?
42. is the MUDA & KIADB revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ?
43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings inmysore ?
44.in mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ?
45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ?
46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ?
47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ?
48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by MUDA , MCC or government in such cases ?
49.how many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by MUDA , MCC & government action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ?
50.how many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by MUDA , MCC or authorities , on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ?
51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ?
52.how you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some MUDA / MCC / REVENUE officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ?
53.how many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ?
54.how many such lease allotments are sold by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ?
55. what are the norms followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ?
1. how many times since 1987 , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the Bangalore city's comprehensive city development plan ?
2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ?
3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ?
4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ?
6. during such alenation , is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ?
7. in bangalore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws – no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ?
9. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ?
10. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?
11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT ` s resolution instead of of re-allotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ?
12. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ?
13. in bangalore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ?
14. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?
15. what action BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ?
16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT. When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents – say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ?
17. what is the criteria adopted by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ?
18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ?
19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms ?
20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ?
22. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ?
23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT arecovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ?
24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals – tresspassers ? if not why ?
25. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ?
26. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ?
27. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ?
28. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ?
29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ?
30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other land developers ?
31. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?
32. in & around bangalore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under & surrounding HT lines legal ?
33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ?
34. in & around bangalore city , in how many areas developed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ?
35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & other developers , housing societies ?
36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date .
37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around bangalore city ? what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date .
38. around bangalore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ?
39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's comprehensive industrial area development plan ?
40. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ?
41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ?
42. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ?
43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings inmysore ?
44.in mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ?
45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ?
46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ?
47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ?
48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT in such cases ?
49.how many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ?
50.how many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT, on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ?
51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ?
52.how you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ?
53.how many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ?
54.how many such lease allotments are sold by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ?
55. what are the norms followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ?
Crimes @ Reserve Bank of India
- An appeal to SUPREME COURT OF INDIA & central information commission
Ref no. RTI APPEAL via web DPG/B/2008/80341
RBI is a public authority , set up by an act of parliament. Numerous
irregularities , illegalities , crimes have taken place at RBI , still
it is fully covered up by those in influential positions.
Just refer “Oil for Food Money in Iraq scam ” and “ Vostro Account Scam of 1990s”. Influential people are involved , everything happened under the noose of RBI , With the connivance of RBI officials ?
We requested the CPIO of RBI HQ for information as per RTI Act ( our
letter dt 20th September 2008 ) about various issues concerning the
activities of that institution in whole. However the CPIO OF RBI HQ
through his letter no.DAPM.CO.RIA.4001/07.50.01/2008-09 dt October
03rd 2008 declined to give information citing certain ruses. ( RBI Ref
no. RIA 798/2008-09 )
He has stated that some information pertains to security press ,
nashik & note press at mysore. True , both those institutions are
fully owned subsidiaries of RBI , hence RBI is in a position to
answer. Still , RBI can transfer a copy of our RTI Application to
those authorities as per provisions of Sec 6(3) of RTI ACT 2005. CPIO
didn’t do that.
One more ruse of CPIO of RBI is that , I am seeking his views /
opinions on issues concerning RBI activities. He is wrong , I am
seeking to know the official / legal stand of RBI regarding it’s
activities for example , appointment of rowdies as loan recovery
agents by banks , etc. CPIO has failed to state the official stand
regarding various activities of RBI.
One more ruse given by CPIO of RBI is that I have raised many issues ,
to be specific 103 questions on various topics concerning RBI , giving
information on all those diverts the resources of authorities , hence
information request is denied. TRUE , information sought is many , so
do the crimes @ RBI which are also many. When compared to magnitude of
crimes @ RBI which is 3-4 times the entire budget outlays of Indian
government to the tune of crores of rupees , the resources spent to
ascertain information as per our RTI Application is just few hundreds
of rupees. When compared to the money spent by RBI officials by way of
TA / DA during their travel , etc, our information request resource
needs are peanuts.
To sum up , CPIO of RBI is hell bent to protect the criminals @ RBI
lest the truth comes into open. Hereby , we request the honourable
Supreme Court of India & central information commission to order the RBI to give us truthful
information in whole , so that justice is given to those victimized &
fat criminals are sent to gallows. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Read the article "Crimes @ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" @ http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/
, http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/ , http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
Your’s sincerely,
WE WANT Jan Lok Pal – WE WANT Accountability of all VVIP Public Servants WE WANT TRUE VVIP Postmans , Public Servants NOT Public Masters
Mr. Chief Public Servant,
Manmohan Singh
We have suffered enough due to corruption. We are deeply hurt and disappointed with any lack of a real and meaningful solution from you and your government.
We want change, and we want accountability and we cannot wait any longer to have this! We will not vote for you if an effective anti-corruption bill is not enacted. Not the farce Lokpal Bill proposed by your government, but the peoples “Jan Lokpal Bill”. We want strict and effective punishment for the corrupt. They MUST go to jail! Or you Mr. PM, along with your party, will fall from the people’s grace. We assure you, stand by us, and we will stand by you. The opposite will also hold true.
Your government has appointed a GoM to draft the Lokpal Bill. This GoM includes -
Sharad Pawar,Veerapa Moily and Kapil Sibal. Mr. Pawar and Mr. Moily have a past of corruption and mis-deeds that the entire country if aware of. Mr. Sibal does not feel there was corruption in the 2G scam. Having these people draft the anti-corruption law – is it not an insult to the people of India? How can the corrupt be asked to draft an anti-corruption bill? We urge you to consider the choice put forth by the people – credible names such as Justice Santosh Hegde, Prashant Bhushan, Shanti Bushan and others, to be part of the committee to draft the Lokpal Bill.
Shri Anna Hazare, one of the Greatest Social Reformers India has ever seen has announced a Fast Unto Death beginning April 5th. His demands are extremely beneficial for the future of India. We urge you to immediately accept the demands of the people of India represented by the demands of Shri Anna Hazare lest the discontent among the people grows out of control.
The sentiments against rampant corruption in this country are quickly becoming as strong as those that led to the uprising in Tahrir Square. The honest and hardworking people of this country refuse to be innocent bystanders in the wholesale public looting that is taking place as you read this letter. We request your immediate and strong response to this concern of the people as corruption should be the top priority of your government. If the challenge is not met effectively and promptly, it has the potential of undermining every valuable effort made by upright citizens of this country over the last century - including you. It also has the potential of leaving your government with a legacy of shame.
Tahrir square can yet be a reality in India.
We trust you will take immediate steps to give us our solution, and not force us to take the above steps!
Citizen of India
BRITISH officials are investigating the activities of one of the most prominent overseas backers of secessionist groups in Jammu and Kashmir. Last month, the United Kingdom's Charities Commission and the Metropolitan Police began looking into allegations that Ayub Thokar, the head of the World Kashmir Freedom Movement, had funnelled funds raised for charity to the terrorist groups.
Investigations into Thokar's role in funding terror began after Indian officials handed over evidence in the case to their British counterparts in June. The two Indian officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs and a senior Jammu and Kashmir Police officer made available details of funds funnelled from Thokar's charity, Mercy International, through Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank (since then renamed Standard Chartered Bank) and the Development Credit Bank. The investigators also provided transcripts of telephone intercepts and cases filed against the recipients of the funds in India.
On May 25, a long-running Intelligence Bureau operation led to the arrest of Srinagar-based journalist Imtiaz Bazaz. Officials claim that he was a key conduit for transferring funds to Hizbul Mujahideen field commanders in Jammu and Kashmir. On April 22 Bazaz had received a foreign currency remittance of Rs.4,84,875 into his account with Standard Chartered in New Delhi, and on May 15 a second remittance of Rs.14,98,000 into the Development Credit Bank. Although intelligence officials monitored the first transaction, they did not intervene, in the interest of building up evidence. The second transaction was frozen.
The funds trail led straight to Thokar. It transpired that in early 2001, Hizbul Mujahideen chief Mohammad Yusuf Shah had sent Rs.48 lakh to Jamaat-e-Islami leader Syed Salahuddin through Thokar. Subsequently, after the arrest of Jamait-ul-Mujahideen finance commander Qasim Faktu, Thokar began to finance his organisation through the terrorist's wife, Asiya Indrabi. Most of the funds were routed through Bazaz, who arranged for the transfer of funds received in New Delhi to accounts held with the Jammu & Kashmir Bank in Srinagar. Cash was then paid to the final recipients.
Meanwhile, Income Tax Department investigations against All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani have started to bear fruit (Frontline, July 5, 2002). The secessionist leader claimed an annual agricultural income of Rs.10,000 in his tax returns, and also received the official pension of Rs.85,200 due to two-term MLAs - ironically enough for a man now at the cutting edge of the secessionist anti-election campaign! His expensive house in Hyderpora, however, had several cars parked there and the household was run by a personal staff of 14 people. The monthly kitchen expenses amounted to Rs.25,000. Income Tax Department searches of the Geelani home also yielded Rs.10.25 lakhs and $10,000 in cash. Income-tax officials have now decided to impose penalties of Rs.30 lakhs on Geelani, based on his estimated income over the last six years, the maximum period allowed by law. His businessman son-in-law Altaf Ahmad Shah, who allegedly used his legitimate operations to launder funds, has been slapped with a Rs.40 lakhs penalty. Failure to pay could lead to the auctioning of Geelani's assets, including the Hyderpora home.
Separate income-tax penalties of Rs.2 crores have been imposed on businessman Abdul Rashid Saraf, who was allegedly involved in handling hawala funds sent to APHC chairman Abdul Gani Bhat. Saraf, income-tax authorities found, had failed to disclose income of Rs.3.37 crores over the last six years.
The vigour that the Income Tax Department has shown in this matter marks a welcome departure from the past. After it was driven out of Srinagar in the later 1980s by mobs that attacked income tax inspectors, the organisation had granted de-facto independence to the State. This time, two planeloads of officials flew into the Avantipora Air Force base and they were escorted to the raids by police officers. Their successes seem to have convinced the Income Tax Department that it is after all possible to play a useful role in Jammu and Kashmir.
In the U.K., both Mercy International and Thokar will now have to answer some hard questions. For one, there is no explanation why the organisation did not send supposed philanthropic donations to the several-dozen charities in Jammu and Kashmir which have clearances under the Foreign Exchange Management Act. Thokar will also have to explain how he paid for the purchase of his London home, and his regular overseas travels, given the fact that he has no ostensible means of income. India has, however, chosen not to seek Thokar's extradition, since the fact that his wife is a U.K. national makes this outcome unlikely.
For India, British action in this case will be a key test of its loudly-advertised anti-terrorist stance. In March, sources told Frontline, Deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani had handed over to British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw a dossier on the activities of secessionist groups in the U.K. Titled 'Misuse of British Soil by Kashmir Expatriates Based in the U.K. for Funding Terrorism in J&K', the document outlined many of the charges which investigations have now added substance to. Sources say the team that visited the U.K. pointed to Straw's promises to crack down on terrorism-related money laundering, and were told that criminal prosecutions would take place in the U.K. Earlier, the U.K. successfully prosecuted two Khalistan-linked British nationals involved in backing the Babbar Khalsa International.
If funds transfers to terrorist groups are effectively cut off, it will do not a little to cripple such organisations. The reasons are simple. While it is easy to send cadres across the Line of Control, actually sustaining their activities in Jammu and Kashmir needs an elaborate financial structure. Money is needed to pay for everything from food and shelter to informants, political support and the legal defence of arrested sympathisers. Since it is impossible to lug sacks full of cash across the LoC, illegal funds transfers come into play. For many businessmen in the Kashmir Valley, holding such cash for short terms has been a profitable, risk-free enterprise. Now the penalties imposed should persuade conduits for blood-money transfers that crime does not, in fact, pay.
alt="Home turf: Hassan Ali Khan (second from right, in safari suit) with wife Rheema (second from left) and father-in-law Abbas Ali Khan (fourth from right). " title="Home turf: Hassan Ali Khan (second from right, in safari suit) with wife Rheema (second from left) and father-in-law Abbas Ali Khan (fourth from right). " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">Home turf: Hassan Ali Khan (second from right, in safari suit) with wife Rheema (second from left) and father-in-law Abbas Ali Khan (fourth from right).
- An appeal to honourable supreme court of India
The central bank of India Reserve Bank Of India , which is supposed
to direct the fiscal policies of government of India , has failed to
do so. It has enabled many looters in the garb of entrepreneurs , to
swindle the exchequer to the tune of crores of rupees. The premiere
investigating agency of India CBI has failed to nail the culprits.
Hereby , I do request the honourable supreme court of India to treat
this as a PIL application & to provide speedy justice in following
Read the article "Crimes @ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" @ http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/
, http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/ , http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
Read the article "PF scam shame shame judges" @
http://corruptmajority.blogspot.com/ ,
- Trauma of an old man
Complete case details also available at http://members.lycos.co.uk/ganapathihariram/
As per allegations of RBI management Bangalore in 1977-79 , criminal
nexus of RBI employees stole Rs. 220000 from RBI Bangalore. All the
banks , government treasuries in Karnataka , submit defaced / soiled
currency notes to RBI Bangalore in exchange for good notes. RBI after
collecting such defaced currency notes , sorts out fairly good notes
which can be reissued & burns off the remaining totally defaced
currency notes. All these process is done in a systematic manner.
As per allegations of the management , the crime took place in the
period of 1977-79 at RBI Bangalore. A nexus of employees, took away
the currency bundles meant for destruction & substituted it in the
place of bundles of reissuables.
Charge sheet issued by RBI Bangalore office to mr.G.Hariram
Staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 1 april 1985
Amended charge sheet staff no 3798/156-84/85 dt 8 april 1985
CBI has charge sheeted 17 employees in connection with this case ,
case olde no. cc34/1989 new no. sc 436/1991 . the
honourable 21 city additional city civil & sessions court Bangalore in
it's order dated 24.01.1992
discharged 03 charge sheeted employees , as the prosecution
failed to prove the charges against them. They came out clean , as
they were innocents saddled with the crime done by others. One of the
charge sheeted employee who turned approver for the prosecution, has
given detailed account of the crime. Nowhere he has mentioned the
involvement of accussed no.15 mr.G.Hariram in the crime.
Even after coming out clean, mr.G.Hariram was not reinstated into
service by RBI. They gave the ruse of domestic enquiry & showed
contempt to the court order. On appeal, the honourable high court of
Karnataka ordered RBI to review it's order with respect to
mr.G.Hariram , still RBI failed to reinstate mr.G.Hariram into service
, once gain showing contempt to the court of law.
In India as per law , the decisions of court of law are binding on all
, orders of court over rides the organisation's internal rules ,
service rules , etc. inspite of lack of evidences, in a whimsical
manner the higher authorities of RBI , fixed some innocents as the
scape goats heaped all charges against them ( against whom they had
personal grudge , dislikes ). RBI repeatedly showed contempt to the
court orders , dismissed the scape goat - ailing old man mr.G.Hariram
from service. RBI snatched away his PF money towards the alleged loss
to the bank , didn't pay his gratuity amount , salary arrears and
finally he was even deprived of the pension. As a result , the old man
has even lost his social prestige, dignity , his family suffered a lot
& he is a mental wreck today.
Why RBI authoroties are hell bent upon to send away the innocents /
scape goats away from service ? why CBI didn't conduct polygraph tests
of all the accussed , specifically higher officers of RBI , managers
of RBI office Bangalore ? probably the scape goats were aware of the
crimes master minded by higher ups & didn't co-operate with the higher
ups in their crimes. So, the criminals were afraid that the scape
goats will blurt out truth to the world , fixed non co-operating
innocents themselves as criminals.
Who will give justice to innocents like old man mr.G.Hariram & who
will bell the corrupt , criminals , fat cats of RBI ?
( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )
PIN – 570017.
WITH RESPECT TO CASE NO old CC34 / 1989 & NEW NO SC436/1991 AT 21
CHARGE SHEET NO staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 01.01.1985
Amended charge sheet staff no.3798/156-84/85 dt 08.04.1985
1. Why didn't you notice the alleged crimes of 1977 , 78 & 79 till the
mid of 1979 ?
2. This crime came to light only due to anonymous phone calls of good
Samaritans to authorities , but not due to your inspection . is your
inspection division working properly ?
3. why there is no security check up of officers during entry & exit
out of premises ?
4. why there is no individual weighment , individual statement of
value of bags of reissuable notes & bags of note meant for destruction
, after sorting is done, why they are not tallied with total weight ,
value of notes issued for sorting ?
5. Immediately after noticing the crime, why did not you transfer all
the employees of those sections ?
6. why did not you take steps to preserve3 & protect respective
documents relating to such high profile crime ?
7. why didn't you immediately issue charge sheet to all the accussed &
waited till 1983 ?
8. Why RBI has left out , so many officers ( who worked in the same
sections for more period than accused officers ) from domestic
enquiry ?
9. why CBI also failed to put those people in the charge sheet before
the court ?
10. is it because they were in favorable terms with the vested
interests ?
11. did the CBI dance to the tune of vested interests in RBI while
preparing charge sheet & during investigation , instead of
independent investigation ?
12. those left out probables from the charge sheet might have caused
the destruction of evidences / records. During the course of domestic
enquiry / court proceedings , it has been recorded that some records
have been destroyed. Are not CBI & RBI responsible for destruction of
evidences , aiding true criminals get away ?
13. in normal times , what is the period specified in RBI regulations
for preserving old documents / records ?
14. after noticing such a high profile crime the RBI must have taken
utmost care to preserve such old records for indefinite time , for
producing before courts of law as & when demanded. But it didn't ,
why ?
15. does not this point to connivance of higher authorities of RBI ,
with the criminals ?
16. RBI authorities have conducted domestic mass enquiries , instead
of individual enquiries , is it not detrimental to the rights of
defense ?
17. RBI authorities have stated that court proceedings & domestic
enquiry are independent of each other & are not binding on one
another. However RBI authorities straight away took on record of
domestic enquiry the court statements , evidences , but didn't honour
the order of same court of law ? why this double standard by RBI ?
18. The alleged crime was committed in 1977-79, but charge sheet was
framed in mid 1985 , why this long delay ?
19. didn't this facilitate the masterminds of crime to destroy ,
manipulate evidences ?
20. as stated before court , indeed some records , 22nd currency note
packet were missing , who is responsible for it ?
21. has the CBI conducted enquiry , polygraph test of RBI higher
officers - S.N.RAZDAN , W.S.SARAF , J.P.AWASTHI , J.MITRA & others ,
if not why ?
22. is it not due to inefficiency , negligence of duty by such high
ranking managers , that such a crime occurred in RBI Bangalore ?
23. what disciplinary action RBI has taken against the inefficient ,
negligent higher officials ?
24. whatever internal rules an organization makes must be within the
line of law. If such internal laws of the organization are violative
of law , fundamental rights of employees , such internal rules become
illegal. Are not the way of RBI disciplinary proceedings illegal ?
25. as per RBI pension regulations 1990 , RBI has the right to deduct
any loss caused to the bank , from the pension of RBI employee if the
misconduct of employee is proved in judicial proceedings . even though
mr.G.Hariram came out clean from the court , why RBI has denied his
pension ?
26. judicial courts of law are appellate authorities over & above ,
domestic enquiry committees & judicial orders supersedes the domestic
enquiry proceedings. Still RBI showed contempt of court & didn't
reinstate mr..G.Hariram into service , why ?
27. even if an employee's misconduct causing loss to the bank is
proved , before denying him pension (towards making up loss to the
bank) , previous sanction of the central board of RBI must be taken.
But in mr.G.Hariram's case , pension was denied in full without taking
previous sanction of the central board of RBI , is it not illegal ?
28. RBI alleged that mr..G.Hariram caused loss to the tune of Rs.14000
to the bank & recovered it from his provident fund dues. There was
nothing left over to recover , still RBI completely denied pension to
mr.G.Hariram , why ?
29. ideally, domestic enquiry findings / disciplinary actions should
be completed first , then the employee can appeal to appropriate court
of law. In mr.G.Hariram's case , CBI & RBI failed to prove the charges
in court of law , as a result court discharged him from the charges.
To cover-up it's failures RBI management dragged domestic enquiry much
beyond court orders date & gave findings indicting mr..G.Hariram. does
the enquiry officer of domestic enquiry think that he is over & above
the court of law ? is it not illegal & contempt of court ?
30. ideally , RBI authorities should have appealed to higher court
against lower court order discharging mr.G.Hariram from charges. But
it was not done , why ?
31. did the RBI pay interim relief to mr.G.Hariram , during suspension
period ?
32. the undue delay in filing charge sheet , consequent destruction of
key evidences , dishonour / contempt of court orders , undue haste in
giving findings , dismissal , denial of of pension without central
board's sanction , all point towards criminals within RBI higher
management. What disciplinary action has been taken against
J.P.AWASTHI, S.N.RAZDAN,J.MITRA, W.SARAF & others ? if not why ?
33. why charge sheet was amended? Is it legal ?
34. did the charge sheet was amended to falsely implicate
mr..G.Hariram , by including cancelled note vault in the charge
sheet ?
35. does not this itself show that it is not statement of actual
happenings / facts , but a cunning ploy to mislead investigation
towards fixed innocents from actual criminals ?
36. is it true that that only 5% of sample inspection is done out of
bundled verified defective note packets ?
37. is not the conduct of joint / mass enquiries of all charge sheeted
officers illegal ?
38. how come such an important evidence 22nd note packet went
missing ?
39. is it because it may point towards real criminals ?
40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head /
expert mr.vijendra rao , the notes of earlier dates have been removed
from packets made into new bundles , right ?
41. as per his statement , entire certificates , seals of some asst
treasurers are there , who didn't work at all on that day is not it ?
42. does not it show that some body else was misusing the seals ,
putting some innocents seals over the notes ?
43. does it not show that , crime has taken place at verification
section ?
44. does it not show involvement of some asst treasurers ?
45. why asst treasurers have not been charge sheeted ?
46. why inspection of RBI Bangalore office was not done between 1975 &
1979 ?
47. is it not true that you failed to produce all records showing
internal inspection / audits , during domestic enquiry & court
proceedings ?
48. your expert mr.vijendra rao has stated that some seal marks are
smudged , he has stated some seal marks appears to be so & so. He has
clearly nowhere stated that this seal mark is exactly this , so he
himself is not 100% sure ?
49. your expert nowhere said that 100% sure this seal mark is this ,
on that day this seal was issued to mr.G.Hariram , isn't it ?
50. your expert says during 1975 , he didn't notice3 any fraud.
However approver says fraud was there before mid 1977 also. Why no
action has been taken ?
51. why you didn't produce all records of all persons , who have
specifically worked in alleged sections , the registers of those
departments with daily activity report containing seal nos , packet
nos , bag nos , etc ?
52. are not their chances of some criminals putting the seal marks of
innocent officers over the notes , bundles , bags , etc ?
53. your expert is not 100% sure of seal mark , your records are not
there to prove the presence of charge sheeted officers in the alleged
sections , neither your expert nor your records are 100% sure on what
date , at what stage , by whom crime was committed , isn't it ?
54. is not the charge sheet amounting to higher ups picking up
officers they dislike & falsely implicating them ?
55. is it not cunning ploy of higher ups to divert attention from
original criminals ?
56. why no action was taken against currency officer of 1977-79
mr.J.Mitra ? why his pension , super annuation benefits were not
withheld ?
57. what is your justification , supporting evidence , records for
picking up only three officers including mr.G.Hariram for legal
prosecution and leaving the majority of probables ?
58. why you have dropped charges against five asst treasurers ? why
you didn't even conduct domestic enquiry against them , let alone
legal prosecution ?
59. Is it RBI's & CBI's way of fair play & justice ?
60. as inly 5% sampling of verified note bundles are done , there are
more possibilities of rebundled packets getting unnoticed in relaxed
95% lot , isn't it ?
61. you have left out so many officers who worked in those sections,
some of whom even became management witnesses , instead of being
charge sheeted by the management, is it fair play & legal ?
62. who are the bank employees , from whom you have recovered the
alleged bank loss of Rs.220000 ?
63. were all of them charge sheeted , enquired , legally prosecuted ,
dismissed & their pension , gratuity withheld ?
64. you don't have any internal statuotary records to prove that
mr.G.Hariram worked in those departments , except a currency officer's
office note dated just on the eve of charge sheet years after the
alleged crime ? does it not prove that this note has been concocted
just to fix mr.G.Hariram ?
65. where as you have records of other officials attendance in those
departments , but not charge sheeted them why ?
66. three officers of staff grade A daily work in three sections out
of 40 officers , why you have picked up only mr.G.Hariram , out of
1095 working days , he has worked for only 223 days in those
sections , still those officers who worked for more days in those
sections are not charge sheeted why ? the approver , the management
expert witness , shift registers , V2 registers , Destruction
certificates , Form CD 55 , etc , nobody , no records were able to say
on what date , at what stage , by whom crime took place , also they
were unable to say on what date at what stage crime was committed by
mr.G.Hariram ? is it not futile imagination , cunning ploy of RBI
higher authorities to fix innocent Mr.G.Hariram ?
67. the management expert witnesses said , the most probable place of
crime is punching / Cancelled Note Vault , incinerator , where asst
treasurers were joint custodians . they were not enquired & let off
why ?
68. the charge sheet alleges extraction / substitution of
defaced note packets. Where as the management expert witness say
substitution of defaced notes only ? is not there difference between
loss of one number of note & 100 number of notes ?
69. as per the normal course of duty , staff officers does not
count notes in each bundles , but they just count the number of
bundles only. Is not there chances of inserted note bundles or bundles
containing less number of notes going unnoticed ? is it not the
failure of statuotary system of work practices ?
70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI
were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original
criminals ?
Questions with respect to other cases :
71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as
directors of companies which have availed bank loans ?
72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks
have invested ?
73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank
officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section ,
etc ?
74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over
assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank
officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in
the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such
cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude
with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than
permissible ?
75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs.
76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose
companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them ,
before investing in new companies promoted by them.
77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through
rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ?
78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for
aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ?
79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.
10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a
debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ?
but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ?
80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer
by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ?
81. what action has been taken against those involved ?
82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi
during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are
powerful & bigwigs ?
83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities ,
money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ?
84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations ,
foreign donations by many NGOs ?
85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn
brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ?
86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at
security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for
what criminal roles ?
88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the
security set-up in R.B.I ?
90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are
accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process
are accounted for?
92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of
all the above?
94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ?
97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ?
98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the
year 1996-1998 ?
99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary
laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ?
100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous
information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons
will come out of cubboard ?
101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI
Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of
rupees ? if not why ?
102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused
to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ?
103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing
huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ?
P.M.MARG ,MUMBAI-400001.
Date : 01.11.2008 Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore Nagaraj.M.R.
In " mysooru mithra" a kannada daily dated 15/06/2005, the editor has
written about a copy of the complaint made by Transparency
International India-Bangalore to central vigilance commission of
In indian banks , there is a strange practice that whenever a cheque
is put before the clearing house by a bank, the clearing house sends
that cheque to the service branch of bank paying. The service branch
then sends that cheque to the appropriate bank branch
for deduction of cash from the cheque account. In this travel , if the
cheque is lost or misplaced midway, the service branch pays out of
it's suspense account to the cash collecting bank. Logically,
afterwards the service branch must initiate a thorough inquiry, get
authentication from both persons one who gave cheque & other who
collected cheque. Finally, the money must be transferred from the
account of cheque giver to the suspense account.
However , upto 1997 two branches of state bank of india in bangalore &
overseas branch sufferred from frequent loss of cheques totally
cheque loss the bank has paid out of suspense account, totally
amounting to Rs.3200 crore. However the bank has not
initiated any enquiry to recover that amount from the cheque givers.
In the 1997 internal audit report of the bank itself , this has been
clearly pointed out. Till date, even the central vigilance commission
has not initiated any action about it. A member of central vigilance
commission happens to be ex-chairman of state bank of india.
It is just an instance of two branches of SBI, what about hundreds of
branches of SBI, what about thousands of branches of other public
sector,private sector & co-operative banks. It is fraud,fraud,fraud
all the way. Few months back to cover-up the crimes
of global trust bank ( GTB) , it was taken over by oriental bank of
commerce ( OBC).
While sanctioning a loan of just Rs.10000 to a common man , he has to
comply with lengthy legalities. If he defaults, bankers breath down
his neck, bankers send rowdies in the form of recovery agents to
humiliate the common man & his properties are
auctioned-off, finally all dues to the last penny are recovered. In
most of the cases bankers even force the defaulters to commit suicide.
However influential persons easily gets loans amounting to hundreds of
crores of rupees, coolly defaults, siphons-off the funds & shuts his
shop. No recovery at all , just it becomes a non- performing asset
(NPA) in the bank ledger. The total NPAs of all public sector banks is
more than Rs.80000 crore. This burden is spead over the crores of
hapless indians.
The government takes pride in murdering forest brigand veerappan. The
ill-gotten wealth of veerappan is not even pea nuts before this huge
amount. Remember past finance scams – MS SHOES, HAWALA, HARSHAD MEHTA
SHARE SCAM, KETAN PAREKH SHARE SCAM, UTI, etc. totally in all these
scams billions of dollars of public money have gone to the coffers of
criminals. These scamsters put veerappan to shame in their turnover.
However the government is not even exhibiting a fraction of it's
ELIMINATE VEERAPPAN DRIVE against these scamsters, why?
In india, both central & state government tax/ revenue officials are
neck deep in corruption. By, taking bribe they make lower assessment
of income, gains, etc & spare businessmen from the tax payment. The
government in return for favours received from
lobbies, gives tax exemptions to them at it's sweet will. All these
scams & it's cover-ups are insider jobs. The government is not
interested to collect, recover it's own monies
amounting to billions of billions of dollars every year. However our 5-
star leaders living at the expense of tax-payers, go-on foreign jaunts
with a begging bowl for a few lakhs of dollars. What a shame?
More than 50 billion indians are barely surviving on a single meal per
day & hundreds are dying due to starvation, billions don't even have
basic necessities of life. If the government even just collects a
fraction of it's dues from scamsters, defaulting industrialists –
people won't die of hunger in india. Has this enlightened our thick
skinned netas ?
An age old saying – AS THE KING SO DOES THE SUBJECTS. In india various
financial scams, crimes & it's cover-ups have taken place amounting to
billions of billions of dollars have taken place, made possible , just
due to the involvement of the king – the netas & government officials
themselves in the shameful act – the crime.
The tax officials are utterly corrupt, the wards of these officials
spend double their pappa's salary just during
weekends. Now, realise their financial might. These ill-gotten wealth
is destabilising our economy & might have even found it's way into the
hands of underworld, terorrists. INDIA WILL BE DEFEATED FROM
Hereby, the HRW urges you to make public:
1. the financial worth of finance minister to tax official at circle
level, on annual basis including his spouse's worth & property
2. to make public the NPAs, losses & monies under litigation by both
private & public sector banks annually.
3. to make public measures taken to recover these monies.
4. to publish annual accounts with complete details of discretionary
funds allotted to the defence ministry, president, prime minister,
chief ministers , governors & intelligence agencies.
Public want to know whether proper discretion is being applied while
Even in ordinary branches of banks , the safety
locker room keys & currency chest room keys are with senior managers
only. with advance of technology various electronic gadgets like
burglar alarms, user id & palm readers are in use. It is quite
shocking to know that , in high security RBI CURRENCY PRESS , mysore
these gadgets were not in use & the keys were easily accessible to
ordinary security guards. Also, in mysore press there is no proper
accounting practices for blank papers issued for printing , after
printing is done accounts of accepted notes & rejected notes is not
at all kept. CBI is putting the whole blame on an ordinary security
guards & hurrying to close the case. The repeated thefts are not at
all possible by security guards alone without the help of insiders /
higher executives. CBI is trying to fool whom?
Even with respect to my complaint regarding
recruitment scandal complaint no: DPG/B/2005/80049 (2) (RBI) new
complaint no: DPG/Z/2005/90040, neither CBI nor secretary ( finance
sector ) department of economic affairs government of india nor the
RBI governor has taken any steps till date , why?
Hereby, e-voice urges the honourable union finance
minister & CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSION to look into the matter & to
provide speedy justice to all concerned.
Lie detector tests for C.B.I officers ?
Nowadays even free e-mail accounts need password to operate, to
operate a bank locker there are multi level security settings.
However , it is ridiculous, unbelievable to note that in the high
security reserve bank of india currency note press mysore, there were
no different key sets , palm readers, pass words, no different
authorised persons, no troops of security guards, to access the area.
Just only one security guard- a constable.
It is a cock & bull story of C.B.I, that all alone a single security
guard stole the booty. There must be a crime syndicate. The C.B.I
officers themselves must be subjected to polygraph, brain mapping
tests to know why they are lying , to cover-up whom? The C.B.I has
not answered previous questions raised by us. The C.B.I must answer
the following questions :
1. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at
security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
2. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for
what criminal roles ?
3. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
4. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the
security set-up in R.B.I ?
5. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are
accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
6. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process
are accounted for?
7. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
8. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all
the above?
9. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
10. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
Dear sir,
I have applied for the post of STORES ASSISTANT in
1995 & for the post of PROCESS ASSISTANT in 1996 for vaccancies at
Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited ( BRBNMPL) MYSORE
& SALBONI. I didn't even get the interview/written test call letter.
However candidates with lesser merit ranking were selected. My
requests for a copy of merit ranking list fell on deaf ears.
In the end of 1996, i once again applied for the
round i got written test call letters for both posts. I have
successfully cleared the common written test for both posts.
Subsequently i got the interview call letters for both posts. I have
successfully appeared for the common interview for both posts.
However candidates of lesser merit were selected & i didn't get any
communication at all. My repeated requests for MERIT RANKING LIST
fell on deaf ears.
It is the criminals in R.B.I MANAGEMENT who
declared a good printing machine at nasik security press as scrap &
sold it to fake stamp paper king pin karim lala telgi It may be
possible that the criminals in the R.B.I MANAGEMENT selected
candidates who suited their criminal objectives. As a result there is
frequent occurrence of currency thefts & related
irregularities at R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS, mysore & salboni.
Hereby, i call upon the C.B.I to look into this matter.
Also, hereby i urge you to provide me justice by giving merit ranking
lists of all recruitments made from 1995onwards till date.
Specifically, for the above mentioned 4 posts in accordance with the
Corporate fraud is nothing new to india , satyam company is just a
new addition to it. Satyam co was able to commit such a huge fraud &
keep it under wraps for years goes to prove the honesty , integrity of
our public servants , government officials belonging to SEBI , RBI ,
tax dept , pollution control , labour depts. , etc & the honesty of
auditors & company secretaries. Ofcourse , still there are few honest
people in public service , auditing & company secretaryship , but
majority of them are hand in gloves with corporate criminals.
Definitely , this fraud will also be brushed under the carpet after
certain time as other frauds happened , afterall these frauds are the
money spinners for political party funding , mafia , underworld &
other criminal activities.
In india , tax compliance is worse. In our criminal justice system,
there is rigorous imprisonment for a pick-pocketer stealing Rs.10.
even the authorities spend thousands of rupees in legally prosecuting
him & the thief spends a year or more as punishment behind bars. Where
as there is no commensurate investigation nor legal prosecution nor
punishment for corporate thieves , evading tax to the tune of crores
of rupees. In contrast, those tax thieves pay a part of that booty to
the ministers & political parties and get crores of rupees tax
exemptions , incentives from the government. Government is rewarding
corporate criminals.
The tax officials of central & state governments
are hand in glove with these corporate criminals & traders. For a
price, they are helping corporates & traders in evading tax. Most of
the tax officials are wealthy & leading luxurious lifestyles , much
beyond the scope of their legal income. The black money thus generated
every year by tax evasion , is many times more than our total annual
budget allocation. As a result, all our fiscal reforms fail &
inflation is soaring. This black money is the source of illegal
funding of political parties , terrorist outfits & underworld. It is a
greater threat to national unity & integrity.
Both the central government & karnataka state
government have failed to collect the full , actual tax dues from
corporates & traders. As a result , the governments don't have enough
money in their coffers even to provide basic needs like health care ,
education , safe drinking water , etc to the poor & needy. For every
Rs.100 tax evaded , one poor patient is dying without medical care ,
10 poor persons lack education , 100 persons don't get safe drinking
water , 100 persons barely survive on a single piece meal per day , 20
persons starve. Most of The government officials , ministers &
people's representatives who have deliberately failed in their duties
of tax collection & welfare of poor citizens , SHAMELESSLY indulge in
luxurious lifestyle at the expense of poor tax payer . they live in
paltial bungalows , chauffer driven AC cars , all living food expenses
paid by exchequer , dine at 5-star hotels , only drink bottled mineral
water , eat non-vegetarian dishes , drink alcohol sitting before
mahatma gandhi's photograph & preaching mahatma's ideals. Mahatma
preached & practiced simple living , vegetarianism & he was teto
teller , he paid for his expenses from his earnings . these public
servants are parasites , who are making merry at the expense of tax
Some non government organisations ( NGO) have
formed trusts and under the aegis of those trusts are running
educational institutions , hospitals , community halls , etc , in the
name of providing free / subsidised services like education , health
care , etc to the poor. It is only in record books , they conduct fake
medical camps , self employment training camps . in practice they are
running these educational institutions , hospitals & community halls
as commercial enterprises & collecting huge fees. they are not even
remitting full fees collected to the trust account & swindling the
money. no outsider is allowed to become a member of these NGOs , only
their cronies & their family members are in these trusts.
Numerous NGOs promoted by religious bodies , mutts
are swindling public & government money to the tune of crores of
rupees. Nobody dares to question the heads , pontiffs of these
mutts , as at his feet VVIPs , ministers fall down. These religious
bodies are hot beds of fundamentalism , terrorism & mafia. Hwere is
the accountability of religious bodies & political parties in in
india ?
Inspite of bringing specific cases to the notice
of authorities , they are mum ? hereby , E-VOICE OF HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH
offers it's services ( subject to conditions ) to the governments of
india & karnataka , in apprehending the criminals – tax evaders. Are
you ready?
MEGA FRAUD BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA – Rs 85 000 crore tax arrears waiver + non performing assets of banks to the tune of Rs. 200 000 crore
- An appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India
India has become an IT power , taken giant strides in the field of
science & technology. More & more MNCs are investing in India. However
due to our skewed , corrupt economic system , lack of accountability
on the part of corporates & public servants – a wide chasm has been
created between the ultra rich & the poor , the fruits of development
has all been usurped by the rich & mighty. This is the basic reason
for growth of black economy , growth of naxalism , terrorism &
underworld in India. As per a recent study by UN organization ,
majority of Indians ie more than 50 crore Indians are barely
sustaining on Rs.13 per day earnings , a whole family depends upon Rs.
13 , they are struggling to get just single meal per day. People are
starving to death , farmers are committing suicides , people are
selling their own children for a bag of grains. Whereas , corporate
biggies , public servants are leading luxurious lifestyles , having
big parties full of drinks , non-veg foods not at their papaa's
expense but at the expense of public exchequer , out of the tax dues ,
loan repayments cheated to the public exchequer.
The banks insist on matching collateral security even for self
employment / educational loans by poor for an amount of Rs.5000. if
the loans are not paid in time , rowdies / recovery agents are sent by
banks to collect the amount by muscle power. As a final step , banks
auction-off properties of collateral security to recover it's dues.
Even, the tax authorities mercilessly extract tax dues to the last
penny from the middle class.
The same banks, overestimate the project cost of corporates ,
overestimate the project feasibility & it's worth and coolly extend
hundreds of crores of rupees loans without matching collateral
security. The banks extend overdraft facilities without matching
collateral securities , to these corporates. When loans are not
repaid, no rowdies are sent by banks. The promoters , directors of
such tainted corporates drain – off the companies resources cunningly
through insider trading , finally making the company sick. Such
companies don't pay taxes , electricity bills , water bills , etc
properly to respective authorities. The authorities are deaf , dumb &
blind to all these actions of such corporates. At the end , banks
write-off such loans as non performing assets (NPA) & file case before
courts for recovery of dues. Even if the properties of collateral
security are auctioned-off dues cann't be fully realized. Finally
TO HONEST CORPORATES. How to stop this ? by making corporate
accountability ,accountability of bank , tax officials more stringent
with penal provisions . afterall , they are playing with public money
not their papa's property.
Already , by the connivance of public servants , bank , tax officials
we have witnessed many scams like harshad Mehta , ketan parekh ,
hawala , etc and more than Rs. 2000000 crore NPAs are on the books of
the banks. Now, the government of India is planning to waive-off tax
arrears of corporates to the tune of Rs.85000 crore , why ? read
vijaya Karnataka kannada daily dated 04th January 2007. just look at
this in the backdrop of "QUESTIONS FOR MONEY BY SOME MPs" and "MP
government is always unresponsive , careless towards the sufferings
of poor , however it is always on toes to help out corporates that too
criminal ones but not honest corporates. Why ?
HRW has extended it's services to GOI months back itself , to
apprehend tax thieves , till date there is no reply from GOI , why ?
Hereby , E-VOICE OF HRW requests the Honourable Supreme Court of India
to order GOI ,
1. to make necessary amendments to companies act , to make the
promoters , directors of the corporates personally accountable for all
their actions.
2. to constitute committees consisting of public persons with powers
to scrutinize & verify all the actions of corporates for insider
trading like – selling products , materials , shares to their sister
concerns at discounted prices or buying products , materials ,
shares from their sister concerns at inflated prices or lending loans
at discount rates to their sister concerns or taking loans from their
sister concerns at high rate of interest or loaning materials ,
machines to their sister concerns , etc.
3. to constitute committees consisting of public persons , to
scrutinize & verify the annual personal tax returns filed by key bank
officials & tax officials , who have amassed riches & leading
luxurious life styles much beyond the scope of their legal known
sources of income.
4. to recover all tax dues , loan dues , etc from the corporates from
the personal properties , wealth of promoters , directors of such
5. to put behind bar the key bank officials who have helped the
corporates in swindling public money by overestimating project
viability , worth and by overlooking the insider trading of promoters
and still extending loans to them.
6. to put behind bars tax officials who have helped such corporates
in swindling public money.
7. to take all the necessary help from public like as services
extended by HRW in apprehending tax thieves.
8. to recover & protect public money at any cost.
9. to confiscate all money , properties possessed by directors of such
criminal corporates & properties of corrupt bank , tax officials ,
public servants.
10. to declare illegal black money kept by corporate criminals ,
politicians , etc in the banks of tax haven countries like Trinidad ,
Mauritius , Switzerland , etc as national property of India , as
public property of government of India & to secure that money to
Indian exchequer.
QUESTIONS FOR MONEY – PARLIAMENTARY ACTS & LEGISLATIONS FOR ???? - improper functioning of democracy in india
the vohra committee report has proved the criminalisation of
politics in india. There are many number of criminals in the
parliament & state legislatures. Some of those criminals are cabinet
ministers as well as members of vital parliamentary committees.
Thereby, they are in a position to manipulate , enact laws favouring ,
benefitting the criminals their cronies.
Just see how the GOI gave export incentive of Rs.1800 crore to
reliance petroleum although it didn't even export a barrel. Reliance
infocom & tata teleservices were CDMA mobile service providers & have
paid license fee of few crores only equal to landline fees without any
competitive bidding . They were supposed to provide mobile service to
operate like fixed phones within a radius of 40k.m. however they were
providing service like mobile service from one state to another like
GSM mobile service providers. By this act of RIC & TTSL , the GSM
providers who have paid thousands of license fee in competitive
bidding were economically hurt , the dispute went to court. The court
was on the verge of pronouncing it's verdict awarding damages worth Rs.
18000 crore to GSM players & Rs. 3000 crore of license fees with
penalty to GOI. The government announced a unified telecom license
regime with retrospective effect. Thereby, the GOI lost thousands of
crores of rupees & the share holders of GSM players lost thousands of
crores. Onceagain the RIC was charged by PSU bsnl THAT RELIANCE IS RE-
time too, GOI bailed it out. during the dispute between ambani
brothers the younger ambani mr. Anil ambani director of reliance
himself has stated that for the favours received from the GOI , the
company gifted some shares to then IT & COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER mr.
Pramod mahajan.
Various indian & multinational companies are looting indian
exchequer to the tune of thousands of crores of rupees , through
lobbying / bribing. Take the recent case of allotment of 3G spectrum.
In india, indirect democracy is the form of governance. In this
form, people's representatives are bound to raise the questions ,
issues concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor of
the house. However the sad part in india even after 58 years of
democracy , is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a
gentleman's white collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's
group , creating a corpus to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision
The people's representatives are bound to represent their people
first , then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this
sorry state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy &
rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super
brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs
is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are
the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.
- An appeal to honourable prime minister of india & honourable chief
minister of karnataka
In india , since ages certain section of people – dalits , tribals are
being oppressed in the name of caste by forward caste people. The name
sake independence has not changed the lives of dalits & tribals. The
upper caste people were in control of government & economic sector
before independence as well as after independence too. The upper caste
people are now MPs , MLAs & are running businesses . they have framed
rules , laws to suit their ends. They are getting bank loans ,
subsidies , tax cuts , etc , by greasing the palms of those in power –
their own caste men. The reservation policy is just a vote winning
gimmick of forward caste politicians , it is neo divide & rule policy.
Only few dalits with money & contacts have benefitted , by the
reservation policy of government. Majority of them are still
sufferring from utter poverty & social oppression.
Now, due to rapid industrialisation & globalisation a new economic
divide has taken place – rich & poor , haves & have nots. Now,
economically poor are also being oppressed along with dalits. The
forward caste people in government have framed laws to suit their
ends , they have provided concessional priority loans , tax cuts ,
subsidies , etc from the government to corporate sector . The
corporate sector has demanded & got monetary benefits , infrastructure
facilities from the government . however the same corporates , MNCs
are violating statuotary laws & are averse to social welfare measures
of the government . they are averse to provide jobs to dalits ,
tribals & poor , why ? these corporates are bribing the labour , tax
department & other government officials . as a result the government
is loosing tax revenues to the tune of thousands of crores every
year , the government doesn't have money to provide social welfare
measures to common people. The lives of common people are under
threat. Now,
the number of common people dying due to starvation , lack of health
care is more than in a war field. The threat to unity & integrity of
india is more from the corporate sector than pakistan or china.
Now, the government of india & other state governments are literally
under corporate control. we have brought to the notice of government
cases of statuotary law violations by various corporate entities ,
till date no action has been taken. Why ? hereby , we once again
offers it's conditional services to the government of india &
karnataka in apprehending corporate criminals , corrupt tax , labour ,
pollution control board offricials. Are you ready sir ????
Black money in foreign banks amounts to plunder of nation: Supreme Court
Indian Vs Chief Justice of India & Others
Complainant : Nagaraj M. R
Accused : Shri . S.H. Kapadia Honourable Chief Justice of India (Accused persons in official capacities not at individual capacities) & Others

Nagaraj .M. R.
Editor , S.O.S e-Clarion of Dalit & S.O.S e-Voice for Justice,
# LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO First Stage, Laxmikantanagar,
Hebbal , Mysore . PIN-570017 Cell – 09341820313
To ,
Shri. Sunil Thomas ,
Honourable Registrar (Administration) / RTI Appellate Authority ,
Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi.
Honourable Sir / Madam ,
Subject : APPEAL No.300/2010
Reference : Your Letter No.F.1/RTI/A.300/2010 dated 30.07.2010
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to the honest few public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve respect as individuals – as they are parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.
All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE” mentioned throught includes all public servants discharging judicial functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.
Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise their voice seeking justice are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be responsible for it.
Hereby, we do once again offer our conditional services to the honourable supreme court of India & other government authorities, in apprehending criminals including corrupt judges & police. Herewith , we once again appeal to the honourable supreme court of India , to consider this as a PIL Appeal in public interest.
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot- free under his patronage. even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved. just think , if a judge himself that too of apex court of the land itself commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ? it gives a booster dose to the rich & mighty , those in power , criminals in public service to committ more crimes. that is exactly what is happenning in india. the educated public must raise to the occassion & peacefully , democratically must oppose this criminalisation of judiciary , public service. then alone , we can build a RAM RAJYA OF MAHATMA GANDHI'S DREAM.
Kindly go through the following articles & provide justice by giving complete truthful information to us , by publicly answering the following questionnaire in an unambiguous manner.
The constitution of India has prescribed certain FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES to each citizens of India. It is the duty of every citizen to protect & uphold the dignity , honour of our democratic institutions , to
protect our national integrity , to respect & protect the rights of our fellow citizens. No constitutional authority has the right to obstruct the discharge of these duties by citizens of India. No legal privileges of constitutional functionaries is superior over the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES OF CITIZEN'S OF INDIA.
We need rights to perform our duties. Constitution of India has guaranteed those rights as FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS to all citizens of India & by birth itself everyone of us has secured HUMAN RIGHTS as individuals. To express ourselves , we need information , data feed back , to ascertain whether we are getting equal opportunity , whether we are getting equitable justice , etc , we need information . so ,
basically Right To Information is an inalienable part of our fundamental rights & human rights. What RTI Act has done is fixed time limit , responsibilities of public servants up to certain extent. However the citizen's fundamental right & human right to seek information extends far beyond the scope of RTI Act.
Hereby , we seek complete truthful information from supreme court of India , with respect to my RTI application appeal no : APPEAL NO. 300/2010 .. HEREBY , WE ARE ONLY SEEKING ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVANTS IN PUBLIC INTEREST & JUSTICE. Hereby , we request you to register this appeal as a PIL petition & to ascertain the stand of apex court on various matters raised in my RTI Application , in public interest & equitable justice. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Your's sincerely,
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
Indian Vs Chief Justice of India & Others
Complainant : Nagaraj M. R
Accused : Shri . S.H. Kapadia Honourable Chief Justice of India (Accused persons in official capacities not at individual capacities) & Others

Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,Bangalore.
Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,Mysore.
Honourable Sir,
Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants
Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my complaint to them dated 04.07.2009
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth.
However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread.In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation , fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta.
Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry eventhough the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , people's last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.
our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before hon'ble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS.
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking india's defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering
our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence.
Date : 18.01.2011 your's sincerely,
Place : Mysore nagaraj.m.r.
SHAME SHAME to Corrupt Judges , Corrupt Police & Corrupt Public Servants - Indian Judicial / Legal System For Sale
The Corrupt Among Public Servants are making futile , all the sacrifices made by our forefathers , freedom fighters in securing independence from british occupiers .
Threat to India’s Independence , Freedom , National Unity & Integrity is from Corrupt Police , Corrupt Judges & Corrupt Public Servants. SHAME to those corrupt police , judges & public servants.
Recently we have seen media reports about 2G spetrum scam , land mafia , mining mafia , how a law maker of the land Home Minister of Gujarath state government himself was the master mind involved in the conspiracy of fake encounter eliminating sohrabuddin . We have also seen how senior police officers extorted money from businessmen & others by foisting false cases .
We have also seen media reports about the ROWDY BEHAVIOUR of some people’s representatives in legislative assemblies & parliament in the past & recently. The members of the house , people’s representatives themselves are making contempt of the house. These MPs , MLAs other then hiking their own salaries & perks , must first learn class room discipline punctuality , attendance , home work preparation , etc from PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS . IT IS THE URGENT NEED OF THE HOUR .
We have also stated with relevant media reports how match fixing is done in our Indian Legal System from the stage of FIR filing , planting witneses , silencing witnesses , judgement fixing , torture in jail , etc . read articles at following websites
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/shame-shame---indian-legal-system-for-sale ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/cross-exam-of-chief-justice-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/deal-deal-mega-deals-in-supreme-court-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/bhopal-gas-verdict-fixed-years-earlier ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/shame-shame-to-supreme-court-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/is-the-supreme-court-of-india-deaf-dumb-blind ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/show-cause-notice-to-chief-justice-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/narco-analysis-polygraph---right-or-wrong ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/match-fixing-in-cricket-ipl-police-judiciary-government-in-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/writ-of-mandamus-to-cji-others ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/aeroplane-rides-for-corrupt-police-corrupt-judges ,
When everybody else does the mistake , wrong doing , indulges in corruption , judiciary alone must be pure like virgin to punish & guide the wrong doers. Now , the apex court of the land & the highest judicial officer of the land , the conscience keeper , protector of rights , Constitutional guardian of the land – The Honourable Chief Justice of India himself Has been found guilty . SHAME SHAME.
Nowadays , we are seeing criminalization of politics , judiciary & police. The rowdy elements have become MLAs & MPs & frequestly indulge in fisticuffs , vulgar abuses in the precincts of the house itself . These rowdy elements take money for asking questions in the parliament , to vote for bills & for a price pass legislations favouring lobbies of rich crooks. The police frame , torture innocents & let out rich crooks for a price . For a price police destroy evidences , records and create fake records , evidences. Finally there are judges who issue arrest warrants , give bail , give acquittal & pass favourable judgements ALL FOR A PRICE . SHAME SHAME . These corrupt judges , police , MPs , MLAs each take salary & perks far exceeding lakhs per annum , but serve rich crooks instead of Indian Public. These corrupt are parasites & deadlier , state enemies than naxalites , terrorists. Democracy in our country , our hard won national independence is endangered by these parasites , corrupt judges , police & people’s representatives only. These parasites themselves are responsible for origin & growth of naxalism / terrorism in india .
Hereby , we DEMAND the Honourable Chief Justice of India to answer the following questions in public interest , for national security , for National unity & integrity.
INDIA: Judicial transparency is not an act of charity
The Indian judiciary is once again in the news and this time too it is for appalling reasons. The national and regional media have been reporting in the past two weeks regarding the disproportionate wealth between the declared and known incomes, of some of the close relatives of the former Chief Justice of India, Justice K. G. Balakrishnan. The reports allege that this wealth was amassed in the past four years, during which Justice Balakrishnan served as the Chief Justice of the country. The fact that the persons suspected of corruption are the family members of the former Chief Justice and that the former judge is the current Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) does not make matters easy for the former judge. On the contrary, it casts a duty upon him to explain why his name or that of the institution he once led and the one he now chairs should not be dragged into a scandal.
During the past fifteen years, the country's judiciary has been embroiled in one controversy after another, all involving allegations of corruption and nepotism of some of the senior judges in the country. It is not a matter of mere unpleasant coincidence that some of the suspected judges have served as Chief Justices, but on the contrary it exposes the built-in defects of the Indian justice institutions, a fact that lawyers, a former law minister, experienced journalists and many of the former senior judges in the country equally agree upon. There is a petition, pending before the Supreme Court, on the question of allegations of corruption against former Chief Justices of India. It is unfortunate that this petition is in the form of a contempt of court proceeding against two Senior Lawyers, Mr. Prashant Bushan and Mr. Santhi Bushan, for their attempt to bring the long overdue transparency and accountability into the judiciary, particularly within the higher judiciary.
During Justice Balakrishnan's tenure as the 37th Chief Justice of India, he did not help much in dissipating the cloud of suspicion that has encircled the Indian judiciary and thus establishing the integrity of the institution that he was asked to lead. In his capacity as the Chief Justice, Justice Balakrishnan became infamous for his unyielding attitude of refusing the operation of the Right to Information Act, 2005 upon the higher judiciary. Though he later succumbed to equally uncompromising public sentiments and let willing judges, who were in the majority, to disclose their assets, but by then he had done further damage to the already bruised image of the institution.
Justice Balakrishnan was in the centre of yet another controversy during his tenure as the Chief Justice and as the head of the Supreme Court Collegium for the appointment of judges, when he showed undue haste for the promotion of a High Court judge to the Supreme Court, despite allegations of wide ranging corruption against the judge who was recommended to be promoted. The President of India declined to accept the Collegium's recommendation for promotion of the judge. Justice Balakrishnan's subsequent acquiesce for the Central Bureau of Investigation to investigate allegations of corruption against High Court judges did nothing to restore the already lost public confidence.
Given the fact that the allegations against the former judge's family are based on substantial proof and that the suspected corruption happened during the tenure of Justice Balakrishnan as the Chief Justice of India, one cannot complain that the reports have brought further adverse public perception upon the office of the Chief Justice. The nature of the allegations and the institutions involved are such that the Chairperson of the NHRC cannot shrug it off by mere denial.
What is at stake here is more than an individual or his family affairs. What is being debated in public is not about who made what money during which time. The debate concerns the trustworthiness of the country's supreme justice institutions and the general agony about these institutions, the Supreme Court in particular, is rooted in the reality that these institutions are highly susceptible to misuse. In the absence of any mechanism or process that is transparent enough to meet the standards of the modern democratic country that Indians believe they live in, mere adherence to a logic of the medieval ages that 'we are knowledgeable and reasonable enough to correct ourselves' is not enough to ensure basic norms of transparency within the judiciary. The public anger in India today is against those who pose hindrances for bringing transparency and accountability in public service and into institutions that the ordinary person depends upon as the last resort in his pursuit for justice. It is the very essence of the ability of the country's democratic institutions, and thus that of the country itself, that has been challenged.
In a separate vein, Justice Balakrishnan is also considered as the embodiment of Dalit liberation in India. It is thus equally the responsibility of the Dalit movement, in India and abroad, to ensure that the allegations against the first Dalit Chief Justice will not be used against the Dalit movement in the country.
In the present environment one cannot find fault with those who have started believing that the country's judiciary gives tacit approval to corruption and nepotism in favour of those who wield power. The comments that refer to the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau's investigation recommended by the Chief Minister of Kerala against one of the relatives of the former Chief Justice as a farce, also cannot be taken lightly.
In the mêlée of these allegations, suspicions and counter allegations what is at stake is the public trust of two important national institutions, the Supreme Court of India and along with it the entire judiciary, and the NHRC. Many have demanded Justice Balakrishnan's resignation from the post of the Chairperson at the NHRC. To save the institutions from further moral damage, it is not enough that those who are accused of corruption are simply allowed to resign. Now that a formal complaint has been made against the former judge, the allegations must be investigated. And, if the investigation leads to the discovery of a crime, it must be prosecuted. The positions that the person held or holds must not be a hindrance in the course of justice. It however makes sense for Justice Balakrishnan to resign from the position of the Chairperson at the NHRC to ensure that all investigations into the allegations are conducted impartially.
The fact that the judge facing the accusation is currently the Chairperson of the NHRC has also implications for India in international forums like the United Nations. At the moment, the NHRC has an 'A' status as assessed and reviewed by the Sub Committee on Accreditation (SCA) of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) at the UN. The case of the NHRC of Sri Lanka is proof to the fact that this status is not permanent and it could be degraded, an event that could cause international embarrassment to India.
The report of the UN Secretary General dated 15 January 2010 (A/HRC/13/44) to the General Assembly enumerates a series of programmes the UN and its allied organisations have implemented in cooperation with the NHRC in India. The NHRC is also an implementing entity for programmes sponsored by the UN, not only in India, but also in other countries as a consultant. The fact that such an NHRC has a Chairperson with a tainted image would not be a light burden for the government. In other words, the Chairperson of the NHRC cannot just sit idle and merely deny allegations but must do everything legally and ethically possible at his disposal to clear the name of the institution that he leads from the scandal.
It is trite to argue that the judges, irrespective of their stature and the jurisdiction they entertain, are holding public offices. Being a judge does not shield a person or the office the person holds from the constitutional, as well as commonsense requirement, to be transparent and accountable to the public. There is no justice that could be upheld beyond being honest to the people who entrust them the job, and the constitutional obligation that they have sworn to protect, promote and fulfil. In the same vein, there is no greater injustice than the resentment or reluctance to be transparent and constitutionally accountable while holding such offices and even worse to use the same constitution that entrusts them to do a public service as an excuse to prevent transparency and accountability while holding such an office. Perhaps it is also a rude reminder to the country that it is too late to re-examine the institutional structure of the Indian judiciary itself. It is time to stop the muffled and reined discussion on the subject and open it up for a larger debate, inviting everyone who is concerned about the integrity of the country's judiciary to participate and suggest means by which the lost confidence in the justice system of the country can be salvaged from the abyss into which it is plummeting rapidly.
Allowing for transparency and accountability on those terms is thus not an act of charity that anyone who holds a public office can deny at will. They form the cornerstones upon which a democratic state is built and the dream of every Indian is woven. Thus, destroying it would be worse than betraying the country.
All the people behind the bars are not criminals , all the people arrested by police are not criminals. The judgements & pronouncements of judges are not sacrosanct , THE FINAL TRUTH . The judges & police are not gods , they are also human beings like you & me PRONE TO ERR . Some of those judges , police in their greed for more money become corrupt , misuse their office letting out rich criminals , fixing innocents & sending innocents to gallows.
In many ways powers that be are trying to silence me – voice seeking truth , justice . The powers that be are using the services of criminals & ISP internet service
providers , to hack my website , e-mail account & to block the public from
reading our newspaper . our website links are not at all opening. TRUTH CANN'T
After 63 years of india's independence the lives of commoners is far worse than under britishers. The benefits of independence has reached only few , thus creating islands of few ultra rich people surrounded by vast sea of utterly poor. The rich people in nexus with those in power , are getting favourable laws enacted to suit their ends. Those in power are shamelessly enjoying 5-star luxuries all at tax payer's expense , while more then 50 million are starving to death.
The criminalization of politics , executive & judiciary is almost complete. The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , there is corruption from womb to tomb ,from maternity hospital to grave yard. The injustices meated out , the atrocities perpetrated by by public servants are worse than britishers.
Ideally in a democracy, the legal recourse of grievance redressal / justice , when a commoner suffers injustice he can appeal to respective government official or police for justice , still if doesn't get justice he can appeal to court of law , further the aggrieved can get the appropriate law enacted through his M.P / M.L.A. The sad part in India is no public servant is neither aware of the value of our hard won independence or the working of democracy.
When all the legal recourses to justice fail to respond , to provide justice to the aggrieved , when corrupt judges-police-politician-public servants act as a criminal nexus & block justice delivery, the commoner has only 2 options , either to suffer in silence or to take law into his own hands & get justice on his own.
Take for instance Bombay riots case several VVIPs – cabinet ministers , police were found to be guilty of torture , murders of innocents by justice sri Krishna enquiry commission. The government is sitting over enquiry commission report. The court is not taking suo-motto action in public interests a result , the guilty ministers & police who are fit cases for death sentences are roaming free & commiting more crimes , anti-national activities.
In some cases , involving the rich &mighty ,higher police officials , the cover-up begins right from start ie FIR Registration. Police conduct name sake enquiry , investigation, suppress evidences , witnesses , destroy some of them , the prosecution takes a favourable stand putting up weak arguments. Naturally, the guilty official , minister is acquitted by court for lack of evidences. So, the guilty who should have been rightfully put behind bars , hanged goes scot-free , to commit more crimes , more anti-national activities.
In such cases , if the suffering public give the legal punishment to the guilty , which should have been given by the court but failed. Are not such acts of public, to uphold law & dignity , national security right & patriotic ? if any body terms it as crime , that means guilty VVIPs , police , public servants should be left unpunished allowing them to commit more crimes , anti-national activities. Is that right from national security angle ? is it equality before law & equitable justice ?
Do remember that our freedom fighters ,martyrs ,sri.kudiram bose ,subhash Chandra bose , bhagath singh , veer savarkar others who took violent path of independence struggle & killed inhuman british officers, police & judges have contributed valuably ,immensely to our freedom struggle. One of the main causes of origin of naxalism ,separatist movements is the rampant corruption & unaccountability of public servants in India.
In this back drop , in India anarchy is not far away. The days of suffering public ,killing their tormentors corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt tax officials ,etc is not far away. No police security , no SPG cover can protect those corrupt , as police & SPG personnel work for pay , perks and will be on the wrong side of law – protecting criminals. The suffering public fighting for their survival , on the right side of natural justice , protecting the nation.
If the authorities term this act as illegal , crime then are the acts of corrupt public servants legal ? is the cover-up of such corrupt acts by police , vigilance officials & some judges by mis quoting /misinterpreting , misusing law is right , legal ? the GOI has created , funded , supported , given training , arms & ammunition to various terrorist outfits like LTTE , MUKTHI BAHINI ,MQM in foreign countries , resulting in destruction , mass murders of innocents there . In india itself in assam , Kashmir , the GOI has created counter terrorist outfits to reduce the reach of terrorist groups. The bihar , jharkhand , chattisgarh state governments have created armed gangs SALWA JUDUM to counter naxal outfits , are all these acts of government right , legal ? the days of dogs death for corrupt is quite nearby. it is high time , to the corrupt to reform , repent themselves.
In our own experience, e-voice didn't get justice from authorities in many cases of injustices brought before it , most shameful fact even supreme court of India failed to register PILs , even shameful supreme court of India even failed to give information as per RTI Act , utterly shameful supreme court of India failed to protect the fundamental rights of editor of e-voice & obstructed him from performing his fundamental duties. Still, e-voice believes in peace , democratic practices. E-voice firmly believes that violence should not be practiced by anybody – neither state nor public.
Hereby, e-voice urges the corrupt public servants to mend their ways , to uphold law & dignity of democratic institutions. Atrocities , violence , corruption breeds more violence , invites dog's death. Peace ,truth , honesty is the harbinger of prosperous democratic nation. Greetings to all my Indian brothers & sisters on the occasion of 61st Republic Day celebrations, let us build a true democratic India , free of corrupt public servants.
Kashmiri militants claim they are fighting for kashmiris, when the very same kashmiris were suffering from loses due to earthquake why didn't the so-called jihadis didn't make any relief efforts? Why didn't their foreign master – Pakistan didn't make any relief efforts? Within the Pak Occupied Kashmir ( POK ) itself, Pakistan didn't make appropriate
Whether it is in india or else where , democratic system is best form of governance. The people in those countries suffer due to corrupt public servants . in all such cases , the legal , non violent fight must be against the corrupt people , corrupt police , corrupt judges , CORRUPT public servants but not against the system itself.
Hereby , we do request the Honourable Supreme court of India , to conduct a thorough enquiry by a third party not belonging to Andhra Pradesh , to find the truth & give justice to the aggrieved.
They do sign numerous agreements, only favouring MNC. When tragedies
occur or when they cheat Indian banks/ investors, it is Indians who
suffer. The ministers & bureaucrats thinks themselves as wizards and
enters into agreements with MNCs, industrialists in a hush-hush
manner, with vast scope for possible corruption. Is it not the duty of
government to be transparent ?
Read more: IB confirms Mysore sex scandal - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bangalore/IB-confirms-Mysore-sex-scandal/articleshow/29801662.cms#ixzz1B7PtvFdU
Edited, printed , published owned by NAGARAJ.M.R. @ #LIG-2 / 761,HUDCO FIRST STAGE ,OPP WATERWORKS , LAXMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL ,MYSORE - 570017 INDIA … cell :09341820313 home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw ,
http://groups.google.co.in/group/hrwepaper/ ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/ ,
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com/ ,
http://indiapolicelaw.blogspot.com/ ,
http://naghrw.tripod.com/evoice/ ,
http://e-voiceofhumanrightswatch.blogspot.com ,
contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com
Spreading the light of humanity & freedom
Editor: Nagaraj.M.R.. Vol.07..Issue.17........23/04/2011
Visit : Criminal Judges Police & RTI
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“There is a higher court than the court of justice and that is the court of conscience It supercedes all other courts. ”
- Mahatma Gandhi
RTI & Hidden Secrets - An Appeal to VVIP Public Servants
Your Excellency ,
Hereby I do request you to provide me information & justice at the earliest . I have already sent RTI request dt 19.03.2011 through e-mail to your kindself. The requisite fees has been sent through snail mail . Consider this application as a PIL Appeal . Full text of our RTI application has been reproduced below. Full text of our RTI application is available at following web pages ;
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/rti---mother-of-all-appeals ,
DARPG registration nos for this RTI appeal is as under :
H.E.Honorable President of India
DCOYA/E/2011/00068 & DLGLA/E/2011/00035
H.E.Honorable Chief Justice of India
DLGLA/E/2011/00036 & MINIT/E/2011/00070
H.E.Honorable Union Home Minister , GOI
DATOM/E/2011/00028 & DLGLA/E/2011/00037
H.E.Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI
MINPA/E/2011/00027 & DBIOT/E/2011/00008
H.E.Honorable Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI
DOCOM/E/2011/00049 & DEPOJ/E/2011/00085
H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , GOK
DARPG/E/2011/02146 & DODWS/E/2011/00034
H.E.Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , GOK
DOEXP/E/2011/00020 & GOVKN/E/2011/00143
H.E.Honorable DG & IG of Police , GOK
LGVED/E/2011/00007 & DOFPD/E/2011/00024
Thanking You.
Date : 20.03.2011……………………..Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore…………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
Hereby , we do request PIO O/O Honourable Chief Justice of India , PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , PIOs of Karnataka Raj Bhawan , Karnataka CMO , Union Home Ministry GOI and DG & IG of Police of Government of Karnataka to answer the following questions in public interest , for safeguarding national security , National unity & integrity & to legally apprehend anti-nationals , criminals within the judiciary & police.
Main A :
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to all constitutional institutions & to the honest few in public service. Contempt of constitutional institutions , citizens of India is being made by the corrupt persons in constitutional positions themselves. This is an appeal to the honest few in public service , constitutional positions , to bring their corrupt colleagues to book.
- does the action of MPs , MLAs taking money / receiving favors from vested interests , to formulate policy decisions , to raise questions in parliament / legislative bodies or to abstain from voting legal ?
- why transparent , fair investigation is not done in such cases ?
- just remember , the vulgar acts of Mr.Bora Babu Singh in state legislature & how some MLAs vulgarly behaved with Ms.Jayalalita in state legislature , years ago. Are these type of vulgar actions by MPs & MLAs legal ? does not these constitute contempt of the house by MPs & MLAs themselves ?
- all the people’s representatives from panchayath member to president of India must read ABCD Of Democracy provide along with.since independence of India till date , MPs & MLAs are forcing projects on people against the wishes of people , formulating policies against the wishes of people. Are not such projects , government policies & Laws , undemocratic & illegal ?
- is the election commission of India verifying the authenticity of affidavits submitted by electoral candidates ?
- how many candidates have been caught so far for giving false affidavits ? are all the violators prosecuted?
- are the MPs , MLAs submitting their wealth details on affidavits yearly to vigilance authorities ? defaulters , violators how many ?
- what legal action taken against violators , defaulters , for giving false affidavits ?
- who is checking the authenticity of those affidavits submitted by MPs , MLAs ?
- the agricultural incomes of some MPs , MLAs , their kih & kin raises even during the time of severe drought , floods , fall in prices of agricultural products , their companies register increase in turnover / profits even during recession , the trusts / NGOs set up by them receive huge donations. Are all these income legal ?
Main B :
- we do once again offer our conditional services to the government of india , all state governments & supreme court of india , in apprehending tax evaders , land grabbers , corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt public servants , labor law violators , etc. whom the the government officials , vigilance authorities have failed to apprehend. Why the authorities , courts , supreme court of India , are not ready to utilize our service ? are they afraid of being caught ?
- the public servants , courts theselves are delaying giving information / records to us in many cases. So in the issues / cases raised by us , the clause of time bar doe not apply. Are these delaying tactics of public servants , courts legal ?
- why no proper , timely action was not taken based on numerous police complaints made by us ?
- why DG & IGP , Government of Karnataka , has not made any efforts to seek legal sanction for prosecution of VVIPs ( mentioned in our complaint ) , from union & state home ministries ?
- the criminal nexus is trying to silence me in many ways , but the supreme court of India & national human rights commission has failed to undo the injustices , why ? is it because it is not a high profile case ? is it because it is not hi-fi , does not get image ratings , TRPs ?
- the public servants are aiding underworld , naxalites & terrorists , by their delaying tactics & denial of information , records. What action has been taken against such anti-national elements in public service ?
- how many complaints are made by Nagaraj .M.R. , Human Rights Activist , Mysore (editor of SOS e-clarion of dalit & SOS e-voice for justice) to Karnataka police , to national human rights commission to supreme court of India till date ? what action taken with respect to each complaint ?
- the delay in taking action by public servants with respect to following cases has resulted in more crimes , destruction / manipulation of evidences , records and more injustices to commonman. Why the authorities did not take timely action against criminals in following cases ?
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
ACCUSED Chief Justice of India
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
Persecuted IROM SHARMILA of Puttaparthi AP – pushpa kolasani on hunger strike in anantapur district jail Andhra Pradesh
- how many judges are caught by authorities for doing improper , immoral & illegal acts , since independence till date ? what action taken in each case ?
- what action taken against copy cat judges caught red handed while copying in public examination in Andhra Pradesh ?
- have you reviewed all the previous judicial decisions taken by such judges of doubtful integrity & honesty ?
- is it not the duty of government & supreme court of India , to protect the fundamental rights & human rights of all Indian citizens ?
- why the government & supreme court of India has failed to protect the fundamental rights & human rights of me & those mentioned in my complaint ?
- how many former CJIs , supreme court & high court judges have disproportionate wealth ?
- Your denial of information to my previous RTI requests amounts to suppression of evidence , hiding crimes , what action against erring public servants ?
- why my previous RTI requests or part there of was not transferred to appropriate authorities and information given to me in a consolidated form ?
Main C :
Q1. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who murder people in in lock-up / fake encounters ?
Q2. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who apply 3rd degree torture on prisoners ?
Q3. Why not death sentence to corrupt police , who connive with criminals & backstabs our motherland , it's national security ?
Q4. Don't the police have suo-motto powers to take action in the interest of public welfare , law & order ?
Q5. Daily we see numerous reports of misdeeds by police , public servants , industrialists , etc in the media . Then why not police taking any action with respect to them ?
Q6. nowadays we see numerous reports of scams , scandals by constitutional functionaries , public servants in the media. Instead of wasting money , killing time by prolonging formation of parliamentary committees , judicial commissions , why not subject those accussed public servants to narco analysis , lie deector test , etc to ascertain truth & provide timely justice ?
Q7. If a commonman files a complaint , police / courts wants evidences , witnesses to take action against the rich & mighty crooks. Where as if a rich person just gives a complaint against a poor chap , he is arrested , tortured eventhough there are no evidences , witnesses. Why this double standard ?
Q8. If a poor chap tries to collect evidences as per his fundamental rights or as per RTI ACT , the public servants don't give full , truthfull information. Still , police / courts don't take action against those public servants hiding crimes. Why ?
Q9.why I was not permitted to appear as an "amicus curie" before jain commission of enquiry or supreme court of india probing late prime minister rajiv Gandhi assassination case ?
Q10. The criminal nexus tried to silence me , by closing my news paper , by snatching away my job oppurtunities in government service, by physically assaulting me , by threatening me of false fix-ups in cases & by attempts to murder me. But no action against culprits , why ?
Q11. Whereas , I was enquired number of times by police & intelligence personnel about this case , but the culprits were not enquired even once , why ?
Q12.who compensates the losses I have suffered due to these injustices ? are not police responsible for it ?
Q13. Is it not the duty of police to protect the lives , livelihood of witnesses & all parties involved , both during case & afterwards ?
Q14. How do you monitor & check corrupt police personnel & increase in their family's wealth year after year ?
Q15. While getting appointed into government service from the rank of peon to IAS officer , police verification is mandatory. While appointing to sensitive defense establishments , research institutes in addition to police verification , central intelligence agencies cross-check candidate's background. However is there no background checks of constitutional functionaries , MPs , MLAs , , who are privy to national secrets ? why ?
Q16. Recently , the opposition parties have made allegations during presidential allegations that close relative of one of the front running candidates have swindled public money by their bank , misused public money through one of their NGO. Is it true ?
Q17.has GOI funded any terrorist outfits in india or abroad ?
Q18.india preaches non-violence , panchasheel principles to the world. In india , more than half the population are poor , people are starving to death. Inspite these background , GOI funded & aided terrorist outfits in former east Pakistan ensuring the creation of Bangladesh , GOI has funded & aided terrorist outfits like LTTE , TULF , ETC in srilanka , MQM in Pakistan. In turn these terrorist outfits have murdered thousands of innocents in those countries. Are these acts of GOI just & legal ? Is not GOI responsible for all those murders of innocents ? has GOI paid any compensation to those victims or their family mebers ? why not ?
Q19.within india , to reduce the influence of certain terrorist groups , GOI has funded & aided couter terrorist groups , is it right & legal ?
Q20. In Jharkhand , chattisgarh , etc , the government has armed , trained & funded "salwa judum" to counter naxalites. Salwa judum cadres are terrorizing innocents just like naxalites. Is this action of government just & legal ?
Q21.in india, TADA , POTA is being rampantly misused by police. Even where there are no problems of terrorism , TADA / POTA is being slapped against innocents , even children. In M.M.Hills of Karnataka state , STF personnel charged tribal people with TADA on frivolous charges of taking lunch to veerappan , stiching dress for the forest brigand, etc. where as the prominent political, film , sports personalities who have links with underworld , anti national elements & attended parties hosted by dawood Ibrahim , other dons in gulf countries , else where. But these hi-fi people are not charged with TADA / POTA ? why ?
Q22. Film actor sanjay dutt had contacts with underworld & fully knowing well the criminal objectives of criminals , hid the dangerous arms & ammunition in his home , which were intended for terrorizing public. However mr.dutt is not charged with TADA / POTA instead he is charged with illegal possession of arms act ( which is normally applied to farmers who use illegal home made guns to scare away animals , birds in their farms ). Why this favourable treatment of mr.dutt by police ? prosecution ? is this because dutt is politically mighty & rich ?
Q23. Law is one & same for all , the public servants, police interpretes , enforces it differentially between rich & poor ? why this differentiation ?
Q24.recently in Bangalore police nabbed criminals belonging to international criminal syndicate selling duplicate nokia mobiles. Every nokia mobile comes with 15 digit IMEI number , this number is also used by police for tracking criminals. In consumer dispute at consumer disputes redressal forum Mysore CD 49/05 , nokia company stated that all it's products come with IMEI number only & stated that the product in dispute sold by tata indicom dealer M/S INTOTO COMMUNICATIONS , Mysore are not their's as it doesn't have IMEI numbers. Further nokia stated they don't have any business relationship with either tata indicom or it's dealer. However the tata indicom dealer stated that indeed his products are genuine , first hand products , but doesn't have IMEI numbers . this proves the dealer in collusion with tata company is selling illegal nokia mobile hand sets & cheating the public. These mobiles are evading taxes , as well as these are without IMEI numbers best buy for criminal elements who want to evade police tracking. What police are doing
Q25. Who , of which rank among police personnel takes the decision to close a case ie to file "B" report , when after certain time limit no leads are found in investigation ?
Q26. How do you monitor corrupt police personnel , who purposefully fail to investigate case properly , so that either the case can be closed with "B" report or the prosecution fails to prove the case in court ?
Q27. Who among police takes the decision to appeal against the verdict of a lower court , when the prosecution fails ?
Q28. Who took the decision , not to appeal against the argentina court order acquitting mr.quatrochi accussed in bofors scandal ?
Q29. Do you treat all the prison convicts same in the prison or does the notorious big time rich criminals get spacious barracks with tv, news paper , adequate food , medical care , etc while small time criminals , poor are crammed into pig sty like rooms with 60-70 inmates without any basic requirements ?
Q30. What is the status of my complaint made to the DG & IG of police , government of Karnataka on 10/12/2004 ? the copies of complaint was released at press meet at patrakartara bhavan Mysore on same day, even copies were given to police & intelligence personnel ?
Q31. Why no action , reply regarding the complaint till date ?
Q32. Our constitutional frame workers gave legal immunity privileges to certain constitutional functionaries , so that they are not burdened with frivolous court cases & can concentrate on their constitutional duties. But these privileges doesn't cover the individual actions of those public servants like rape , murder , dowry harassment , tax evasion , misuse of office , etc. but still law enforcement / police department is bound to send request to home ministry seeking permission & home ministry sits over files for months. This gives the accussed ample time to destroy evidences. Is it right & legal ?
Q33. Does legal immunity privileges cover their official actions alone ? if not what does it cover ?
Q34. What is the time limit for home ministry to give sanction for the prosecution of tainted constitutional functionaries ?
Q35. How many present MPs , MLAs , MUNICIAPAL CORPORATORS , other people's representatives are facing criminal charges ?
Q36. In the past , how many MPs , MLAs , corporators were facing criminal charges , yearwise since 1987 ? how many of them were eventually convicted ?
Q37. How many MPs , MLAs , prominent film , sports personalities have have contacts with underworld , foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q38. How many of them have attended frequent parties hosted by underworld dons in gulf countries , else where ?
Q39. How many MP , MLA , other people's representatives are wanted by police in various cases . but shown in the police records as absconding but in reality are attending the proceedings of the house as usual ?
Q40. When did smt. Sonia Gandhi became a citizen of india ? did she occupy any public office before naturalization ?
Q41. In india , how many MPs , MLAs , MLCs are of foreign origin or have a spouse of foreign origin ?
Q42. Does smt. Sonia Gandhi have citizenship of any other country ?
Q43. Did she occupy any public office while enjoying dual citizenship ?
Q44. How do you monitor public servants who have spouses of foreign origin & while they are on foreign tour , from national security perspective ?
Q45. Is mr. M.S SUBBA member of parliament a citizen of india ?
Q46. What is the status of complaint made by former union minister mr.subramanya swamy alleging that late P.M rajiv gandhi's family received money from foreign intelligence agencies ?
Q47. In many cases like mass riots involving certain political parties , when that culprit party comes to power all the cases involving it's partymen are withdrawn by the government orelse prosecution fails to prove it's case & prefers not to appeal. Just remember Bombay riot case involving shiv sainiks & others , when shiv sena – BJP came to power in Maharashtra , all the cases against it's partymen were withdrawn. Are these type of decisions by government just & legal ?
Q48.what damages has been done to india's national security due to mole in the PMO, as alleged by former union minister mr.natwar singh ?
Q49. What action by the government ?
Q50. How many Indians are in the custody of police / military in various foreign countries ?
Q51. How many foreigners are there in Indian prisons ?
Q52. How GOI is protecting the human rights of these prisoners ?
Q53. Is the government paying any compensation to victims of police failures , fix-ups , , who suffer in jail for years & acquitted by courts upon finding them as not guilty ?
Q54. Do you register murder charges / attempt to murder charges against guilty police officers who are responsible for lock-up deaths , fake encounters & 3rd degree torture ?
Q55. How many cases has been filed since 1987 till date ?
Q56. What action has been taken against guilty police officers , STF personnel who were responsible for gross human rights violations , 3rddegree torture , lock-up deaths of innocents in forest brigand veerappan's territory , based on justice A.J.Sadashiva commission findings ? if not why ?
Q57. I , as a citizen of india as my "fundamental duty" hereby do offer my conditional services to GOI & GOK to apprehend corrupt public servants. Are you ready to utilize my services ?
Q58. Police personnel are always in the forefront of containing crimes , mass fury , riots , etc. they suffer more & even their family members suffer threats from the criminal elements. Do the government provide insurance coverage to police & their family members on the lines of defense forces ?
Q59. What is the amount of coverage to a police constable & his family ?
Q60. Who makes the premium contributions ?
Q61. Do the government provide overtime allowance , food allowance to police who daily work beyond 8 hours of duty ?
Q62. Is the government giving any training to police personnel in public interaction , human rights ?
Q63. Is it right to post professionally trained police to sentry , orderly duties of ministers ?
Q64. What is the ratio of police personnel to total population in india since 1987 ?
Q66. Is the forensic science department which conducts narcfo-analysis , lie-detector test , etc under the control of police department ?
Q67. Is it not right to put it under impartial control of NHRC or like bodies ?
Q68. Is the action of some police officers arranging compromise meetings & subtly insisting the poor to tow the line of rich or else face the consequences , is it right & legal ? this happens mostly in real estate matters.
Q69. Did government make any ransom payments to forest brigand veerappan during his various kidnappings ?
Q70. What action has been taken based on revealations by karim telgi during narco analysis about public servants involvement ?
Q71. How many cases of allegations against judges were made in the media about misuse of office , criminal acts by judges from munsiff court to supreme court of India ? since 1947 till date
Q72. are the enquiry report findings, action taken reports of such cases accessible to public ? if not why ?
Q73. what action has been taken against guilty judges ?
Q74. are the guilty judges legally prosecuted in all such cases ? or has it just ended with their resignation from services or his superior judge not allotting him any judicial work ?
Q75. why some high ranking judges are not legally prosecuted for their wrong doings ?
Q76. are judges above law ? are not everybody equal before law ?
Q77. do the judiciary subject , all the cases handled by accussed / tainted , guilty judges to review , to undo past unjust judgements ?
Q78. how ? if not why ?
Q79. how do the judiciary monitor the net wealth growth of some judges including the wealth in the name of judge's family members ?
Q80. do all the judges file their annual income , wealth statements on sworn affidavits to the higher judiciary ? defaulters how many ?
Q81. how does the judiciary verifies those statements ?
Q82. is such statements made public , on web ?
Q83. when the judgement of a lower court is turned down by the higher court , what action is initiated against lower court judge for making unjust judgement & meating out injustice ?
Q84. when allegations of corruption , misuse of office , etc against judges are made , why the accussed – judges are not subjected to tests like "poly graph , lie detector , brain mapping , etc" , in the interest of justice & truth ?
Q85. judges are not employees of government , so they are ineligible to be the members of "Karnataka state government judicial department house building co-operative society". Then how come , many judges including supreme court judges are admitted as members of this society & allotted prime residential site worth crores of rupees for a few thousands by the said society at said society's – judicial layout , yelahanka , Bangalore ? while the ordinary members like peons , clerks in judicial department are waiting for a site since years , is not the whole thing grossly illegal ?
Q86. in more than 70% of cases before all courts in India , central government or state government or government agency is one of the parties. How many judges or their family members , have received out of turn , favourable allotments of sites , gas agency , petrol pumps , etc by the government ? is not such allotments illegal ? what action ?
Q87. when a person under police custody or judicial custody suffer 3rd degree torture by police , is not the judge of the respective court which is handling that tortured person's case responsible for it ?
Q88. has the higher judiciary legally prosecuted respective judges & the police officers for committing 3rd degree torture , on charges of attempt to murder & murder ? if not why ?
Q89. registrar , Mysore district & sessions court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADMN/A/10825/2003 dated 19/11/2003. Please furnish me the merit ranking list of selected candidates along with my merit ranking for the post of peon.
Q90. registrar , Bangalore city civil court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADM-I(A)422/03 dated 19/05/2003. Please furnish me merit ranking list of selected candidates for the post of peon.
Q91. when a person doesn't get adequate food , medical care while under police custody or judicial custody , is not the respective judge dealing that person's case responsible for it ? what action ?
Q92. how judiciary is monitoring food & medical care to prisoners ?
Q93. numerous accussed persons are suffering in jail under judicial custody , for periods far exceeding the legally stipulated sentence periods. For example : a pick-pocketer is in jail for one year , the judge finds him guilty of offence & gives him 3 months sentence. What about the excess punishment of 9 months. Is not the judge responsible for the illegal , excess punishment of the convict ? what action against the judge in such cases ?
Q94. numerous innocents suffer in jail for years & finally the judge finds them as innocents & acquits them of the charges. What about the prison sentence , the innocent has already served ? is not the judge responsible for this illegal , unjust punishment to an innocent ? remedy ? what action against the judge ?
Q95. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions & the actions arising out of misuse of office ?
Q96. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions as judges & their personal actions as individuals ?
Q97. are the fundamental rights of citizens supreme or the privileges of judges , constitutional functionaries supreme ?
Q98. what is the criteria adopted for promotion of judges ?
Q99. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of advocates from bar , as the judges ?
Q100. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of retired judges , as governors of states , members or as chairman of commissions , etc ?
Q101. how many judges belonging to oppressed classes – scheduled caste , scheduled tribe , other backward classes , minorities & women are their in supreme court , state high courts & subordinate courts ? kindly provide specific figures .
Q102. what are the legal measures enforced by judiciary , to enforce the accountability of judges & to check corruption in judiciary ?
Q103. are not these measures a failure , looking at present state of affairs of judiciary ?
Q104. does the judges arrange for distribution of alchoholic drinks at the official meetings , parties , at the tax payer's expense ?
Q105. does any judges have included their consumption of alchoholic drinks , in their hotel bill & claimed traveling allowance ?
Q106. what action has been taken against – selectors ie Karnataka high court judges & newly selected women judges involved in roost resort scandal in Mysore , Karnataka ?
Q107. when common people / tax payers & even government employees are not getting proper health care from government at government hospitals. Is it right & just to provide premium health care to judges , constitutional functionaries at 5-star private hospitals in India , abroad , all at tax payer's expense ?
Q108. are the judges subjected to periodical health check-ups to ascertain their health , mental faculties & mental balance in the midst of all work pressures , emotional tensions ?
Q109. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary for accepting applications seeking public interest litigations ?
Q110. why numerous appeals for PIL by me , were not considered ?
Q111. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for appointing "amicus curie" in a case ?
Q112. why my appeal to honourable supreme court , to make me as an "amicus curie" in late P.M Rajiv Gandhi's assassination case , was not considered by the court ?
Q113. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for initiating suo-motto action ?
Q114. numerous cases of injustices are reported in the media daily , with supporting evidences . why not the judiciary take suo-motto action in all such cases ?
Q115. legal aid boards pre-judge the cases in the name of taking legal opinion , before providing legal aid to the needy ? is it not needy person's rights violation ?
Q116. is not the safety of witnesses , parties in cases responsibility of the court , both during hearing of the case & afterwards ?
Q117. is the use of 3rd degree torture by police on prisoners , during the police custody / judicial custody / prison sentence right ? what action ?
Q118. when the corrupt police officer & government prosecution advocate together cover-up evidences , conducts improper investigation intentionally to fail the case – to cover-up rich crooks , high & mighty people , what action judge takes in such cases ?
Q119. how does the judiciary monitor the wealth growth of police , government advoctes , tax officials , officials of licensing authorities , to ensure proper & fair prosecution of cases against rich & mighty ?
Q120. what are the status of appeals made by human rights activist NAGARAJ.M.R. to the honourable supreme court of India ?
Q121. corruption is rampant for selection of officers to quasi-judicial positions like district / taluk magistrates , tax officers , revenue officers , land acquisition officers , etc. how the judiciary monitors over their quasi-judicial actions ?
Q122. subject to conditions , I , NAGARAJ.M.R. , editor , e-voice of human rights watch , do offer my free services to honourable supreme court of India , to apprehend corrupt judges , are you – the honourable court ready to utilize it ?
Q123. what are the status of my appeals , sent to the honourable supreme court of India , through government of india's on-line grievance system ( DPG & DARPG ) :
DPG/M/2006/80008 , DARPG/E/2006/00057, DARPG/E/2006/00225 , DPG/M/2006/80021 , DARPG/E/2006/00253 , DPG/M/2006/80032 , DARPG/E/2006/01149 , DPG/M/2006/80047 , DARPG/E/2006/01164 , DPG/M/2006/80043 , DPG/M/2006/80085 , DARPG/E/2006/06704 , DARPG/E/2006/07017 , DARPG/E/2006/07018 , DPG/M/2006/80159 , DPG/M/2006/80162 , DARPG/E/2006/07864 , DPG/M/2006/80165 , DARPG/E/2006/07877 , DPG/M/2006/80167 , DARPG/E/2006/08028 , DARPG/E/2006/08029 , DARPG/E/2006/08032 , DARPG/E/2006/08043 , DARPG/E/2006/08044 , DPG/M/2006/80174 , DPG/M/2006/80193 , DARPG/E/2007/00044 , DPG/M/2007/80003 , DPG/M/2007/80010 , DARPG/E/2007/00164 , DARPG/E/2007/00165 , DPG/M/2007/80014 , DPG/M/2007/80025 , DPG/M/2007/80049 , DPG/M/2007/80055 , DPG/M/2007/80056 , DPG/M/2007/80078 , DPG/M/2007/80082 , DARPG/E/2007/02618
Q124. the appeals made to the honourable supreme court of India , copies of which are available at following web pages
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/182 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/206 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/208 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/212 ,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw/message/209 ,
what are the status of those appeals ?
Q125. in the media , we have seen reports about judges committing crimes – rape , attempt to murder , swindling government money , untouchability practice , the disrespect to national flag , sale of judicial orders , bail , receipt of monetary gains by way of royalty for books , prime real estate purchase at discounted rate , taking round about long foreign tours along with family in the name of official work , etc. by this way , judges themselves are making contempt of court , constitution of India & citizens of India. How you are protecting the honour of the judiciary , constitution of India & citizens of India ? please answer.
Q126. Is the government giving any facilities / affirmative actions to policemen's family as being given to defense personnel , ex-servicemen & their families , like preferential site allotment , lpg agency , ration depot , reservation in college admission , soft bank loans , etc ?
Q126. if not , why ? after all , the contribution of police to national security is on par with defense forces.
Q127. is not some high police officials addressing their subordinates in singular term , abusing them with vulgar words wrong ?
Q128. is not some police personnel calling public with singular term, abusing public with vulgar words wrong ?
Q129. is it not the duty of prison authorities to protect the health, lives of prison in-mates ?
Q130.what action is taken against police personnel who wrongly charged an innocent person of criminal acts , resulting in his confinement in jail , finally acquitted by court as found to be innocent ?
Q131. is it not right to with hold salary , gratuity , pension to such guilty police personnel & pay it as compensation to victims of police failures & atrocities ?
Q132. does our Indian constitution legally permit a citizen of foreign origin naturalized by marriage to an Indian or naturalized by option , to occupy any constitutional office ?
Q133. during british rule in india & various other british colonies , criminal cases were foisted against our freedom fighters in India & other british colonies. After india's independence what happened to those cases ? did our Indian government close all such cases or did it continue with the prosecution ?
Q134. in how many cases GOI & other state government continued with the prosecution AGAINST OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS ? why ?
Q135. what about the status of cases against shri.netaji subash Chandra bose ?
Q136. has GOI deported any freedom fighters to Britain or it's colonies , to face prosecution after India gained independence ? HAS GOI RECEIVED ANY REQUEST FROM BRITAIN TO THAT EFFECT ? if yes , why , whom ?
Q.137. the honourable supreme court of India failed provide information to me as per my RTI request appeal no : 91 / 2007 in response to your letter no : F1 / RTI / A.91 / 2007 dt 13.12.07 , why ?
Q138 . the honourable union home secretary failed to give me information as per my rti request , he transferred my application to others , in turn they transferred the application to some others. Finally , complete truthful information was not given , why ? as the union home secretary has got copies of all those replies in response to transferred RTI application , will he send me a consolidated reply to my present RTI request ?
Q139. in a high profile case before the honourable delhi high court , we have seen how defense advocate mr. R.S.ANAND & prosecution advocate mr. I.U.KHAN made a secret pact to win the case in favour of rich criminal , totally manipulating prosecution witnesses , evidences & prosecution stand , totally making mockery of justice system . how you are ensuring the delivery of justice , there being numerous such advocates in practice ?
Q140. Smt. Sonia Gandhi is person of foreign origin , she wields enormous clout more than the Prime Minister himself over the government of India being the chair person of UPA. Is she legally permitted to summon confidential official records , minutes of the cabinet , to hold the cabinet meeting of union ministers ?
Q141. As per law , is she permitted to hold constitutional offices like prime minister of India or president of India , etc ?
Q.142. What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the constitution (Article 21) ?
Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?
a) Inside the House b) Outside the House
Q144. What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like
a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India
c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC
e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.
Q145. Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ?
a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.
b) Cover both their official & personal actions.
Q146. Are the privileges defined & codified ?
Q147. Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?
Q148. Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ?
Q149. Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ?
Q150. Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ?
Q151. Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ?
Q152. Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.
Q153. Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?
Q154. Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official's secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges
Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?
Q156. By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payer's money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ?
Q157. Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?
Q158. If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ?
Q159. While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ?
Q160. Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?
Q161. Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?
Q162. Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation" ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?.
Q163. What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?
Q164. Communication - free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ?
Q165. Recently , while assuming office as honourable chief justice of Karnataka , justice. P.D.DINAKAR , gave a blanket withdrawal of all internal departmental enquiries against approximately 200 judges , is it just & legal ? give me the names of accused judges & description of charges against them ?
Q166. does it not show that judges are more equal than others ?
Q167. who are involved in PF scam ? what action against guilty judges ?
Q168. Why you did not give information to me as per RTI Act inspite of appeal ? refer. F1/RTI/A91/2007.
Q169. Almost a year ago , in the Karnataka state new chief justice of Karnataka high court honble Mr.Dinakar (now elevated to supreme court of India) just on assuming offices within hours scrapped disciplinary inquiry proceedings against 200+ erring judges. In such a short time no human being can study all the cases in detail , then how come he arrived at this vital decision in such short time? Who are those 200+ judges facing enquiry ?
Q170 .Recently in the Karnataka state , high court found out that a district judge without conducting hearings properly , entering fictious dates of hearings (which happens to be government holidays ) facilitated in exonerating a top politician . has the court enquired into the previous judgements of the accussed judge ? did it find any wrongdoings?
Q171. As per law , while on duty a person should not be drunk , under the influence of alchohol , as it limits the functioning of his senses & brain. That is why the acts & sayings of drunkards , committed / said when they are drunk are not taken seriously. However most of the police officers after evening hours are drunk , in that state only they apprehend many suspects & produce those suspects at the residences of magistrates before magistrate during wee hours / night. Some of of the judges are also drunk during that time. Does the senses of drunken police & judges work properly to do their respective duties in identifying criminals , apprehending them & to issue judicial orders. Are these actions of police & judges in drunken state legal ?
Q 172 . What action has been taken in bhopal gas leak case against the guilty police officials who changed the charge sheet against union carbide officials ?
Q 173 . What action has been taken against guilty police officials , district magistrate , state ministers & central ministers who fully aided the criminals – Union Carbide official Mr. Anderson to escape law , to jump bail & flee the country without court’s permission ?
Q 174 . What action has been taken against the above said guilty with respect to their contempt of court & for aiding a criminal to escape ?
Q 175. What action has been taken against the chief justice of India , who changed the legal clause under which the guilty should be tried ? what action has been taken against the CJI who became an official of the trust belonging to the criminal ?
Q 176 . What action has been taken against the Indian Public servant who decided to withdraw cases from US Courts with respect to Bhopal gas tragedy ?
Q 177 . What action has been taken against the state labour department & pollution control board officials who have failed in their duties , inspite of earlier warnings by journalists ?
Q 178 . What action has been taken against state cabinet ministers who decided the quantum of compensation money to favour the criminal although they don’t have right to do so ?
Q 179 . What action has been taken against Presiding Judge of the trial court , Chief Justice of India , state police officials , public prosecutors & Central Bureau of Investigation officials who kept quite all along and didn’t press for the extradition of the criminal Mr.Anderson , for producing the criminal accussed no.1 before the trial court ?
Q 180 . Is it not SHAMEFUL for the judiciary , police , government officials & people’s representatives who became part of Operation Crime Hush Up & aided criminals responsible for ghastly murders of thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless public in Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy?
Q 181 . Are these Corrupt Police , corrupt judges , corrupt ministers , corrupt labour / pollution control board officials HUMAN BEINGS ?
Q 182 Why police are not registering my complaint against CJI & other VVIPS ,Even after years ?
Q 183 don’t the police of vijayanagar police station mysore have legal jurisdiction to register the case against these VVIPs ? or just because the criminals happens to be VVIPs ,they are not booked by police? If the said police don’t have legal jurisdiction to book these VVIPs , they should have transferred the complaint to those authorities who have jurisdiction & authority to book & prosecute these VVIPs , but not done so , why ?
Q 184 are not all these actions , of VVIPs & police amounting to cover up of crimes & criminals ? are not these cover ups itself is a crime ?
Q 185. Even an appeal for justice by post card must be treated as PIL by courts of justice . however my appeals for justice concerning public welfare , national security sent through post , e-mail to supreme court of india are not admitted as Public interest litigation , why ? does not these acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals , anti nationals?
Q 186 Are not the honourable chief justice of india together with the jurisdictional police & Revenue district magistrate responsible to protect the fundamental & human rights of people ? why the CJI , Mysore DC & Jurisdictional Police have failed to protect the fundamental & human rights of people including mine ? For all the previous injustices I have suffered at the hands of the criminal nexus Honourable CJI , Mysore revenue district magistrate & jurisdictional police are together responsible , if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members or to my dependents the quartet – Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable District Magistrate , Mysore , Honourable Police Commissioner of Mysore city & Circle Inspector of police , vijayanagar police station , mysore will be responsible .
These corrupt parasites will feel , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty – In whose Court of justice MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.
1. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Justice of India , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.
2. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , Rashtrapathi Bhawan , New Delhi.
3. PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.
4. PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.
5. PIO , O/O Union Home Minister ,GOI , New Delhi.
6. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , Raj Bhawan , Bangalore.
7. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , CMO , Bangalore.
8. PIO , O/O DG & IG of Police , Government of Karnataka ,Police HQ , Bangalore.
Fees Paid :
- IPO 90E 787047 for rupees ten only.
- IPO 90E 787048 for rupees ten only.
- IPO 90E 787049 for rupees ten only.
- IPO 90E 787050 for rupees ten only.
- IPO 90E 787051 for rupees ten only.
- IPO 56C 376730 for rupees 5 only + IPO 56C 376731 for rupees 5 only.
- IPO 56C 376732 for rupees 5 only + IPO 56C 376733 for rupees 5 only.
- IPO 56C 376734 for rupees 5 only + IPOIPO 56C 376735 for rupees 5 only.
Enclosed :
- Police Complaint dated 19.03.2011
- Show Cause Notice Dated 19.03.2011
- ABCD Lesson of Democracy.
DATE : 19.03.2011 ……………..………………………NAGARAJ.M.R.
MYSORE - 570017.
Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,
Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,
Honourable Sir,
Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants
Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my complaint to them dated 04.07.2009
A person committing a criminal offense is a CRIMINAL. The Person who aids a criminal in his criminal act , in hiding the criminal act , in destroying the evidences of criminal act is also a CRIMINAL. The
person whose duty is to prevent criminal acts from happening , who intentionally fails in his preventive duties and thereby facilitating the criminal in committing crime is also a CRIMINAL.
Information given by government authorities are EVIDENCES , denial of information amounts to hiding of evidence , improper , half truth information given amounts to MANIPULATION & DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCES. In this way many of our public servants including judges & police themselves are criminals , but are not prosecuted by the authorities , why ?
Due to delay in giving appropriate information , many crimes have taken place which could have been prevented. As the delay in taking action , giving information / evidence is on the part of government
authorities , the issue of TIME BARRED FOR ADMISSABILITY doesn’t arise. At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to the honest few public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve respect as individuals – as they are parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.
All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE” mentioned throught includes all public servants discharging judicial
functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.
Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise their voice seeking justice are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already
attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be
responsible for it.
The Vijayanagar police in mysore stated that they don’t have legal jurisdiction to book the criminals I have mentioned in the complaint & by taking a statement from me to that effect closed the case
temporarily on 11.09.2010 after sitting over the complaint for years together. Is it not the duty of DG&IGP to seek the permission from home ministry to legally prosecute the alleged criminal VVIPs ?
Why he was silent ? Ofcourse the lower rung police officers practically don’t have power to prosecute high & mighty ?
Hereby , I do request the DG & IG OF Police , Government of Karnataka to seek the legal sanction from union home ministry & Karnataka state home ministry , for the prosecution of below mentioned criminal VVIPs & to reopen my complaint here with.
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every
Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth. However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS
appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread it’s tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread .In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation , fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta.
Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry even though the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , people’s last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.
our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before hon’ble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS.
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking india’s defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence.
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
ACCUSED Chief Justice of India
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA.
Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants ACCUSED CRIMINALS viz
1. H.E.Honourable President of India
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka and
10. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links, on the above mentioned charges.
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka and
10. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links, on the above mentioned charges.
the whole issue of this news paper & the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this
complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the
government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police
station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my
family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if
criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. Thanking you. complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the
government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police
station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my
family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if
criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 19.03.2011…………………………Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore……………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever.
To my numerous appeals , HRW's appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy "legal immunity privileges" ,why don't you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why don't all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why don't all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper.
there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part.
1.you are making contempt of the very august office you hold.
2.you are making contempt of the constitution of india.
3.you are making contempt of citizens of india.
4.you are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime.
5.you are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries.
6.you are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory.
7.you are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india.
you are hereby called upon to SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cann't be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes .
If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. Thanking you.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 19.03.2011……………………………………………..your's sincerely,
Place : Mysore , India……………………….............................Nagaraj M R
A B C D of Democracy – A Lesson for all people’s representatives
People are the kings , self rulers in a democracy . Peoples representatives must just represent the wishes , aspirations of people. When people in Jaitapur , Maharashtra state of India are totally against a nuke plant in their area and they don’t want it , still the authorities are forcing this project over their head.
Since 63 years of independence , In India the learned IAS babus & Netas are forcing their agendas , SEZs , Projects over the people for their own selfish gains , against the wishes of people. This is not DEMOCRACY.
In india, indirect democracy is the form of governance. In this form, people's representatives are bound to raise the questions , issues concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor of the house. However the sad part in india even after 63 years of democracy , is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a gentleman's white collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's group , creating a corpus to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision making.
The people's representatives are bound to represent their people first , then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this sorry state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy & rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.
Now consider the following example :
Mr.raj gandhi is a member of parliament from mandya constituency in karnataka state. He is a MBA graduate & member of ruling Indian progressive party. The multinational giant M/S GREY HOUND CORPORATION wants to enter into paper manufacturing business in india. It's sight falls on the public sector paper giant mandya national paper mills (MNPM) in mandya district of karnataka. The MNC effectively lobbies with the government. The ruling party think tank & the cabinet advisory group recommends to the government to make strategic
disinvestment in the PSU M/S MNPM. They bring out graph with full power point presentation stating that it is good for the company as well as the government. The lobbyists follows it up with media reports on the positive aspect of strategic disinvestment. A favourable impression is created in the minds of literate public. The cabinet
committee okays it.
The " strategic dis investment issue " comes before the parliament for legislation / approval. The ruling party issues a party whip to it's members to vote in favour of dis investment. However M.P mr.raj gandhi who is an MBA in his own wisdom also favours the dis investment. However ,most importantly the constituents – people in mandya parliamentary constituency through protest marches , mass post card campaigns lakhs in numbers expresses their disagreement with the dis investment & urges their MP mr.gandhi to vote against the disinvestment legislation.
On the D-day in parliament , mr. Raj gandhi as per his party whip & his own wisdom votes in favour of strategic disinvestment legislation, much against the wishes of his people , constituents & mis represents them in parliament. the democracy has failed here. in This way democracy is being derailed since 62 years in india.
In democracy, party whip , MP or MLA's own wisdom / brilliance, think tank & IAS lobby recommendations are all secondary , the constituent's of his constituency , people's wishes aspirations are of primary importance & supreme. What people need is a honest
representative, who simply delivers the people's aspirations on the floor of the house back & forth , without superimposing it with his own ideas & party ideas. For true democracy , the people's representatives must be true postmans.
Towards this end , the people must be educated about their democratic rights & responsibilities. This is an appeal to the honest few in the parliament & state legislatures to weed out their corrupt colleagues , lobbyists, to uphold the dignity of the house & to
install democracy in it's true form.
( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )
PIN – 570017.
CHARGE SHEET NO staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 01.01.1985
Amended charge sheet staff no.3798/156-84/85 dt 08.04.1985
1. Why didn't you notice the alleged crimes of 1977 , 78 & 79 till the
mid of 1979 ?
2. This crime came to light only due to anonymous phone calls of good
Samaritans to authorities , but not due to your inspection . is your
inspection division working properly ?
3. why there is no security check up of officers during entry & exit
out of premises ?
4. why there is no individual weighment , individual statement of
value of bags of reissuable notes & bags of note meant for destruction
, after sorting is done, why they are not tallied with total weight ,
value of notes issued for sorting ?
5. Immediately after noticing the crime, why did not you transfer all
the employees of those sections ?
6. why did not you take steps to preserve3 & protect respective
documents relating to such high profile crime ?
7. why didn't you immediately issue charge sheet to all the accussed &
waited till 1983 ?
8. Why RBI has left out , so many officers ( who worked in the same
sections for more period than accused officers ) from domestic enquiry ?
9. why CBI also failed to put those people in the charge sheet before
the court ?
10. is it because they were in favorable terms with the vested interests ?
11. did the CBI dance to the tune of vested interests in RBI while
preparing charge sheet & during investigation , instead of
independent investigation ?
12. those left out probables from the charge sheet might have caused
the destruction of evidences / records. During the course of domestic
enquiry / court proceedings , it has been recorded that some records
have been destroyed. Are not CBI & RBI responsible for destruction of
evidences , aiding true criminals get away ?
13. in normal times , what is the period specified in RBI regulations
for preserving old documents / records ?
14. after noticing such a high profile crime the RBI must have taken
utmost care to preserve such old records for indefinite time , for
producing before courts of law as & when demanded. But it didn't , why ?
15. does not this point to connivance of higher authorities of RBI ,
with the criminals ?
16. RBI authorities have conducted domestic mass enquiries , instead
of individual enquiries , is it not detrimental to the rights of defense ?
17. RBI authorities have stated that court proceedings & domestic
enquiry are independent of each other & are not binding on one
another. However RBI authorities straight away took on record of
domestic enquiry the court statements , evidences , but didn't honour
the order of same court of law ? why this double standard by RBI ?
18. The alleged crime was committed in 1977-79, but charge sheet was
framed in mid 1985 , why this long delay ?
19. didn't this facilitate the masterminds of crime to destroy ,
manipulate evidences ?
20. as stated before court , indeed some records , 22nd currency note
packet were missing , who is responsible for it ?
21. has the CBI conducted enquiry , polygraph test of RBI higher
officers - S.N.RAZDAN , W.S.SARAF , J.P.AWASTHI , J.MITRA & others ,
if not why ?
22. is it not due to inefficiency , negligence of duty by such high
ranking managers , that such a crime occurred in RBI Bangalore ?
23. what disciplinary action RBI has taken against the inefficient ,
negligent higher officials ?
24. whatever internal rules an organization makes must be within the
line of law. If such internal laws of the organization are violative
of law , fundamental rights of employees , such internal rules become
illegal. Are not the way of RBI disciplinary proceedings illegal ?
25. as per RBI pension regulations 1990 , RBI has the right to deduct
any loss caused to the bank , from the pension of RBI employee if the
misconduct of employee is proved in judicial proceedings . even though
mr.G.Hariram came out clean from the court , why RBI has denied his
pension ?
26. judicial courts of law are appellate authorities over & above ,
domestic enquiry committees & judicial orders supersedes the domestic
enquiry proceedings. Still RBI showed contempt of court & didn't
reinstate mr..G.Hariram into service , why ?
27. even if an employee's misconduct causing loss to the bank is
proved , before denying him pension (towards making up loss to the
bank) , previous sanction of the central board of RBI must be taken.
But in mr.G.Hariram's case , pension was denied in full without taking
previous sanction of the central board of RBI , is it not illegal ?
28. RBI alleged that mr..G.Hariram caused loss to the tune of Rs.14000
to the bank & recovered it from his provident fund dues. There was
nothing left over to recover , still RBI completely denied pension to
mr.G.Hariram , why ?
29. ideally, domestic enquiry findings / disciplinary actions should
be completed first , then the employee can appeal to appropriate court
of law. In mr.G.Hariram's case , CBI & RBI failed to prove the charges
in court of law , as a result court discharged him from the charges.
To cover-up it's failures RBI management dragged domestic enquiry much
beyond court orders date & gave findings indicting mr..G.Hariram. does
the enquiry officer of domestic enquiry think that he is over & above
the court of law ? is it not illegal & contempt of court ?
30. ideally , RBI authorities should have appealed to higher court
against lower court order discharging mr.G.Hariram from charges. But
it was not done , why ?
31. did the RBI pay interim relief to mr.G.Hariram , during suspension
period ?
32. the undue delay in filing charge sheet , consequent destruction of
key evidences , dishonour / contempt of court orders , undue haste in
giving findings , dismissal , denial of of pension without central
board's sanction , all point towards criminals within RBI higher
management. What disciplinary action has been taken against
J.P.AWASTHI, S.N.RAZDAN,J.MITRA, W.SARAF & others ? if not why ?
33. why charge sheet was amended? Is it legal ?
34. did the charge sheet was amended to falsely implicate
mr..G.Hariram , by including cancelled note vault in the charge sheet ?
35. does not this itself show that it is not statement of actual
happenings / facts , but a cunning ploy to mislead investigation
towards fixed innocents from actual criminals ?
36. is it true that that only 5% of sample inspection is done out of bundled verified defective note packets ?
37. is not the conduct of joint / mass enquiries of all charge sheeted officers illegal ?
38. how come such an important evidence 22nd note packet went missing ?
39. is it because it may point towards real criminals ?
40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head / expert mr.vijendra rao , the notes of earlier dates have been removed from packets made into new bundles , right ?
41. as per his statement , entire certificates , seals of some asst treasurers are there , who didn't work at all on that day is not it ?
42. does not it show that some body else was misusing the seals , putting some innocents seals over the notes ?
43. does it not show that , crime has taken place at verification section ?
44. does it not show involvement of some asst treasurers ?
45. why asst treasurers have not been charge sheeted ?
46. why inspection of RBI Bangalore office was not done between 1975 & 1979 ?
47. is it not true that you failed to produce all records showing internal inspection / audits , during domestic enquiry & court proceedings ?
48. your expert mr.vijendra rao has stated that some seal marks are smudged , he has stated some seal marks appears to be so & so. He has clearly nowhere stated that this seal mark is exactly this , so he himself is not 100% sure ?
49. your expert nowhere said that 100% sure this seal mark is this , on that day this seal was issued to mr.G.Hariram , isn't it ?
50. your expert says during 1975 , he didn't notice3 any fraud. However approver says fraud was there before mid 1977 also. Why no action has been taken ?
51. why you didn't produce all records of all persons , who have specifically worked in alleged sections , the registers of those departments with daily activity report containing seal nos , packet nos , bag nos , etc ?
52. are not their chances of some criminals putting the seal marks of innocent officers over the notes , bundles , bags , etc ?
53. your expert is not 100% sure of seal mark , your records are not there to prove the presence of charge sheeted officers in the alleged sections , neither your expert nor your records are 100% sure on what date , at what stage , by whom crime was committed , isn't it ?
54. is not the charge sheet amounting to higher ups picking up officers they dislike & falsely implicating them ?
55. is it not cunning ploy of higher ups to divert attention from original criminals ?
56. why no action was taken against currency officer of 1977-79 mr.J.Mitra ? why his pension , super annuation benefits were not withheld ?
57. what is your justification , supporting evidence , records for picking up only three officers including mr.G.Hariram for legal prosecution and leaving the majority of probables ?
58. why you have dropped charges against five asst treasurers ? why you didn't even conduct domestic enquiry against them , let alone legal prosecution ?
59. Is it RBI's & CBI's way of fair play & justice ?
60. as inly 5% sampling of verified note bundles are done , there are more possibilities of rebundled packets getting unnoticed in relaxed 95% lot , isn't it ?
61. you have left out so many officers who worked in those sections, some of whom even became management witnesses , instead of being charge sheeted by the management, is it fair play & legal ?
62. who are the bank employees , from whom you have recovered the alleged bank loss of Rs.220000 ?
63. were all of them charge sheeted , enquired , legally prosecuted , dismissed & their pension , gratuity withheld ?
64. you don't have any internal statuotary records to prove that mr.G.Hariram worked in those departments , except a currency officer's office note dated just on the eve of charge sheet years after the alleged crime ? does it not prove that this note has been concocted just to fix mr.G.Hariram ?
65. where as you have records of other officials attendance in those departments , but not charge sheeted them why ?
66. three officers of staff grade A daily work in three sections out of 40 officers , why you have picked up only mr.G.Hariram , out of 1095 working days , he has worked for only 223 days in those sections , still those officers who worked for more days in those sections are not charge sheeted why ? the approver , the management expert witness , shift registers , V2 registers , Destruction certificates , Form CD 55 , etc , nobody , no records were able to say on what date , at what stage , by whom crime took place , also they were unable to say on what date at what stage crime was committed by mr.G.Hariram ? is it not futile imagination , cunning ploy of RBI higher authorities to fix innocent Mr.G.Hariram ?
67. the management expert witnesses said , the most probable place of crime is punching / Cancelled Note Vault , incinerator , where asst treasurers were joint custodians . they were not enquired & let off why ?
68. the charge sheet alleges extraction / substitution of defaced note packets. Where as the management expert witness say substitution of defaced notes only ? is not there difference between loss of one number of note & 100 number of notes ?
69. as per the normal course of duty , staff officers does not count notes in each bundles , but they just count the number of bundles only. Is not there chances of inserted note bundles or bundles containing less number of notes going unnoticed ? is it not the failure of statuotary system of work practices ?70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original criminals ?
Questions with respect to other cases :
71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as directors of companies which have availed bank loans ?
72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks have invested ?
73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section , etc ?
74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than permissible ?
75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs.
76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them , before investing in new companies promoted by them.
77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ?
78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ?
79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ? but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ?
80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ?
81. what action has been taken against those involved ?
82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are powerful & bigwigs ?
83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities , money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ?
84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations , foreign donations by many NGOs ?
85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ?
86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for what criminal roles ?
88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the security set-up in R.B.I ?
90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process are accounted for?
92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all the above?
94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ?
97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ?
98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the year 1996-1998 ?
99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ?
100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons will come out of cubboard ?
101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of rupees ? if not why ?
102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ?
103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ?
Date : 01.11.2008…………………….. Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore………………………... Nagaraj.M.R.
( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )
1. how many times since 1987 , MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the mysore city's comprehensive city development plan ?
2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ?
3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ?
4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?
5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ?
6. during such alenation , is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ?
7. in mysore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws – no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?
8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ?
9. how much of MUDA's / MCC's / GOVERNMENT's lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ?
10. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?
11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through MUDA's / MCC's resolution instead of of reallotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ?
12. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ?
13. in mysore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by MUDA , MCC , GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ?
14. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?
15. what action MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated MUDA norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ?
16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those
violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT . When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents – say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ?
17. what is the criteria adopted by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ?
18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ?
19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT norms ?
20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , MUDA / AUTHORITIES with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy MUDA , MCC / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , MUDA or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by MUDA / MCC GOVERNMENT ?
21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ?
22. how much of MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ?
23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the MUDA ,AUTHORITIES recovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ?
24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals – tresspassers ? if not why ?
25. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ?
26. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ?
27. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ?
28. is the MUDA / AUTHORITIES acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ?
29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When MUDA / MCC /
GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ?
30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by MUDA MCC or other land developers ?
31. has the MUDA , MCC taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?
32. in & around mysore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out
advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under
& surrounding HT lines legal ?
33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ?
34. in & around mysore city , in how many areas developed by MUDA & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ?
35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by MUDA , MCC & other developers , housing societies ?
36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the MUDA / MCC is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date .
37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around mysore city ? what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date .
38. around mysore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the MUDA / MCC /
GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ?
2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ?
3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ?
4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?
5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ?
6. during such alenation , is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ?
7. in mysore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws – no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?
8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ?
9. how much of MUDA's / MCC's / GOVERNMENT's lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ?
10. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?
11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through MUDA's / MCC's resolution instead of of reallotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ?
12. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ?
13. in mysore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by MUDA , MCC , GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ?
14. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?
15. what action MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated MUDA norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ?
16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those
violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT . When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents – say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ?
17. what is the criteria adopted by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ?
18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ?
19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT norms ?
20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , MUDA / AUTHORITIES with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy MUDA , MCC / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , MUDA or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by MUDA / MCC GOVERNMENT ?
21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ?
22. how much of MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ?
23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the MUDA ,AUTHORITIES recovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ?
24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals – tresspassers ? if not why ?
25. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ?
26. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ?
27. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ?
28. is the MUDA / AUTHORITIES acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ?
29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When MUDA / MCC /
GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ?
30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by MUDA MCC or other land developers ?
31. has the MUDA , MCC taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?
32. in & around mysore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out
advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under
& surrounding HT lines legal ?
33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ?
34. in & around mysore city , in how many areas developed by MUDA & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ?
35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by MUDA , MCC & other developers , housing societies ?
36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the MUDA / MCC is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date .
37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around mysore city ? what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date .
38. around mysore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the MUDA / MCC /
GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ?
39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's
comprehensive industrial area development plan ?
40. has the MUDA / MCC , KIADB given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ?
41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to MUDA's / MCC's CDP & KIADB's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ?
42. is the MUDA & KIADB revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ?
43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings inmysore ?
44.in mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ?
45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ?
46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ?
47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ?
48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by MUDA , MCC or government in such cases ?
49.how many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by MUDA , MCC & government action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ?
50.how many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by MUDA , MCC or authorities , on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ?
51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ?
52.how you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some MUDA / MCC / REVENUE officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ?
53.how many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ?
54.how many such lease allotments are sold by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ?
55. what are the norms followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ?
PIO of O/O commissioner , Mysore urban development authority , Mysore failed to provide full information to us. Vide lettes ,
No: PRO/519/2007-08 dt 28/08/07 & no:BDA/CP/705/07-08 dt 23.10.07
DATE : 21.04.08………………………. YOUR’S SINCERELY,
( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )
1. how many times since 1987 , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the Bangalore city's comprehensive city development plan ?
2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ?
3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ?
4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ?
6. during such alenation , is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ?
7. in bangalore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws – no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ?
9. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ?
10. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?
11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT ` s resolution instead of of re-allotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ?
12. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ?
13. in bangalore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ?
14. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?
15. what action BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ?
16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT. When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents – say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ?
17. what is the criteria adopted by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ?
18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ?
19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms ?
20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT?
21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ?
22. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ?
23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT arecovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ?
24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals – tresspassers ? if not why ?
25. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ?
26. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ?
27. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ?
28. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ?
29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ?
30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other land developers ?
31. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?
32. in & around bangalore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under & surrounding HT lines legal ?
33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ?
34. in & around bangalore city , in how many areas developed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ?
35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & other developers , housing societies ?
36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date .
37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around bangalore city ? what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date .
38. around bangalore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ?
39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's comprehensive industrial area development plan ?
40. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ?
41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ?
42. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ?
43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings inmysore ?
44.in mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ?
45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ?
46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ?
47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ?
48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT in such cases ?
49.how many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ?
50.how many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT, on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ?
51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ?
52.how you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ?
53.how many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ?
54.how many such lease allotments are sold by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ?
55. what are the norms followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ?
56. what is the status of house allotted to sri.chandrashekariah vide BDA allotment letter no: 310/267/BDA/ADM/KMRSL(H)/78-79 dt 11/08/1978.
57. why BDA didn't file police complaint to evict encroachers?
58. why BDA didn't inform the descendents of original allottee about the cancellation of their allotment ?
59.what happened to the money deposited by original allottee?
60.is the action of BDA allotting the said house to an illegal encroacher just by the resolution of BDA committee legal ?
61. in case the BDA wished to re-allot the said house , first it must have informed the original allottee about cancellation of allotment allowing them sufficient time to reply with public notice in news papers , then they should have allotted the said house to the senior most in the waiting list. But BDA has just allotted the house to an illegal encroacher by the resolution of BDA committee. Is it legal ?
62. BDA officials gave half truths to my RTI request & stated that the said file concerning this issue cann't be found ie lost . is it legal ?
63. has the BDA filed police complaint regarding theft of file from the record room ? HONOURABLE COMMISSIONER OF BDA PLEASE REFER THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE.
The B.D.A flouts it's own rules & spreads red carpet for big land developers & land grabbers. B.D.A posting is a huge money spinner for corrupt officials. The corrupt B.D.A officials work hand in glove with criminal elements & rowdies. They illegally evict genuine allottees who are poor & without any connections from allotted prime lands & sell-off those prime land to the highest bidder of bribe. The poor fellow is re-alloted lands in backward areas & in some cases left in the lurch.
Now , take the following case. Mr. S.D. chandrashekaraiah a poor old man aged around 80 years was allotted with house no.185, kumaraswamy lay-out, first block, bangalore in 1978 vide letter no.
310/267/BDA/ADM/KMRSL(H)/78-79 dt 11/08/1978.
The chairman of B.D.A has allotted the built house on lease cum sale basis. The poor old man mr. S.D.chandrashekaraiah complied with all the rules & in accordance with it even deposited 25% of the house cost in B.D.A'S account. However when he went over to his allotted house for residing in it, he found out some rowdy elements were already residing there. He complained about this matter to the legal owner of the house ie B.D.A . the B.D.A officials didn't take steps to evict the illegal encroachers nor did they make any complaint to the police. His appeals to B.D.A, chief minister of karnataka , etc fell on deaf ears. Hurt by this gross injustice & mounting financial burdens the poor old man died.
Subsequently, the poor man's daughter smt. Nagalakshmi who was also very poor , appealed to the B.D.A authorities once again , to evict illegal encroachers from her father's allotted house. This time the corrupt B.D.A officials played a different game. They showed her a vacant house, gave her oral instructions to live in that vacant house & told her that they will regularise it in due course. The hapless poor woman took huge loans & repaired the house fit for occupation. Just before she was to occupy that house , corrupt B.D.A officials once again planted rowdy elements in that house. Once again the poor woman was cheated. She lost her house, on top of it her loan burden mounted.
Till date, that poor woman is suffering from these gross injustices of B.D.A . SHAMELESS B.D.A OFFICIALS who take thousands of rupees salary & perks every month, all at the expense of tax-payer has not even cared to rectify the injustice. Thereby, they are violating the poor woman's fundamental & human rights.
Hereby, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH urges the honourable chief minister of karnataka, honourable lokayuktha for karnataka , honourable chairman national human rights commission , honourable chairman national commission for women & honourable chairman state commission for women karnataka, to take the appropriate action & to speedily provide justice to this poor woman.
PIO of O/O commissioner , Bangalore development authority , Bangalore failed to provide full information to us. Vide lettes ,
No: BDA/DySEC-2/ADMN/KMS-1/185/2007-08 dt 23.08.07 &
NO:BDA/CPM/RIA/296/2277/07-08 dt 27.09.07
DATE : 21.04.08……………………. YOUR’S SINCERELY,
- An appeal to SUPREME COURT OF INDIA & central information commission
Ref no. RTI APPEAL via web DPG/B/2008/80341
RBI is a public authority , set up by an act of parliament. Numerous
irregularities , illegalities , crimes have taken place at RBI , still
it is fully covered up by those in influential positions.
Just refer “Oil for Food Money in Iraq scam ” and “ Vostro Account Scam of 1990s”. Influential people are involved , everything happened under the noose of RBI , With the connivance of RBI officials ?
We requested the CPIO of RBI HQ for information as per RTI Act ( our
letter dt 20th September 2008 ) about various issues concerning the
activities of that institution in whole. However the CPIO OF RBI HQ
through his letter no.DAPM.CO.RIA.4001/07.50.01/2008-09 dt October
03rd 2008 declined to give information citing certain ruses. ( RBI Ref
no. RIA 798/2008-09 )
He has stated that some information pertains to security press ,
nashik & note press at mysore. True , both those institutions are
fully owned subsidiaries of RBI , hence RBI is in a position to
answer. Still , RBI can transfer a copy of our RTI Application to
those authorities as per provisions of Sec 6(3) of RTI ACT 2005. CPIO
didn’t do that.
One more ruse of CPIO of RBI is that , I am seeking his views /
opinions on issues concerning RBI activities. He is wrong , I am
seeking to know the official / legal stand of RBI regarding it’s
activities for example , appointment of rowdies as loan recovery
agents by banks , etc. CPIO has failed to state the official stand
regarding various activities of RBI.
One more ruse given by CPIO of RBI is that I have raised many issues ,
to be specific 103 questions on various topics concerning RBI , giving
information on all those diverts the resources of authorities , hence
information request is denied. TRUE , information sought is many , so
do the crimes @ RBI which are also many. When compared to magnitude of
crimes @ RBI which is 3-4 times the entire budget outlays of Indian
government to the tune of crores of rupees , the resources spent to
ascertain information as per our RTI Application is just few hundreds
of rupees. When compared to the money spent by RBI officials by way of
TA / DA during their travel , etc, our information request resource
needs are peanuts.
To sum up , CPIO of RBI is hell bent to protect the criminals @ RBI
lest the truth comes into open. Hereby , we request the honourable
Supreme Court of India & central information commission to order the RBI to give us truthful
information in whole , so that justice is given to those victimized &
fat criminals are sent to gallows. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Read the article "Crimes @ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" @ http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/
, http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/ , http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
Your’s sincerely,
WE WANT Jan Lok Pal – WE WANT Accountability of all VVIP Public Servants WE WANT TRUE VVIP Postmans , Public Servants NOT Public Masters
Mr. Chief Public Servant,
Manmohan Singh
We have suffered enough due to corruption. We are deeply hurt and disappointed with any lack of a real and meaningful solution from you and your government.
We want change, and we want accountability and we cannot wait any longer to have this! We will not vote for you if an effective anti-corruption bill is not enacted. Not the farce Lokpal Bill proposed by your government, but the peoples “Jan Lokpal Bill”. We want strict and effective punishment for the corrupt. They MUST go to jail! Or you Mr. PM, along with your party, will fall from the people’s grace. We assure you, stand by us, and we will stand by you. The opposite will also hold true.
Your government has appointed a GoM to draft the Lokpal Bill. This GoM includes -
Sharad Pawar,Veerapa Moily and Kapil Sibal. Mr. Pawar and Mr. Moily have a past of corruption and mis-deeds that the entire country if aware of. Mr. Sibal does not feel there was corruption in the 2G scam. Having these people draft the anti-corruption law – is it not an insult to the people of India? How can the corrupt be asked to draft an anti-corruption bill? We urge you to consider the choice put forth by the people – credible names such as Justice Santosh Hegde, Prashant Bhushan, Shanti Bushan and others, to be part of the committee to draft the Lokpal Bill.
Shri Anna Hazare, one of the Greatest Social Reformers India has ever seen has announced a Fast Unto Death beginning April 5th. His demands are extremely beneficial for the future of India. We urge you to immediately accept the demands of the people of India represented by the demands of Shri Anna Hazare lest the discontent among the people grows out of control.
The sentiments against rampant corruption in this country are quickly becoming as strong as those that led to the uprising in Tahrir Square. The honest and hardworking people of this country refuse to be innocent bystanders in the wholesale public looting that is taking place as you read this letter. We request your immediate and strong response to this concern of the people as corruption should be the top priority of your government. If the challenge is not met effectively and promptly, it has the potential of undermining every valuable effort made by upright citizens of this country over the last century - including you. It also has the potential of leaving your government with a legacy of shame.
Tahrir square can yet be a reality in India.
We trust you will take immediate steps to give us our solution, and not force us to take the above steps!
Citizen of India
The hawala trail
PRAVEEN SWAMIBRITISH officials are investigating the activities of one of the most prominent overseas backers of secessionist groups in Jammu and Kashmir. Last month, the United Kingdom's Charities Commission and the Metropolitan Police began looking into allegations that Ayub Thokar, the head of the World Kashmir Freedom Movement, had funnelled funds raised for charity to the terrorist groups.
Investigations into Thokar's role in funding terror began after Indian officials handed over evidence in the case to their British counterparts in June. The two Indian officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs and a senior Jammu and Kashmir Police officer made available details of funds funnelled from Thokar's charity, Mercy International, through Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank (since then renamed Standard Chartered Bank) and the Development Credit Bank. The investigators also provided transcripts of telephone intercepts and cases filed against the recipients of the funds in India.
On May 25, a long-running Intelligence Bureau operation led to the arrest of Srinagar-based journalist Imtiaz Bazaz. Officials claim that he was a key conduit for transferring funds to Hizbul Mujahideen field commanders in Jammu and Kashmir. On April 22 Bazaz had received a foreign currency remittance of Rs.4,84,875 into his account with Standard Chartered in New Delhi, and on May 15 a second remittance of Rs.14,98,000 into the Development Credit Bank. Although intelligence officials monitored the first transaction, they did not intervene, in the interest of building up evidence. The second transaction was frozen.
The funds trail led straight to Thokar. It transpired that in early 2001, Hizbul Mujahideen chief Mohammad Yusuf Shah had sent Rs.48 lakh to Jamaat-e-Islami leader Syed Salahuddin through Thokar. Subsequently, after the arrest of Jamait-ul-Mujahideen finance commander Qasim Faktu, Thokar began to finance his organisation through the terrorist's wife, Asiya Indrabi. Most of the funds were routed through Bazaz, who arranged for the transfer of funds received in New Delhi to accounts held with the Jammu & Kashmir Bank in Srinagar. Cash was then paid to the final recipients.
Meanwhile, Income Tax Department investigations against All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani have started to bear fruit (Frontline, July 5, 2002). The secessionist leader claimed an annual agricultural income of Rs.10,000 in his tax returns, and also received the official pension of Rs.85,200 due to two-term MLAs - ironically enough for a man now at the cutting edge of the secessionist anti-election campaign! His expensive house in Hyderpora, however, had several cars parked there and the household was run by a personal staff of 14 people. The monthly kitchen expenses amounted to Rs.25,000. Income Tax Department searches of the Geelani home also yielded Rs.10.25 lakhs and $10,000 in cash. Income-tax officials have now decided to impose penalties of Rs.30 lakhs on Geelani, based on his estimated income over the last six years, the maximum period allowed by law. His businessman son-in-law Altaf Ahmad Shah, who allegedly used his legitimate operations to launder funds, has been slapped with a Rs.40 lakhs penalty. Failure to pay could lead to the auctioning of Geelani's assets, including the Hyderpora home.
Separate income-tax penalties of Rs.2 crores have been imposed on businessman Abdul Rashid Saraf, who was allegedly involved in handling hawala funds sent to APHC chairman Abdul Gani Bhat. Saraf, income-tax authorities found, had failed to disclose income of Rs.3.37 crores over the last six years.
The vigour that the Income Tax Department has shown in this matter marks a welcome departure from the past. After it was driven out of Srinagar in the later 1980s by mobs that attacked income tax inspectors, the organisation had granted de-facto independence to the State. This time, two planeloads of officials flew into the Avantipora Air Force base and they were escorted to the raids by police officers. Their successes seem to have convinced the Income Tax Department that it is after all possible to play a useful role in Jammu and Kashmir.
In the U.K., both Mercy International and Thokar will now have to answer some hard questions. For one, there is no explanation why the organisation did not send supposed philanthropic donations to the several-dozen charities in Jammu and Kashmir which have clearances under the Foreign Exchange Management Act. Thokar will also have to explain how he paid for the purchase of his London home, and his regular overseas travels, given the fact that he has no ostensible means of income. India has, however, chosen not to seek Thokar's extradition, since the fact that his wife is a U.K. national makes this outcome unlikely.
For India, British action in this case will be a key test of its loudly-advertised anti-terrorist stance. In March, sources told Frontline, Deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani had handed over to British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw a dossier on the activities of secessionist groups in the U.K. Titled 'Misuse of British Soil by Kashmir Expatriates Based in the U.K. for Funding Terrorism in J&K', the document outlined many of the charges which investigations have now added substance to. Sources say the team that visited the U.K. pointed to Straw's promises to crack down on terrorism-related money laundering, and were told that criminal prosecutions would take place in the U.K. Earlier, the U.K. successfully prosecuted two Khalistan-linked British nationals involved in backing the Babbar Khalsa International.
If funds transfers to terrorist groups are effectively cut off, it will do not a little to cripple such organisations. The reasons are simple. While it is easy to send cadres across the Line of Control, actually sustaining their activities in Jammu and Kashmir needs an elaborate financial structure. Money is needed to pay for everything from food and shelter to informants, political support and the legal defence of arrested sympathisers. Since it is impossible to lug sacks full of cash across the LoC, illegal funds transfers come into play. For many businessmen in the Kashmir Valley, holding such cash for short terms has been a profitable, risk-free enterprise. Now the penalties imposed should persuade conduits for blood-money transfers that crime does not, in fact, pay.
Al-Qaeda routing money to India via Europe
New Delhi, Mar 6: European countries are being used as hot destinations by terror group al-Qaeda to route money to India, according to a report by Peruvian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU).
The report said the FIU had found at least one case of such suspicious transaction by al-Qaeda every month and shared them with the US investigators.
The report said the FIU had found at least one case of such suspicious transaction by al-Qaeda every month and shared them with the US investigators.
"The FIU also reports tracking cases similar to that of an OFAC-designated (US Office of Foreign Assets Control) of al-Qaeda element moving money from Europe through Lima and on to India," the report leaked by Wikileaks, a non-profit media organisation dedicated to bringing important information to the public, quoting FIU head Enrique Saldivar disclosed.
"Asked if this al-Qaeda case was the first of its kind or they had seen similar cases before, Saldivar told NASOff that they see about one case a month," the cable said.
The FIU receives and analyses STRs, may request additional information relevant to cases or operations related to money laundering or terrorist financing, provides Financial Intelligence Reports (FIR) to the Public Prosecutor's Office, participates and/or requests joint investigations, and coordinates with foreign FIUs and entities.
"Of the 7,710 suspicious activity reports examined by FIU analysts in 2009, 781 resulted in financial intelligence reports sent to the Public Ministry for further processing and investigation.
"Based on these 781 intelligence reports, the FIU concludes more than 3 billion USD moved illegally through Peru''s financial sector in 2009," it said.
"83 per cent of this amount, according to the FIU, is related to drug trafficking. The other 17 per cent is reportedly related to fiscal fraud, corruption and illegal gun dealing. Currently, 308 of these intelligence reports are at various stages of investigation and prosecution in the legal system as compared to four cases in 2008," the cables read.
According to Saldivar, anti-money laundering efforts in Peru are hindered by several factors.
StanChart prospectus quiet about cases
Mumbai: Standard Chartered Plc, (StanChart) which is set to hit the market with the first ever issue of Indian depository receipts (IDRs) on 25 May, has not disclosed many pending cases against it for alleged violation of foreign exchange remittance norms in the draft red herring prospectus submitted to the capital markets regulator.
The alleged violations—17 transactions of drafts, one telex transfer and two cash transactions—go back to 1991-92, when the Enforcement Directorate (ED) found a series of forex violations made through the bank’s Mumbai branches to the UK.
ED is a government agency that looks into foreign exchange transactions.
The violations were discovered after ED investigated a number of banks, including Standard Chartered, in the aftermath of the Harshad Mehta scam that rocked the stock markets in 1991-92.
The ED complaint was filed in the court of chief metropolitan magistrate in Mumbai by enforcement officer S. Parvez in May 2002.
These complaints, which are still pending, charge the bank and its then chairman Rodney Galpin of “total violation” of the exchange control manual and provisions of then prevailing foreign exchange regulation norms.
Mint has reviewed copies of some of these case files.
The Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements (ICDR) norms, laid down by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), require any firm floating a public issue to disclose all pending proceedings initiated for economic offences against the issuer or its directors, as well as the present status of such cases.
StanChart said that it has no “material litigation” to disclose. The bank’s spokesman Arijit De said the lender has applied the relevant materiality standard in arriving at the disclosures.
In response to an email questionnaire, he said the bank would comply with the applicable laws, regulations and international practice with regard to material information disclosure and uniformity of disclosures.
“Accordingly, in relation to disclosure on litigation, as provided under the provisions of the Sebi (ICDR) regulations, 2009, as amended, Standard Chartered Plc, as an issuer of IDRs, is required to disclose ‘material litigation’. In considering whether disclosures are necessary in relation to litigation, Standard Chartered Plc has applied the relevant materiality standard. On this basis, no litigation is required to be disclosed,” the email said.
Under Sebi rules, the so-called materiality of a case must be judged on three broad parameters: qualitative nature, litigation or defaults that may not be material at present but might have a material impact later, and litigations that may not be material individually, but may be found material collectively.
A questionnaire to Sebi on whether it has granted any special exemption to StanChart for the IDR remained unanswered.
A senior lawyer at a national law firm said: “All pending litigations that have a bearing on the issue should be disclosed in the prospectus as per ICDR regulations. Moreover, the issue of materiality varies from case to case and is subjective. If I were an underwriter, I would have disclosed the status of the cases and justified if the cases have any material impact on the company’s businesses or not, in the prospectus.” The lawyer did not want to be identified.
Market analysts say there is no definitive yardstick for deciding the importance of a case.
“Materiality is subjective and judgemental,” said Prithvi Haldea, chairman and managing director of Prime Database, a primary market tracker. “The merchant banker, issuer and lawyer can collectively take a call on whether a matter is material or not.”
However, if these matters are decided in court and proven to be material, the issuers, bankers and lawyers can be taken to court for substantial damages, he added.
The amount involved in the 17 transactions listed by ED and facilitated by the bank between February 1991 and September 1992 is Rs4 crore. The bank also allegedly facilitated a telegraphic transfer of Rs1.5 crore. ANZ Grindlays Bank, which was acquired by StanChart in 2000, allegedly helped the same entities transfer around Rs55 crore. Separate cases are pending against both banks in the matter.
According to the case files, Irish rugby player Keith Fairbrother was the key beneficiary of the transfers. He owned a company, Indo International, earlier known as Eastern Suburbs, based in the UK, but with bank accounts in both names in India as well as the UK.
Fairbrother is said to have facilitated a few import-export deals between some Indian firms and their counterparts in the erstwhile Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Since India and USSR had bilateral trade pacts, any payment to entities there needed to be routed through the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) with appropriate approvals and sanctions. Fairbrother, the files claim, broke these rules using various foreign banks, including StanChart.
Through his associate Kuldip Singh Sood in India, Fairbrother would collect Indian rupee drafts drawn by an Indian bank on its domestic branch. Allegedly with the connivance of StanChart, he would get them cleared without making any declarations or taking any approvals and credit the amount to a vostro account of StanChart London and Manchester. These banks would, in turn, transfer the amount to a beneficiary of the same name in the UK.
A vostro account is the local currency account held by a local bank for a foreign one. Such accounts are used for inter-bank transfers, and money transfers to non-residents need RBI’s nod. ED has charged that the bank and its then CEO violated these rules.
A senior broker, on condition of anonymity, said that as a matter of principle, the company should publish all pending legislation and leave the question of materiality to investors’ judgement.
“By choosing to ignore pending legislations, they are setting a bad example for the companies coming to list such instruments in future,” he said.
Excise scam money used to fund terror'
PANAJI: Opposition leader Manohar Parrikar on Thursday said he would write to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, fearing that money from a multi-crore excise scam linking Goa with Indian border states is being used to fund terrorist activities.
Parrikar has also alleged that the state excise department has been issuing permits to companies furnishing bogus addresses.
· Incidentally, the state government's reply that the state finance secretary is investigating earlier allegations made by Parrikar on the excise scam has not satisfied the opposition leader, who has demanded that the matter be immediately handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).·
Raising the matter during question hour, Parrikar said that illicit alcohol consignments worth crores of rupees are being sent to border states in the north and north-east of India.
"Money from this scam is being used to fund terror networks. The excise departments from other states such as Punjab, Rajasthan and the north eastern states are involved," he said. The opposition leader also reminded the House that he had first made these allegations in the last assembly session.
"I believe the prime minister is an upright person and I will write to him to probe into this," Parrikar said. Chief minister Digambar Kamat, however, did not commit to a criminal investigation into the scam.
"The finance secretary is currently conducting an inquiry into the matter," he told the House.
Parrikar retorted: "The finance secretary does not have powers to conduct such an inquiry. We have to verify the signature of the superintendent of excise on the order, which the finance secretary will not be able to do. He cannot go to Punjab and Rajasthan to investigate the matter."
"The only thing that needs to be investigated is who made the payment for the 1.04 lakh litres of alcohol that was imported in September. Trace the source of payment and you will find out who the culprit is," Parrikar said.
UBS deal died over unexplained money
Mumbai / Pune: The reluctance of a top Swiss bank to help Indian investigators is slowing the unravelling of an intricate multinational trail of money transfers—across Switzerland, New York, the British Virgin Islands and Pune—between an Indian horse owner and a fugitive Saudi arms dealer, according to officials in the Enforcement Directorate, the government body that investigates economic crimes.
A top official in the Enforcement Directorate (ED) who did not wish to be identified confirmed on Friday that the agency’s officials, in December 2007, had advised the Indian government not to clear a Rs467 crore plan by UBS (United Bank of Switzerland) AG, the world’s biggest wealth management company, to buy the Indian mutual fund business of Standard Chartered Bank because the Swiss bank had not helped track international money transfers of Pune horse owner Hassan Ali Khan.
Investigators from the ED, who recently claim to have found $8 billion in the Swiss bank accounts of Hasan Ali Khan, say they now have evidence of a $300 million transfer to him (via a Chase Manhattan bank account in New York) from billionaire Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, whose arms supplies to Tamil terrorists, the LTTE, were revealed during an investigation into the 1991 assassination of Rajiv Gandhi.
As the Bombay high court hears an Enforcement Directorate plea not to return passports to Khan and his wife Rheema, theHindustan Timeshas previewed a secret ED report that reveals the agency’s attempts to find the links between Khan and Khashoggi.
As evidence the report quotes a notation, “funds from weapon sales”, made by UBS AG, a top-tier investment banking and securities firm, after it froze an account belonging to Hassan Ali Khan, the Pune horse owner, following the $300 million transfer to him—it isn’t clear when— from Khashoggi.
“I would not like to talk about this,” said UBS India managing director and chairperson Manisha Girotra, referring all questions to the bank’s spokesperson.
“As a truly global entity, our policy on such issues is to comply with the laws and regulations in each host country, while at the same time, complying with the banking laws in Switzerland,” the UBS spokesperson said in an email. The spokesperson declined to comment specifically on the arms sale notation.
The government has told the Bombay high court that the Khans are “virtually absconding” and if they are allowed to leave India, investigations could collapse. Khan’s counsel, Milind Sathe, said his client “regularly appeared before the Directorate”. Asked where Khan was, his main lawyer, Mugdha Jadhav, said: “Can’t tell you, sorry.”
At Pune race course, HT found Hassan Ali Khan’s father-in-law, Abbas Ali Khan, who said his son-in-law was “not well” and in Mumbai. He dismissed all allegations.
Hassan Ali Khan has three Indian passports—issued from Pune, Patna and Mumbai; he also applied for passports from Guwahati and Chandigarh— and he and his wife have applied to Switzerland for citizenship, another ED official who did not wish to be identified said. Passport authorities in those three cities are now trying to find out how three passports were issued to Khan.
Kashoggi now lives a quiet life in the principality of Monaco. There is a British warrant out for his arrest.
Another top official at ED who also did not wish to be identified said Kashoggi’s $300-million transfer was “only the tip of the iceberg” and that the agency was trying to connect the dots in the global trail, which also includes evidence of another $290 million in two “fictitious companies” created by Hassan Ali Khan and a friend in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. All the money transfers are recorded in a laptop seized in January 2007 from Hassan Ali Khan’s house in Pune and while investigators believe this is laundered money, there is no direct evidence. They would also need corroboratory evidence to establish that these transfers have anything to do with terror networks.
“These are all false allegations,” said Sathe. Asked about the $300 million transfer from Khashoggi, he said: “When the Enforcement Directorate questions us, we shall give a reply.”
The ED official, who confirmed the agency’s involvement in spiking UBS’ deal with Standard Chartered, said the Swiss bank had told Indian investigators to get a letter rogatory, a formal request from an Indian court to a Swiss court. This is a complicated process and would have needed to be routed through the ministry of external affairs, and it would have involved finding and presenting clear evidence of Hassan Ali’s links to terror.
It now seems apparent that UBS’ stand in the ongoing investigation led to the collapse of its deal with Standard Chartered Bank.
In a December report, Mint said that the Reserve Bank, India’s banking regulator, would not approve the deal because of possible money laundering through the Swiss bank involving certain transactions of Khan. On Friday, RBI declined to comment. “We are a civil body,” a spokesperson said. “Whenever we find violations, issued to be investigated, we hand over the information to the Enforcement Directorate. We have not issued any comments on the issue of UBS.”
In December, Standard Chartered, the parent of Standard Chartered Bank in India, sent a notice to stock exchanges in London and Hong Kong, where it is listed, saying it would not proceed with the deal, without giving a reason.(Hindustan Times)
- An appeal to honourable supreme court of India
The central bank of India Reserve Bank Of India , which is supposed
to direct the fiscal policies of government of India , has failed to
do so. It has enabled many looters in the garb of entrepreneurs , to
swindle the exchequer to the tune of crores of rupees. The premiere
investigating agency of India CBI has failed to nail the culprits.
Hereby , I do request the honourable supreme court of India to treat
this as a PIL application & to provide speedy justice in following
Read the article "Crimes @ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA" @ http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/
, http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/ , http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
Read the article "PF scam shame shame judges" @
http://corruptmajority.blogspot.com/ ,
- Trauma of an old man
Complete case details also available at http://members.lycos.co.uk/ganapathihariram/
As per allegations of RBI management Bangalore in 1977-79 , criminal
nexus of RBI employees stole Rs. 220000 from RBI Bangalore. All the
banks , government treasuries in Karnataka , submit defaced / soiled
currency notes to RBI Bangalore in exchange for good notes. RBI after
collecting such defaced currency notes , sorts out fairly good notes
which can be reissued & burns off the remaining totally defaced
currency notes. All these process is done in a systematic manner.
As per allegations of the management , the crime took place in the
period of 1977-79 at RBI Bangalore. A nexus of employees, took away
the currency bundles meant for destruction & substituted it in the
place of bundles of reissuables.
Charge sheet issued by RBI Bangalore office to mr.G.Hariram
Staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 1 april 1985
Amended charge sheet staff no 3798/156-84/85 dt 8 april 1985
CBI has charge sheeted 17 employees in connection with this case ,
case olde no. cc34/1989 new no. sc 436/1991 . the
honourable 21 city additional city civil & sessions court Bangalore in
it's order dated 24.01.1992
discharged 03 charge sheeted employees , as the prosecution
failed to prove the charges against them. They came out clean , as
they were innocents saddled with the crime done by others. One of the
charge sheeted employee who turned approver for the prosecution, has
given detailed account of the crime. Nowhere he has mentioned the
involvement of accussed no.15 mr.G.Hariram in the crime.
Even after coming out clean, mr.G.Hariram was not reinstated into
service by RBI. They gave the ruse of domestic enquiry & showed
contempt to the court order. On appeal, the honourable high court of
Karnataka ordered RBI to review it's order with respect to
mr.G.Hariram , still RBI failed to reinstate mr.G.Hariram into service
, once gain showing contempt to the court of law.
In India as per law , the decisions of court of law are binding on all
, orders of court over rides the organisation's internal rules ,
service rules , etc. inspite of lack of evidences, in a whimsical
manner the higher authorities of RBI , fixed some innocents as the
scape goats heaped all charges against them ( against whom they had
personal grudge , dislikes ). RBI repeatedly showed contempt to the
court orders , dismissed the scape goat - ailing old man mr.G.Hariram
from service. RBI snatched away his PF money towards the alleged loss
to the bank , didn't pay his gratuity amount , salary arrears and
finally he was even deprived of the pension. As a result , the old man
has even lost his social prestige, dignity , his family suffered a lot
& he is a mental wreck today.
Why RBI authoroties are hell bent upon to send away the innocents /
scape goats away from service ? why CBI didn't conduct polygraph tests
of all the accussed , specifically higher officers of RBI , managers
of RBI office Bangalore ? probably the scape goats were aware of the
crimes master minded by higher ups & didn't co-operate with the higher
ups in their crimes. So, the criminals were afraid that the scape
goats will blurt out truth to the world , fixed non co-operating
innocents themselves as criminals.
Who will give justice to innocents like old man mr.G.Hariram & who
will bell the corrupt , criminals , fat cats of RBI ?
( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 )
PIN – 570017.
WITH RESPECT TO CASE NO old CC34 / 1989 & NEW NO SC436/1991 AT 21
CHARGE SHEET NO staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 01.01.1985
Amended charge sheet staff no.3798/156-84/85 dt 08.04.1985
1. Why didn't you notice the alleged crimes of 1977 , 78 & 79 till the
mid of 1979 ?
2. This crime came to light only due to anonymous phone calls of good
Samaritans to authorities , but not due to your inspection . is your
inspection division working properly ?
3. why there is no security check up of officers during entry & exit
out of premises ?
4. why there is no individual weighment , individual statement of
value of bags of reissuable notes & bags of note meant for destruction
, after sorting is done, why they are not tallied with total weight ,
value of notes issued for sorting ?
5. Immediately after noticing the crime, why did not you transfer all
the employees of those sections ?
6. why did not you take steps to preserve3 & protect respective
documents relating to such high profile crime ?
7. why didn't you immediately issue charge sheet to all the accussed &
waited till 1983 ?
8. Why RBI has left out , so many officers ( who worked in the same
sections for more period than accused officers ) from domestic
enquiry ?
9. why CBI also failed to put those people in the charge sheet before
the court ?
10. is it because they were in favorable terms with the vested
interests ?
11. did the CBI dance to the tune of vested interests in RBI while
preparing charge sheet & during investigation , instead of
independent investigation ?
12. those left out probables from the charge sheet might have caused
the destruction of evidences / records. During the course of domestic
enquiry / court proceedings , it has been recorded that some records
have been destroyed. Are not CBI & RBI responsible for destruction of
evidences , aiding true criminals get away ?
13. in normal times , what is the period specified in RBI regulations
for preserving old documents / records ?
14. after noticing such a high profile crime the RBI must have taken
utmost care to preserve such old records for indefinite time , for
producing before courts of law as & when demanded. But it didn't ,
why ?
15. does not this point to connivance of higher authorities of RBI ,
with the criminals ?
16. RBI authorities have conducted domestic mass enquiries , instead
of individual enquiries , is it not detrimental to the rights of
defense ?
17. RBI authorities have stated that court proceedings & domestic
enquiry are independent of each other & are not binding on one
another. However RBI authorities straight away took on record of
domestic enquiry the court statements , evidences , but didn't honour
the order of same court of law ? why this double standard by RBI ?
18. The alleged crime was committed in 1977-79, but charge sheet was
framed in mid 1985 , why this long delay ?
19. didn't this facilitate the masterminds of crime to destroy ,
manipulate evidences ?
20. as stated before court , indeed some records , 22nd currency note
packet were missing , who is responsible for it ?
21. has the CBI conducted enquiry , polygraph test of RBI higher
officers - S.N.RAZDAN , W.S.SARAF , J.P.AWASTHI , J.MITRA & others ,
if not why ?
22. is it not due to inefficiency , negligence of duty by such high
ranking managers , that such a crime occurred in RBI Bangalore ?
23. what disciplinary action RBI has taken against the inefficient ,
negligent higher officials ?
24. whatever internal rules an organization makes must be within the
line of law. If such internal laws of the organization are violative
of law , fundamental rights of employees , such internal rules become
illegal. Are not the way of RBI disciplinary proceedings illegal ?
25. as per RBI pension regulations 1990 , RBI has the right to deduct
any loss caused to the bank , from the pension of RBI employee if the
misconduct of employee is proved in judicial proceedings . even though
mr.G.Hariram came out clean from the court , why RBI has denied his
pension ?
26. judicial courts of law are appellate authorities over & above ,
domestic enquiry committees & judicial orders supersedes the domestic
enquiry proceedings. Still RBI showed contempt of court & didn't
reinstate mr..G.Hariram into service , why ?
27. even if an employee's misconduct causing loss to the bank is
proved , before denying him pension (towards making up loss to the
bank) , previous sanction of the central board of RBI must be taken.
But in mr.G.Hariram's case , pension was denied in full without taking
previous sanction of the central board of RBI , is it not illegal ?
28. RBI alleged that mr..G.Hariram caused loss to the tune of Rs.14000
to the bank & recovered it from his provident fund dues. There was
nothing left over to recover , still RBI completely denied pension to
mr.G.Hariram , why ?
29. ideally, domestic enquiry findings / disciplinary actions should
be completed first , then the employee can appeal to appropriate court
of law. In mr.G.Hariram's case , CBI & RBI failed to prove the charges
in court of law , as a result court discharged him from the charges.
To cover-up it's failures RBI management dragged domestic enquiry much
beyond court orders date & gave findings indicting mr..G.Hariram. does
the enquiry officer of domestic enquiry think that he is over & above
the court of law ? is it not illegal & contempt of court ?
30. ideally , RBI authorities should have appealed to higher court
against lower court order discharging mr.G.Hariram from charges. But
it was not done , why ?
31. did the RBI pay interim relief to mr.G.Hariram , during suspension
period ?
32. the undue delay in filing charge sheet , consequent destruction of
key evidences , dishonour / contempt of court orders , undue haste in
giving findings , dismissal , denial of of pension without central
board's sanction , all point towards criminals within RBI higher
management. What disciplinary action has been taken against
J.P.AWASTHI, S.N.RAZDAN,J.MITRA, W.SARAF & others ? if not why ?
33. why charge sheet was amended? Is it legal ?
34. did the charge sheet was amended to falsely implicate
mr..G.Hariram , by including cancelled note vault in the charge
sheet ?
35. does not this itself show that it is not statement of actual
happenings / facts , but a cunning ploy to mislead investigation
towards fixed innocents from actual criminals ?
36. is it true that that only 5% of sample inspection is done out of
bundled verified defective note packets ?
37. is not the conduct of joint / mass enquiries of all charge sheeted
officers illegal ?
38. how come such an important evidence 22nd note packet went
missing ?
39. is it because it may point towards real criminals ?
40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head /
expert mr.vijendra rao , the notes of earlier dates have been removed
from packets made into new bundles , right ?
41. as per his statement , entire certificates , seals of some asst
treasurers are there , who didn't work at all on that day is not it ?
42. does not it show that some body else was misusing the seals ,
putting some innocents seals over the notes ?
43. does it not show that , crime has taken place at verification
section ?
44. does it not show involvement of some asst treasurers ?
45. why asst treasurers have not been charge sheeted ?
46. why inspection of RBI Bangalore office was not done between 1975 &
1979 ?
47. is it not true that you failed to produce all records showing
internal inspection / audits , during domestic enquiry & court
proceedings ?
48. your expert mr.vijendra rao has stated that some seal marks are
smudged , he has stated some seal marks appears to be so & so. He has
clearly nowhere stated that this seal mark is exactly this , so he
himself is not 100% sure ?
49. your expert nowhere said that 100% sure this seal mark is this ,
on that day this seal was issued to mr.G.Hariram , isn't it ?
50. your expert says during 1975 , he didn't notice3 any fraud.
However approver says fraud was there before mid 1977 also. Why no
action has been taken ?
51. why you didn't produce all records of all persons , who have
specifically worked in alleged sections , the registers of those
departments with daily activity report containing seal nos , packet
nos , bag nos , etc ?
52. are not their chances of some criminals putting the seal marks of
innocent officers over the notes , bundles , bags , etc ?
53. your expert is not 100% sure of seal mark , your records are not
there to prove the presence of charge sheeted officers in the alleged
sections , neither your expert nor your records are 100% sure on what
date , at what stage , by whom crime was committed , isn't it ?
54. is not the charge sheet amounting to higher ups picking up
officers they dislike & falsely implicating them ?
55. is it not cunning ploy of higher ups to divert attention from
original criminals ?
56. why no action was taken against currency officer of 1977-79
mr.J.Mitra ? why his pension , super annuation benefits were not
withheld ?
57. what is your justification , supporting evidence , records for
picking up only three officers including mr.G.Hariram for legal
prosecution and leaving the majority of probables ?
58. why you have dropped charges against five asst treasurers ? why
you didn't even conduct domestic enquiry against them , let alone
legal prosecution ?
59. Is it RBI's & CBI's way of fair play & justice ?
60. as inly 5% sampling of verified note bundles are done , there are
more possibilities of rebundled packets getting unnoticed in relaxed
95% lot , isn't it ?
61. you have left out so many officers who worked in those sections,
some of whom even became management witnesses , instead of being
charge sheeted by the management, is it fair play & legal ?
62. who are the bank employees , from whom you have recovered the
alleged bank loss of Rs.220000 ?
63. were all of them charge sheeted , enquired , legally prosecuted ,
dismissed & their pension , gratuity withheld ?
64. you don't have any internal statuotary records to prove that
mr.G.Hariram worked in those departments , except a currency officer's
office note dated just on the eve of charge sheet years after the
alleged crime ? does it not prove that this note has been concocted
just to fix mr.G.Hariram ?
65. where as you have records of other officials attendance in those
departments , but not charge sheeted them why ?
66. three officers of staff grade A daily work in three sections out
of 40 officers , why you have picked up only mr.G.Hariram , out of
1095 working days , he has worked for only 223 days in those
sections , still those officers who worked for more days in those
sections are not charge sheeted why ? the approver , the management
expert witness , shift registers , V2 registers , Destruction
certificates , Form CD 55 , etc , nobody , no records were able to say
on what date , at what stage , by whom crime took place , also they
were unable to say on what date at what stage crime was committed by
mr.G.Hariram ? is it not futile imagination , cunning ploy of RBI
higher authorities to fix innocent Mr.G.Hariram ?
67. the management expert witnesses said , the most probable place of
crime is punching / Cancelled Note Vault , incinerator , where asst
treasurers were joint custodians . they were not enquired & let off
why ?
68. the charge sheet alleges extraction / substitution of
defaced note packets. Where as the management expert witness say
substitution of defaced notes only ? is not there difference between
loss of one number of note & 100 number of notes ?
69. as per the normal course of duty , staff officers does not
count notes in each bundles , but they just count the number of
bundles only. Is not there chances of inserted note bundles or bundles
containing less number of notes going unnoticed ? is it not the
failure of statuotary system of work practices ?
70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI
were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original
criminals ?
Questions with respect to other cases :
71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as
directors of companies which have availed bank loans ?
72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks
have invested ?
73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank
officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section ,
etc ?
74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over
assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank
officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in
the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such
cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude
with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than
permissible ?
75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs.
76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose
companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them ,
before investing in new companies promoted by them.
77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through
rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ?
78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for
aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ?
79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.
10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a
debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ?
but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ?
80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer
by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ?
81. what action has been taken against those involved ?
82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi
during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are
powerful & bigwigs ?
83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities ,
money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ?
84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations ,
foreign donations by many NGOs ?
85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn
brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ?
86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at
security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for
what criminal roles ?
88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the
security set-up in R.B.I ?
90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are
accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process
are accounted for?
92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of
all the above?
94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ?
97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ?
98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the
post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the
year 1996-1998 ?
99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary
laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ?
100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous
information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons
will come out of cubboard ?
101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI
Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of
rupees ? if not why ?
102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused
to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ?
103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing
huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ?
P.M.MARG ,MUMBAI-400001.
Date : 01.11.2008 Your’s sincerely,
Place : Mysore Nagaraj.M.R.
In " mysooru mithra" a kannada daily dated 15/06/2005, the editor has
written about a copy of the complaint made by Transparency
International India-Bangalore to central vigilance commission of
In indian banks , there is a strange practice that whenever a cheque
is put before the clearing house by a bank, the clearing house sends
that cheque to the service branch of bank paying. The service branch
then sends that cheque to the appropriate bank branch
for deduction of cash from the cheque account. In this travel , if the
cheque is lost or misplaced midway, the service branch pays out of
it's suspense account to the cash collecting bank. Logically,
afterwards the service branch must initiate a thorough inquiry, get
authentication from both persons one who gave cheque & other who
collected cheque. Finally, the money must be transferred from the
account of cheque giver to the suspense account.
However , upto 1997 two branches of state bank of india in bangalore &
overseas branch sufferred from frequent loss of cheques totally
cheque loss the bank has paid out of suspense account, totally
amounting to Rs.3200 crore. However the bank has not
initiated any enquiry to recover that amount from the cheque givers.
In the 1997 internal audit report of the bank itself , this has been
clearly pointed out. Till date, even the central vigilance commission
has not initiated any action about it. A member of central vigilance
commission happens to be ex-chairman of state bank of india.
It is just an instance of two branches of SBI, what about hundreds of
branches of SBI, what about thousands of branches of other public
sector,private sector & co-operative banks. It is fraud,fraud,fraud
all the way. Few months back to cover-up the crimes
of global trust bank ( GTB) , it was taken over by oriental bank of
commerce ( OBC).
While sanctioning a loan of just Rs.10000 to a common man , he has to
comply with lengthy legalities. If he defaults, bankers breath down
his neck, bankers send rowdies in the form of recovery agents to
humiliate the common man & his properties are
auctioned-off, finally all dues to the last penny are recovered. In
most of the cases bankers even force the defaulters to commit suicide.
However influential persons easily gets loans amounting to hundreds of
crores of rupees, coolly defaults, siphons-off the funds & shuts his
shop. No recovery at all , just it becomes a non- performing asset
(NPA) in the bank ledger. The total NPAs of all public sector banks is
more than Rs.80000 crore. This burden is spead over the crores of
hapless indians.
The government takes pride in murdering forest brigand veerappan. The
ill-gotten wealth of veerappan is not even pea nuts before this huge
amount. Remember past finance scams – MS SHOES, HAWALA, HARSHAD MEHTA
SHARE SCAM, KETAN PAREKH SHARE SCAM, UTI, etc. totally in all these
scams billions of dollars of public money have gone to the coffers of
criminals. These scamsters put veerappan to shame in their turnover.
However the government is not even exhibiting a fraction of it's
ELIMINATE VEERAPPAN DRIVE against these scamsters, why?
In india, both central & state government tax/ revenue officials are
neck deep in corruption. By, taking bribe they make lower assessment
of income, gains, etc & spare businessmen from the tax payment. The
government in return for favours received from
lobbies, gives tax exemptions to them at it's sweet will. All these
scams & it's cover-ups are insider jobs. The government is not
interested to collect, recover it's own monies
amounting to billions of billions of dollars every year. However our 5-
star leaders living at the expense of tax-payers, go-on foreign jaunts
with a begging bowl for a few lakhs of dollars. What a shame?
More than 50 billion indians are barely surviving on a single meal per
day & hundreds are dying due to starvation, billions don't even have
basic necessities of life. If the government even just collects a
fraction of it's dues from scamsters, defaulting industrialists –
people won't die of hunger in india. Has this enlightened our thick
skinned netas ?
An age old saying – AS THE KING SO DOES THE SUBJECTS. In india various
financial scams, crimes & it's cover-ups have taken place amounting to
billions of billions of dollars have taken place, made possible , just
due to the involvement of the king – the netas & government officials
themselves in the shameful act – the crime.
The tax officials are utterly corrupt, the wards of these officials
spend double their pappa's salary just during
weekends. Now, realise their financial might. These ill-gotten wealth
is destabilising our economy & might have even found it's way into the
hands of underworld, terorrists. INDIA WILL BE DEFEATED FROM
Hereby, the HRW urges you to make public:
1. the financial worth of finance minister to tax official at circle
level, on annual basis including his spouse's worth & property
2. to make public the NPAs, losses & monies under litigation by both
private & public sector banks annually.
3. to make public measures taken to recover these monies.
4. to publish annual accounts with complete details of discretionary
funds allotted to the defence ministry, president, prime minister,
chief ministers , governors & intelligence agencies.
Public want to know whether proper discretion is being applied while
Even in ordinary branches of banks , the safety
locker room keys & currency chest room keys are with senior managers
only. with advance of technology various electronic gadgets like
burglar alarms, user id & palm readers are in use. It is quite
shocking to know that , in high security RBI CURRENCY PRESS , mysore
these gadgets were not in use & the keys were easily accessible to
ordinary security guards. Also, in mysore press there is no proper
accounting practices for blank papers issued for printing , after
printing is done accounts of accepted notes & rejected notes is not
at all kept. CBI is putting the whole blame on an ordinary security
guards & hurrying to close the case. The repeated thefts are not at
all possible by security guards alone without the help of insiders /
higher executives. CBI is trying to fool whom?
Even with respect to my complaint regarding
recruitment scandal complaint no: DPG/B/2005/80049 (2) (RBI) new
complaint no: DPG/Z/2005/90040, neither CBI nor secretary ( finance
sector ) department of economic affairs government of india nor the
RBI governor has taken any steps till date , why?
Hereby, e-voice urges the honourable union finance
minister & CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSION to look into the matter & to
provide speedy justice to all concerned.
Lie detector tests for C.B.I officers ?
Nowadays even free e-mail accounts need password to operate, to
operate a bank locker there are multi level security settings.
However , it is ridiculous, unbelievable to note that in the high
security reserve bank of india currency note press mysore, there were
no different key sets , palm readers, pass words, no different
authorised persons, no troops of security guards, to access the area.
Just only one security guard- a constable.
It is a cock & bull story of C.B.I, that all alone a single security
guard stole the booty. There must be a crime syndicate. The C.B.I
officers themselves must be subjected to polygraph, brain mapping
tests to know why they are lying , to cover-up whom? The C.B.I has
not answered previous questions raised by us. The C.B.I must answer
the following questions :
1. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at
security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ?
2. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for
what criminal roles ?
3. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ?
4. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the
security set-up in R.B.I ?
5. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are
accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ?
6. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process
are accounted for?
7. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ?
8. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all
the above?
9. How the scrap paper is disposed off ?
10. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ?
Dear sir,
I have applied for the post of STORES ASSISTANT in
1995 & for the post of PROCESS ASSISTANT in 1996 for vaccancies at
Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited ( BRBNMPL) MYSORE
& SALBONI. I didn't even get the interview/written test call letter.
However candidates with lesser merit ranking were selected. My
requests for a copy of merit ranking list fell on deaf ears.
In the end of 1996, i once again applied for the
round i got written test call letters for both posts. I have
successfully cleared the common written test for both posts.
Subsequently i got the interview call letters for both posts. I have
successfully appeared for the common interview for both posts.
However candidates of lesser merit were selected & i didn't get any
communication at all. My repeated requests for MERIT RANKING LIST
fell on deaf ears.
It is the criminals in R.B.I MANAGEMENT who
declared a good printing machine at nasik security press as scrap &
sold it to fake stamp paper king pin karim lala telgi It may be
possible that the criminals in the R.B.I MANAGEMENT selected
candidates who suited their criminal objectives. As a result there is
frequent occurrence of currency thefts & related
irregularities at R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS, mysore & salboni.
Hereby, i call upon the C.B.I to look into this matter.
Also, hereby i urge you to provide me justice by giving merit ranking
lists of all recruitments made from 1995onwards till date.
Specifically, for the above mentioned 4 posts in accordance with the
Corporate fraud is nothing new to india , satyam company is just a
new addition to it. Satyam co was able to commit such a huge fraud &
keep it under wraps for years goes to prove the honesty , integrity of
our public servants , government officials belonging to SEBI , RBI ,
tax dept , pollution control , labour depts. , etc & the honesty of
auditors & company secretaries. Ofcourse , still there are few honest
people in public service , auditing & company secretaryship , but
majority of them are hand in gloves with corporate criminals.
Definitely , this fraud will also be brushed under the carpet after
certain time as other frauds happened , afterall these frauds are the
money spinners for political party funding , mafia , underworld &
other criminal activities.
In india , tax compliance is worse. In our criminal justice system,
there is rigorous imprisonment for a pick-pocketer stealing Rs.10.
even the authorities spend thousands of rupees in legally prosecuting
him & the thief spends a year or more as punishment behind bars. Where
as there is no commensurate investigation nor legal prosecution nor
punishment for corporate thieves , evading tax to the tune of crores
of rupees. In contrast, those tax thieves pay a part of that booty to
the ministers & political parties and get crores of rupees tax
exemptions , incentives from the government. Government is rewarding
corporate criminals.
The tax officials of central & state governments
are hand in glove with these corporate criminals & traders. For a
price, they are helping corporates & traders in evading tax. Most of
the tax officials are wealthy & leading luxurious lifestyles , much
beyond the scope of their legal income. The black money thus generated
every year by tax evasion , is many times more than our total annual
budget allocation. As a result, all our fiscal reforms fail &
inflation is soaring. This black money is the source of illegal
funding of political parties , terrorist outfits & underworld. It is a
greater threat to national unity & integrity.
Both the central government & karnataka state
government have failed to collect the full , actual tax dues from
corporates & traders. As a result , the governments don't have enough
money in their coffers even to provide basic needs like health care ,
education , safe drinking water , etc to the poor & needy. For every
Rs.100 tax evaded , one poor patient is dying without medical care ,
10 poor persons lack education , 100 persons don't get safe drinking
water , 100 persons barely survive on a single piece meal per day , 20
persons starve. Most of The government officials , ministers &
people's representatives who have deliberately failed in their duties
of tax collection & welfare of poor citizens , SHAMELESSLY indulge in
luxurious lifestyle at the expense of poor tax payer . they live in
paltial bungalows , chauffer driven AC cars , all living food expenses
paid by exchequer , dine at 5-star hotels , only drink bottled mineral
water , eat non-vegetarian dishes , drink alcohol sitting before
mahatma gandhi's photograph & preaching mahatma's ideals. Mahatma
preached & practiced simple living , vegetarianism & he was teto
teller , he paid for his expenses from his earnings . these public
servants are parasites , who are making merry at the expense of tax
Some non government organisations ( NGO) have
formed trusts and under the aegis of those trusts are running
educational institutions , hospitals , community halls , etc , in the
name of providing free / subsidised services like education , health
care , etc to the poor. It is only in record books , they conduct fake
medical camps , self employment training camps . in practice they are
running these educational institutions , hospitals & community halls
as commercial enterprises & collecting huge fees. they are not even
remitting full fees collected to the trust account & swindling the
money. no outsider is allowed to become a member of these NGOs , only
their cronies & their family members are in these trusts.
Numerous NGOs promoted by religious bodies , mutts
are swindling public & government money to the tune of crores of
rupees. Nobody dares to question the heads , pontiffs of these
mutts , as at his feet VVIPs , ministers fall down. These religious
bodies are hot beds of fundamentalism , terrorism & mafia. Hwere is
the accountability of religious bodies & political parties in in
india ?
Inspite of bringing specific cases to the notice
of authorities , they are mum ? hereby , E-VOICE OF HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH
offers it's services ( subject to conditions ) to the governments of
india & karnataka , in apprehending the criminals – tax evaders. Are
you ready?
MEGA FRAUD BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA – Rs 85 000 crore tax arrears waiver + non performing assets of banks to the tune of Rs. 200 000 crore
- An appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India
India has become an IT power , taken giant strides in the field of
science & technology. More & more MNCs are investing in India. However
due to our skewed , corrupt economic system , lack of accountability
on the part of corporates & public servants – a wide chasm has been
created between the ultra rich & the poor , the fruits of development
has all been usurped by the rich & mighty. This is the basic reason
for growth of black economy , growth of naxalism , terrorism &
underworld in India. As per a recent study by UN organization ,
majority of Indians ie more than 50 crore Indians are barely
sustaining on Rs.13 per day earnings , a whole family depends upon Rs.
13 , they are struggling to get just single meal per day. People are
starving to death , farmers are committing suicides , people are
selling their own children for a bag of grains. Whereas , corporate
biggies , public servants are leading luxurious lifestyles , having
big parties full of drinks , non-veg foods not at their papaa's
expense but at the expense of public exchequer , out of the tax dues ,
loan repayments cheated to the public exchequer.
The banks insist on matching collateral security even for self
employment / educational loans by poor for an amount of Rs.5000. if
the loans are not paid in time , rowdies / recovery agents are sent by
banks to collect the amount by muscle power. As a final step , banks
auction-off properties of collateral security to recover it's dues.
Even, the tax authorities mercilessly extract tax dues to the last
penny from the middle class.
The same banks, overestimate the project cost of corporates ,
overestimate the project feasibility & it's worth and coolly extend
hundreds of crores of rupees loans without matching collateral
security. The banks extend overdraft facilities without matching
collateral securities , to these corporates. When loans are not
repaid, no rowdies are sent by banks. The promoters , directors of
such tainted corporates drain – off the companies resources cunningly
through insider trading , finally making the company sick. Such
companies don't pay taxes , electricity bills , water bills , etc
properly to respective authorities. The authorities are deaf , dumb &
blind to all these actions of such corporates. At the end , banks
write-off such loans as non performing assets (NPA) & file case before
courts for recovery of dues. Even if the properties of collateral
security are auctioned-off dues cann't be fully realized. Finally
TO HONEST CORPORATES. How to stop this ? by making corporate
accountability ,accountability of bank , tax officials more stringent
with penal provisions . afterall , they are playing with public money
not their papa's property.
Already , by the connivance of public servants , bank , tax officials
we have witnessed many scams like harshad Mehta , ketan parekh ,
hawala , etc and more than Rs. 2000000 crore NPAs are on the books of
the banks. Now, the government of India is planning to waive-off tax
arrears of corporates to the tune of Rs.85000 crore , why ? read
vijaya Karnataka kannada daily dated 04th January 2007. just look at
this in the backdrop of "QUESTIONS FOR MONEY BY SOME MPs" and "MP
government is always unresponsive , careless towards the sufferings
of poor , however it is always on toes to help out corporates that too
criminal ones but not honest corporates. Why ?
HRW has extended it's services to GOI months back itself , to
apprehend tax thieves , till date there is no reply from GOI , why ?
Hereby , E-VOICE OF HRW requests the Honourable Supreme Court of India
to order GOI ,
1. to make necessary amendments to companies act , to make the
promoters , directors of the corporates personally accountable for all
their actions.
2. to constitute committees consisting of public persons with powers
to scrutinize & verify all the actions of corporates for insider
trading like – selling products , materials , shares to their sister
concerns at discounted prices or buying products , materials ,
shares from their sister concerns at inflated prices or lending loans
at discount rates to their sister concerns or taking loans from their
sister concerns at high rate of interest or loaning materials ,
machines to their sister concerns , etc.
3. to constitute committees consisting of public persons , to
scrutinize & verify the annual personal tax returns filed by key bank
officials & tax officials , who have amassed riches & leading
luxurious life styles much beyond the scope of their legal known
sources of income.
4. to recover all tax dues , loan dues , etc from the corporates from
the personal properties , wealth of promoters , directors of such
5. to put behind bar the key bank officials who have helped the
corporates in swindling public money by overestimating project
viability , worth and by overlooking the insider trading of promoters
and still extending loans to them.
6. to put behind bars tax officials who have helped such corporates
in swindling public money.
7. to take all the necessary help from public like as services
extended by HRW in apprehending tax thieves.
8. to recover & protect public money at any cost.
9. to confiscate all money , properties possessed by directors of such
criminal corporates & properties of corrupt bank , tax officials ,
public servants.
10. to declare illegal black money kept by corporate criminals ,
politicians , etc in the banks of tax haven countries like Trinidad ,
Mauritius , Switzerland , etc as national property of India , as
public property of government of India & to secure that money to
Indian exchequer.
QUESTIONS FOR MONEY – PARLIAMENTARY ACTS & LEGISLATIONS FOR ???? - improper functioning of democracy in india
the vohra committee report has proved the criminalisation of
politics in india. There are many number of criminals in the
parliament & state legislatures. Some of those criminals are cabinet
ministers as well as members of vital parliamentary committees.
Thereby, they are in a position to manipulate , enact laws favouring ,
benefitting the criminals their cronies.
Just see how the GOI gave export incentive of Rs.1800 crore to
reliance petroleum although it didn't even export a barrel. Reliance
infocom & tata teleservices were CDMA mobile service providers & have
paid license fee of few crores only equal to landline fees without any
competitive bidding . They were supposed to provide mobile service to
operate like fixed phones within a radius of 40k.m. however they were
providing service like mobile service from one state to another like
GSM mobile service providers. By this act of RIC & TTSL , the GSM
providers who have paid thousands of license fee in competitive
bidding were economically hurt , the dispute went to court. The court
was on the verge of pronouncing it's verdict awarding damages worth Rs.
18000 crore to GSM players & Rs. 3000 crore of license fees with
penalty to GOI. The government announced a unified telecom license
regime with retrospective effect. Thereby, the GOI lost thousands of
crores of rupees & the share holders of GSM players lost thousands of
crores. Onceagain the RIC was charged by PSU bsnl THAT RELIANCE IS RE-
time too, GOI bailed it out. during the dispute between ambani
brothers the younger ambani mr. Anil ambani director of reliance
himself has stated that for the favours received from the GOI , the
company gifted some shares to then IT & COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER mr.
Pramod mahajan.
Various indian & multinational companies are looting indian
exchequer to the tune of thousands of crores of rupees , through
lobbying / bribing. Take the recent case of allotment of 3G spectrum.
In india, indirect democracy is the form of governance. In this
form, people's representatives are bound to raise the questions ,
issues concerning their constituents on their behalf , on the floor of
the house. However the sad part in india even after 58 years of
democracy , is the lobbying is at it's peak. The lobbying is a
gentleman's white collared crook's way of forming favour seeker's
group , creating a corpus to pay lumpsum bribe & influencing decision
The people's representatives are bound to represent their people
first , then their party & party think tanks. India has come to this
sorry state of affairs , widespread corruption , huge black economy &
rampant poverty, all due to inefficient legislations & enforcements.
These think tanks & IAS lobby, consider themselves as most super
brains on earth & gives out suggestions . the present state of affairs
is a barometer of their brilliance. These think tanks & IAS lobby are
the hand maidens of lobbyists / bribers.
- An appeal to honourable prime minister of india & honourable chief
minister of karnataka
In india , since ages certain section of people – dalits , tribals are
being oppressed in the name of caste by forward caste people. The name
sake independence has not changed the lives of dalits & tribals. The
upper caste people were in control of government & economic sector
before independence as well as after independence too. The upper caste
people are now MPs , MLAs & are running businesses . they have framed
rules , laws to suit their ends. They are getting bank loans ,
subsidies , tax cuts , etc , by greasing the palms of those in power –
their own caste men. The reservation policy is just a vote winning
gimmick of forward caste politicians , it is neo divide & rule policy.
Only few dalits with money & contacts have benefitted , by the
reservation policy of government. Majority of them are still
sufferring from utter poverty & social oppression.
Now, due to rapid industrialisation & globalisation a new economic
divide has taken place – rich & poor , haves & have nots. Now,
economically poor are also being oppressed along with dalits. The
forward caste people in government have framed laws to suit their
ends , they have provided concessional priority loans , tax cuts ,
subsidies , etc from the government to corporate sector . The
corporate sector has demanded & got monetary benefits , infrastructure
facilities from the government . however the same corporates , MNCs
are violating statuotary laws & are averse to social welfare measures
of the government . they are averse to provide jobs to dalits ,
tribals & poor , why ? these corporates are bribing the labour , tax
department & other government officials . as a result the government
is loosing tax revenues to the tune of thousands of crores every
year , the government doesn't have money to provide social welfare
measures to common people. The lives of common people are under
threat. Now,
the number of common people dying due to starvation , lack of health
care is more than in a war field. The threat to unity & integrity of
india is more from the corporate sector than pakistan or china.
Now, the government of india & other state governments are literally
under corporate control. we have brought to the notice of government
cases of statuotary law violations by various corporate entities ,
till date no action has been taken. Why ? hereby , we once again
offers it's conditional services to the government of india &
karnataka in apprehending corporate criminals , corrupt tax , labour ,
pollution control board offricials. Are you ready sir ????
Black money in foreign banks amounts to plunder of nation: Supreme Court
Black money stashed away in foreign banks is not just a case of tax evasion, it is “mind- boggling crime” amounting to “theft and plunder of national wealth’’, the Supreme Court said on Wednesday.
In a frank message to the Union government, the court wanted it to realise the gravity of the issue. “We are talking about mind-boggling crime. We are not on the niceties of various treaties,’’ a bench of justices B Sudershan Reddy and SS Nijjar told solicitor-general Gopal Subramanium.
Earlier, the government had contended that money in foreign banks was a case of tax evasion and it cannot make public the names of Indian account holders.
“The authorities have to go on the basis of mutual agreement with various countries where the money is stashed,’’ Subramium said.
“This is the problem worrying us. It is not only about tax evasion and has something more,’’ the bench said after it was pointed out that the source of the money could be narcotics, terror fund or arms dealing.
The court was hearing a petition filed by noted criminal lawyer Ram Jethmalani and some retired bureaucrats and police officers.
Standard Chartered tries to cover up its messy past, but SEBI is in a slumber
Standard Chartered Bank’s draft red herring prospectus to raise $500 million-$700 million through the first-ever issue of Indian Depository Receipts (IDRs) has completely blanked out at least 15 litigations pending against it in connection with the securities scam of 1992 and a foreign exchange scandal involving the misuse of its vostro account, also in the 1990s.
The prospectus has reportedly been cleared by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which is fully aware that most litigations pertaining to the 1992 scam are still dragging their way through the Indian judicial system. It is shocking that the Bank has attempted to avoid disclosure, given that the Bank's deep involvement in the scam is widely known in India and the IDRs are being sold to Indian investors. What is worse, when asked about the failure to disclose litigation pending against the Bank, SEBI has chosen to not to respond to the emails marked to the entire top brass of the Bank.
On checking with the Bank, Arijit De, head of external communications, has this to say: “With reference to your email to Neeraj Swaroop, our response is as below: The IDRs represent the shares of Standard Chartered PLC, UK , the ultimate parent company of Standard Chartered Bank, India. In accordance with the disclosure requirements under SEBI Regulations, IDR Rules, other applicable laws and international practice, SC PLC has made appropriate disclosures of all material issues in the draft offer document filed with SEBI. We have nothing further to add beyond what is disclosed in the DRHP.”
However, a simple reading of page 414 of its draft red herring prospectus suggests otherwise. It says: “As of the date of this Draft Red Herring Prospectus, neither the Company, any member of the Group, any Director, or any material associate of the Company (emphasis ours) are involved in any material governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings or litigation and the Company is not aware of any pending or threatened material governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings or litigation relating to the Company, any member of the Group, any Director or any material associate which, in either case, may have a significant effect on the performance of the Group, and there are no liabilities or defaults (including arrears and potential liabilities) in relation to such material proceedings or litigation which would be required to be disclosed under the SEBI Regulations.”
Moreover, the cases filed by the Enforcement Directorate and in the Special Court do not all pertain to the Indian operations (the Bank's Indian operation itself is significantly large and important, especially after the impact of the global financial crisis). In fact, many of them specifically name a former chairman of the Bank, Rodney Galpin.
Moreover, the cases filed by the Enforcement Directorate and in the Special Court do not all pertain to the Indian operations (the Bank's Indian operation itself is significantly large and important, especially after the impact of the global financial crisis). In fact, many of them specifically name a former chairman of the Bank, Rodney Galpin.
Among the cases that we have information about include some in the Special Court set up to try the securities scam related offences (MA 365/2003 – SCB v/s the Custodian & others; Suit 45 of 1995 SCB v/s Andhra Bank; Suit No 6 of 1994 SCB v/s Andhra Bank and Suit No 32 of SCB v/s Andhra Bank). Then there are at least half a dozen cases filed by the Enforcement Directorate, many of them in 2002. We have sent a list of all these cases to SEBI, but have no response from the regulator.
Are these cases serious enough to make a difference to the Bank's global operations and performance? Probably not. Also, many Indian companies have successfully raised funds, even after disclosing that the main promoters were accused of murder or worse. The issue is the Bank's lack of transparency, while selling a financial instrument to Indian investors.
What is worse, the failure to insist on this disclosure reflects even more badly on the market watchdog. In its very first IDR clearance, SEBI has shown that it is probably overawed with the international bank's plans to raise funds in India or its fat, 801-page offer document. Either way, it is not insisting on the same transparency and disclosure standards that it expects from Indian companies, which should be a matter of serious concern, given that global banks have not covered themselves in glory in the lead-up to the financial crisis of 2008. — Sucheta Dalal
An Appeal to Shri.Sunil Thomas , Honourable Registrar (Admn) & RTI Apellate Authority , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.
Indian Vs Chief Justice of India & Others
Complainant : Nagaraj M. R

Accused : Shri . S.H. Kapadia Honourable Chief Justice of India (Accused persons in official capacities not at individual capacities) & Others
Nagaraj .M. R.
Editor , S.O.S e-Clarion of Dalit & S.O.S e-Voice for Justice,
# LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO First Stage, Laxmikantanagar,
Hebbal , Mysore . PIN-570017 Cell – 09341820313
To ,
Shri. Sunil Thomas ,
Honourable Registrar (Administration) / RTI Appellate Authority ,
Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi.
Honourable Sir / Madam ,
Subject : APPEAL No.300/2010
Reference : Your Letter No.F.1/RTI/A.300/2010 dated 30.07.2010
At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to the honest few public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service don’t deserve respect as individuals – as they are parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals.
All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term “JUDGE” mentioned throught includes all public servants discharging judicial functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India.
Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise their voice seeking justice are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be responsible for it.
Hereby, we do once again offer our conditional services to the honourable supreme court of India & other government authorities, in apprehending criminals including corrupt judges & police. Herewith , we once again appeal to the honourable supreme court of India , to consider this as a PIL Appeal in public interest.
The public servants & the government must be role models in law abiding acts , for others to emulate & follow. if a student makes a mistake it is excusable & can be corrected by the teacher. if the teacher himself makes a mistake , all his students will do the same mistake. if a thief steals , he can be caught , legally punished & reformed . if a police himself commits crime , many thieves go scot- free under his patronage. even if a police , public servant commits a crime , he can be legally prosecuted & justice can be sought by the aggrieved. just think , if a judge himself that too of apex court of the land itself commits crime - violations of RTI Act , constitutional rights & human rights of public and obstructs the public from performing their constitutional fundamental duties , what happens ? it gives a booster dose to the rich & mighty , those in power , criminals in public service to committ more crimes. that is exactly what is happenning in india. the educated public must raise to the occassion & peacefully , democratically must oppose this criminalisation of judiciary , public service. then alone , we can build a RAM RAJYA OF MAHATMA GANDHI'S DREAM.
Kindly go through the following articles & provide justice by giving complete truthful information to us , by publicly answering the following questionnaire in an unambiguous manner.
The constitution of India has prescribed certain FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES to each citizens of India. It is the duty of every citizen to protect & uphold the dignity , honour of our democratic institutions , to
protect our national integrity , to respect & protect the rights of our fellow citizens. No constitutional authority has the right to obstruct the discharge of these duties by citizens of India. No legal privileges of constitutional functionaries is superior over the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES OF CITIZEN'S OF INDIA.
We need rights to perform our duties. Constitution of India has guaranteed those rights as FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS to all citizens of India & by birth itself everyone of us has secured HUMAN RIGHTS as individuals. To express ourselves , we need information , data feed back , to ascertain whether we are getting equal opportunity , whether we are getting equitable justice , etc , we need information . so ,
basically Right To Information is an inalienable part of our fundamental rights & human rights. What RTI Act has done is fixed time limit , responsibilities of public servants up to certain extent. However the citizen's fundamental right & human right to seek information extends far beyond the scope of RTI Act.
Hereby , we seek complete truthful information from supreme court of India , with respect to my RTI application appeal no : APPEAL NO. 300/2010 .. HEREBY , WE ARE ONLY SEEKING ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVANTS IN PUBLIC INTEREST & JUSTICE. Hereby , we request you to register this appeal as a PIL petition & to ascertain the stand of apex court on various matters raised in my RTI Application , in public interest & equitable justice. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.
Your's sincerely,
http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/satyameva-jayate ,
http://e-clarionofdalit.blogspot.com/2011/01/satyameva-jayate.html ,
Indian Vs Chief Justice of India & Others
Complainant : Nagaraj M. R

Accused : Shri . S.H. Kapadia Honourable Chief Justice of India (Accused persons in official capacities not at individual capacities) & Others
Honourable DG & IG of Police ,
State Police H.Q ,Bangalore.
Honourable Circle Inspector of Police,
Vijayanagar Police Station,Mysore.
Honourable Sir,
Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants
Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my complaint to them dated 04.07.2009
The Vijayanagar police in mysore stated that they don’t have legal jurisdiction to book the criminals I have mentioned in the complaint & by taking a statement from me to that effect closed the case temporarily on 11.09.2010 after sitting over the complaint for years together. Is it not the duty of DG&IGP to seek the permission from home ministry to legally prosecute the alleged criminal VVIPs ? Why he was silent ? Ofcourse the lower rung police officers practically don’t have power to prosecute high & mighty ?
Hereby , I do request the DG & IG OF Police , Government of Karnataka to seek the legal sanction from union home ministry & Karnataka state home ministry , for the prosecution of below mentioned criminal VVIPs & to reopen my complaint here with.
In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth.
However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread.In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation , fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta.
Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry eventhough the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , people's last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary.
our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before hon'ble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS.
The issues raised by us for sample :
1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india .
2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers.
3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies.
4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking india's defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering
our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence.
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA.
Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants viz
1. H.E.Honourable President of India
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka and
10. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links.
on the above mentioned charges. the whole issue of this news paper & the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the governmentof india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. Thanking you.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesofsupremecourt.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
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http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crosscji.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.blogspot.com/ ,
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http://crosscji.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crossexamofchiefjustice.wordpress.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ , http://theftinrbi.rediffblogs.com/
, http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/
http://crimesofmuda.blogspot.com/ , http://manivannanmuda.blogspot.com/
, http://crimesatmudamysore.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesofbda.blogspot.com/ , http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimesatrpg.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
are you ready to catch tax thieves ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
reliance industry where is accountability ?
http://megafraudbygoi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://megafraudbygoi.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes at infosys campus
http://crimeatinfy.blogspot.com/ ,
http://crimeatinfy.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman
http://crimesofbda.blogpot.com/ ,
http://bdacrimes.wordpress.com/ ,
crimes of land mafia in India
http://landscamsinindia.blogspot.com/ ,
http://landscam.wordpress.com/ ,
currency thefts in RBI Press
http://theftinrbi.blogspot.com/ ,
http://theftinrbi.wordpress.com/ ,
killer colas & killer medicines of India
http://deathcola.blogpot.com/ ,
http://deathcola.wordpress.com/ ,
We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA.
Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants viz
1. H.E.Honourable President of India
2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India
3. Union Home Secretary , GOI
4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India
5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka
6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority
7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority
8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation
9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka and
10. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links.
on the above mentioned charges. the whole issue of this news paper & the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the governmentof india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. Thanking you.
Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.
Date : 18.01.2011 your's sincerely,
Place : Mysore nagaraj.m.r.
The Corrupt Among Public Servants are making futile , all the sacrifices made by our forefathers , freedom fighters in securing independence from british occupiers .
Threat to India’s Independence , Freedom , National Unity & Integrity is from Corrupt Police , Corrupt Judges & Corrupt Public Servants. SHAME to those corrupt police , judges & public servants.
Recently we have seen media reports about 2G spetrum scam , land mafia , mining mafia , how a law maker of the land Home Minister of Gujarath state government himself was the master mind involved in the conspiracy of fake encounter eliminating sohrabuddin . We have also seen how senior police officers extorted money from businessmen & others by foisting false cases .
We have also seen media reports about the ROWDY BEHAVIOUR of some people’s representatives in legislative assemblies & parliament in the past & recently. The members of the house , people’s representatives themselves are making contempt of the house. These MPs , MLAs other then hiking their own salaries & perks , must first learn class room discipline punctuality , attendance , home work preparation , etc from PRIMARY SCHOOL KIDS . IT IS THE URGENT NEED OF THE HOUR .
We have also stated with relevant media reports how match fixing is done in our Indian Legal System from the stage of FIR filing , planting witneses , silencing witnesses , judgement fixing , torture in jail , etc . read articles at following websites
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/shame-shame---indian-legal-system-for-sale ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/cross-exam-of-chief-justice-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/deal-deal-mega-deals-in-supreme-court-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/bhopal-gas-verdict-fixed-years-earlier ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/shame-shame-to-supreme-court-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/is-the-supreme-court-of-india-deaf-dumb-blind ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/show-cause-notice-to-chief-justice-of-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/narco-analysis-polygraph---right-or-wrong ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/match-fixing-in-cricket-ipl-police-judiciary-government-in-india ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/writ-of-mandamus-to-cji-others ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/aeroplane-rides-for-corrupt-police-corrupt-judges ,
When everybody else does the mistake , wrong doing , indulges in corruption , judiciary alone must be pure like virgin to punish & guide the wrong doers. Now , the apex court of the land & the highest judicial officer of the land , the conscience keeper , protector of rights , Constitutional guardian of the land – The Honourable Chief Justice of India himself Has been found guilty . SHAME SHAME.
Nowadays , we are seeing criminalization of politics , judiciary & police. The rowdy elements have become MLAs & MPs & frequestly indulge in fisticuffs , vulgar abuses in the precincts of the house itself . These rowdy elements take money for asking questions in the parliament , to vote for bills & for a price pass legislations favouring lobbies of rich crooks. The police frame , torture innocents & let out rich crooks for a price . For a price police destroy evidences , records and create fake records , evidences. Finally there are judges who issue arrest warrants , give bail , give acquittal & pass favourable judgements ALL FOR A PRICE . SHAME SHAME . These corrupt judges , police , MPs , MLAs each take salary & perks far exceeding lakhs per annum , but serve rich crooks instead of Indian Public. These corrupt are parasites & deadlier , state enemies than naxalites , terrorists. Democracy in our country , our hard won national independence is endangered by these parasites , corrupt judges , police & people’s representatives only. These parasites themselves are responsible for origin & growth of naxalism / terrorism in india .
Hereby , we DEMAND the Honourable Chief Justice of India to answer the following questions in public interest , for national security , for National unity & integrity.
Name : ...........................NAGARAJ.M.R.
Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP
Professional / Trade Title : S.O.S - e – Voice For Justice
Periodicity : WEEKLY
Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .
Monetary gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.
Owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJ.M.R.
Nationality : INDIAN
Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraj M R , Editor , S.O.S- e – clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students.
Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraj M R , Editor , S.O.S- e – clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy.
Home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw ,
http://groups.google.co.in/group/hrwepaper/ ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/ ,
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com/ , http://indiapolicelaw.blogspot.com/ ,
, http://naghrw.tripod.com/evoice/ , http://e-voiceofhumanrightswatch.blogspot.com ,
Contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com ,
Cell : 0 9341820313
I ,NAGARAJ.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.
date : 18/01/2011…………………………..your's sincerely,
place : India…………………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
Name : ...........................NAGARAJ.M.R.
Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP
Professional / Trade Title : S.O.S - e – Voice For Justice
Periodicity : WEEKLY
Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals .
Monetary gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise.
Owner/editor/printer/publisher : NAGARAJ.M.R.
Nationality : INDIAN
Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraj M R , Editor , S.O.S- e – clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students.
Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraj M R , Editor , S.O.S- e – clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy.
Home page : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naghrw ,
http://groups.google.co.in/group/hrwepaper/ ,
http://sites.google.com/site/sosevoiceforjustice/ ,
http://evoiceofhumanrightswatch.wordpress.com/ , http://indiapolicelaw.blogspot.com/ ,
, http://naghrw.tripod.com/evoice/ , http://e-voiceofhumanrightswatch.blogspot.com ,
Contact : naghrw@yahoo.com , nagarajhrw@hotmail.com ,
Cell : 0 9341820313
I ,NAGARAJ.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective.
If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members - In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries.
date : 18/01/2011…………………………..your's sincerely,
place : India…………………………………Nagaraj.M.R.
- Another independence struggle in India needed ?
After 62 years of india's independence the lives of commoners is far worse than under britishers. The benefits of independence has reached only few , thus creating islands of few ultra rich people surrounded by vast sea of utterly poor. The rich people in nexus with those in power , are getting favourable laws enacted to suit their ends. Those in power are shamelessly enjoying 5-star luxuries all at tax payer's expense , while more then 50 million are starving to death.
The criminalization of politics , executive & judiciary is almost complete. The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , there is corruption from womb to tomb ,from maternity hospital to grave yard. The injustices meated out , the atrocities perpetrated by by public servants are worse than britishers.
Ideally in a democracy, the legal recourse of grievance redressal / justice , when a commoner suffers injustice he can appeal to respective government official or police for justice , still if doesn't get justice he can appeal to court of law , further the aggrieved can get the appropriate law enacted through his M.P / M.L.A. The sad part in India is no public servant is neither aware of the value of our hard won independence or the working of democracy.
When all the legal recourses to justice fail to respond , to provide justice to the aggrieved , when corrupt judges-police-politician-public servants act as a criminal nexus & block justice delivery, the commoner has only 2 options , either to suffer in silence or to take law into his own hands & get justice on his own.
Take for instance Bombay riots case several VVIPs – cabinet ministers , police were found to be guilty of torture , murders of innocents by justice sri Krishna enquiry commission. The government is sitting over enquiry commission report. The court is not taking suo-motto action in public interests a result , the guilty ministers & police who are fit cases for death sentences are roaming free & commiting more crimes , anti-national activities.
In some cases , involving the rich &mighty ,higher police officials , the cover-up begins right from start ie FIR Registration. Police conduct name sake enquiry , investigation, suppress evidences , witnesses , destroy some of them , the prosecution takes a favourable stand putting up weak arguments. Naturally, the guilty official , minister is acquitted by court for lack of evidences. So, the guilty who should have been rightfully put behind bars , hanged goes scot-free , to commit more crimes , more anti-national activities.
In such cases , if the suffering public give the legal punishment to the guilty , which should have been given by the court but failed. Are not such acts of public, to uphold law & dignity , national security right & patriotic ? if any body terms it as crime , that means guilty VVIPs , police , public servants should be left unpunished allowing them to commit more crimes , anti-national activities. Is that right from national security angle ? is it equality before law & equitable justice ?
Do remember that our freedom fighters ,martyrs ,sri.kudiram bose ,subhash Chandra bose , bhagath singh , veer savarkar others who took violent path of independence struggle & killed inhuman british officers, police & judges have contributed valuably ,immensely to our freedom struggle. One of the main causes of origin of naxalism ,separatist movements is the rampant corruption & unaccountability of public servants in India.
In this back drop , in India anarchy is not far away. The days of suffering public ,killing their tormentors corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt tax officials ,etc is not far away. No police security , no SPG cover can protect those corrupt , as police & SPG personnel work for pay , perks and will be on the wrong side of law – protecting criminals. The suffering public fighting for their survival , on the right side of natural justice , protecting the nation.
If the authorities term this act as illegal , crime then are the acts of corrupt public servants legal ? is the cover-up of such corrupt acts by police , vigilance officials & some judges by mis quoting /misinterpreting , misusing law is right , legal ? the GOI has created , funded , supported , given training , arms & ammunition to various terrorist outfits like LTTE , MUKTHI BAHINI ,MQM in foreign countries , resulting in destruction , mass murders of innocents there . In india itself in assam , Kashmir , the GOI has created counter terrorist outfits to reduce the reach of terrorist groups. The bihar , jharkhand , chattisgarh state governments have created armed gangs SALWA JUDUM to counter naxal outfits , are all these acts of government right , legal ? the days of dogs death for corrupt is quite nearby. it is high time , to the corrupt to reform , repent themselves.
In our own experience, e-voice didn't get justice from authorities in many cases of injustices brought before it , most shameful fact even supreme court of India failed to register PILs , even shameful supreme court of India even failed to give information as per RTI Act , utterly shameful supreme court of India failed to protect the fundamental rights of editor of e-voice & obstructed him from performing his fundamental duties. Still, e-voice believes in peace , democratic practices. E-voice firmly believes that violence should not be practiced by anybody – neither state nor public.
Hereby, e-voice urges the corrupt public servants to mend their ways , to uphold law & dignity of democratic institutions. Atrocities , violence , corruption breeds more violence , invites dog's death. Peace ,truth , honesty is the harbinger of prosperous democratic nation. let us build a true democratic India , free of corrupt public servants.
We at e-voice salute our jawans & police for teaching the external enemies a befitting lesson and protecting our motherland from the external & internal enemies. We pay our whole hearted respects to the martyrs , who laid down their lives , in the course of protecting our people & country from the clutches of terrorists / naxalites .
India equally faces greater threat from internal enemies – corrupt public servants (who are deadlier than pak terrorists). These corrupt public servants sell everything , motherland , for money , for bribe.
Mumbai terrorists killed 200 people , where as a fake drugs manufacturer kills thousands of people by selling fake drugs / fake medicines. Drugs control department officials lets off many such such fake drugs manufacturers , in turn killing thousands of innocents. The number of end victims are huge than any terrorist attacks. This is just one instance , in this way corrupt public servants of various departments compromise with their official duties & murder scores of innocents.
The corrupt public servants network , is oiled far better than italy's mafia. Common man doesn't get justice , even if he complains to higher officials , vigilance authorities or even court of law. As the bribe booty reaches higher-ups & political bosses.. thus black money is created.
The huge profits earned / black money created by criminal industrialists / entrepreneurs , finds it's way to money laundering heavens. Thus our economy is crippled , public exchequer deprived of it's dues. The money thus laundered feeds terrorist outfits , underworld dons , in their criminal deeds.
Now , underworld / terrorist outfits are involved in huge real estate business , film production / distribution , film piracy business , etc , to reap more illegal profits out of illegal money. This shakes upside down our government's fiscal policies.
If a corrupt public servant is apprehended , it is equal to depriving 100 terrorists out of funds , putting 100 criminals out of action. Will the common man raise to give a befitting lesson to corrupt public servants.
Whenever we face crimes by naxalites & terrorists , government only looks at one face of the case. The other face of the crime is the atrocities of government itself. The public servants are corrupt , they are snatching lands , livelihood from tribals , driving them away & gifting those very lands to industrialists , miners , etc without any rehabilitation for the tribals. Government has failed to provide basic health care , education to people . it has even failed to provide food to tribals & tribals are dying due to hunger. All the much hyped government programmes like “Food for Work” & “National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme” have derailed at the hands of corrupt public servants. The local Police together with land lords , industrialists , miners are torturing these local tribals. For these tribals there is no food , no health care , no education , no justice but only sufferings , physical torture at the hands of police . The Recruiters of terrorist & naxal organizations are cashing on this frustration of tribals.
- Another independence struggle in India needed ?
After 62 years of india's independence the lives of commoners is far worse than under britishers. The benefits of independence has reached only few , thus creating islands of few ultra rich people surrounded by vast sea of utterly poor. The rich people in nexus with those in power , are getting favourable laws enacted to suit their ends. Those in power are shamelessly enjoying 5-star luxuries all at tax payer's expense , while more then 50 million are starving to death.
The criminalization of politics , executive & judiciary is almost complete. The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , there is corruption from womb to tomb ,from maternity hospital to grave yard. The injustices meated out , the atrocities perpetrated by by public servants are worse than britishers.
Ideally in a democracy, the legal recourse of grievance redressal / justice , when a commoner suffers injustice he can appeal to respective government official or police for justice , still if doesn't get justice he can appeal to court of law , further the aggrieved can get the appropriate law enacted through his M.P / M.L.A. The sad part in India is no public servant is neither aware of the value of our hard won independence or the working of democracy.
When all the legal recourses to justice fail to respond , to provide justice to the aggrieved , when corrupt judges-police-politician-public servants act as a criminal nexus & block justice delivery, the commoner has only 2 options , either to suffer in silence or to take law into his own hands & get justice on his own.
Take for instance Bombay riots case several VVIPs – cabinet ministers , police were found to be guilty of torture , murders of innocents by justice sri Krishna enquiry commission. The government is sitting over enquiry commission report. The court is not taking suo-motto action in public interests a result , the guilty ministers & police who are fit cases for death sentences are roaming free & commiting more crimes , anti-national activities.
In some cases , involving the rich &mighty ,higher police officials , the cover-up begins right from start ie FIR Registration. Police conduct name sake enquiry , investigation, suppress evidences , witnesses , destroy some of them , the prosecution takes a favourable stand putting up weak arguments. Naturally, the guilty official , minister is acquitted by court for lack of evidences. So, the guilty who should have been rightfully put behind bars , hanged goes scot-free , to commit more crimes , more anti-national activities.
In such cases , if the suffering public give the legal punishment to the guilty , which should have been given by the court but failed. Are not such acts of public, to uphold law & dignity , national security right & patriotic ? if any body terms it as crime , that means guilty VVIPs , police , public servants should be left unpunished allowing them to commit more crimes , anti-national activities. Is that right from national security angle ? is it equality before law & equitable justice ?
Do remember that our freedom fighters ,martyrs ,sri.kudiram bose ,subhash Chandra bose , bhagath singh , veer savarkar others who took violent path of independence struggle & killed inhuman british officers, police & judges have contributed valuably ,immensely to our freedom struggle. One of the main causes of origin of naxalism ,separatist movements is the rampant corruption & unaccountability of public servants in India.
In this back drop , in India anarchy is not far away. The days of suffering public ,killing their tormentors corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt tax officials ,etc is not far away. No police security , no SPG cover can protect those corrupt , as police & SPG personnel work for pay , perks and will be on the wrong side of law – protecting criminals. The suffering public fighting for their survival , on the right side of natural justice , protecting the nation.
If the authorities term this act as illegal , crime then are the acts of corrupt public servants legal ? is the cover-up of such corrupt acts by police , vigilance officials & some judges by mis quoting /misinterpreting , misusing law is right , legal ? the GOI has created , funded , supported , given training , arms & ammunition to various terrorist outfits like LTTE , MUKTHI BAHINI ,MQM in foreign countries , resulting in destruction , mass murders of innocents there . In india itself in assam , Kashmir , the GOI has created counter terrorist outfits to reduce the reach of terrorist groups. The bihar , jharkhand , chattisgarh state governments have created armed gangs SALWA JUDUM to counter naxal outfits , are all these acts of government right , legal ? the days of dogs death for corrupt is quite nearby. it is high time , to the corrupt to reform , repent themselves.
In our own experience, e-voice didn't get justice from authorities in many cases of injustices brought before it , most shameful fact even supreme court of India failed to register PILs , even shameful supreme court of India even failed to give information as per RTI Act , utterly shameful supreme court of India failed to protect the fundamental rights of editor of e-voice & obstructed him from performing his fundamental duties. Still, e-voice believes in peace , democratic practices. E-voice firmly believes that violence should not be practiced by anybody – neither state nor public.
Hereby, e-voice urges the corrupt public servants to mend their ways , to uphold law & dignity of democratic institutions. Atrocities , violence , corruption breeds more violence , invites dog's death. Peace ,truth , honesty is the harbinger of prosperous democratic nation. let us build a true democratic India , free of corrupt public servants.
We at e-voice express our deep condolences to the FAMILIES of slain CRPF jawans , Military Personnel , Police & Civilians , who were massacred by Naxalites , Terrorists & External Enemies . We salute the brave soldiers who laid down their lives while upholding law & order and hereby demand the legal prosecution of the perpetrators.
We at e-voice salute our jawans & police for teaching the external enemies a befitting lesson and protecting our motherland from the external & internal enemies. We pay our whole hearted respects to the martyrs , who laid down their lives , in the course of protecting our people & country from the clutches of terrorists / naxalites .
India equally faces greater threat from internal enemies – corrupt public servants (who are deadlier than pak terrorists). These corrupt public servants sell everything , motherland , for money , for bribe.
Mumbai terrorists killed 200 people , where as a fake drugs manufacturer kills thousands of people by selling fake drugs / fake medicines. Drugs control department officials lets off many such such fake drugs manufacturers , in turn killing thousands of innocents. The number of end victims are huge than any terrorist attacks. This is just one instance , in this way corrupt public servants of various departments compromise with their official duties & murder scores of innocents.
The corrupt public servants network , is oiled far better than italy's mafia. Common man doesn't get justice , even if he complains to higher officials , vigilance authorities or even court of law. As the bribe booty reaches higher-ups & political bosses.. thus black money is created.
The huge profits earned / black money created by criminal industrialists / entrepreneurs , finds it's way to money laundering heavens. Thus our economy is crippled , public exchequer deprived of it's dues. The money thus laundered feeds terrorist outfits , underworld dons , in their criminal deeds.
Now , underworld / terrorist outfits are involved in huge real estate business , film production / distribution , film piracy business , etc , to reap more illegal profits out of illegal money. This shakes upside down our government's fiscal policies.
If a corrupt public servant is apprehended , it is equal to depriving 100 terrorists out of funds , putting 100 criminals out of action. Will the common man raise to give a befitting lesson to corrupt public servants.
Whenever we face crimes by naxalites & terrorists , government only looks at one face of the case. The other face of the crime is the atrocities of government itself. The public servants are corrupt , they are snatching lands , livelihood from tribals , driving them away & gifting those very lands to industrialists , miners , etc without any rehabilitation for the tribals. Government has failed to provide basic health care , education to people . it has even failed to provide food to tribals & tribals are dying due to hunger. All the much hyped government programmes like “Food for Work” & “National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme” have derailed at the hands of corrupt public servants. The local Police together with land lords , industrialists , miners are torturing these local tribals. For these tribals there is no food , no health care , no education , no justice but only sufferings , physical torture at the hands of police . The Recruiters of terrorist & naxal organizations are cashing on this frustration of tribals.
INDIA: Judicial transparency is not an act of charity
The Indian judiciary is once again in the news and this time too it is for appalling reasons. The national and regional media have been reporting in the past two weeks regarding the disproportionate wealth between the declared and known incomes, of some of the close relatives of the former Chief Justice of India, Justice K. G. Balakrishnan. The reports allege that this wealth was amassed in the past four years, during which Justice Balakrishnan served as the Chief Justice of the country. The fact that the persons suspected of corruption are the family members of the former Chief Justice and that the former judge is the current Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) does not make matters easy for the former judge. On the contrary, it casts a duty upon him to explain why his name or that of the institution he once led and the one he now chairs should not be dragged into a scandal.
During the past fifteen years, the country's judiciary has been embroiled in one controversy after another, all involving allegations of corruption and nepotism of some of the senior judges in the country. It is not a matter of mere unpleasant coincidence that some of the suspected judges have served as Chief Justices, but on the contrary it exposes the built-in defects of the Indian justice institutions, a fact that lawyers, a former law minister, experienced journalists and many of the former senior judges in the country equally agree upon. There is a petition, pending before the Supreme Court, on the question of allegations of corruption against former Chief Justices of India. It is unfortunate that this petition is in the form of a contempt of court proceeding against two Senior Lawyers, Mr. Prashant Bushan and Mr. Santhi Bushan, for their attempt to bring the long overdue transparency and accountability into the judiciary, particularly within the higher judiciary.
During Justice Balakrishnan's tenure as the 37th Chief Justice of India, he did not help much in dissipating the cloud of suspicion that has encircled the Indian judiciary and thus establishing the integrity of the institution that he was asked to lead. In his capacity as the Chief Justice, Justice Balakrishnan became infamous for his unyielding attitude of refusing the operation of the Right to Information Act, 2005 upon the higher judiciary. Though he later succumbed to equally uncompromising public sentiments and let willing judges, who were in the majority, to disclose their assets, but by then he had done further damage to the already bruised image of the institution.
Justice Balakrishnan was in the centre of yet another controversy during his tenure as the Chief Justice and as the head of the Supreme Court Collegium for the appointment of judges, when he showed undue haste for the promotion of a High Court judge to the Supreme Court, despite allegations of wide ranging corruption against the judge who was recommended to be promoted. The President of India declined to accept the Collegium's recommendation for promotion of the judge. Justice Balakrishnan's subsequent acquiesce for the Central Bureau of Investigation to investigate allegations of corruption against High Court judges did nothing to restore the already lost public confidence.
Given the fact that the allegations against the former judge's family are based on substantial proof and that the suspected corruption happened during the tenure of Justice Balakrishnan as the Chief Justice of India, one cannot complain that the reports have brought further adverse public perception upon the office of the Chief Justice. The nature of the allegations and the institutions involved are such that the Chairperson of the NHRC cannot shrug it off by mere denial.
What is at stake here is more than an individual or his family affairs. What is being debated in public is not about who made what money during which time. The debate concerns the trustworthiness of the country's supreme justice institutions and the general agony about these institutions, the Supreme Court in particular, is rooted in the reality that these institutions are highly susceptible to misuse. In the absence of any mechanism or process that is transparent enough to meet the standards of the modern democratic country that Indians believe they live in, mere adherence to a logic of the medieval ages that 'we are knowledgeable and reasonable enough to correct ourselves' is not enough to ensure basic norms of transparency within the judiciary. The public anger in India today is against those who pose hindrances for bringing transparency and accountability in public service and into institutions that the ordinary person depends upon as the last resort in his pursuit for justice. It is the very essence of the ability of the country's democratic institutions, and thus that of the country itself, that has been challenged.
In a separate vein, Justice Balakrishnan is also considered as the embodiment of Dalit liberation in India. It is thus equally the responsibility of the Dalit movement, in India and abroad, to ensure that the allegations against the first Dalit Chief Justice will not be used against the Dalit movement in the country.
In the present environment one cannot find fault with those who have started believing that the country's judiciary gives tacit approval to corruption and nepotism in favour of those who wield power. The comments that refer to the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau's investigation recommended by the Chief Minister of Kerala against one of the relatives of the former Chief Justice as a farce, also cannot be taken lightly.
In the mêlée of these allegations, suspicions and counter allegations what is at stake is the public trust of two important national institutions, the Supreme Court of India and along with it the entire judiciary, and the NHRC. Many have demanded Justice Balakrishnan's resignation from the post of the Chairperson at the NHRC. To save the institutions from further moral damage, it is not enough that those who are accused of corruption are simply allowed to resign. Now that a formal complaint has been made against the former judge, the allegations must be investigated. And, if the investigation leads to the discovery of a crime, it must be prosecuted. The positions that the person held or holds must not be a hindrance in the course of justice. It however makes sense for Justice Balakrishnan to resign from the position of the Chairperson at the NHRC to ensure that all investigations into the allegations are conducted impartially.
The fact that the judge facing the accusation is currently the Chairperson of the NHRC has also implications for India in international forums like the United Nations. At the moment, the NHRC has an 'A' status as assessed and reviewed by the Sub Committee on Accreditation (SCA) of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC) at the UN. The case of the NHRC of Sri Lanka is proof to the fact that this status is not permanent and it could be degraded, an event that could cause international embarrassment to India.
The report of the UN Secretary General dated 15 January 2010 (A/HRC/13/44) to the General Assembly enumerates a series of programmes the UN and its allied organisations have implemented in cooperation with the NHRC in India. The NHRC is also an implementing entity for programmes sponsored by the UN, not only in India, but also in other countries as a consultant. The fact that such an NHRC has a Chairperson with a tainted image would not be a light burden for the government. In other words, the Chairperson of the NHRC cannot just sit idle and merely deny allegations but must do everything legally and ethically possible at his disposal to clear the name of the institution that he leads from the scandal.
It is trite to argue that the judges, irrespective of their stature and the jurisdiction they entertain, are holding public offices. Being a judge does not shield a person or the office the person holds from the constitutional, as well as commonsense requirement, to be transparent and accountable to the public. There is no justice that could be upheld beyond being honest to the people who entrust them the job, and the constitutional obligation that they have sworn to protect, promote and fulfil. In the same vein, there is no greater injustice than the resentment or reluctance to be transparent and constitutionally accountable while holding such offices and even worse to use the same constitution that entrusts them to do a public service as an excuse to prevent transparency and accountability while holding such an office. Perhaps it is also a rude reminder to the country that it is too late to re-examine the institutional structure of the Indian judiciary itself. It is time to stop the muffled and reined discussion on the subject and open it up for a larger debate, inviting everyone who is concerned about the integrity of the country's judiciary to participate and suggest means by which the lost confidence in the justice system of the country can be salvaged from the abyss into which it is plummeting rapidly.
Allowing for transparency and accountability on those terms is thus not an act of charity that anyone who holds a public office can deny at will. They form the cornerstones upon which a democratic state is built and the dream of every Indian is woven. Thus, destroying it would be worse than betraying the country.
All the people behind the bars are not criminals , all the people arrested by police are not criminals. The judgements & pronouncements of judges are not sacrosanct , THE FINAL TRUTH . The judges & police are not gods , they are also human beings like you & me PRONE TO ERR . Some of those judges , police in their greed for more money become corrupt , misuse their office letting out rich criminals , fixing innocents & sending innocents to gallows.
In many ways powers that be are trying to silence me – voice seeking truth , justice . The powers that be are using the services of criminals & ISP internet service
providers , to hack my website , e-mail account & to block the public from
reading our newspaper . our website links are not at all opening. TRUTH CANN'T
After 63 years of india's independence the lives of commoners is far worse than under britishers. The benefits of independence has reached only few , thus creating islands of few ultra rich people surrounded by vast sea of utterly poor. The rich people in nexus with those in power , are getting favourable laws enacted to suit their ends. Those in power are shamelessly enjoying 5-star luxuries all at tax payer's expense , while more then 50 million are starving to death.
The criminalization of politics , executive & judiciary is almost complete. The corruption has spread it's tentacles far & wide , there is corruption from womb to tomb ,from maternity hospital to grave yard. The injustices meated out , the atrocities perpetrated by by public servants are worse than britishers.
Ideally in a democracy, the legal recourse of grievance redressal / justice , when a commoner suffers injustice he can appeal to respective government official or police for justice , still if doesn't get justice he can appeal to court of law , further the aggrieved can get the appropriate law enacted through his M.P / M.L.A. The sad part in India is no public servant is neither aware of the value of our hard won independence or the working of democracy.
When all the legal recourses to justice fail to respond , to provide justice to the aggrieved , when corrupt judges-police-politician-public servants act as a criminal nexus & block justice delivery, the commoner has only 2 options , either to suffer in silence or to take law into his own hands & get justice on his own.
Take for instance Bombay riots case several VVIPs – cabinet ministers , police were found to be guilty of torture , murders of innocents by justice sri Krishna enquiry commission. The government is sitting over enquiry commission report. The court is not taking suo-motto action in public interests a result , the guilty ministers & police who are fit cases for death sentences are roaming free & commiting more crimes , anti-national activities.
In some cases , involving the rich &mighty ,higher police officials , the cover-up begins right from start ie FIR Registration. Police conduct name sake enquiry , investigation, suppress evidences , witnesses , destroy some of them , the prosecution takes a favourable stand putting up weak arguments. Naturally, the guilty official , minister is acquitted by court for lack of evidences. So, the guilty who should have been rightfully put behind bars , hanged goes scot-free , to commit more crimes , more anti-national activities.
In such cases , if the suffering public give the legal punishment to the guilty , which should have been given by the court but failed. Are not such acts of public, to uphold law & dignity , national security right & patriotic ? if any body terms it as crime , that means guilty VVIPs , police , public servants should be left unpunished allowing them to commit more crimes , anti-national activities. Is that right from national security angle ? is it equality before law & equitable justice ?
Do remember that our freedom fighters ,martyrs ,sri.kudiram bose ,subhash Chandra bose , bhagath singh , veer savarkar others who took violent path of independence struggle & killed inhuman british officers, police & judges have contributed valuably ,immensely to our freedom struggle. One of the main causes of origin of naxalism ,separatist movements is the rampant corruption & unaccountability of public servants in India.
In this back drop , in India anarchy is not far away. The days of suffering public ,killing their tormentors corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt tax officials ,etc is not far away. No police security , no SPG cover can protect those corrupt , as police & SPG personnel work for pay , perks and will be on the wrong side of law – protecting criminals. The suffering public fighting for their survival , on the right side of natural justice , protecting the nation.
If the authorities term this act as illegal , crime then are the acts of corrupt public servants legal ? is the cover-up of such corrupt acts by police , vigilance officials & some judges by mis quoting /misinterpreting , misusing law is right , legal ? the GOI has created , funded , supported , given training , arms & ammunition to various terrorist outfits like LTTE , MUKTHI BAHINI ,MQM in foreign countries , resulting in destruction , mass murders of innocents there . In india itself in assam , Kashmir , the GOI has created counter terrorist outfits to reduce the reach of terrorist groups. The bihar , jharkhand , chattisgarh state governments have created armed gangs SALWA JUDUM to counter naxal outfits , are all these acts of government right , legal ? the days of dogs death for corrupt is quite nearby. it is high time , to the corrupt to reform , repent themselves.
In our own experience, e-voice didn't get justice from authorities in many cases of injustices brought before it , most shameful fact even supreme court of India failed to register PILs , even shameful supreme court of India even failed to give information as per RTI Act , utterly shameful supreme court of India failed to protect the fundamental rights of editor of e-voice & obstructed him from performing his fundamental duties. Still, e-voice believes in peace , democratic practices. E-voice firmly believes that violence should not be practiced by anybody – neither state nor public.
Hereby, e-voice urges the corrupt public servants to mend their ways , to uphold law & dignity of democratic institutions. Atrocities , violence , corruption breeds more violence , invites dog's death. Peace ,truth , honesty is the harbinger of prosperous democratic nation. Greetings to all my Indian brothers & sisters on the occasion of 61st Republic Day celebrations, let us build a true democratic India , free of corrupt public servants.
Kashmiri militants claim they are fighting for kashmiris, when the very same kashmiris were suffering from loses due to earthquake why didn't the so-called jihadis didn't make any relief efforts? Why didn't their foreign master – Pakistan didn't make any relief efforts? Within the Pak Occupied Kashmir ( POK ) itself, Pakistan didn't make appropriate
relief efforts. It is government of India & international community who provided proper & timely relief.
The foreign powers are not at all interested in your well being. They are ready to spend millions of dollars for aiding terrorism, but not ready to spend a few hundreds for your education , health care or self employment schemes through NGOs. The fact is they don't want your well being, they don't want you to prosper, live peacefully. The ultimate objective of these foreign powers is to take you on the path of self destruction, destruction of your motherland & to finally usurp the power, to subjugate you into slavery in turn looting the resources of your country.
Ofcourse, in India there is rampant corruption. Still democracy is live & kicking in India, it is the best form of governance. You have got real examples of countries in Africa, latin America, wherein the countries have secured independence through separatist / terrorist movements. The terrorist leaders themselves have become prime minister / president of newly independent countries. Now, they are more corrupt & barbaric than their predecessors . even after getting independence, the lives of commonfolk has become bad to worse. By independence , only leaders have benefited. Will you lead another struggle ? this is endless, as the selfishness , greed of leaders knows no bounds.
In the past, government of India aided tamil separatists, Pakistan terrorists, etc, butchering innocents. The government of U.S.A aided terrorists in Africa, afghanisthan, latin America , murdering innocents. Various countries have aided terrorism while preaching peace. These barbaric acts were motivated by selfish, corrupt, ego-centric leaders. Now, in the bomeerang effects of their actions, innocents are dying in bomb blasts, etc.
Violence breeds violence. Peace & compassion results in all round harmony, prosperity. Every human being must struggle against injustices in a peaceful & legal manner. The struggle must be against the corrupt system, for that peaceful struggle democracy is the best forum. Don't be pawns in the hands of foreign powers, politicians. They are not at all interested in your welfare, well being. At the end, it is the leaders who become ministers & amass wealth through corruption. The common folk like you will remain as fiddlings, minions forever.
Just imagine yourselves in the place of victims of delhi serial bomb blasts (29/10/2005) or Mumbai blasts of 26/11/08 . just imagine the plight of little child MOSHE who has lost both his parents , imagine Your mother & wife are crying, your children are dead , your father's hands & limbs are ripped apart in the blast. How does it feel to be one ? no religion, no god asks it's followers to cause destruction. All religions, gods are full of eternal love & compassion. Let that god shine his light, upon you all on the violent path.
Whether it is in india or else where , democratic system is best form of governance. The people in those countries suffer due to corrupt public servants . in all such cases , the legal , non violent fight must be against the corrupt people , corrupt police , corrupt judges , CORRUPT public servants but not against the system itself.
Let us build ram rajya of mahatma's dream through non violent means within the existing democratic framework .
Persecuted IROM SHARMILA of Puttaparthi Andhra Pradesh - - LAND MAFIA silencing an Innocent woman in Puttaparthi Andhra Pradesh
- LOCAL POLICE & JUDICIARY hand in gloves with the mafia - An appeal to Honourable supreme court of India
- LOCAL POLICE & JUDICIARY hand in gloves with the mafia - An appeal to Honourable supreme court of India
Land mafia with the support of local police are harassing an innocent woman by name Ms.Pushpa & her family in Puttaparthi , Andhra Pradesh. Ms.Pushpa & her family are living under threat to their lives , the approach road to their house is partly closed , they have suffered attempts of murder on their lives by police & rowdy elements , police have illegally entered her house & illegally confiscated her property. All for the reason that THEY REFUSED TO SELL THEIR PROPERTY TO THE NEIGHBOURING BUILDER (WHO IS AN INFLUENTIAL POLITICIAN) WHO IS ILLEGALLY BUILDING A HUGE COMPLEX . On top of this , the police have foisted false cases on Ms.Pushpa to silence her , circulated pamphlets , fake stories in the local media defaming Ms.pushpa & her family , offending the dignity of a woman .
The local Judiciary has failed to stop further injustices to this lady & failed to take legal action against public servants who failed to do their duty . These public servants – local police , local judiciary , PUDA officials , Jail officials , Government Doctor together with the complainant Ms.Pushpa must be subjected to narco analysis test. Till date Unauthorised construction by neighbouring builder (taking away the acess to Ms.Pushpa & her family’s property) is going on unhindered.
Ms.Pushpa presently an under trial in district jail , Ananthpur (admitted at Governement Hospital Ananthapur) IS UNDER FAST UNTO DEATH protesting against the inaction of Local Judiciary & Police , which is aiding the criminals to continue their crimes. If Ms.Pushpa & any of her family member dies , suffers bodily injuries , etc , the Local Jurisdictional Police , Jurisdictional Magistrate together with the Superintendent of police , District Collector & Principal District & Sessions Judge of the said Ananthapur District , Andhra Pradesh will be responsible for it.
On 09.12.2010 mid night Ms. Pushpa Under trial Patient at Jail Ward of Ananthapur District Hospital , Andhra Pradesh , faced threats from some police personnel themselves. The Police claimed that they are moving her to other higher medical hospital . Did the police had written orders from Higher police officers to move her that too at wee hours ? No. Did the police had the written discharge certificate from the concerned government doctor ? No. Did the police had written permission from the jurisdictional Judicial Magistrate Court to move her? No. Even the police themselves didn’t not know where they are taking her. All this proves that the police personnel were acting illegally under the behest of some outside criminal elements. Inspite of appeals for JUSTICE & PROTECTION to Under Trial Ms.Pushpa (who is on Hunger Strike) , Nobody, no public servant has cared , even if the public servants neglect their duties they get all 5 star pay & perks at tax payer’s expense. SHAME SHAME to them.
Hereby , we do request the Honourable Supreme court of India , to conduct a thorough enquiry by a third party not belonging to Andhra Pradesh , to find the truth & give justice to the aggrieved.
In the 7 year old jessica lal murder case , all the accussed –
children of rich & mighty have gone scot free , for lack of both
prosecution & witnesses. The culprits have forced the witnesses to
remain silent through the use of muscle & money power. The
investigating police official, from the beginning has done roughshod
work & also have played a role in silencing witnesses. I.O MORE RICHER
NOW? PROMOTIONS? The presiding judge of the court has overlooked many
omissions & commissions by the prosecution and in a hurry closed the
case , acquitting all the accussed. Reward for judge – promotion as
high court judge. In this way, the police-prosecutor-judge were
together ganged up against the victim from the beginning. Also, the
witnesses were afraid of brute muscle power of rowdies & rowdies in
khaki uniform.
Now, take the gujarath riots case. In the first place riot took place
under the active patronage of gujarath state government machinery.
Naturally the police , prosecutors & judges in gujarath were against
the riot victims & closed one case after another, acquitting the
guilty. However the apex court got transferred riot cases out of
gujarath , under public pressure. However, even the apex court failed
to instill confidence , in the prime witness of best bakery case , the
apex court failed to positively reassure the witness of her safety &
livlihood. As a result , out of fear she became hostile- went on
changing her statements.
In this manner, numerous low profile cases involving commonman are
buried , witnesses silenced by the corrupt nexus of police-prosecutor-
judge. They don't even draw media attention as they are low profile.
Drastic reforms of criminal justice system in india is needed.
Punishing the hostile witness is not the solution. Accountability of
investigating officers , police , prosecutors & judges is needed.how
come some police officials , public prosecutors & judges are leading
luxurious lifestyles, beyond the scope of their legal income?
Recently in the media there was mention of a C.D of alleged
conversation between samajvadi party M.P mr.amar singh & U.P chief
minister , about influencing a high court judge & fixing a case. This
is the way our judiciary functions in india. Rewards for corrupt
judges – out of turn promotions, post retirement postings , postings
to kith & kin , land allotments , etc.
Accountability of judiciary & investigating agencies is the need of
the day. Let us start with polygraph tests for I.O , POLICE , PUBLIC
PROSECUTOR & JUDGE of jessica lal murder case.
Reproduced from The Times Of India August 16, 2007 page10
We do frame people, says NCB official
Sub-Inspector Tell HC How They Plant Drugs On Innocents
Abhinav Garg / TNN
New Delhi:It's been suspected by many, but confirmation of the police falsely implicating people by planting drugs on them has now come from the policeman himself who has been accused of planting drugs on two innocent people.
Sub-Inspector Ranbir Singh of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) admitted at the Delhi High Court that testing kits for checking banned drugs wereoften defective. What's more officers often replaced the recovered substance with lethal drugs in order to implicate them. A shocked court has summoned the NCB director to explain the charge.
Ranbir is himself tainted of this grave abuse of authority. There is an FIR against him for falsely implicating rwo persons under the harsh Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances act. He claimed to have recovered 100gm heroin from them which later turned out to be harmless paracetomal powder.
The officer is now seeking to get the FIR quashed and in his defence has claimed that he was not the only one who framed people, several other officers did the same.
The Judge has also summoned the Kamala Market Narcotics Cell in-charge from whose area Singh allegedly picked up the two persons.
The Director and the Cell in-charge will have to explain before the court as to how these two innocents were booked and thrown into jail when two forensic reports clearly stated that the substance in question was paracetomol.
The case in which Singh is involved took place in March last year. Gyanender and Santosh were arrested by him for alleged possesion of heroin. The substance was sent for testing to two CFCL labs-one in Rohini and the other in Chandigarh- and both labs reported back that the powder was'nt heroin but just parecetomal.
After this came to light, the additional sessions judge hearing the case acquited the two men and recommended that an FIR be lodged against Singh as the two undertrials had to languish in jail because of the wanton abuse of authority.
The high court, while hearing a petition filed by Singh seeking quashing of FIR against him found it intriguing that even when the investigating team is equipped with "field testing kit" to test the contraband, they had mistaken paracetomal powder for heroin. Upon which Singh revealed that kits were often defective and that officers also changed the actual recovered substance with banned contraband.
BHOPAL GAS VERDICT FIXED - Shame Shame to Supreme Court of India & Supreme Court of USA
Now it is a known fact that Bhopal Gas Leak Case Verdict was FIXED years before , MATCH FIXED by then MP Government Chief Minister , Indian Prime Minister and most shame fully Chief Justice of India.
Now The Final Verdict is out in Bhopal Gas Tragedy . This kind of Injustice can only happen in banana republics , where rich crooks are protected by authorities & courts. SHAME SHAME to supreme court of India , supreme court of USA & Government of USA , for practicing double standards in enforcement of law & justice.
Double standards of supreme court of India
PIL Appeal & Show Cause Notice to Supreme Court of India
In India, Favorable treatment is given by police & courts of law for rich crooks where as poor innocents are harassed , tortured by the very same police & judges . In india Some MP , MLAs even take money for asking questions in parliament / legislature , Favourable laws are enacted to legalize crimes of rich crooks for example : Illegal land encroachments by rich crooks. The same MPs , MLAs are not aware about problems of poor public , they don’t even open their mouth for asking questions on welfare of poor , let alone enact laws for welfare of poor. No government law , no decisions of judges , no orders of public servants are sacrosanct . Hereby , e-voice urges the supreme court of india ,
1. To legally prosecute the jurisdictional police who changed the charge sheet , who let out Main criminalAnderson illegally without orders from the court.
2. To legally prosecute the SSP , DC of the district , Then Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh & Then Prime Minister of GOI , who fully aided the main accussed , criminal Anderson to escape , to jump law.
3. To legally prosecute Indian Public Servants , who were responsible for withdrawing the case from US Courts of Justice.
4. To legally prosecute Then Chief Justice of India Justice Ahmadi & His bench colleagues , who diluted the case by changing the clause under which Anderson & others were charged.
The Public servants – Mps , MLAs , Judges , IAS / IPS officers , Police take thousands of rupees monthly salary , cars , bungalows , 5-star hotel stay together with 5-star meal complete with alchoholic drinks , 5-star health care at premium hospitals , business class air travel , foreign tours , etc all at tax payer’s expense. After enjoying to the hilt at taxpayer’s expense , these same public servants don’t serve the public , they serve the rich crooks , anti nationals in their greed for more money.
All the while the same poor tax payer suffers without justice . In India more than 50 Crore people are barely surviving on a single piece meal .Let the corrupt public servants eat their 5-star meals by the side of the graves of Bhopal Gas Victims. Atleast this will open the eyes of honest few in public service – police , judiciary & parliament , it is a fond hope. This is an appeal to those honest few in judiciary , police & parliament to catch hold of their corrupt colleagues.
BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY 1984 -Bhopal, India
At the first instance the Government of India failed to ensure that
Union carbide India Limited (U.C.I.L) has installed proper safety
measures and fully implemented it in practice, at it's plant in Bhopal. The Government of Madhyapradesh through it's labour
department, factory inspectorate & pollution control board failed to
enforce safety practices & environmental protection. In turn, the
U.C.I.L didn't install in full, the safety measures being followed by
it's parent company union carbide corporation (U.C.C) at it's
Various plants in the U.S.A. The U.C.I.L. didn't give community
training to residents of nearby localities, to cope up with
emergencies ie. Industrial accidents. U.C.I.L gave a go - by to safety
practices, as it treated Indian lives as cheap. The government of
Madhya pradesh instead of shifting slum dwellers around U.C.I.L, to
other safe place, gave them legal title deeds just months before the
tragedy in 1984.
Union carbide India Limited (U.C.I.L) has installed proper safety
measures and fully implemented it in practice, at it's plant in Bhopal. The Government of Madhyapradesh through it's labour
department, factory inspectorate & pollution control board failed to
enforce safety practices & environmental protection. In turn, the
U.C.I.L didn't install in full, the safety measures being followed by
it's parent company union carbide corporation (U.C.C) at it's
Various plants in the U.S.A. The U.C.I.L. didn't give community
training to residents of nearby localities, to cope up with
emergencies ie. Industrial accidents. U.C.I.L gave a go - by to safety
practices, as it treated Indian lives as cheap. The government of
Madhya pradesh instead of shifting slum dwellers around U.C.I.L, to
other safe place, gave them legal title deeds just months before the
tragedy in 1984.
Now, refer the following:-
1. After the accident at it's U.C.I.L. plant at Bhopal, India in 1984,
when the U.C.C. Chairman/C.E.O. came over to Bhopal from U.S.A to
visit the accident site, local police arrested him on the charges of
manslaughter. However, the Government of India got him released.
when the U.C.C. Chairman/C.E.O. came over to Bhopal from U.S.A to
visit the accident site, local police arrested him on the charges of
manslaughter. However, the Government of India got him released.
2. In 1985, Government of India enacted "Bhopal claims Act" took- away
the right of appeal of all the Gas tragedy victims & declared itself
as the sole representative of all victims. This said act itself is
violative of victim's fundamental & human rights. The
victims didn't choose Government of India as it's representative under
will, agreement, trust or pleasure.
the right of appeal of all the Gas tragedy victims & declared itself
as the sole representative of all victims. This said act itself is
violative of victim's fundamental & human rights. The
victims didn't choose Government of India as it's representative under
will, agreement, trust or pleasure.
3. The paradox of this "Bhopal claims Act" is that, Government of
India which is also a party to the crime, tragedy, itself is the
appellant. The appellant (Petitioner),defendant are Government of
India, Prosecution by Government of India & Judged by Government of
India which is also a party to the crime, tragedy, itself is the
appellant. The appellant (Petitioner),defendant are Government of
India, Prosecution by Government of India & Judged by Government of
4. In 1989, when an appeal about interim compensation to be paid by
the U.C.I.L to all the victims was being heard in the apex court, the
supreme court of India without giving a chance to the victims to make
their point, without consulting them, without making a proper
assessment of damages/losses, gave an arbitrary figure as verdict &
dropped all civil, criminal proceedings against U.C.C.&U.C.I.L
the U.C.I.L to all the victims was being heard in the apex court, the
supreme court of India without giving a chance to the victims to make
their point, without consulting them, without making a proper
assessment of damages/losses, gave an arbitrary figure as verdict &
dropped all civil, criminal proceedings against U.C.C.&U.C.I.L
5. In the same year 1989, the Government of India without consulting
the victims of disaster, without making proper assessment of damages/
losses, negotiated a settlement with the U.C.C. and in turn gave full
legal immunity to U.C.C.& U.C.I.L from civil &
Criminal proceedings
the victims of disaster, without making proper assessment of damages/
losses, negotiated a settlement with the U.C.C. and in turn gave full
legal immunity to U.C.C.& U.C.I.L from civil &
Criminal proceedings
6. Even the Government of India didn't present the case of victim's-
gas tragedy victims, properly before the U.S.courts, where the U.C.C
is based. All these premeditated acts only benefited the criminals-
U.C.C&UCIL. Are not the supreme court of India & Government of India,
here to safeguard Indians and to safeguard Justice?
gas tragedy victims, properly before the U.S.courts, where the U.C.C
is based. All these premeditated acts only benefited the criminals-
U.C.C&UCIL. Are not the supreme court of India & Government of India,
here to safeguard Indians and to safeguard Justice?
After all these crimes, the Government of India failed to distribute
compensation in time to victims. It has failed even to provide safe
drinking water to the residents near the accident site, It has failed
to provide comprehensive medical care to the victims, till
date . It has even failed to get the accident site cleared off toxic
wastes either by the culprit management or by it self, that too after
20 years. The very presence of these toxic wastes since 20 years is
further contaminating, polluting the environment and taking toll of
more victims.
compensation in time to victims. It has failed even to provide safe
drinking water to the residents near the accident site, It has failed
to provide comprehensive medical care to the victims, till
date . It has even failed to get the accident site cleared off toxic
wastes either by the culprit management or by it self, that too after
20 years. The very presence of these toxic wastes since 20 years is
further contaminating, polluting the environment and taking toll of
more victims.
Particularly in the case of "Bhopal Gas Tragedy" the supreme court of
India & Government of India are deadlier criminals than U.C.I.L&U.C.C.
India & Government of India are deadlier criminals than U.C.I.L&U.C.C.
Just consider a case here, Just a few years back an U.S.based M.N.C
ENRON set-up a power project in Maharashtra, India through it's
subsidiary. When Maharashtra state Electricity Board failed to lift
power from Enron& pay them monthly guaranteed revenue, Enron
threatened to invoke, open the "Eschrew Clause" with the Government
of India & to approach international arbiter U.K. Government of India
has stood as conter-guarantee in this case. Finally the Government
paid, of course subsequently the parent ENRON collapsed due to other
reasons. If in this case if Government of India failed to pay-up as a
counter guarantee & refused to comply with the award of International
arbiter, definitely Government of U.S.A. would have stepped into the
scene to protect it's MNC. Hypothetically, In the same vein if Enron
has caused damages to Indians either through negligence of safe
practices or industrial accidents or bank frauds
amounting over and above it's Capital base & insurance cover, then it
would have been the duty of parent Enron & Government of U.S.A. to
step in & pay-up.
ENRON set-up a power project in Maharashtra, India through it's
subsidiary. When Maharashtra state Electricity Board failed to lift
power from Enron& pay them monthly guaranteed revenue, Enron
threatened to invoke, open the "Eschrew Clause" with the Government
of India & to approach international arbiter U.K. Government of India
has stood as conter-guarantee in this case. Finally the Government
paid, of course subsequently the parent ENRON collapsed due to other
reasons. If in this case if Government of India failed to pay-up as a
counter guarantee & refused to comply with the award of International
arbiter, definitely Government of U.S.A. would have stepped into the
scene to protect it's MNC. Hypothetically, In the same vein if Enron
has caused damages to Indians either through negligence of safe
practices or industrial accidents or bank frauds
amounting over and above it's Capital base & insurance cover, then it
would have been the duty of parent Enron & Government of U.S.A. to
step in & pay-up.
In the same way, the U.C.I.L has caused massive damages to Indians &
refusing to pay commensurate to damages. Dow chemicals which took-
over U.C.C. is also refusing to pay. DOW chemicals which is the new
owner of U.C.C. naturally inherits both profits, credits lent &
liabilities to pay of U.C.C. Still it is refusing to pay. Now it is
the turn of Government of U.S.A. to cough-up the sum.
.refusing to pay commensurate to damages. Dow chemicals which took-
over U.C.C. is also refusing to pay. DOW chemicals which is the new
owner of U.C.C. naturally inherits both profits, credits lent &
liabilities to pay of U.C.C. Still it is refusing to pay. Now it is
the turn of Government of U.S.A. to cough-up the sum.
They do sign numerous agreements, only favouring MNC. When tragedies
occur or when they cheat Indian banks/ investors, it is Indians who
suffer. The ministers & bureaucrats thinks themselves as wizards and
enters into agreements with MNCs, industrialists in a hush-hush
manner, with vast scope for possible corruption. Is it not the duty of
government to be transparent ?
JUDICIAL CORRUPTION MY LORDS, THERE’S A CASE AGAINST YOU Former Union law ministers are spearheading a campaign against sitting judges they accuse of being corrupt. What is the higher judiciary doing to clear itself of these grave charges?
Bhushan has categorically condemned the rot he feels has set in the judicial system. “The judiciary of this country is not merely unaccountable, but corrupt and brazenly so,” he wrote in a letter to President APJ Abdul Kalam on December 17. Bhushan has demanded that the President initiate impeachment proceedings against Justice Jagdish Bhalla of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahbad High Court. On December 14, a Supreme Court (SC) collegium recommended that Justice Bhalla be appointed the Chief Justice of the Kerela HC. Bhushan and Jethmalani, along with noted lawyers and former justices, including Rajendra Sachar, Indira Jaisingh and Hardev Singh, have formed the Committee on Judicial Accountability (COJA) and presented documents to the Chief Justice of India (CJI), YK Sabharwal, to support their complaint against the sitting judges. COJA complained to the CJI on July 11 that Justice Jagdish Bhalla had amassed several illegal properties in the name of his wife and other close relatives. Justice Vijender Jain, the former senior Judge in the Delhi High Court, who was recently appointed the CJ of Punjab and Haryana HC, is also in COJA’s line of fire. By questioning the integrity of Justices Bhalla and Jain, Bhushan has thrown open the much larger question of judicial accountability. (See interview) “Leave aside taking any action against corrupt judges like Justice Jagdish Bhalla and Justice Vijender Jain, the CJI has been actually avoiding even properly investigating charges against them,” says Bhushan. According to documents produced by COJA on 21 July 2003, Renu Bhalla bought a 7,200 sq. metre plot near the Noida-Greater Noida expressway. On 28 March 2005, Uday Shankar, dsp, Gautam Buddha Nagar (Noida’s official name) submitted a report to the area dm in which he states that the sellers of the plot belong to the “land mafia”. In an enquiry submitted to the dm on 26 June 2005, RK Singh, the area sdm, also described the sellers as belonging to the “land mafia”. According to the two reports, the plots constituted a portion of the gram samaj (joint village property) land, illegally grabbed by the “land mafia”. (All the documents relating to the transaction are in possession of Tehelka) The SDM’s report says that at the time of the transaction, the plot was worth Rs 7.20 crore in the open market, whereas Renu Bhalla paid Rs 5 lakh for it. The two reports also state that the sellers of the plot have been charged in several criminal cases, and had sold plots to several influential people to curry favour with them. Renu Bhalla is the wife of Justice Jagdish Bhalla. Bhushan has also drawn attention to the July 2005 draw of lots for allotment of plots in Sector 44 in Greater Noida. When the computerised draw threw up several influential names, a few people approached the Allahabad HC alleging foulplay. In October 2005, the HC decided that the case warranted a fresh draw of lots and ordered a cbi inquiry into the scam. Among those who had been allotted plots in the scrapped list were Aarohi Bhalla and Sheeba Sabharwal. Aarohi Bhalla, who is the son of Justice Bhalla, was allotted plot number f-52, while Sheeba Sabharwal, daughter-in-law of the CJI YK Sabharwal was allotted plot number f-78. In November 2005, the Supreme Court stayed the Allahabad HC judgement, putting the cbi enquiry and the HC’s order to hold a fresh draw of lots on hold.
Members of COJA have offered to discuss the matter in person with the CJI but they say that they are still waiting to hear from him. Five months after their initial request, they sent another application to the CJI in November. This time they sought his permission to register an FIR against Justice Bhalla, claiming that their initial evidence was enough to register an offence against him under the Prevention of Corruption Act. “The CJI did not even call us to hear our point,” says Bhushan. “I don’t know why Justice Sabharwal is shielding Justice Bhalla!” Bhushan is equally critical of Justice Vijender Jain. Justice Jain, who took oath as the new CJ of Punjab and Haryana HC in November, had to endure many delays before he could be appointed to the post. The CJI had to make three efforts to promote Justice Jain. A collegium headed by the Chief Justice of India first recommended Justice Jain’s name for the post in July. However, President APJ Abdul Kalam returned the file, causing a minor embarrassment to the CJI and the Union government. When the collegium reiterated its recommendation through the government in November, the President had to sign the file.
This time around, to address dissenting voices, the CJI also consulted other SC judges who happened to be former chief justices of the Delhi High Court. According to reliable sources, Justice Jain’s former seniors also questioned his integrity. However, on the basis of a majority, the proposal to promote him was forwarded to the Union government for the President’s assent. A major hurdle in promoting Justice Jain continued on page 8 continued from page 6 was a complaint by one Subhash Agrawal who approached then CJI RC Lahoti in January 2005 with the complaint that Justice Jain had violated the code of conduct for judges. Agrawal claimed that Justice Jain gave a judgement in favour of someone with whom he had “family relations”. He produced a copy of the invitation card of the litigant’s granddaughter’s wedding, held in April 2001. According to the card, the venue of the wedding was the official residence of Justice Jain. (Tehelka has obtained a copy of the wedding card from the Central Information Commission). In November 2004, Justice Jain, hearing an appeal, decided a civil suit in favour of the person who had held his granddaughter’s wedding at his official residence. When there was no response to his complaint in October 2005, Agrawal approached the SC to find out the status of his complaint under the rti Act. He was told that his complaint was in the relevant HC file. Not satisfied, Agrawal approached the Central Information Commission. On the commission’s insistence, the SC finally told Agrawal that his complaint had not actually been forwarded to the HC, as the SC has “no administrative jurisdiction” over high court judges. Therefore, the complaint was pending before the CJI, YK Sabharwal. The commission asked the CJI to act on the application. The CJI finally settled the complaint, saying he found no merit in it. When Agrawal asked for reasons behind the decision, he drew a blank. It’s not just Bhushan who feels the need to bring about accountability and transparency in the judiciary. Janata Dal (U) president Sharad Yadav says the issue will be discussed when the Judicial Accountability Bill is tabled in Parliament. “When the government tables the bill, all its aspects will be discussed,” Yadav told Tehelka. CJI YK Sabharwal could not be reached for his comments. Despite conciliatory notes from him there are all indications that the clamour surrounding judicial misdemeanour and the demand for greater accountability will only increase in the days to come. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dec 30 , 2006 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Burn After Reading BRIJESH PANDEY and SANJAY DUBEY track the Supreme Court’s lack of urgency in investigating charges of judicial corruption
WHEN SPECIAL CBI judge Rama Jain received an anonymous letter in January 2008, telling her that the provident funds of Class 3 and Class 4 employees of the Ghaziabad court were being siphoned off, she had no idea that she had stumbled onto the biggest judicial scam in the history of independent India. As she was the designated vigilance officer at the Ghaziabad court, she first conducted an inquiry on her own, which uncovered the involvement of at least three judges and the Central Nazir in the embezzlement of funds. She reported the matter to the Allahabad High Court, which, in turn, ordered a vigilance inquiry. Holding that the report, prima facie, had merit, the court directed her to file an FIR. Central Nazir Ashutosh Asthana was arrested on the basis of the FIR on April 10, 2008. His interrogation revealed that Asthana was not a solo player. He claimed that he was first introduced to the scam by a district judge himself. What followed was so shocking that even the Ghaziabad police was on the backfoot. Asthana confessed that from the Rs 7 crore embezzled, he had given cash and gifts such as airconditioners, refrigerators, expensive clothes, jewellery and furniture to as many as 36 judges, including about 10 High Court judges and one Supreme Court judge. In a sworn statement before a magistrate, Asthana revealed that this fraud had run from 2001 to 2007 with the active connivance of district judges. Every month, Asthana even paid bribes to various judges, from Rs 25,000 to a whopping Rs 1.5 lakh. When these excerpts from Asthana’s confession became public, the public image of the judiciary touched a new low. In perhaps the biggest moment of crisis for the Indian judiciary, Asthana, the main accused, has in turn named judges from the Ghaziabad District Court to the Allahabad High Court, right up to the Supreme Court. This was not all. These revelations stunned the Ghaziabad police. Clearly out of their depth and (justifiably) wary of taking on the powerful judiciary, they requested the Ghaziabad court to hand over the probe to the CBI. In September 2008, the Supreme Court transferred the case to the CBI, but with a rider: Investigate, but give us a sealed report. The PF scam, as it had come to be known, gave the judiciary a wonderful opportunity to redeem itself in the eyes of the people but the case remained shrouded in secrecy. Cynics then said that the whole matter would be given a quiet burial. Eighteen months after the scam became public and four CBI status reports later, the cynics appear to have had the last laugh.
This delay and secrecy in such a highprofile scam raises various uncomfortable questions for the Indian Judiciary. Legal luminaries believe that this is symptomatic of a larger malaise which ails the judiciary. Says jurist Ram Jethmalani, “The reputation of a judge is more important than the actual fact of his honesty. In fact, if a judge has a bad reputation, even if it is undeserved, he should not be appointed because then nobody will have confidence in his judgements,” adding, “When the judiciary expedites cases concerning the executive branch or even most prominent cases, why is such urgency not displayed here, when the matter is extremely serious. Why this delay?”
A VALID QUESTION. Asthana named 36 judges (a list of which is with TEHELKA). Other than the fact that a few have retired, virtually nothing is known about the fate of the judges of the Allahabad High Court and the Supreme Court judge. Whether or not the apex court is planning to initiate or has initiated, criminal charges against any of the judges — sitting or retired — are questions that only the Supreme Court can answer. And the apex court should answer, argues former Union law minister and senior advocate Shanti Bhushan. “I don’t appreciate this sealed-cover business except in very rare cases when making something public might be detrimental to the public interest — mainly if there is an army secret. Whether it is the judiciary or the executive, all officers are appointed on the behalf of the people. It is on the people’s behalf that the judiciary exercises its powers. How can you keep investigations in the PF scam secret? The people have every right to know what is going on.” VN Khare, former Chief Justice of India, concurs. “These kind of things should not be allowed to linger. This shakes the confidence of the people in the judiciary. If there is an allegation or misconduct, it must be inquired into immediately and strict action should be taken against the erring judges. Why should the reputation of most judges suffer for no fault of theirs?”
The biggest question which arises from this scam is the lack of will on the part of the judiciary to rein in errant judges. Let alone the judges named by Asthana, what about the fate of the three Ghaziabad District Judges named by vigilance officer of the district court Special CBI Judge Rama Jain herself? Legal luminaries say this hesitancy on the part of judges to act against fellow judges involved in wrongdoing clearly illustrates the prevailing mindset of the judiciary. “I know of a retired Chief Justice of India who is one of the most honest judges I have ever seen. It’s difficult to imagine a more honest person. However, when a responsible minister made complaints to him against a corrupt High Court Judge, he did not grant permission for an investigation because he felt that as the head of the judicial family, it was his job to protect judges, be they corrupt or not,” says Shanti Bhushan. Ram Jethmalani chips in sarcastically, “This is the reason why judges call each other ‘brother judge.’” IT IS not only cases like the PF scam which taints the image of the judiciary, but also the extreme reluctance on the part of the judiciary to be open and transparent. Reams and reams of paper have gone towards pious exhortations by the judiciary asking the government to refrain from corruption and work in an efficient manner. But sadly, no judge has held forth at length on the need for the judiciary to refrain from corruption. Even attempts to exercise the Right to Information with respect to the office of the CJI came a cropper as the CJI’s office was always declared out of bounds. It took a historic verdict by the Delhi High Court to declare that the office of the CJI was not immune from accountability and outside the purview of the RTI Act. Senior lawyers and retired chief justices feel that if the judiciary is not transparent or accountable, it only means that they are trying to hide something. Justice Khare feels, “Judges are more accountable than other persons because they hold a very high post. The very existence of the judiciary is based on the faith of the common man in it. If that faith is not there, how can the judiciary function?”
What incenses them is the behaviour of the government with regard to the Judges’ Assets Declaration Bill which the government tried to introduce in 2009. The opposition erupted in protest and forced the government to defer the bill. Jethmalani terms the government’s approach to this bill as a “conspiracy of corruption”. “The government is scared to take on the judiciary. It’s clear that the executive wants to cosy up to the judiciary.” Agrees retired CJI V N Khare, “Why should there be any hesitancy to declare assets at all on the part of judiciary? The whole episode is beyond me.” In a recent development, the Supreme Court has reiterated before the Delhi High Court that the CJI’s office is outside the purview of the RTI Act.
Another assault on the public image of the judiciary is the Dinakaran episode. Currently, judges are appointed to the Supreme Court by the Supreme Court Collegium, a group of judges chaired by the Chief Justice of India. When Chief Justice Dinakaran of the Karnataka High Court was elevated to the Supreme Court, the state Bar and legal luminaries rose up in protest because the Collegium appeared to have dismissed, or, at least, not have considered the serious allegations of corruption against him. According to Senior Advocate Soli Sorabjee, “The Dinakaran episode shows that the Collegium is not working satisfactorily. You must have a national commission for judges which should be made up of judges, eminent jurists and senior government officials. This council should have the power to get independent information and evaluate it.” Shanti Bhushan feels that as judges are extremely busy with hearing cases, there should be a full-time commission whose sole function is to pick judges for the High Court and the Supreme Court and feels that the commission should also have its own bureau of investigation. They should not be dependent on either the local police, who might be afraid to investigate judges, or on an overburdened CBI. But all this is very hard to achieve. Jurists feel that the judges of the higher courts have converted themselves into a union of sorts and are trying to protect each other. “Their approach is to sweep every allegation under the carpet. Don’t allow the public to know about it. Let the public believe that our judiciary is very honest. But this has been counterproductive. It has given a shield of total immunity to the judges and they think they can get away with anything. This has led to an increase in corruption in the judiciary,” states Shanti Bhushan. Time and again, opportunities have arisen for the judiciary to reinvent itself in a new avatar. And time after time, it has failed. Caesar’s wife, they say, should be above suspicion. Whatever the cost it might take to ensure it. WRITERS’ EMAIL brijesh@tehelka.com sanjay@tehelka.com | ||||||
From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 6, Issue 41, Dated October 17, 2009 |
‘Half of last 16 chief justices have been corrupt’
By churumuriJudicial corruption is a bull few in India are willing to attach their names to. There are whispers of this or that sitting judge making piles or cash; of sons, daughters and other near and dear ones acting as “brokers” for cases, deals, etc, but none of those allegations see the light of day.
Not because the media is a willing accomplice but because of the sword of “contempt of court” hanging over us.
For long, truth was not, repeat not, a defence in the case of contempt. Although that is now no longer the case, judicial corruption still isn’t headline news like corruption in other spheres of Indian life. The case of Justice P.D. Dinakaran is one of the rare exceptions and that too only in sections of the media.
In September 2009, the Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan, in an interview to Shoma Chaudhury of Tehelkamagazine, said “half of the last 16 chief justices were corrupt”. The comment invited the apex court’s contempt. Now, Bhushan’s father, the noted jurist Shanti Bhushan has joined issue.
In his application before the Supreme Court praying for his impleadment as respondent No.3 in the case of the Amicus Curiae vs Prashant Bhushan, Bhushan senior repeats his son’s charge that eight out of the last 16 CJs were corrupt, even going so far as to deliver the names of the corrupt in a sealed cover.
“In the applicant’s opinion, eight [of the last 16 chief justices] were definitely corrupt, six were definitely honest and about the remaining two, a definite opinion cannot be expressed whether they were honest or corrupt.”
Below is the full text of Shanti Bhushan’s application, published in the public interest.
ToThe Hon’ble Chief Justice of India &
His companion justices of the Supreme Court of India
The humble application of the Petitioners above named.Most respectfully showeth:
- That the applicant is filing the present application for his impleadment as Respondent No. 3 in the aforementioned contempt petition as the applicant is making a categorical statement in the present application that eight of the last sixteen Chief Justices of India were definitely corrupt and also providing the names of those eight definitely corrupt Chief Justices in a sealed cover as an annexure along with the present application.
- The applicant is a practicing advocate who was enrolled on 8 July 1948. He has appeared in each and every High Court in the country. He is well acquainted with the manner in which the Indian judiciary has been functioning and how its character has been changing over the years.
- That the applicant has been a part of the campaign for judicial accountability since its inception in the year 1990.
- That there was a time when it was almost impossible even to think that a judge of a High court or the Supreme Court could be corrupt. Things have changed drastically during the last 2 or 3 decades during which corruption has been growing in the Indian judiciary. So much so that even a sitting Chief Justice of India had to openly admit that 20% of the judges could be corrupt. Very recently in March 2010 a sitting Chief Justice of a high court openly made a statement. The statement of the sitting chief justice was published by the Times of India in its issue of 6th march 2010 with the headlines, “In our judiciary, anybody can be bought, says Gujarat chief justice”. A copy of the news paper report is being annexed hereto as Annexure A.
- That the applicant believes that the reported statement may not be correctly reflecting the perception of the Gujarat Chief Justice, since he should be knowing as the applicant does that there are and have always been plenty of totally honest judges, but they are also becoming the victim of this public perception since no institution of governance in the country is taking any effective steps about dealing with corruption in the judiciary.
- That India became a republic in 1950, when the people became sovereign. They got the right to constitute their institutions, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, to serve them, who would be accountable to them.
- That before 1950, corruption was almost non existent in the High Courts. The federal court had in 1949 got Justice Shiv Prasad Sinha removed from the Allahabad High Court, merely on the finding that he had passed 2 judicial orders on extra judicial considerations.
- That it however appears that thereafter the judiciary has adopted the policy of sweeping all allegations of judicial corruption under the carpet in the belief that such allegations might tarnish the image of the judiciary. It does not realize that this policy has played a big role in increasing judicial corruption.
- That the Constitution prescribed removal by impeachment as the only way of removing judges who commit misconduct since it was believed at the time of the framing of the Constitution that misconduct by judges of the higher judiciary would be very rare. However those expectations have been belied as is apparent from the surfacing of a series of judicial scandals in the recent past. The case of Justice V. Ramaswami and subsequent attempts to impeach other judges have shown that this is an impractical and difficult process to deal with corrupt judges. The practical effect of this has been to instill a feeling of impunity among judges who feel that they cannot be touched even if they misconduct.
- That corruption by judges is a cognizable offence. The Code of Criminal Procedure requires that whenever an FIR is filed with respect to a cognizable offence, it is the statutory duty of the police to investigate the offence. The police has to collect evidence against the accused and charge-sheet him in a competent court. He would then be tried and punished by being sent to jail. The Supreme Court has however by violating this statutory provision in the CrPC given a direction in its Constitution bench judgement in theVeeraswamy case of 1991 that no FIR would be registered against any judge without the permission of the Chief Justice of India. In not a single case has any such permission ever been granted for the registration of an FIR against any judge after that judgement.
- That the result of this direction has been that a total immunity has been given to corrupt judges against their prosecution. No wonder that judicial corruption has increased by leaps and bounds.
- That an honest judiciary enjoying public confidence is an imperative for the functioning of a democracy, and it is the duty of every right thinking person to strive to achieve this end.
- That unless the level of corruption in the judiciary is exposed and brought in the public domain, the institutions of governance cannot be activated to take effective measures to eliminate this evil.
- That it is the common perception that whenever such efforts are made by anyone, the judiciary tries to target him by the use of the power of contempt. It is the reputation of the judge which is his shield against any malicious and false allegations against him. He doesn’t need the power of contempt to protect his reputation and credibility.
- That the applicant strongly believes that a responsible citizen should be prepared to undergo any amount of suffering in the pursuit of the noble cause of fighting for a clean judiciary.
- That there are two statements of Respondent no. 1 (Prashant Bhushan) published in Tehelka by Respondent no. 2 which are alleged to constitute contempt of court. In the 1st statement, Respondent no. 1 has expressed that in his view, out of the last 16 or 17 chief justices of India, half have been corrupt.
- The applicant states that in his view too this statement is absolutely correct. At the time of the publication of this report in Tehelka, the last 16 Chief Justices of India were the following: 1. Justice Ranganath Mishra,
2. Justice K.N. Singh,
3. Justice M.H. Kania,
4. Justice L.M. Sharma,
5. Justice M.N. Venkatchalliah,
6. Justice A.M. Ahmadi,
7. Justice J.S. Verma,
8. Justice M.M. Punchhi,
9. Justice A.S. Anand,
10. Justice S.P. Bharucha,
11. Justice B.N. Kripal,
12. Justice G.B. Patnaik,
13. Justice Rajendra Babu,
14. Justice R. C. Lahoti,
15. Justice V.N. Khare,
16. Justice Y.K SabharwalOut of these, in the applicant’s opinion, eight were definitely corrupt, six were definitely honest and about the remaining two, a definite opinion cannot be expressed whether they were honest or corrupt. The signed lists identifying these eight, six and two Chief Justices of India are being enclosed in a sealed cover which is being annexed here to as Annexure B.- That in fact two former chief justices of India had personally told the applicant while they were in office that their immediate predecessor and immediate successor were corrupt judges. The names of these four Chief Justices of India are included in the list of the 8 corrupt Chief Justices of India.
- That since the applicant is publicly stating that out of the last sixteen Chief Justices of India, eight of them were definitely corrupt, the applicant also needs to be added as a respondent to this contempt petition so that he is also suitably punished for this contempt. The applicant would consider it a great honour to spend time in jail for making an effort to get for the people of India an honest and clean judiciary.
- That the applicant also submits that since the questions arising in this case affects the judiciary as a whole, the petition needs to be decided by the entire court and not merely by three judges handpicked by a Chief Justice.
PRAYERSIn view of the above, it is most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:
- allow the present application and implead the Applicant as a contemnor in the aforementioned contempt petition as Respondent no. 3; and
- pass any other or further order/s as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.
(Shanti Bhushan)
New Delhi
Photograph: courtesy Shailendra Pandey/ Tehelka
Full coverage: The strange case of Justice P.D. Dinakaran
Triumph of Injustice in India
In India legislations , Parliamentary Acts , policy decisions are fixed (example : telecom policy fixing by neera radia & others) , the court judgement are fixed , arrest warrant by courts are fixed (example : CJI. Ahmadi changing the charge against Bhopal gas co & a judge issuing arrest warrants against then president of India kalam & then CJI) , Police fixing cases , torturing innocents , closing cases by B reports , changing track of investigations , governments servants giving false reports & records , etc. In this back drop , commonman won’t get justice in India . Instead if he raises his voice for justice , he is persecuted by the nexus of CRIMINALS – POLICE – JUDGES – PUBLIC SERVANTS.
Even the supreme court of India , is not accepting our offer of service to legally book the criminals nor is it registering our PIL nor the Karnataka police are registering our complaint against public servants.
Our Supreme Court Judges , police & Public Servants , preach virtues in courts of law & other forums , but they don’t practice it themselves.
Read & Answer :
Your’s sincerely ,
Your’s sincerely ,
CROSS-EXAMINATION of Chief Justice of India - Half of Former Chief Justices of India are Corrupt
Judicial Layout Site Allotment – BRIBE TO JUDGES ?
Is the allotment of residential plots to Judges @ yelahanka Judicial Layout , a mode of paying bribe to judges by the biggest litigant government itself & the corrupt public servants in the government. So that the government can pass illegal laws like “Regularization of Illegal Buildings” , “ Illegal Appointments to Medical colleges in Hassan , Mysore” ,etc & ministers , IAS officers can indulge in illegal unconstitutional acts , but the courts will not take any appropriate action suo motto or based on any petition. IT IS MUTUAL HELP , NEXUS OF TWO CRIMINALS – JUDICIARY & GOVERNMENT. Ofcourse , there are honest few exceptions in judiciary & government. We Respect those honest few.
Information input forms part of process of one’s expression. One’s expression in any forms – written , oral , etc becomes information input to the opposite person , in turn he expresses his reply. Information & Expression are inseparable parts & form lifeline of a democracy. That is the reason , Right to Expression is the basic fundamental right as well as human right of every Indian citizen. When a person’s right to expression is violated , his other rights to equality , justice , etc also are violated. Suppression of Information amounts to curbing of Expression.
In a democracy , people have a right to know how the public servants are functioning. However till date public servants are hiding behind the veil of Officials Secrets Act (which is of british vintage created by british to suppress native indians). By this cover-up public servants are hiding their own corruption , crimes , mismanagement , failures , etc. even RTI Act is not being followed intoto by public servants. However the recent delhi high court ruling affirming that CJI is under RTI purview & bound to answer RTI request , is noteworthy.
Our previous RTI request to CJI , union home secretary of GOI, President of India , DG & IGP of GOK and others were not honored. The information I sought were answers to the following questions mentioned in the below mentioned websites . the questions concerned the past , present continuing injustices meted out to millions of Indian citizens , due to wrong / illegal work practices of Indian judges , police & public servants . The information we sought would expose the traitors , anti-nationals , criminals in public service. The information we are seeking are no defense secrets , no national secrets. The truthful information exposes the anti-nationals , traitors in the public service & strengthens our national security , national unity & integrity.
Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the questions at following web page : http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/deals-in-courts
Information input forms part of process of one’s expression. One’s expression in any forms – written , oral , etc becomes information input to the opposite person , in turn he expresses his reply. Information & Expression are inseparable parts & form lifeline of a democracy. That is the reason , Right to Expression is the basic fundamental right as well as human right of every Indian citizen. When a person’s right to expression is violated , his other rights to equality , justice , etc also are violated. Suppression of Information amounts to curbing of Expression.
In a democracy , people have a right to know how the public servants are functioning. However till date public servants are hiding behind the veil of Officials Secrets Act (which is of british vintage created by british to suppress native indians). By this cover-up public servants are hiding their own corruption , crimes , mismanagement , failures , etc. even RTI Act is not being followed intoto by public servants. However the recent delhi high court ruling affirming that CJI is under RTI purview & bound to answer RTI request , is noteworthy.
Our previous RTI request to CJI , union home secretary of GOI, President of India , DG & IGP of GOK and others were not honored. The information I sought were answers to the following questions mentioned in the below mentioned websites . the questions concerned the past , present continuing injustices meted out to millions of Indian citizens , due to wrong / illegal work practices of Indian judges , police & public servants . The information we sought would expose the traitors , anti-nationals , criminals in public service. The information we are seeking are no defense secrets , no national secrets. The truthful information exposes the anti-nationals , traitors in the public service & strengthens our national security , national unity & integrity.
Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : “writ of Mandamus” and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the questions at following web page : http://sites.google.com/site/eclarionofdalit/deals-in-courts
IB confirms Mysore sex scandal
The Intelligence Bureau has provided the Centre with a detailed account of the escapade involving three Karnataka High Court judges on November 3 in a resort on the outskirts of Mysore, highly placed sources told The Times of India on Friday.
According to a senior official, "Most of the information sought has not only confirmed the veracity of the incident but the government has crosschecked it with another police agency. Both the reports match."
The incident was widely reported in the media. What has surprised the Centre is the "dogged refusal" of the Karnataka police to confirm the incident. "Mysore Police Commissioner C. Chandrasekhar first denied that the incident ever took place. Only when a public notice was issued through the high court registrar seeking information on the Mysore scandal, did the facts come out in the open. Public protest helped a lot," says the source.
What transpired at the resort, says the source, "cannot be expected from anyone in civil society, leave alone persons sworn to upholding the law". According to him, "The IB report consists of unmentionable facts and also makes it amply clear that the Mysore incident is not the first time such things have happened. Can anyone expect upholders of the law to pick a fight with people who complained to the police when caught in a compromising position?"
In a related development, Karnataka High Court Chief Justice N.K. Jain has written to Chief Justice of India Justice G.B. Pattanaik asking that three judges be transferred. Jain has proposed that Justice N.S. Veerabhadraiah be transferred to the Patna High Court, Justice Chandrasekharaiah to Jammu & Kashmir and Justice V. Gopala Gowda to the Gauhati High Court.
While Jain is understood not to have given any reasons, highly placed sources say the proposal for transfers is linked to the Mysore incident.
However, the source says that now the government is worried about the appropriate "remedial measures". In such cases, transferring a judge to a remote high court doesn't always work. He says, "Bar associations and the people of northeastern states were up in arms when some judges of the Punjab and Haryana high courts were transferred there. We expect similar protests if the CJI accepts Justice Jain's proposal to transfer the three judges of the Karnataka High Court."
The Bar Council of India on Friday, while expressing its anguish at the Karnataka incident, called for "follow-up action".
"Unless prompt and appropriate action is taken, it will erode the faith of public in the only institution considered to be the bastion of our fighting faith in democracy," it said in a statement. The BCI has "lamented" inaction in this case by "the higher judiciary and the government".
According to a senior official, "Most of the information sought has not only confirmed the veracity of the incident but the government has crosschecked it with another police agency. Both the reports match."
The incident was widely reported in the media. What has surprised the Centre is the "dogged refusal" of the Karnataka police to confirm the incident. "Mysore Police Commissioner C. Chandrasekhar first denied that the incident ever took place. Only when a public notice was issued through the high court registrar seeking information on the Mysore scandal, did the facts come out in the open. Public protest helped a lot," says the source.
What transpired at the resort, says the source, "cannot be expected from anyone in civil society, leave alone persons sworn to upholding the law". According to him, "The IB report consists of unmentionable facts and also makes it amply clear that the Mysore incident is not the first time such things have happened. Can anyone expect upholders of the law to pick a fight with people who complained to the police when caught in a compromising position?"
In a related development, Karnataka High Court Chief Justice N.K. Jain has written to Chief Justice of India Justice G.B. Pattanaik asking that three judges be transferred. Jain has proposed that Justice N.S. Veerabhadraiah be transferred to the Patna High Court, Justice Chandrasekharaiah to Jammu & Kashmir and Justice V. Gopala Gowda to the Gauhati High Court.
While Jain is understood not to have given any reasons, highly placed sources say the proposal for transfers is linked to the Mysore incident.
However, the source says that now the government is worried about the appropriate "remedial measures". In such cases, transferring a judge to a remote high court doesn't always work. He says, "Bar associations and the people of northeastern states were up in arms when some judges of the Punjab and Haryana high courts were transferred there. We expect similar protests if the CJI accepts Justice Jain's proposal to transfer the three judges of the Karnataka High Court."
The Bar Council of India on Friday, while expressing its anguish at the Karnataka incident, called for "follow-up action".
"Unless prompt and appropriate action is taken, it will erode the faith of public in the only institution considered to be the bastion of our fighting faith in democracy," it said in a statement. The BCI has "lamented" inaction in this case by "the higher judiciary and the government".
Read more: IB confirms Mysore sex scandal - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bangalore/IB-confirms-Mysore-sex-scandal/articleshow/29801662.cms#ixzz1B7PtvFdU
CJ suspends copycat judges, wants report
Hyderabad/Warangal, Aug. 25: The Andhra Pradesh High Court Chief Justice, Mr Nisar Ahmad Kakru, on Wednesday suspended five subordinate judges for allegedly indulging in copying during the LLM exams held at Kakatiya University in Warangal district on Tuesday.
Mr Ajitsimha Rao, senior civil judge, Mr Vijayender Reddy, second additional district judge of Ranga Reddy district, Mr M. Kistappa, senior civil judge of Anantapur, Mr Srinivasa Chary, senior civil judge of Baptla and Mr Hanumantha Rao, additional junior civil judge of Warangal were caught red-handed while copying in the first year exams.
The Chief Justice reviewed the situation after obtaining the preliminary report from the university authorities and issued orders suspending them from the service. He also asked the university to send a detailed report on the exam malpractice by the judges.
Meanwhile, the Warangal District Bar Association (WDBA) has demanded registration of cases under the AP Public Examination (Prevention of Malpractices & Unfair Means) Act, 1997, against the errant judges. “It was unbecoming of the judges to indulge in mass copying,” said Mr Ch Sambasiva Raju, vice-president, WDBA. The WDBA office bearers also demanded suspension of Mr Razak Uzama, II Sub-Judge, Warangal and his wife Ms Prema Rajeshwara, secretary, district legal services authority, Warangal, both of who appeared in the LLM exam. Reportedly, it was Mr Razak who encouraged the mass copying. However, he and his wife were spared. Meanwhile, Dr Talapalli Manohar, additional controller of examination, SDLCE, clarified that the flying squad had actually debarred only three judges — Mr M. Kistappa, Mr Vijayender Reddy and Mr Ajitsimha Rao. Sources said the other two judges, Mr Hanumantha Rao and Mr Srinivasa Chary were caught based on visual evidence.
Magistrate issues arrest warrant against Indian president after cash bribe.
An Indian magistrate who allegedly accepted a bribe to issue arrest warrants against India's president and senior legal figures has been trapped in a sting operation by a journalist, a report said.
The journalist videotaped magistrate Meghani Nagar, who practices in Ahmedabad, commercial capital of Gujarat state, accepting a bribe of 40,000 rupees (851 dollars) to issue the arrest warrants, the Times of India newspaper said Thursday.
Among those cited in the warrants for criminal breach of trust and for cheating and dishonesty are Indian President Abdul Kalam and Chief Justice V.N. Khare, a senior judge and a well-known …
Indian president arrest warrant probe
India's Supreme Court has ordered an investigation into how an arrest warrant was issued against the country's president and its top judges.
A shocked Chief Justice VN Khare asked India's top police body, the Central Bureau of Investigation, to report its findings in a week.
President Abdul Kalam, two Supreme Court judges - including Chief Justice Khare himself - and the president of India's bar association were issued with the warrants after a case of fraud was filed against them.
An Indian television journalist has told the court he secretly filmed a magistrate accepting 40,000 rupees ($883) to issue the warrants.
The magistrate apparently had not realised who they were, newspaper reports said on Thursday. He has now been suspended from his duties.
Court request
Journalist Vijay Shekhar has handed over to the court videotapes of the incident, which took place in the state of Gujarat.
The court has issued notices to the magistrate and the lawyers who filed the case, asking them for their version of the events, the Press Trust of India reports.
"What is happening in Gujarat? By giving 40,000 rupees you can get a judicial order," Chief Justice Khare is reported as saying.
"If this is the state of affairs only God knows what will happen to the country," he added.
Mr Shekhar said he carried out the sting operation to expose corruption in India's judiciary.
In 2001 India was hit by an arms scandal after a website secretly filmed senior military and defence officials apparently accepting cash from journalists posing as arms dealers.
Lokayukta: DC demanded sex from widow
In the midst of a national outrage over former Haryana DGP SPS Rathore molesting a teenager, the Karnataka Lokayukta on Saturday made a startling revelation that the state government was shielding a top bureaucrat who had demanded sexual favours from a young widow.
Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde disclosed that the official concerned, who was the deputy commissioner of one of the districts when he demanded sex from the widow in return for discharging his duties as public servant, has since been promoted to a senior position.
Justice Hegde, in the course of an interaction with journalists at the Deccan Herald office Saturday afternoon, said the unnamed widow had dared the deputy commissioner and approached the Lokayukta’s office with a complaint against the officer.
On examination of the complaint, the Lokayukta had found sufficient grounds to recommend to the state government the suspension and prosecution of the DC concerned. The recommendation was subsequently considered by the concerned department head as well as the chief secretary and both endorsed it.
But, according to Justice Hegde, no action was initiated against the DC as the same official who had endorsed the recommendation subsequently found no basis for initiating departmental action against him. Instead, the official cleared the DC’s name for promotion in the super-scale. Presently, the official holds a senior position in the government.
The widow, in her late 20s, had approached the DC with a representation to sort out some problems. But she was shocked when the DC demanded sex.
Justice Hegde did not identify the official in question or the complainant. Nor did he offer to name the district where the official was serving as deputy commissioner. But the incident has happened sometime in the course of last three years as Justice Hegde took over as the Lokayukta in mid-2006.
Justice Hegde, in the course of an interaction with journalists at the Deccan Herald office Saturday afternoon, said the unnamed widow had dared the deputy commissioner and approached the Lokayukta’s office with a complaint against the officer.
On examination of the complaint, the Lokayukta had found sufficient grounds to recommend to the state government the suspension and prosecution of the DC concerned. The recommendation was subsequently considered by the concerned department head as well as the chief secretary and both endorsed it.
But, according to Justice Hegde, no action was initiated against the DC as the same official who had endorsed the recommendation subsequently found no basis for initiating departmental action against him. Instead, the official cleared the DC’s name for promotion in the super-scale. Presently, the official holds a senior position in the government.
The widow, in her late 20s, had approached the DC with a representation to sort out some problems. But she was shocked when the DC demanded sex.
Justice Hegde did not identify the official in question or the complainant. Nor did he offer to name the district where the official was serving as deputy commissioner. But the incident has happened sometime in the course of last three years as Justice Hegde took over as the Lokayukta in mid-2006.
3-year jail term for ‘dirty’ judge
Family court judge Ramrao Gangaram Bhise attempted to get sexual favours from a housewife in 1997
Family court judge Ramrao Gangaram Bhise’s attempts to extract sexual favours, in addition to a bribe, from a housewife, Alka Gaikwad — who had sought an increase in her monthly maintenance allowance from her estranged husband, in 1997 — proved costly to him. Pronouncing him guilty on both counts, the special court hearing anti-corruption bureau (ACB) matters sentenced him to three years rigorous imprisonment and a collective fine of Rs55, 000, on Monday.
According to the FIR in the case registered against Bhise by the ACB, Suryakant Gaikwad had filed for divorce from his wife, Alka, before the Bandra family court. Alka, a housewife, in turn, filed a petition seeking mutual cohabitation with her husband. The then family court judge, Meera Khadakkar, directed the husband to pay her an interim maintenance allowance of Rs750 per month.
Subsequently, in January 1997, Alka filed another application before the same family court (now presided over by Bhise) seeking to increase the monthly maintenance amount to Rs3,500. “On October 27, 1997, Bhise issued an interim order, increasing the maintenance allowance to Rs2,000 to be paid by Suryakan to his estranged wife till the disposal of the case. Immediately after issuing the order, Bhise asked Alka to meet him and gave her his residential telephone number, asking her to call him when the court hours ended. He told her that he would ask her husband to pay her a lump sum of Rs2 lakh in addition to the monthly maintenance, provided she called him up,” the FIR states.
When she called up the judge at 7 pm the same day, Bhise told her that she would have to pay him a sum of Rs2,000 in addition to granting his sexual favours if she wanted an order in her favour. He also directed her to meet him at the Haji Ali bus stop with the bribe amount the following evening.
“Alka approached the ACB, which sought permission from the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court before laying a trap on the first class judicial magistrate (Bhise). The HC while granting the permission designated a court official to bear witness to the events leading to the trap. Alka, under video camera surveillance of ACB sleuths, along with the court official and other women witnesses met Bhise at 8.30 pm at the Haji Ali bus stop. Bhise took hold of Alka’s wrist and when she protested, repeated his demands,” the FIR states.
Alka was then taken to a nearby hotel, Sharda, where the judge accepted the bribe amount. But before he could do anything else, ACB sleuths swooped in and arrested him.
Rajasthan judge is indicted for seeking sexual favours
Chief Justice of India G B Pattanaik retires tonight and he doesn’t have much to write home about on the unprecedented drive he launched to enforce judicial accountability.
After the PPSC scam fiasco, reported in The Indian Express today, comes the case of the Rajasthan judge who has been indicted in a sex scandal and yet has escaped action—pending another inquiry.
On December 14, a three-judge committee set up by Pattanaik confirmed the ‘‘involvement’’ of Justice Arun Madan of the Rajasthan High Court in a proposition to a woman doctor to have sex with him in exchange for a judicial favour.
The committee, headed by the Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Justice B K Roy, submitted its report to Pattanaik, indicting Madan on a complaint made from Jodhpur by the woman concerned, Sunita Malviya.
But Pattanaik has not announced any action against Madan. When contacted by The Indian Express, Pattanaik confirmed that the committee had indicted Madan and his ‘‘bad reputation’’ in seeking sexual favours in return for judicial ones.
However, Pattanaik said that no action was being taken since the committee had also mentioned allegations of corruption against Madan. And so he had ordered a further inquiry by the same committee into the corruption charges.
When asked what he did with the indictment of Madan in the sex scandal, Pattanaik said, ‘‘That is on hold because I could not have taken piecemeal action against him....I am praying to God that the final report will give some tangible material to take action.’’
Highly placed sources told The Indian Express that when the committee recorded statements last week in Jodhpur of about 30 persons over four days, it also came to know of several allegations of corruption against Madan and another judge of the same high court. The committee put these on record as well.
Pattanaik said that when he summoned Madan to New Delhi last week, he did not raise the sex scandal issue and instead limited himself to saying that he was ordering a further inquiry into corruption allegations.
In effect, Pattanaik has now passed the Rajasthan buck to his successor Justice V N Khare.
The gist of Malviya’s complaint is that Madan made a sexual proposition to her in October through a deputy registrar of the high court, Govind Kalwani, who said that the judge would help her, in turn, get out of a criminal case booked against her.
With this, Pattanaik’s much-touted in-house judicial accountability seems to have hit a wall. The first committee’s report into the PPSC scam exonerated one judge despite evidence and let two others off with a mere slap on the wrist. The third committee is now busy probing the involvement of judges in the Mysore sex scam.
Wapedia - Wiki: Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of ...
1 Dec 2010 ... (2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu & Kash- mir. ... This is because of the still existing biases of thecourt judges. ... had his chambers "purified" with water from the 'ganga jal' because a ...
wapedia.mobi/.../Scheduled_Caste_and_Scheduled_Tribe_(Prevention_of_Atrocities)_Act,_1989 - Cached - Similar
wapedia.mobi/.../Scheduled_Caste_and_Scheduled_Tribe_(Prevention_of_Atrocities)_Act,_1989 - Cached - Similar
Corruption in Judiciary
The sheer number of cases pending in the Indian judicial system (26 million at last count) says it all.
One of the most frequently used words in India, corruption signifies a range of things. In 2005, Transparency International and Delhi based Centre for Media Studies, a research firm, undertook the India Corruption Study. The survey covered 14,405 respondents over 20 states and included interviews with service providers and users (of these services). The results, published the same year said Indians pay out around Rs. 21,068 crore as bribes while availing one of 11 public services. While some of the results of the survey were published, many of the details were not. The study, however, remains the most recent and the most comprehensive report on corruption in India. Apart from calculating the extent of corruption, in Rs. crore, it explains the mechanics of it.
Over the week, Mint will present details of the CMS study. On Monday we featured India’s public distribution system. On Tuesday, we did the education system. Today, we look at the judicial system. Reader’s are welcome to send in their feedback to feedback@livemint.com.
Courting Corruption
The sheer number of cases pending in the Indian judicial system (26 million at last count) says it all. Given that, and the number of judges across various states (per lakh of population), the system is rife with delays and inefficiencies -- ideal conditions for middlemen to step in. In the year preceding the survey, 59% of respondents paid bribes to lawyers, 5% to judges, and 30% to court officials.
1. Inaccesibility
The judicial system is highly dilatory, expensive, and beyond the reach of the common man. Ordinary citizens find it hard to seek redress, as litigation is expensive and extra money is often required to oil the wheels of the system
2. Misuse of power
There are instances of Metropolitan Magistrates issuing bailable arrest warrants against individuals of whose identitites he has no idea, in return for an inducement.
Some time back, a Metropolitan Magistrate in Ahmedabad issued bailable arrest warrants against the President of India in return for an inducement of Rs. 40,000.
In some cases, judges offer a favour in exchange for personal gain or favours. In Rajasthan, some time back, there were reports of a judge who offered judicial favour in exchange for sexual favours from a litigant. Some of these instances have been reported by the media, but no action has resulted.
Today, under existing rules, any person making any allegation of corruption or other things against a sitting judge can be charged and punished for contempt of court. This is a deterrent against more such instances coming to light.
3. A difficult impeachment process
The Supreme Court of India has ruled that no first information report (FIR) can be registered against a judge, nor, a criminal investigation initiated without prior approval of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Once appointed, a judge of the High Court or Supreme Court cannot be sacked except by a complicated impeachment process, done by members of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, the two houses of Indian parliament. Their immunity is reinforced by the fact that the procedure isn’t just cumbersome but also susceptible to political influence. In the 1990s, when the Congress was in power, a motion seeking to impeach Justice V Ramaswami could not be passed by parliament as Congress members of parliament abstained from voting. There have been no other attempts at impeachment in India.
4. Slow and inefficient
Many cases drag on for years. SAn oft cited excuse is the lack of staff, but the judicial process itself is unnecessarily complicated and inefficient, making cases drag on for a long time. Bribes are sometimes ought to davance the judgement or bend it. At last count, some 26 million cases were pending in Indian courts.
Why People Pay Bribes
1. Favourable judgement
Recent media reports have shown that it is possible to secure a favourable judegement in a lower court by bribing the judiciary, although the situation radically improves when it comes to the higher courts.
2. Speeding up judgement
There is a huge backlog of cases in Indian courts which results in delayed judgements. It is quite common for a case to drag on for years. People often have to pay bribes to speed up the process.
3. Other activities
A llot of non case related work also falls under the purview of the judiciary. This includes the issual of affidavits, registrations, etc. People often pay bribes to get this work done by a middleman.
4. Obtaining bail
The judge has a lot of discretion in issuing bail; the guidelines governing this are fairly basic. It is possible to secure bail by influencing the judge in some cases.
5. Manipulating witnesses
As some recent high-profile cases have shown, witnesses are manipulated through money or force into giving favourable testimony.
Suggested Solutions
1. Use of technology
* A review of how court records are handled and the introduction of modern tracking methods can eliminate much of petty corruption existing in lower courts
* Websites and CDs can explain basic law to laymen
* Court files can be computerized
* Video recordings of cout procedings should be maintained
2. Reduce the gap
* Provide alternative methods of dispute redressal to lighten burden on courts
* Increase number of judicial officers and number of fast track courts
* Create a vigilance cell for redressal of public grievances
3. Making the judiciary accountable
* Judges must be subject to judicial review
* Judges must follow a code of conduct
* Bar associations must act against corrupt members
* A public body must keep an eye on the judicial system
* An Indian judicial service must be created
* The proposed National Judicial Commission should have powers to fire judges
* Judges should declare their assets and those of their family
Anamolies in the arrest procedure
-- By Anil Nauriya
A recent case of a Gujarat magistrate who issued arrest warrants against the President of India, the Chief Justice of India, a Supreme Court judge and a former President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, has evoked interest in the media. There has been public concern essentially over the circumstances in which this order was procured and about how the names of the dignitaries concerned were disguised by not mentioning their designations and by seemingly spelling the names in full rather than as they are usually written. The complainant — there is a doubt whether the person in whose name the complaint was filed is real or virtual — simply approached a magistrate and made an apparently fictitious claim of having been cheated or defrauded.
A recent case of a Gujarat magistrate who issued arrest warrants against the President of India, the Chief Justice of India, a Supreme Court judge and a former President of the Supreme Court Bar Association, has evoked interest in the media. There has been public concern essentially over the circumstances in which this order was procured and about how the names of the dignitaries concerned were disguised by not mentioning their designations and by seemingly spelling the names in full rather than as they are usually written. The complainant — there is a doubt whether the person in whose name the complaint was filed is real or virtual — simply approached a magistrate and made an apparently fictitious claim of having been cheated or defrauded.
The criminal justice process reached the arrest warrant stage without anyone taking the precaution of finding out whether there was an iota of truth in the complaint. Why did this happen in this particular case? How could such a thing happen under criminal procedure? The Supreme Court is seized with the first question and it is not desirable to comment on it. But the second question can and should be discussed.
A vital point to note about the “ordinary” criminal procedure (as distinguished from so-called special laws like the earlier Terrorism and Disruptive Activities Prevention Act) is that it is not in fact ordinary. As in the case of the existing Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, applicable in India, criminal procedure in post-colonial societies is modelled on or is an outgrowth of colonial procedure. Many provisions have been mechanically continued.
There are several problem areas in criminal procedure relating to case registration, police powers of arrest in respect of certain offences considered graver than others, magisterial powers to direct investigation and, in given situations, issue warrants of arrest, and, finally, in the investigation itself. These aspects of criminal procedure lend themselves to considerable abuse by the police and the subordinate judiciary.
The Code enables a complaint to be made to a magistrate under Section 190 and certain other provisions in case the police do not register an FIR on their own or after a complaint is made to them. On being so approached, magistrates have a variety of options, superimposed on, and sometimes even apart from the usual classification of offences on the basis of seriousness. But broadly during the pre-trial stage there are two magisterial approaches that may, with some risk of simplification, be called the Red and Green Channels. The first is to insist on some elaborate evidence or material being brought on record by the complainant before setting the law in motion. The second is to simply take the complaint on record, ask the complainant a question or two, and initiate the process by directing the police to investigate and, if necessary, issuing summons or warrants as the case may be. Complaints about cognisable (that is, cases in which the police may arrest without warrant) and non-bailable offences often tend to go through the Green Channel.
The difference in the two approaches is ironical and paradoxical. Thus if a parent finds that a minor daughter has been to enticed into a child marriage, and the police have failed to take action against those who organised it, the complaint would generally have to travel through the Red Channel. A child marriage is not necessarily treated as void in personal law, but those who organise it are liable to some minor punishments. A complainant under Section 190 of the Code read with the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 would have to produce what is known as “pre-summoning” evidence before the magistrate. Long dates might be fixed by the magistrate. Unless other steps are taken, the minor girl might even have produced a child and come of age by the time summons are actually issued to the accused persons.
The Green Channel operates differently. These cases include but are not limited to matters where the police are empowered to make arrests on their own. In a given case, the police may register an FIR and, if empowered, effect arrests on their own initiative.
A vital point to note about the “ordinary” criminal procedure (as distinguished from so-called special laws like the earlier Terrorism and Disruptive Activities Prevention Act) is that it is not in fact ordinary. As in the case of the existing Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, applicable in India, criminal procedure in post-colonial societies is modelled on or is an outgrowth of colonial procedure. Many provisions have been mechanically continued.
There are several problem areas in criminal procedure relating to case registration, police powers of arrest in respect of certain offences considered graver than others, magisterial powers to direct investigation and, in given situations, issue warrants of arrest, and, finally, in the investigation itself. These aspects of criminal procedure lend themselves to considerable abuse by the police and the subordinate judiciary.
The Code enables a complaint to be made to a magistrate under Section 190 and certain other provisions in case the police do not register an FIR on their own or after a complaint is made to them. On being so approached, magistrates have a variety of options, superimposed on, and sometimes even apart from the usual classification of offences on the basis of seriousness. But broadly during the pre-trial stage there are two magisterial approaches that may, with some risk of simplification, be called the Red and Green Channels. The first is to insist on some elaborate evidence or material being brought on record by the complainant before setting the law in motion. The second is to simply take the complaint on record, ask the complainant a question or two, and initiate the process by directing the police to investigate and, if necessary, issuing summons or warrants as the case may be. Complaints about cognisable (that is, cases in which the police may arrest without warrant) and non-bailable offences often tend to go through the Green Channel.
The difference in the two approaches is ironical and paradoxical. Thus if a parent finds that a minor daughter has been to enticed into a child marriage, and the police have failed to take action against those who organised it, the complaint would generally have to travel through the Red Channel. A child marriage is not necessarily treated as void in personal law, but those who organise it are liable to some minor punishments. A complainant under Section 190 of the Code read with the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 would have to produce what is known as “pre-summoning” evidence before the magistrate. Long dates might be fixed by the magistrate. Unless other steps are taken, the minor girl might even have produced a child and come of age by the time summons are actually issued to the accused persons.
The Green Channel operates differently. These cases include but are not limited to matters where the police are empowered to make arrests on their own. In a given case, the police may register an FIR and, if empowered, effect arrests on their own initiative.
On the other hand, they may choose not to do so because of political or other pressure. They may also drag their feet for the reason that they are aware of the false and vexatious nature of the complaint. The complainant must then approach the magistrate concerned. At this stage there are few strong safeguards to sieve out fabricated complaints. In fact, if the complaint is fabricated it stands a better chance of receiving Green Channel treatment if it alleges the commission of a serious offence, usually referred to as “cognisable” and “non-bailable.” Odd though it may sometimes seem, in such matters elaborate preliminary evidence is not insisted upon as much as it is in the case of lesser offences.
The magistrates are quicker in such cases to direct police investigation and, as the Gujarat magistrate’s case shows, even go further and issue arrest warrants; the initial burden placed upon the complainant by the magistrate is much lighter in such cases. Even a mere order for investigation means, under some judicial decisions, that the police must now necessarily register an FIR. The registration of an FIR implies, in most such cases, arrest of the persons complained against. Since colonial days, the police have often treated as dead letters provisions like Section 41 of the Code which require “credible information” and “reasonable suspicion” before the police may arrest a person without warrant. Similarly, during investigation the police have traditionally taken little notice of the stipulation in Section 157 of the Code that an arrest is to be made when it is “necessary”; there is little appreciation of the fact that the test of “necessity” is a condition precedent to arrest.
The upshot is that under the existing Code of Criminal Procedure it is easier to obtain, with magisterial aid, arrest of persons in a false case concerning serious-looking offences than to obtain, in a genuine case, even a summons to the wrong-doer in what the law treats as less serious offences. The law offers a Green Channel for the first category and a Red Channel for the second category. There are no “remedies” to this particular malice; much depends upon the human material in the police and in the subordinate judiciary. But three important safeguards may be suggested. First, if it is not a capital case involving murder or rape or a case where there is a chance that the person against whom the charges are made would flee the country, there is no reason why a prior inquiry cannot be made before the criminal process is permitted to reach the stage of arrests or warrants for arrest. Second, if the complaint is not for a capital offence an affidavit ought to be required at an early stage from the complainant affirming the truth of the averments made by him. In the case of capital offences, which may involve greater urgency, such an affidavit may follow later.
The upshot is that under the existing Code of Criminal Procedure it is easier to obtain, with magisterial aid, arrest of persons in a false case concerning serious-looking offences than to obtain, in a genuine case, even a summons to the wrong-doer in what the law treats as less serious offences. The law offers a Green Channel for the first category and a Red Channel for the second category. There are no “remedies” to this particular malice; much depends upon the human material in the police and in the subordinate judiciary. But three important safeguards may be suggested. First, if it is not a capital case involving murder or rape or a case where there is a chance that the person against whom the charges are made would flee the country, there is no reason why a prior inquiry cannot be made before the criminal process is permitted to reach the stage of arrests or warrants for arrest. Second, if the complaint is not for a capital offence an affidavit ought to be required at an early stage from the complainant affirming the truth of the averments made by him. In the case of capital offences, which may involve greater urgency, such an affidavit may follow later.
Recently the Civil Procedure was amended to require the plaintiff’s affidavit in civil suits. There is greater reason for such affidavits to be required in respect of criminal complaints. The penal law does provide for punishment for filing false complaints. But the suggested affidavit requirement could help discourage false complaints at the threshold. Third, further safeguards are required in cases of cross complaints that is complaints made by more than one side against one another about the same incident or group of incidents. Such situations, often generated by business or political rivalries, are a common source of mischief. Sometimes the police, having registered the initial FIR, do not register the counter complaint, knowing or believing it to be false. At other times the reverse happens. These moves are accompanied with a complex interplay of the political, business and legal process, with unpredictable and ever-changing results. The complaint made by one side could even be suppressed. A cross complaint may be activated. Much depends on who was contacted by whom e.g. Politicians in New Delhi instructing Commissioners of Police, Fascist outfits functioning under a sham civil rights signboard in Ahmedabad. All participate in determining the outcome of a process in which criminal procedure is reduced to naught.
It should be mandatory for a complaining party to disclose, in its own complaint before a magistrate, any prior complaints pending against it that may be connected with the same incident or party. A similar responsibility of disclosure must rest upon the police so that such cross complaints may, where appropriate and necessary, be taken up together in the criminal process. The criminal justice process must insist, to the extent this is attainable, upon truth at each stage rather than truth deferred in a bid to achieve interim and collateral objects.
Finally, closer attention is required at the drafting stage.
When the present Code was being drafted and the then Attorney-General appeared to give his evidence before the Joint Committee on the Draft Bill in October 1971 the following exchange occurred:
Chairman: Mr. Attorney General, you must have been very busy...
Witness: I have not gone into the matter in detail; I had no time.
Chairman: Have you gone through the Questionnaire?
Witness: I have read this Press Communiqué.
Chairman: And the Bill?
Witness: No.
(Joint Committee on the Code of Criminal Procedure Bill, 1970, Evidence, Volume II, p. 178).
It should be mandatory for a complaining party to disclose, in its own complaint before a magistrate, any prior complaints pending against it that may be connected with the same incident or party. A similar responsibility of disclosure must rest upon the police so that such cross complaints may, where appropriate and necessary, be taken up together in the criminal process. The criminal justice process must insist, to the extent this is attainable, upon truth at each stage rather than truth deferred in a bid to achieve interim and collateral objects.
Finally, closer attention is required at the drafting stage.
When the present Code was being drafted and the then Attorney-General appeared to give his evidence before the Joint Committee on the Draft Bill in October 1971 the following exchange occurred:
Chairman: Mr. Attorney General, you must have been very busy...
Witness: I have not gone into the matter in detail; I had no time.
Chairman: Have you gone through the Questionnaire?
Witness: I have read this Press Communiqué.
Chairman: And the Bill?
Witness: No.
(Joint Committee on the Code of Criminal Procedure Bill, 1970, Evidence, Volume II, p. 178).
The father, the sons-in-law and the unholy properties
JEEMON JACOB & VK SHASHIKUMAR scoop documents to establish property amassed by former Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan’s son-in-law, PV Sreenijan, a practising lawyer who recently resigned from the Kerala Congress

WHEN KG Balakrishnan was appointed Chief Justice of India in 2007, it was a great moment for a man of humble origins. But VR Krishna Iyer, former judge of the Supreme Court and national icon, now says, “I used to say that an era had begun when KG Balakrishnan became the first Dalit Chief Justice. Now, I don’t feel that way.”
Post retirement, Balakrishnan became head of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in June last year. Ever since, a rising crescendo of allegations of corruption have been heard, fuelled by the fact that his younger brother KG Bhaskaran and his two daughters and sons-in-law all acquired vast properties during his tenure as Chief Justice.
TEHELKA has accessed documents that show that between 2007 and 2010, son-in-law Puliyanaveettil Vasu Sreenijan purchased property worth Rs. 1.85 crore. The current real estate value of these properties is in excess of Rs. 25 crore.
This is a truly amazing story of wealth creation by a man who, while contesting elections from Kerala’s reserved Njarackkal Assembly constituency as a Congress candidate in 2006, had declared a bank balance of Rs. 25,000 apart from 24 g of gold.

Sreenijan is married zto Balakrishnan’s elder daughter KB Sony, whom he met in college. He traces his background to a humble and hard-working family: his father was a factory worker in Premier Tyres, Kalamassery, and a Congress party worker. His classmates remember him as an introvert who had a muted, almost latent, ambition to become a powerful politician. From campus politics he moved to the Youth Congress and took active part in its programmes and activities.
Sreenijan became a practising lawyer in the Kerala High Court. When Balakrishnan started his three-year tenure as Chief Justice, Sreenijan started making huge investments in real estate and tourism. This sudden acquisition of wealth is currently being probed by the vigilance department after a probe was ordered by Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan.
TEHELKA repeatedly tried to establish contact with Sreenijan for his version via SMS and phone, but all calls went unanswered.
After his marriage with Sony, Sreenijan’s political career also leapfrogged. He was appointed state vice-president of the Youth Congress. Though Congress leaders like MA Kuttappan (also a former minister) challenged Sreenijan’s rise, such protests were short-lived. He lost the 2006 elections but his wife purchased a flat and car parking space in Travancore Residency Towers for Rs. 6 lakh in 2007.
WITHIN A month, Sony again purchased another flat in Mather Square. The cost of the flat mentioned in the title deed is only Rs. 1.49 lakh, but the market price of flats in the vicinity was about Rs. 66 lakh at that time.
Today, Kerala Youth Congress leaders who were angry about Sreenijan’s political rise are gunning for him. “We demand a CBI inquiry to find out how Sreenijan acquired so much property and assets within the last three years,” said M Liju, former Youth Congress state president. On 5 January, Sreenijan tendered his resignation as Youth Congress vice-president.

Legal riches?Sreenijan’s wealth has multiplied since 2007
In November 2008, Sreenijan purchased a river-front property of 277.52 cents in Kadukutti village in Thrissur district where he is now reportedly constructing a resort. According to the title deed, he purchased the land from Mohammed Iqbal Mather for Rs. 14 lakh. Villagers who prefer to remain anonymous say the market price was Rs. 1 lakh per cent. If that is the case he has allegedly shelled out Rs. 2.77 crore. And building the resort could put him back by more than Rs. 10 crore.
In 2009, Sreenijan purchased another property on Deshabhimani Road in Ernakulam for Rs. 30 lakh. Later, a property of 3.5 cents of land was purchased in his mother’s name (Sreemathy Vasu) adjacent to his plot.
But it is not only Sreenijan who became rich during Balakrishnan’s tenure as CJI. The second son-in-law, advocate MJ Benny, too, became wealthier after his marriage to Rani, Balakrishnan’s younger daughter.
Born to a working-class Christian couple in Nettur, Ernakulam, Benny married Rani in 2006. Benny and Rani, both lawyers, fell in love in the court.
Benny’s assets piled up in a manner similar to Sreenijan’s. Between 19 March 2008 and 26 March 2010, he purchased 98.5 cents of land through five title deeds for Rs.81.5 lakh. This is prime land along the National Highway in Marad, Ernakulam district. A cursory comparison of land rates during this period shows that the property was undervalued.
When Benny purchased the property it was around Rs. 4 lakh per cent and at current rates would be Rs. 10 lakh per cent. Yet Benny showed his yearly income as Rs. 5 lakh and Rs. 5.5 lakh during the assessment years 2008-09 and 2009-10. Just five land deals made Benny a millionaire in two years.
Rani also embarked on an investment spree, purchasing 10.5 acres in Athirampuzha with her relatives, including Abhilash T Chandran in 2007. Chandran is the son of Thangappan, one of Balakrishnan’s six brothers.
Then there’s KG Bhaskaran, younger brother of the former CJI, who is in the spotlight for possessing property beyond his known sources of income. A senior government pleader practising in the Kerala High Court, Bhaskaran reportedly purchased 50 acres of land in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. In the light of allegations of having illegally amassed property he was asked to go on leave from 4 January by Kerala’s Advocate General CP Sudhakara Prasad. Bhaskaran, a former member of the CPM, contested Assembly elections as a party candidate from Vaikom in 1977.
Bhaskaran was a regular visitor to the Supreme Court during his elder brother’s tenure as the CJI. He is also reportedly close to Justice Paul Daniel Dinakaran (currently Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court and former Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court) against whom serious allegations have been levelled of land grab in Tamil Nadu.
No wonder, the Kerala Vigilance Department is now probing all the assets acquired by Balakrishnan’s family. Especially as the patriarch has not faded into the sunset and is now heading a body tasked with bringing justice to those whose human rights have been violated.
Former SC judge wants ex-CJI probed for corruption
In the wake of allegations that former Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan’s relatives have amassed property worth crores, a long-retired Supreme Court judge on Monday demanded that the Centre initiate a probe against him.
With reports appearing in the local media, former Supreme Court judge (retd) Justice V R Krishna Iyer on Monday led calls for a thorough inquiry into the allegations a day after a local TV news channel made the stunning expose.
“I myself feel sad that I was a judge. I used to say that an era had begun when K G Balakrishnan became the first Dalit chief justice. Now, I don’t feel that way,’’ said the former Supreme Court judge.
He pointed out that there were allegations against Balakrishnan’s daughter, son-in-law and even mother-in-law. “A commission comprising chief justices should probe the assets and bank balances of all of Balakrishnan’s relatives,’’ he said in Kochi.
A leading jurist and former Supreme Court judge, Justice Iyer urged Parliament and the Prime Minister to appoint a high-powered commission to inquire into the issue. “The President must require politely Balakrishnan to resign,” Justice Iyer said of Justice Balakrishnan who is the National Human Rights Commission Chairman.
As reported, Justice Balakrishnan’s son-in-law P V Sreenijin, who is a member of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, had contested the 2006 Assembly election from the Narakkal reserved constituency in Ernakulam district.
At that time, while filing his nomination papers, Sreenijin had declared he possessed no landed property and that his wife had only gold worth Rs 4.38 lakh and a little over Rs 1 lakh in cash.
Three years later, Sreenijin and his wife K B Sony, both lawyers, declared Rs 35 lakh while filing their income tax returns. However, according to reports now, the couple, who have not declared any sources of income other than their legal profession, own property worth crores and are constructing a river-front resort in Thrissur.
Several of these properties are worth many times more than the amounts for which they have been registered. The CPM’s youth wing, the DYFI, has claimed that whatever information had come out was only the tip of the ice-berg.
“We have more evidence to prove that the former CJI’s relatives have property in Dubai, Bangalore and Tamil Nadu. The needle of suspicion naturally points to Justice Balakrishnan himself,’’ said DYFI state president and MP M B Rajesh.
Sreenijin has refused to answer questions from mediapersons saying he will react later. Justice Balakrishnan was also recently embroiled in a controversy over a letter written by a Madras High Court judge to him complaining against former Telecom minister A Raja having tried to influence him over phone.
For the record, Delhi-based journalist M Furquan in June this year petitioned Vice-President Hamid Ansari for a CBI investigation against Balakrishnan and his family “for finding out how much financial assets they have (allegedly) accumulated since he took over as the CJI’’.
Ansari had passed on the complaint to the Union Home Ministry which in turn handed it over to the CBI. The complaint is reported to be with the CBI Kochi unit now.
The retired judge picked to probe the Karnataka land scams has a ‘tsunami of scandals’ in his past, reports IMRAN KHAN
SOME THINGS just seem to get worse. Under pressure to quit for alleged corruption in land allotment, Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa finally constituted a one-man commission to probe alleged land scams since 1995. Yeddyurappa chose retired Karnataka High Court judge, Justice B Padmaraj. The opposition, which was gunning for the chief minister, appeared satisfied and stopped its campaign.
But, Justice Padmaraj, it appears, has something in his past that ought to have disqualified him from heading the probe. In 2007, a Joint Legislature Committee (JLC) indicted Justice Padmaraj and 84 other HC and Supreme Court judges for owning plots in the Karnataka State Judicial Department Employees House Building Co-operative Society. According to the JLC, the society had created ‘an all India record for being the mother of all illegalities’ and was formed by ‘unleashing a tsunami of scandals’.
Constituted in June 2006, the JLC was headed by AT Ramaswamy and had 14 MLAs and six MLCs. It was entrusted with the objective of investigating land encroachments in Bengaluru. The AT Ramaswamy report found that the society had violated the Karnataka Land Reforms Act by acquiring 36 acres of private agricultural land in Bengaluru North Taluk without prior permission of the government.
The Land Reforms Act stipulates that any such acquired land shall be forfeited after a summary inquiry by the assistant commissioner concerned. The JLC also found that the residential layout did not seek approval from the Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) — the planning authority under the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act. Further, the report notes that “the House Building Co-operative Society then submitted its layout to the City Municipal Council, Yelahanka, which is not the planning authority for the society land.
The JLC also found that the layout violated norms for the allocation of civic amenities and parks. Town planning norms mandate 25 percent for civic amenities, while the original layout plan envisage only 5 percent. The JLC also questioned the appropriateness of both sitting and retired judges being allotted sites. It wrote: “The society has allotted sites to persons who are ineligible for allotment of sites as judicial employees. Most noteworthy of such ineligible persons are the HC judges, many of whom have been allotted sites.”
Shocked at the extent of corruption perpetuated by the judiciary, the JLC noted: “The society, which should have been a model to others, has become the leading lawbreaker without fear or care of law, property or public interest.” This is a strong indictment. So how did Yeddy pick Padmaraj?
Ex-CJI's wealth under scanner
KOCHI: There is no respite for Justice K G Balakrishnan, former CJI and present NHRC Chairman, from controversies.
Close on the heels of the A Raja episode, he has landed in trouble with allegations erupting over his assets. A CBI inquiry into the amassment of wealth by him is now on the cards. The CBI is awaiting a formal nod from the Registrar-General of the Supreme Court, which is a legal requirement, to launch a probe into his mysterious assets.
CBI sources have confirmed the receipt of a complaint against Balakrishnan by a Delhi-based journalist.
The journalist, in his complaint filed before the Vice-President’s office, alleged that the former CJI had amassed wealth disproportionate to his known sources of income.
The Vice- President’s office forwarded the complaint to the Union Home Ministry which in turn forwarded it to the CBI.
“We have received the complaint but no investigation has been launched. It will be launched only after getting an official nod. The Supreme Court Registrar-General is the competent authority to give sanction for the probe,” said sources in the Kerala unit of the CBI.
But, it is reliably learnt that a quick verification of assets of Justice Balakrishnan’s daughter K B Sony and her husband P V Sreenijin indicated that everything was not hunky-dory. Sreenijin, a KPCC member, has allegedly amassed wealth to the tune of several crores in the past four years.
Sreenijin, who had declared only assets worth Rs 25,000 in the affidavit filed in the 2006 Assembly polls (he was the Congress candidate from Njarackal,) now owns several prime properties, including a riverside plot of 2.5 acres at Annamanada in Thrissur.
He and his wife Sony have also acquired a flat in the city, a plum office space near the High Court and 25 cents of land at Elamakkara (in the suburbs of Kochi) where the construction of a bungalow is in progress. Both Sreenijin and Sony are practising advocates and don’t have any other known sources of income.
The state unit of the DYFI has also called for a detailed inquiry into the allegations and demanded the resignation of Justice Balakrishnan as NHRC chief.
The fresh controversy will land Justice Balakrishnan in a precarious position as he has already been under a cloud following Supreme Court Judge H L Gokhale’s revelation regarding former Telecom Minister A Raja’s bid to influence a Chennai High Court judge.
2G scam: How Raja allegedly robbed India
The latest revelations on the 2G scam suggest a careful confluence between the Telecom Ministry, when it was headed by A Raja, and a series of big business houses.
"85 of the 122 licenses were issued to companies which suppressed facts, disclosed incomplete information and submitted fictitious documents to DoT and thus used fraudulent means of getting licenses and thereby access to spectrum" -this is one of the more biting conclusions of the report prepared by the government's auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). (Read: Report Highlights) | (Watch: CAG explains 2G report) | ( Read: Full text of report)
The report - which was leaked to the media last week and forced Raja's resignation - was tabled in Parliament today. It is unflinching in its indictment of Raja, blaming him for violating guidelines, indulging in favouritism and costing the government Rs. 1.76 lakh crores by giving away 2G spectrumn in 2008 at bargain basement prices to inexperienced new players. (Read: What is the 2G spectrum scam?) | (Who is A Raja?)
The CAG report says Raja ignored the suggestions of the Law Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and even the Prime Minister. "The PM had stressed on the need for a fair and transparent allocation of spectrum..... Brushing aside the advice, the Department of Telecom (DoT) in 2008 proceeded to issue licenses for 2G spectrum at 2001 prices, flouting all rules and procedures." (Report Highlights) | (Read: CAG must ensure fair reports, says PM | Full text)
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/2g-scam-how-raja-allegedly-robbed-india-66769?cp
"85 of the 122 licenses were issued to companies which suppressed facts, disclosed incomplete information and submitted fictitious documents to DoT and thus used fraudulent means of getting licenses and thereby access to spectrum" -this is one of the more biting conclusions of the report prepared by the government's auditor, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). (Read: Report Highlights) | (Watch: CAG explains 2G report) | ( Read: Full text of report)
The report - which was leaked to the media last week and forced Raja's resignation - was tabled in Parliament today. It is unflinching in its indictment of Raja, blaming him for violating guidelines, indulging in favouritism and costing the government Rs. 1.76 lakh crores by giving away 2G spectrumn in 2008 at bargain basement prices to inexperienced new players. (Read: What is the 2G spectrum scam?) | (Who is A Raja?)
The CAG report says Raja ignored the suggestions of the Law Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and even the Prime Minister. "The PM had stressed on the need for a fair and transparent allocation of spectrum..... Brushing aside the advice, the Department of Telecom (DoT) in 2008 proceeded to issue licenses for 2G spectrum at 2001 prices, flouting all rules and procedures." (Report Highlights) | (Read: CAG must ensure fair reports, says PM | Full text)
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/2g-scam-how-raja-allegedly-robbed-india-66769?cp
Companies that benefited from Raja's twisted rules include Reliance Telecom (owned by Anil Ambani), which was allocated spectrum ahead of the others. The Department of Telecom, the report says, "did not follow its own practise of first-come first-served in letter and spirit."
The report also states that Swan Telecom was given undue advantage, and that it served effectively as a front for Reliance. The charges in the CAG report are that Swan should not have been considered for a license because Reliance Communications held 10.71% stake in Swan - and according to the rules, a telecom operator cannot own more than 10% stake in another telecom company operating in the same service area . Reliance Telcom issued a statement this evening that declares it did not have any shareholding in Swan when the license was granted (the CAG report's allegation is that Reliance owned stake when Swan applied for the license).
Swan's application should have been rejected initially by DoT, says the report.
The CAG report says that nine companies got more spectrum than stated in their contracts. They include Bharti, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL, Reliance, and Aircel.
CAG indicts Unitech Wireless
Another big beneficiary of the 2G spectrum allocation was Unitech Wireless, which had no experience in the telecommunication sector.
After Unitech got the license for a throwaway price of Rs. 1,661 crore, it sold 60 per cent stake to Telenor Asia for a whopping Rs.6,200 crore.
In its report, CAG indicts Unitech saying the high value paid by Telenor was for the 2G spectrum, and not for other inputs as claimed by Unitech. It also says that such huge equity infusion, which should have accrued to the public exchequer, went as a favour to the new licensees for enriching their business.
Speaking to NDTV, the telecom giant Telenor said that its investment in Unitech Wireless conformed to all regulations. (Watch)
The political crisis continues
The stand-off between the government and the Opposition over 2G scam continues. The Opposition wants a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to investigate the 2G scam. The government has said there is no question of agreeing to this. (2G scam: Opposition chants 'we want JPC'; No, says Government)
Parliament has not functioned at all this winter session - the Opposition says it won't let the House get to work till a JPC is announced. (Watch: Let the law take its course, says A Raja)
There were loud and angry scenes in Parliament once again today - the Lok Sabha has been adjourned till Thursday, since tomorrow is a national holiday for Eid.
A lunch meeting with Opposition leaders called by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to try and end the deadlock, has ended without a breakthrough. Mukherjee, who also met senior BJP leader LK Advani at the latter's Parliament office earlier, emerged from the lunch meeting to say, "We are for discussion. No solution has been found yet. They want a JPC." (Read: No breakthrough at Pranab's lunch meet)
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/2g-scam-how-raja-allegedly-robbed-india-66769?cp
The report also states that Swan Telecom was given undue advantage, and that it served effectively as a front for Reliance. The charges in the CAG report are that Swan should not have been considered for a license because Reliance Communications held 10.71% stake in Swan - and according to the rules, a telecom operator cannot own more than 10% stake in another telecom company operating in the same service area . Reliance Telcom issued a statement this evening that declares it did not have any shareholding in Swan when the license was granted (the CAG report's allegation is that Reliance owned stake when Swan applied for the license).
Swan's application should have been rejected initially by DoT, says the report.
The CAG report says that nine companies got more spectrum than stated in their contracts. They include Bharti, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL, Reliance, and Aircel.
CAG indicts Unitech Wireless
Another big beneficiary of the 2G spectrum allocation was Unitech Wireless, which had no experience in the telecommunication sector.
After Unitech got the license for a throwaway price of Rs. 1,661 crore, it sold 60 per cent stake to Telenor Asia for a whopping Rs.6,200 crore.
In its report, CAG indicts Unitech saying the high value paid by Telenor was for the 2G spectrum, and not for other inputs as claimed by Unitech. It also says that such huge equity infusion, which should have accrued to the public exchequer, went as a favour to the new licensees for enriching their business.
Speaking to NDTV, the telecom giant Telenor said that its investment in Unitech Wireless conformed to all regulations. (Watch)
The political crisis continues
The stand-off between the government and the Opposition over 2G scam continues. The Opposition wants a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) to investigate the 2G scam. The government has said there is no question of agreeing to this. (2G scam: Opposition chants 'we want JPC'; No, says Government)
Parliament has not functioned at all this winter session - the Opposition says it won't let the House get to work till a JPC is announced. (Watch: Let the law take its course, says A Raja)
There were loud and angry scenes in Parliament once again today - the Lok Sabha has been adjourned till Thursday, since tomorrow is a national holiday for Eid.
A lunch meeting with Opposition leaders called by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to try and end the deadlock, has ended without a breakthrough. Mukherjee, who also met senior BJP leader LK Advani at the latter's Parliament office earlier, emerged from the lunch meeting to say, "We are for discussion. No solution has been found yet. They want a JPC." (Read: No breakthrough at Pranab's lunch meet)
Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/2g-scam-how-raja-allegedly-robbed-india-66769?cp
Five-star jails of India
In a raid on Meerut Jail led by the DIG of Agra Jail to recover and seize cell phones and other unauthorised and prohibited items, there was a fight between the jail police and inmates of the high-security prison. It left six police officials and four inmates injured.
The raiding DIG said, "It could not have happened without the connivance of jail officials. We had special instructions from the home department as Meerut Jail is known for its lawlessness. But we were shocked when a thou-sand-strong mob attacked us with sticks and stones. We were trapped and could only escape after we charged towards the gate."
The prisoners snatched away all the mobile phones and contra-band recovered during the check that was ordered at the instance of the State Government. The DIG has accused the superintendent of Meerut Jail of "inciting the jail inmates to attack us so that we could not find prohibited articles in the jail".
On the other hand, the jail superintendent has accused the DIG of demanding illegal gratification. Some staff has been suspended. The other form of corruption reported from the Meerut Jail included unauthorised sale of items at exorbitant prices. Cigarettes were being sold for Rs 20 per stick. It cost Rs 500 for a meal of choice. A local call could be made for Rs 20, an STD call cost Rs 100. The Meerut Jail, built to house 700 inmates, now has 1,850 prisoners.
A former Uttar Pradesh Minister, serving his sentence in Lucknow Jail for the murder of his mistress Madhumita Shukla, freely hosted a wedding anniversary bash for a co-accused in the murder case inside the jail premises. A sitting Minister when asked replied, "No one is born a criminal and the Samajwadi Party believes in transformation of criminals. You can't stop anyone from celebrating an occasion concerning him, his family or near and dear ones - within the premises of the jail. As per my knowledge, there was no violation of the jail manual."
In 2004, three accused involved in the assassination of Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh escaped scandalously from the Burail Jail in Chandigarh. Inspection of the jail showed that the high profile prisoners were not only leading a luxurious life, but they had also enclosed their cells in a way that their activities inside could not be kept under vigil. Once the cell was turned into a virtual fortress, the prisoners dug a tunnel to escape.
The escape of terrorists involved in one of the most high-profile assassinations could not have materialised simply through a nexus between corrupt jail staffers and the prisoners. Vast sums of money as well as a pattern of internal and external intimidation was necessary to create the conditions for the eventual breakout and a significant network of support was essential to make sure that the fugitives could evade the police system once they were out.
The escape of Phoolan Devi's killers from high security Tihar Jail and other similar escapes of prisoners highlight the ineptitude and complicity of jail staff. Tihar Jail is actually a complex of seven prisons, having a capacity of 4,000 prisoners. But actually there are more than 12,000 prisoners lodged there. Regrettably, there is no fixed rule as to how many prisoners can be lodged in a particular jail.
The following is the existing jail system. There are two categories of jails - district jails normally built for 400 prisoners each and central jails for 750 each. The jail staff members are not from the police and have their own distinct hierarchy. There are different categories of under-trial prisoners depending upon their education and social status. Courts have directed jails to do away with the colonial, vintage classification of under-trial prisoners into Class I, II and III, based on their socio-economic status, but Government continues to stick to the old practice.
Selected prisoners are used for the internal management of jails - to make up for manpower shortage - as well as administrative work. The convict- supervisors become a link between the prisoners and jail officials. They are given an incentive for their work. Any wrong placement or selection can lead to the escape of prisoners or other crimes going unchecked inside the jails.
The Indira Gandhi Government had set up a high-powered panel in 1980 to propose prison reforms. The apparent cause was Mrs Gandhi's first-hand experience of the conditions in Tihar where she was lodged in 1978. Mrs Gandhi appointed the Justice AN Mulla Committee to review the national jail system even though jail is a State Government subject.
The Mulla Committee, 1983, recommended that the Constitution be amended to shift the subject of prisons from the State List to the Concurrent List. That never happened. The Centre at present has no say in the matter of jails except when they are in Union Territories where, again, jails are far from being models. The result is that jails continue to be governed by an outdated law enacted by the British in 1894. The position is that the jail conditions vary greatly from one State to another or even from prison to prison. There is no national policy on prisons.
A sensible recommendation of the Mulla Committee was to classify prisons into special security, maximum, medium and minimum security prisons. Such a classification can serve as a safeguard against jailbreaks and jail riots.
Much before sting operations became a norm with the media, a hard-hitting report had shown that in the Tihar Jail, officials mixed with notorious inmates like Charles Sobraj who ran an extensive drug and liquor racket with impunity. This led to a secret visit of the then Home Minister Giani Zail Singh to Tihar Jail. He was stunned to see a drunken prisoner offering him a bottle of liquor. A mortified Government finally suspended two jail officials.
Criminalisation of politics has produced a strange phenomenon. Criminals have contested elections from behind the bars and some of them have won. Given such topsy-turvy world of politics, prison officials are often either unmindful of the crimes being committed regularly inside the prisons, or sometimes they are the ones to provide prisoners with mobile phones, drugs and food. These jail staffers also organise kavi sammelans and mushairas and help prisoners run extortion rackets and criminal gangs from inside the jails. A prison for some prisoners has become a home away from home.
The next issue is that of under-trials. According to the statistics compiled by the Custodial Justice Cell of the National Human Rights Commission, 225,817 of 304,893 or 74.06 per cent of the total prison population in the country comprises those awaiting trial. The total jail capacity in India is 232,412 prisoners, which makes the total prison population 31 per cent higher than capacity, clearly emphasising the urgent need for a speedier justice mechanism.
Only when politicians go to jail do they talk about reforming the jail system. They forget the issue the moment they are out. We must be clear as to what kind of confinement or jail system we want. The time to make a beginning is now before things get worse. There must be a Central law to be followed as a model by all States.
No restrictions at Arthur Road jail, gangsters take leave at will
Pune: A highly confidential inquiry report by the Maharashtra prison department has revealed that several key undertrials, including Mohammad Dossa, underworld don-turned-politician Arun Gawli and DK Rao (the right-hand man of fugitive gangster Chhota Rajan), among others, freely availed of "leave" out of the Arthur Road jail in Mumbai over the last three years.
The jail authorities neither reported the leave granted to these high-profile undertrials to senior prison authorities, nor did they raise objections to the leave applications in court.
A senior prison officer told DNA that the inquiry report has been sent to the state home department for action as it has exposed corrupt practices at the jail.
Ironically, officials of the state prison department have none other than 26/11 accused Mohammed Ajmal Amir aka Kasab to thank for the revelation of this nexus between the prison authorities and the undertrials.
Sources told DNA that when the undertrials, including Rao and Gawli, were shifted to Taloja in Navi Mumbai, they started demanding similar treatment at the new jail premises. They were shifted to Taloja so that maximum protection could be provided to Kasab, who was to be lodged at the Arthur Road jail.
"The undertrials continued to demand leave at Taloja as they had at Arthur Road," said an official, adding that the authorities at Taloja then reported the matter to senior prison authorities in Pune and Mumbai.
Former superintendent of Arthur Road jail Swati Sathe, who is currently posted in Nashik, said she was unaware of any inquiry.
It was during Sathe's tenure that the "influential undertrials" availed of leave.
The inquiry revealed that leave extended from a few hours to even a couple of days.
It also found that this practice had been going on at the jail for nearly three years.
The inquiry revealed that leave extended from a few hours to even a couple of days.
It also found that this practice had been going on at the jail for nearly three years.
The authorities did not deny leave to around 45 gangsters, most of whom are booked under the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act, 1999. One undertrial gangster was found to have "gone on leave" on 35 occasions, the report said.
The Maharashtra Prisons Manual has no provision to grant leave to undertrials, as is allowed in the case of convicts lodged in jails. It is customary for an undertrial to obtain permission from a court in order to avail leave.
The inquiry revealed that none of the 45 undertrials sent their applications via the jail officials. They were directly sent to court.
Significantly, the authorities at Arthur Road jail failed to appeal against this.
The jail authorities also failed to report the leave taken by the under-trials to the state government, which generally alerts the police machinery to keep a close watch on the activities of the suspects.
State prisons chief, inspector-general of police Uddhav Kamble confirmed to DNA the commissioning of the inquiry, but refused to elaborate. A senior official of the prison department confirmed the developments as well.
Another senior jail official explained that leave is only granted to an under-trial by the court for emergency situations, like the demise or serious health condition of the next-of-kin, besides attending the marriage of his/her children.
Leave can also be availed for emergency medical treatment at the private hospitals, but only under the supervision of the jail authorities. However the under-trials went on leave to attend marriages and death of distant relatives, other minor health issues of family members and even their companions.
Kamble sought a detailed record from the deputy inspector general of police (prisons), Mumbai, of all the leave awarded by the courts. The DIG, Mumbai conducted an inquiry and found the involvement of Arthur Road Jail officials. Another inquiry was commissioned to verify the findings of the DIG's report.
In Pune, 22 inmates have been missing from the Yerawada Central Prison after they were granted parole or furlough in the past 30 years.
Mumbai-based gangster Vijay Thopte who was accused in the murder of union leader Datta Samant and Arun Gawli gang member Eknath Arjun Mohite of Bhosari are among those missing from the Yerawada jail. While Thopte has been missing after he was granted parole a year ago, Mohite, who has several cases registered against him with the Pune city and rural police units, has been missing for more than a year now.
Might Not Have Recommended Parole For Manu: Pilot
Disapproving the grant of parole to Jessica Lall murder convict Manu Sharma, who also happens to be the son of an influential Haryana Congress leader, Congress leader Sachin Pilot has said that he might not have recommended parole to the lifer had he been the chief minister of Delhi.
"I personally believe that perhaps more diligence should have been made before issuing these orders. The fact that he has already gone back (to jail) does not make a difference now," Pilot said while participating in a TV programme.
Asked whether it was a mistake for the Delhi government to have recommended parole for Sharma, Pilot said, "Well I am not Delhi chief minister. From whatever I know of the case, if I was the chief minister I would probably not have given the parole".
Sharma was granted parole after chief minister Sheila Dikshit recommended it. Sharma, who had applied for the parole on the ground of performing religious rites for his grandmother (who died in 2008), attending to his ailing -- later modified to 'ageing' -- mother, and business matters, in Chandigarh.
Significantly, the Delhi Police has gone on record to say that it had opposed the grant of parole. It has been reported that the Delhi government has so far received 132 parole applications this year out of which as many as 88 are still pending, 33 were rejected and 11 applicants were granted parole.
Dikshit had so far been under fire for justifying her decision, saying that it was within the "legal purview" only from the opposition BJP and legal luminaries, who had so far been protesting that it was a blatant case of partisanship. Not only was Manu Sharma granted parole on flimsy grounds, and his parole extended by another month on the recommendation by Dikshit, he clearly violated the parole conditions as well.
Opposition BJP points out that Manu Sharma's father Venod Sharma, who is an influential Congress leader in Haryana, played a major role in ensuring that the Congress government in Haryana could be sworn. He is believed to have been instrumental in getting the support of not only the seven independents but also the defectors from Haryana Janhit Congress which now only has Kuldeep Bishnoi left because as many as five of his MLAs joined Congress on Monday.
Sachin Pilot is the first Congress leader who has gone on record to even mildly express disagreement over the issue.
Nobody would have known
What is even more significant is that the news of Jessica Lal murder convict -- who is serving a life sentence for having shot dead the Delhi model on April 29, 1999 at the Tamarind Court Bar -- being out on parole came to public notice only because he was yet again involved in a brawl in a nightclub.
Observers point out that the brawl on the night of November 6 at F bar in New Delhi's Ashoka hotel that Manu Sharma and Sahil Dhingra got involved with Pranay Dadwal and his female friend may even have gone unreported or been hushed up had Delhi police commissioner's own son not been involved in the case.
The argument turned ugly and Pranay Dadwal informed his father, who happens to be none other than Delhi Police Commissioner Y.S. Dadwal.
It was because of this that a jeepload of cops landed up at the bar.
By then Manu Sharma and his friends had left F bar and moved to the exclusive LAP bar in the adjacent Samrat hotel, which is owned by Mumbai film actor and model Arjun Rampal.
By the time the police reached LAP, Manu had escaped. The police picked up Dhingra, and it was only on going through the CCTV video coverage that it could be confirmed that the person accompanying Dhingra was none other than the high profile Manu Sharma who, most people assumed, should have been in jail.
It was only then that it came to light that he had not only been granted parole, it had even been extended, while he had been out there partying at various nightclubs and bars, not only in Chandigarh, where he was supposed to be for the period of his parole, but also in Delhi.
Observers also point out how thee is nothing new in the subversion of justice in Manu Sharma's case, as the powers that be had almost ensured his acquittal in the Jessica Lal murder case, which got re-opened because of an unprecedented media and public campaign.
"I personally believe that perhaps more diligence should have been made before issuing these orders. The fact that he has already gone back (to jail) does not make a difference now," Pilot said while participating in a TV programme.
Asked whether it was a mistake for the Delhi government to have recommended parole for Sharma, Pilot said, "Well I am not Delhi chief minister. From whatever I know of the case, if I was the chief minister I would probably not have given the parole".
Sharma was granted parole after chief minister Sheila Dikshit recommended it. Sharma, who had applied for the parole on the ground of performing religious rites for his grandmother (who died in 2008), attending to his ailing -- later modified to 'ageing' -- mother, and business matters, in Chandigarh.
Significantly, the Delhi Police has gone on record to say that it had opposed the grant of parole. It has been reported that the Delhi government has so far received 132 parole applications this year out of which as many as 88 are still pending, 33 were rejected and 11 applicants were granted parole.
Dikshit had so far been under fire for justifying her decision, saying that it was within the "legal purview" only from the opposition BJP and legal luminaries, who had so far been protesting that it was a blatant case of partisanship. Not only was Manu Sharma granted parole on flimsy grounds, and his parole extended by another month on the recommendation by Dikshit, he clearly violated the parole conditions as well.
Opposition BJP points out that Manu Sharma's father Venod Sharma, who is an influential Congress leader in Haryana, played a major role in ensuring that the Congress government in Haryana could be sworn. He is believed to have been instrumental in getting the support of not only the seven independents but also the defectors from Haryana Janhit Congress which now only has Kuldeep Bishnoi left because as many as five of his MLAs joined Congress on Monday.
Sachin Pilot is the first Congress leader who has gone on record to even mildly express disagreement over the issue.
Nobody would have known
What is even more significant is that the news of Jessica Lal murder convict -- who is serving a life sentence for having shot dead the Delhi model on April 29, 1999 at the Tamarind Court Bar -- being out on parole came to public notice only because he was yet again involved in a brawl in a nightclub.
Observers point out that the brawl on the night of November 6 at F bar in New Delhi's Ashoka hotel that Manu Sharma and Sahil Dhingra got involved with Pranay Dadwal and his female friend may even have gone unreported or been hushed up had Delhi police commissioner's own son not been involved in the case.
The argument turned ugly and Pranay Dadwal informed his father, who happens to be none other than Delhi Police Commissioner Y.S. Dadwal.
It was because of this that a jeepload of cops landed up at the bar.
By then Manu Sharma and his friends had left F bar and moved to the exclusive LAP bar in the adjacent Samrat hotel, which is owned by Mumbai film actor and model Arjun Rampal.
By the time the police reached LAP, Manu had escaped. The police picked up Dhingra, and it was only on going through the CCTV video coverage that it could be confirmed that the person accompanying Dhingra was none other than the high profile Manu Sharma who, most people assumed, should have been in jail.
It was only then that it came to light that he had not only been granted parole, it had even been extended, while he had been out there partying at various nightclubs and bars, not only in Chandigarh, where he was supposed to be for the period of his parole, but also in Delhi.
Observers also point out how thee is nothing new in the subversion of justice in Manu Sharma's case, as the powers that be had almost ensured his acquittal in the Jessica Lal murder case, which got re-opened because of an unprecedented media and public campaign.
Chained In Purgatory
It’s time we extirpated the horrific dehumanisation from our prisons
- R.K.Raghavan , CBI Director
Ashutosh Asthana, the key accused in a fraud involving the judiciary, died a few days ago in a Ghaziabad (UP) prison. The bazaar rumour is that he died of poisoning. Whether he took the poison himself or was tricked into doing so will be known after the inquiry ordered comes to a conclusion. Two other incidents of past weeks were equally shocking. A murder accused sentenced to life hanged himself in Coimbatore jail, and a software engineer locked up after a complaint of dowry harassment against him similarly ended his life. Finally, an Indian student detained in a US prison for sending intimidatory mail to President Bush, has complained of being roughed up by fellow prisoners. Life inside prisons is undoubtedly perilous. This may not be a new phenomenon, but the public now is more aware of what goes on inside prisons. As sensitive human beings, our conscience should lead us into doing something radical to reform our prisons, cure it of its present ills. As someone said, a nation will be judged by the manner in which it treats its prisoners. I would like to recall a national leader incarcerated during the Emergency telling me how soul-crushing detention could be. He was not surprised that many jailed along with him chose to plead for mercy and walked out at the earliest opportunity.
Prisons infuriate me for various reasons. Firstly, there are dubious arrests by the police and the even more galling convictions by courts on false cases, sometimes trumped up by the prosecution, and which end in innocent persons being sent to jail. The notion that many who should be in jails are outside, thanks to political and economic clout, is not wholly baseless. What, then, is the justification of locking up many who are guilty of minor infractions? Secondly, rampant overcrowding of prisons is a matter of disquiet, and of concern worldwide. States in the US keep on building new prisons, although demand quickly outstrips available space. Too many prisoners means abysmal and morally repugnant conditions. Most unjustly, the number of undertrials far exceeds convicted prisoners. Many of the former end up spending time that surpasses the maximum period for which they could be convicted under the law, if found guilty at all.
The corruption that afflicts prison management is of Himalayan proportions. This is first reflected in the quality of food served to inmates, and attributed to malpractices in the award of contracts to suppliers of grocery. When food is inedible, prisoners revolt. Some bribe guards into getting something better from outside. Smuggling in of drugs into prisons is not unusual. Detainees use cell phones freely. All these are for a price, and the rates vary from prison to prison. But these are lesser evils, if one reckons the violence that is routinely perpetrated—both by prison staff and fellow prisoners—on a few hapless prisoners who stand out from the rest for some reason, be it the nature of their crime or their efforts at good behaviour. Abusive prison guards just do not enjoy their work and are clearly frustrated at the stultifying work environment. Some thought has been devoted towards improving their conditions of service. Whatever has been done till now has not exactly improved their morale.
Of course, there are some remarkable individuals in the system who are trying to make a difference and have actually succeeded. The legendary Kiran Bedi made a world of difference to Tihar, one of the most notorious prisons in the world. A commendable focus on literacy and health issues altered the scene. Union home minister P. Chidambaram had a few good words to say about Tihar during his recent visit there.
I had the good fortune to go round the Sabarmati Jail in Ahmedabad recently. This is a historic jail, built in 1895, where the Mahatma, Lokamanya Tilak and Sardar Patel had all been detained. It is a clean place, although it is also overcrowded (nearly 4,000 inmates in a place meant for half that number). A young IPS officer, Chandrasekhar (an agriculture graduate from Coimbatore), and his equally enthusiastic IGP Keshav Kumar deserve every bit of praise we can shower them with for their devotion and care. Their latest innovation is in the area of telemedicine, with the support of the local Apollo Hospital. It has been a boon for prisoners needing expert medical opinion. Online examination of medical records and consultation with specialists for prisoners have the potential for saving many lives. How many in our political firmament understand that a prisoner’s life is as precious as theirs? As long as it is possible for the criminal justice system to make flagrant mistakes and lock up innocent people, we need to look after our prisoners with the utmost benevolence. Nothing else can act as testimonials of our urbanity and humanity, the two qualities that are in danger of becoming extinct.
My experience in Police custody & Jail | ||
My Story Complaint to CBI - Misuse of MCOCA Appreciation letters and Messages | Police Custody I was arrested on 5th July 2006 in the early morning at 3am from my residence along with 5 more innocent person (My partner & 4 tenants from my slum plot) under dreadedMCOC Act. The crime branch officers came to my residence after mid night at around2.30am and took me to Bandra crime branch office. They interrogate me and asked nothing regarding my underworld connection for next 5 hours. They were only interrogating me and my partner as to how I had purchased a plot at Mulgaon Dongri, Andheri East, Mumbai for so high rate, how many tenants have signed the agreement etc etc. At around 8.30am they told us to sign one paper stating that we all are arrested under the draconian law MCOC Act. The police officers then took us for medical examination at Bhaba hospital in Bandra and thereafter they took us to the crime branch unit no 8 office and Andheri East to do Panchnama of all our articles. The police officers after doing some more interrogation took us around 3pm to the special MCOCA court and judge Mr Abhay Thipsay who as per law remanded us to police custody for 9 days. It’s really surprising that our plot/office and home all fall under the jurisdiction of crime branch unit no 10, but none of the officers from unit no 10 knew whom they are going to arrest till 12 midnight (3 hours before our arrest). We were then taken to Andheri lock up at around 8pm. It had a small 15 X 10 ft roomwere we all were put in. It had no fan, light and only the passage had tube light. It had no pillow, bed sheet and we had to sleep on the floor. Imagine leading a 5 star life through out my life and see the irony. Next morning the police officers from crime branch unit no 10 started our interrogation. After interrogating us for 2 days they found out we all were not at all guilty and it was a false case, but law is such you have to be in the police custody for 1 month minimum in MCOC Act. The crime branch officers were also surprised as none of us had any single criminal case against us/ no phone tapping was done in spite of the complainant receiving threatening calls from April 2006 to July 2006/ no call was made by any of us from any of our mobile or landline numbers and also no money laundering or any links with underworld was found. Here I came to know that some officers from crime branch unit no 8 (Senior Inspector Vinayak Sawade & others) and the Investigating Officer (Assistant Commissioner of Police Pramod Rane now retired and is working in Reliance Energy) had taken around 25 lakhs of rupees from our rival Santosh Builder (who claimed to me when I went to meet him in May 2006 at his office that he is the front man of many politicians in Maharashtra) and put us in jail to grab my land. This shows MCOC Act which gives police power to arrest anyone from underworld, terrorists, murderers, cheaters and person having 2 serious cases against them in last 10 years is being misused by some police person for their personal benefit. My case was a simple civil dispute case for which we had filed 2 civil suits against the complainant (one Brijlal Tiwari). Mr Rane also took around 7 lakhs rupees from all of us so that we are not physically tortured in the police custody from a middlemen who happens to be relative of one of the accused. This can be proved if his Narco test is done on him or us. I was given instruction from my friend not to sign any confession papers without reading it properly while in police custody. This came in help for me as on the last day of my custody the junior police officers under the instruction of Mr Rane tried to take signature on a paper stating we had 3 kattas (desi revolvers) and some bullets.Since I was good in English I read and told my all colleagues not to sign on the blank paper. We were put under lot of pressure but when we told them that today we will complaint to the judge about it they all got afraid. The police when they find that they are in mistake and have arrested a wrong person in a false case can do any thing to save their job and make the case right. The police also tried to put pressure on my younger brother to give false statement against me or else he will also be put in MCOCA case. He was very strong hearted and after taking advice from his friend, he told the intelligence officer that he will commit suicide in front of his office after writing a confession letter to his advocate. The officer was so scared that he left my brother unhurt and also did not have any guts to take his statement. As Mr Rane had taken money from us he did not physically tortured us, but he must havetortured mentally more than 30 relatives/friends of ours to give false statement against us as he was seeing his case was very weak and he will land in trouble afterwards. During our police custody Sub Inspector Ninan Sawant was terrorizing builders in front of us by telling them on mobile that see we have caught big builder in MCOCA and now we will also arrest you if you do not give us money. The SRA plot owner were forced to give money to Ninan Sawant. Because of some court order it was good that all prisoner are taken to hospital to domedical check up every 48 hours. The food in Andheri lock up was good as it was privatized and taken over by a good South Indian restaurant. When I was released on 7th Sept 2006 the court had ordered that I have to report to the Investigating Officer once every week. Now this man Mr Rane started putting pressure on me stating that officers from EOW (economic offence wing of mumbai police) wanted to interrogate me and was demanding more money from me. But I had an friend who was a senior upright officer in EOW and he helped me. He gave me his mobile number and told me that none of his officers are coming to interrogate me and that I can tell this to Mr Rane. This retired officer Rane got so afraid that he stopped calling me to his office. The police has power to arrest anyone and no court of law have ever punished any policeman in India (except for few high profile cases). The recent example of the false case against a innocent lady named Swati Kachalia of Mumbai who was acquitted in March 2010 after fighting the legal battle with police for 8 years. But the court should pass strictures against the police so that they don't have courage to file false cases and get away with it. As a common man has to suffer for 3 to 5 years in court, spend money on lawyers where as the police get the lawyers free of charges. You should see the movie Andhaa Kanoon (role of Amitabh Bachchan) to know how the law is blind in India. Arthur Road Jail, Mumbai If you want to see hell on earth you should visit Arthur road jail. One barrack in the jail is meant for 70-80 persons but there are more than 300 people crammed in all the barracks at any given time. It’s the dirtiest place in the world. When you enter arthur road jail first they make you take all your clothes to find out, whether you are carrying any drugs/knife/playing cards or some object able things not allowed in jail. You are given back your clothes and then you are made to sit on the road in pairs of two at least for one hour, till the entry procedure of all the incoming prisoners or under trials (may be 30 to 40) are over – these people come from different police stations and from different courts of Mumbai. When I was sent to jail custody I was given AFTER barrack (its meant for person who is given 1 or 2 days jail custody for petty cases). After staying in AFTER barrack for 2 days I was transferred to barrack number 8/2 where mostly drug addicts, rag pickers, beggars, drug lords, rapist are lodged. The prisoner who live in the barracks need high endurance levels to put up with the excesses within the prison, including cold gang-wars, extortion, lack of sanitation, unpalatable food and acute lack of space. Arthur Road jail which lodges only under trials, has an official capacity of 820, but more than 3,000 are cramped for space in the jail. Here if you are known to warden or give him bribe then you are given most comfortable position (which is there in all 4 corners of a barrack). You will get bed sheets, good food, allowed to play cards, have tea, good food etc etc. At night, we have to think twice before going to the toilets. Once we get up, it is almost impossible to get back to your place to sleep. Sanitation is pathetic. The toilets are cleaned only once a day and stink. One can hardly get good sleep. Skin disease is common as inmates hailing from various backgrounds are lodged in the same barrack and those who have skin diseases spread them to others. Bedbugs (known as khatmal in hindi language) are very commonly seen. Just two doctors man the 25-bed single-storied barrack- turned into a hospital. Even if we have 10 different ailments, we are given the same medicine. This has become a joke amongst all prisoners. Barrack is a long hall. Its width would be like the following: If three 5.7- inch persons lay on the floor length wise there would have four inches gap between one person’s foot and other person’s head. If you move your hand up - your hand will touch on the foot of some one and they would shout at you. If you move your foot down then it will touch on some ones feet, then they will shout at you. Lights in the hall is never turned off. Person next you and you would move your hand, or turn in your sleep. That means, you lose your sleep. Some people have violent moves in their sleep. But if you make any comment, you will be shouted at. The day starts with counting of prisoners at 6am when the door opens and jail police start counting the numbers of prisoners and again in the evening at 6pm when the door closes. Then we are given tea at 7am. The condition of the toilets is worst it’s all dirty with no door latch. Then we either take bath in our barrack on 1st floor or go down in open to take bath. Then you can take walk in your own barrack or bribe the policeman (not connected to Mumbai police as they are special jail police having powers inside the jail boundaries only) and can visit other barracks freely. There is a canteen outside where you get 500 rupees monthly coupons and can buy milk, biscuits, cigarettes, butter, bread etc. Then the lunch is served at 11 am. It consists of watery dal, bland vegetable, some sweets, rice & hard chapattis which no normal person can eat. Here we learnt that the government spends 45 rupees daily on food bill for average prisoner but half of them is eaten by the contractors/suppliers & jail authorities. If you complain you are beaten mercilessly. The food is served in a aluminum bowls. And most of these bowls did not have proper shape – and was never washed properly for long years. The bowl you get to use might have used by a drunken person who might not have taken bath for months. That person might not have washed it properly also. But you do not have a choice to go and get it washed. The prisoners who are influential takes butter from canteen, onions etc from jail kitchen, bribing the warden to make the food tasty by re-cooking & frying the jail food inside the barrack after door closes at 6pm. The cooking is done with burning of 1 day old chapatti's (which you get for 50 paisa per chapati in the jail) old newspapers/plastic utensils etc etc. Around 7 to 8pm you will see smoke all over the barrack and its difficult to breathe. You can't complain to the jailer as you will be beaten by the influential prisoners. A warden is a ruthless criminal serving life term for murder and has to manage 300 prisoners inside the barrack once the door closes from 6pm in the evening to 6amnext morning, even the jail police does not enter the barrack at the time given above. The warden can beat you, push you around, make you sit wherever he want you to sit, can move you around for no reason. No body is there to question him actually. Once or twice in a week there is a check up by the police officers from other jails as many prisoners manage to smuggle food/knives/mobile etc inside the prison. There is also an anda barrack where hardened criminals are kept. This barrack has on small hole from where the sunlight comes in and has a small open bathroom. Then there is a budda barrack meant for person above the age of 50 years. This barrack is clean and during my time Pramod Mahajan was there. In a week you can meet your friends or relative once across the window. Here also you have to pay bribe if you wish to talk to them for more than 10 minutes. Each month only 500 rupees coupons are allowed per person officially. But if you need more money you have to pay double the amount and can get as much money as you want. Hard drinks are also smuggled inside the jail but at 3 times more price. If you want cash or durgs there are many prisoners in jail who when they go out on their court dates get them in their rectum. Its unbelievable but true. Except for a women everything is available in arthur road jail. If you want to hire a servant you have to pay 500 rupees per month. The servants are mostly small time robbers or drug peddlers who wash your clothes, press your leg, makes tea and cooks fried food. These servants feel life is better in prison as you get 2 times food, breakfast, tea and some money which is difficult for them to get out side jail. The prisoners or the under trials as they are known have no work to do unlike prisoners shown in movies. Here you have only to kill time by playing cards or taking walk, doing exercise and wait for the next court date where you get chance to meet your friends and relatives. In one corner of the barrack is the temple and in the other corner kuran is kept. Mostly all prisoners are religious by nature. When I was in jail there was 11 daysganapti function and it was well organized by the prisoners. All 11 days aarti/devotional songs were played. Even they managed to get ganapati photo/small idol and decoration was done. On the last day all prisoners were taking a small ganesh murthi for visarjan in a small drum out side the barrack. On the last day of release the police delay your release by 3 to 4 hours and give excuse that some paper work has to be done. But if you give them 2000 rupees which they took from my relatives who were waiting outside the jail they release you in 30 minutes. All this was happening when the lady jailer Ms. Swati Sathe was so strict and non corrupt. Imagine when a corrupt jailor comes what will happens inside????? Conclusion : if you have money and are highly influential then you can enjoy jail life. =======------------========================================================= | |
New Delhi, August 21 The Delhi High Court imposed a four-month ban on senior advocate R K Anand and colleague I U Khan on Thursday for interfering with judicial proceedings in the high-profile BMW hit-and- run case. A fine of Rs 2,000 was levied as well.
On May 30, 2007, television channel NDTV caught both lawyers in a "sting" operation, conniving with key prosecution witness Suniel Kulkarni to get main accused Sanjeev Nanda off the hook.
A High Court Bench comprising Justices Madan B Lokur and Manmohan Sarin found the two guilty of criminal contempt.
"The entire material leaves a bitter taste in the mouth about the goings-on in the BMW case. There is no manner of doubt whatsoever that there was complicity between Mr Khan and Mr Anand... There can be absolutely no doubt that Mr Khan and Mr Anand were, somehow or the other, more than mixed up in the BMW case," observed the court, which had taken suo motu cognizance of the expose the day after it was aired.
"Mr Anand and Mr Khan are prohibited from appearing in this court (Delhi High Court) or courts subordinate to it for four months from today. However, they are free to discharge their professional duties in terms of consultation, advice, conferences, opinions, etc," said the Bench.
The court desisted from commenting on the conduct of Kulkarni, saying it would not be "proper" to do so. Though the verdict comes solely on basis of the CDs and transcripts of the sting operation, the Bench said, "the unshakeable truth is that Mr Anand is guilty of criminal contempt of court". Contemplating a fit punishment, the Bench wondered how many in the legal fraternity had had been taken by surprise to find Anand indulging in such "sharp practices". "Mr Anand has held many prestigious elective positions in the legal fraternity, including the Bar Council of Delhi. He has also been a Member of the Rajya Sabha," noted the Bench.
The court said it knew Khan for his legal acumen and forensic skills — "perhaps the reason why he was appointed Special Public Prosecutor in the BMW case". High expectations over Khan fell apart when his conduct "betrayed the trust that prosecution reposed in him... what he did was perhaps beyond the realm of contemplation of the prosecuting agency".
Chastising the two for their misconduct, the Bench said: "We are not dealing with a young lawyer who, driven by ambition and desire... transgresses the limits or unwittingly or unknowingly commits criminal contempt. We are dealing with senior advocates, who are expected to conduct themselves as gentlemen and role models for younger members of the Bar."
The court forwarded a recommendation that the two be "stripped of their designations as senior advocates". The High Court Registrar General will put up the court's recommendation before Chief Justice AP Shah within a month.
In response to the verdict, the Delhi Bar Association president, advocate Rajiv Khosla, said about 20,000 lawyers from district courts were going on strike on August 22 in protest.
R K Anand
Began legal career in Delhi's Tis Hazari Court as a civil lawyer in 1967. Appointed government counsel in 1976. In 2000, JMM nominated him to Rajya Sabha from Jharkhand. Appointed AICC observer for Assembly polls in Himachal Pradesh in February 2003.
High-profile cases:
* In 1980, represented the late Indira Gandhi in a property litigation filed by Maneka Gandhi after Sanjay Gandhi's death
* Narasimha Rao in the JMM bribery and the St Kitts case
* Chandraswami in the FERA violation case
* H K L Bhagat in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case
* Former external affairs minister Natwar Singh's son Jagat Singh in the murder/suicide of his wife Natasha Singh
I U Khan
One of the top five criminal lawyers in Capital. He was charging a fee of only Re 1 in the BMW case. Began his career in late 1960s, and came into spotlight in 1980s.
* Defended Sushil Sharma in the tandoor murder case, Subash Gupta in the Personal Point triple murder, former Youth Congress President Romesh Sharma in several cases and Tony Gill in Jessica Lall murdercase
When prosecution & defence lawyer together team up along with corrupt police / public servants and manipulate evidences / records , the court is helpless and will acquit the accussed for lack of evidences eventhough the presiding judge is of impeccable integrity , honesty , he is help less. Add to this , if the presiding judge happens to be corrupt & teams up with the criminal nexus , the result is devastating , the rich criminal will get away & the innocent will suffer punishment in some cases even death sentence. Who will bell these few corrupt among the judiciary , bar , police & public service ? why not prison sentence for two leading advocates on criminal charges of contempt of court , destruction of evidences ? are they above law ? why favouritism by court to the guilty in awarding punishment to guilty two advocates as they happen to be political influential ? will the court let a common man so leniently for the same charges ? In the past cases dealt by these corrupt duo advocates , there are possibilities that the same tactics of manipulation of evidences , prosecution is done to win the cases , to free the rich criminals , why not review of the cases dealt by these corrupt advocates ? The honest few among judiciary , bar , police & public service must uphold our constitution , rule of law & bring to book their corrupt colleagues.
Chandigarh, August 22: Punjab and Haryana High Court Judge Nirmal Yadav who has gone on leave after her name is said to have figured in the statements of the main accused in the case involving the delivery of cash at another High Court Judge's house, said today that she was a "victim of a vilification campaign." Speaking to The Indian Express at her Sector 24 residence here today, Justice Yadav said that "some influential persons were trying to shift the focus on her to save the real accused." Justice Yadav denied that former Haryana Additional Advocate General Sanjeev Bansal had talked to her on phone on August 13 when Bansal's clerk "mistakenly" delivered a bag containing Rs 15 lakh to the residence of Justice Nirmaljit Kaur, another sitting Judge of the High Court.
"Let any agency prove that I talked to Sanjeev Bansal on phone either on that day or any day in the past one month," Justice Yadav said. "I am ready to face all consequences if this allegation is found true. I have had no dealings with Bansal. I have not received any money from Bansal or any of his associates. I am sure I will get justice." Justice Yadav said she had explained her position to High Court Chief Justice T S Thakur and had "proceeded on leave." She said she would not hear any case until her name is cleared.
Sources close to her said that during her meeting with Justice Thakur yesterday evening, in which some other senior judges were also present, Justice Yadav offered to proceed on leave to "maintain the highest traditions of Indian judiciary." Justice Thakur told The Indian Express that he had not asked Justice Yadav to proceed on leave and that it was her own decision. It is learnt that in her meeting with Justice Thakur, Yadav vehemently denied any role in the entire role. While acknowledging that she and some other members of her family had bought a plot of 11.1 bighas of land (see accompanying story) at village Rihun Pargana near Kumharhatti in Solan district of Himachal Pradesh on August 14, Yadav is learnt to have denied that the money for purchasing the land came from Bansal or Ravinder Singh, the Delhi businessman, who is also named in the case.
"Can't a judge buy legal property? Let the police or any other investigating agency prove that the money for the deal was provided by Bansal or Singh," she is learnt to have told the Chief Justice. But she is learnt to have acknowledged, in her meeting with the Chief Justcie, that she knew Ravinder Singh. She is learnt to have said that she came to know him through some other judges.
Meanwhile, highly placed sources in the High Court confirmed that Chief Justice Thakur is awaiting the return of Chief Justice of India KG Balakrishnan from Brazil to apprise him of the developments in the case. The Chief Justice is learnt to have asked the administrative committee, comprising senior judges, to monitor the case on a daily basis.
The Rs 15-lakh delivery: Story So Far
•August 13: Parkash Ram, an assistant to Haryana's Additional Advocate General Sanjeev Bansal, delivers a parcel containing Rs 15 lakh at the residence of Justice Nirmaljit Kaur of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Justice Kaur calls the police.
•Rajeev Gupta, Bansal's friend and a property dealer, tells the police that the money reached there by mistake and it was meant for Nirmal Singh, another property dealer. Chandigarh Police decline to hand over the cash. Bansal is questioned
•August 16: A case is registered against Bansal, Parkash Ram and Delhi- based hotelier Ravinder Singh who allegedly organised the money
•Bansal resigns as Addl AG and surrenders on August 19
•August 21: Rajeev Gupta, the property dealer who claimed the money was meant for Nirmal Singh, is arrested. The Inspector General of Police sends a report to the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court. The report says that the money was meant for another judge.
•August 22: Justice Nirmal Yadav proceeds on leave
Caught in controversy is Solan plot that judge, 16 others purchased
CHANDIGARH, SOLAN, August 22: On August 14, according to revenue records, a plot measuring 11.1 bighas in Solan was purchased by Justice Nirmal Yadav and others for Rs 5, 52, 500. Details of the transaction, obtained by The Indian Express, show that the land was purchased by her and 16 others from six persons, all residents of village Rihun Pargana, near Kumharhatti in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh.
This purchase is said to have figured in the meeting between Justice Yadav and the High Court Chief Justice yesterday. Justice Yadav is said to have told the Chief Justice: "Can't a judge buy legal property? Let the police or any other investigating agency prove that the money for the deal was provided by (Sanjeev) Bansal or Ravinder Singh." The purchasers and sellers obtained permission from the Himachal Pradesh Government under Section 118 of the Himachal Pradesh Tenancy Act. Solan Naib Tehsildar N S Chauhan has confirmed on record that that the deal had been registered as per the details we have. The land was sold by residents of village including Baldev; Narinder Kumar; Surinder Kumar; Rajinder Kumar; Bimla Devi and Amar Singh. The sellers have given a General Power of Attorney to Surinder Kumar (one of the partners among the sellers), who executed a sale agreement in favour of the buyers.
Those named as purchasers (partners) in the land deal include Suruchi, a resident of House no. 3, Sector 14, Gurgaon; Trisha Chaudhary; Ram Niwas; Rajender Yadav; Chiranjeev; Latika; Deepak; Sunita; Vivek; Capt. NT Puri; Devinder Singh; Shakuntla; Kuldip Singh Yadav; Ajay Yadav; Sushank Puri; Mohit (all residents of house no. 1111, Sector 11, Panchkula) and Punjab and Haryana High Court Justice Nirmal Yadav.
Three booked in judge bribery case
Haryana Addl Advocate General among booked Chandigarh, August 16: Three persons, including Additional Advocate General of Haryana Sanjeev Bansal, were on Saturday booked for an attempt to bribe a Punjab and Haryana High Court Judge. The other two are Bansal's munshi Parkash, who had carried Rs 15 lakh to the residence of High Court judge Nirmaljit Kaur on Wednesday night, and Ravinder Singh, a Delhi-based businessman who has a hotel in Karol Bagh. The munshi was taken into custody while a police party has been despatched to Delhi to nab Singh. Assistant Superintendent of Police Madhur Verma said the amount was supposed to be handed over to some other public servant but was mistakenly delivered at Kaur's house. An FIR was lodged after Kaur complained to the police. She also reported the matter to the Chief Justice. Police said Singh had allegedly paid Bansal a huge amount to get settled a criminal case pending in the High Court. The case is due to come up for hearing on Wednesday.
Earlier, Singh had claimed the amount was pertaining to a property deal he had struck with a resident of Panchkula. The money was supposed to be delivered to one Nirmal Singh and was mistakenly delivered at the judge's house. Verma, however, said the preliminary investigation had ruled out the possibility of the amount being related to any property deal. "Bansal failed to give a detailed account of the cash. He produced some papers pertaining to some property in Panchkula but that did not carry any weight. Our investigations caught him on the wrong foot and, therefore, we booked him along with two others under the Prevention of Corruption Act and criminal conspiracy," he added. Bansal has been handling several high-profile cases. He is one of the dozen-odd Additional Advocate Generals appointed by the Haryana Government about two years ago.
Corrupt judge in Allahabad High Court by Rajeev
If the Judges go corrupt, then it is GOD who will give one justice when one go to heaven or hell. It is a Irony that I filed a complaint against a District and Session Judge who later promoted to High Court of Allahabad. I wish the God will serve HIS justice to Hon'ble Justice Umeshware Pandey, now enjoying at High Court and selling (Mis)Justice at Rs 100000 per page!! Here I am elaborating what had happened. In 1994, two people name Parashram Agarwal and Mohan Lal Agarwal wanted to grab my father's property and in March 1994 they beat him and pulled his legs( just imagine the pain) making him handicapped for life. Then in court those guys were merely sentenced for 6 months in Jail, but they did not went for the jail for single day or hour and appealed to Sessions Court and then the corrupt Judge Umeshwar Pandey took the bribe of Rs 200000 in Criminal Revision number 13/2000 from Parashram Agarwal and Mohan Lal.
It is a shame on Umeshwar Pandey that he cannot see a Handicapped man suffering for last 9 years and even then not given the justice. Umeshwar Pandey has taken this bribe via his Steno name some G. D. Gupta. It is the habit of Parashram and MohanLal to record the conversation while giving bribes on hidden audio recorder and the same cassette can be recovered if the authority try. It is been 8 months since I have informed various authorities by registered letters and phone calls from USA for no action till date.
I have spoken to Mr Jagmohan Paliwal who was posted as Vigilance Officer for no action till date and the recording attached is from Sept 2002. Similarly I have spoken with Mr. K. S. Rakhra who was posted as Registrar General but no action till date, and the recoding shown is from Sept 2002 too. Even CBI has forwarded my letter to Registrar General, but no action is taken on that one too.
I have emaild my plea to few High court Judges too for no response. I just hope GOD is there who will give some justice. But the corrupt Judges should stop imitating as GOD they are devil actually. The only solution can be people make a limit. How much money a person needs. I often think about a story that a saint refused to take the food as he already got the food for today and he do not want to collect for tomorrow. But I don't know why people want to generate money for 7 generations. If a careful analysis and investigation is done Umeshwar Pamdey has Black money worth 3 generations. I guess instead of Lakhs and Carore now corruption should be measured in generations.
Education is important. People need to understand the meaning of freedom truly. IF I say boldly India is still not free. People have mentality that they need to pay to Government officials for work. This mentality has to be removed.
HC suspends judge over corruption complaints
AHMEDABAD: The Gujarat High Court has suspended a fast track court judge in Rajpipla after receiving several complaints of corruption and favouritism against her. Rajpipla fast track court Judge DL Desai was suspended on Thursday evening after a primary inquiry held by the court's vigilance department said that the complaints against her had substance. Further inquiry against her will be conducted by the department. Besides the complaint of favouritism in Rajpipla, where she was presently posted, the Desai was also accused of similar charges and issuing certificates without proper verification in Bharuch, where the she was discharging her duty as a principal district judge, the High Court authorities said.
The HC administration seems to be seriously taking the issue of corruption prevailing in Gujarat's judiciary, as Desai's is the fourth suspension in last three months. Earlier in May, a judge in Surat's court, AN Vinjhola was suspended after similar complaints against him. The court administration also found him in possession of property out of proportion considering his known sources of income. Last month, two judges were suspended on charges of corruption. The Ahmedabad city civil Judge NM Thakor and KV Kakkad were also suspended by the HC after holding preliminary inquiry into complaints against them. All the four suspended judges are now facing departmental inquiry.
New Delhi: CNN-IBN's exclusive report on some judges using official trips to holiday, has sparked off the debate - should judges be above the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act? RTI activists say there is every reason why the RTI Act should apply to the higher judiciary as well. Questions are now being asked in South Block, too, following the expose on Supreme Court judges. Records obtained under the RTI shows judges have been converting work trips to holidays, taking long detours and are accompanied by their wives while traveling abroad.
At present there are no travel guidelines for the judiciary and the Bar Council of India is suggesting a course correction. "I think the judges must pay or should pay the amount to the government," Bar Council of India Chairman SNP Sinha said in Patna on Wednesday.
Under the RTI, CNN-IBN found that for Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan's 11-day trip to Pretoria, South Africa in August 2007 the route was - Delhi, Dubai, Johannesburg, Nelspruit, Capetown, Johannesburg, Victoria Falls, where the judge finally didn't go and back to Delhi via Dubai.
Former chief justice YK Sabharwal attended three conferences in 2005 to Edinburgh, Washington and Paris. While the conferences lasted 11 days, Sabharwal was out for 38 days with 21 days converted into a private visit. The travel plan included a detour from Washington to Baltimore, Orlando and Atlanta, before rejoining the conference route in Paris. The First Class air fare for Sabharwal's entire trip was paid by the government. Activists are now renewing the debate on the RTI act applying to judges as well
RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal said: "It only underscores why the RTI needs to be applied to judges and judiciary." Just like Caesar's wife should be above suspicion, RTI activists are demanding that SC judges too should be seen to be accountable.
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